(There is no-thing like the likeness of Him)

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.  (The Rahman is the abundance of mercy for the abstract system of education of mental faculties and the Rahim is the mercy for the approval of the knowledge to those who seek it through Ar Rahman).

Surah Ash Shura 42:11 Exposition

(From HQ 42:10, Allah who is my Rabb / Lord, to Him I rely and to Him I turn to) Faathira / Originator of as-samaawat / the higher consciousness and al-ardh / the lower consciousness, He made for you from your anfus / soul azwaajan / a pair (zakara / thoughts that are constructed by knowledge from memory and unsa / thoughts constructed by knowledge accumulated from the senses - refer surah Al Qiyamah HQ 75:39) and from al an'aam / the pleasant thoughts (bestowed by Allah), azwaajan / a pair (halalan, thoiyyiban and violating) your variegation in it; there is no-thing (at all) like the likeness of Him;  and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.


Allah begins this verse by declaring that He is the originator of the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness.  If that is so,  there is no boundary and no division between higher and lower consciousness.  Thus its universality, infinity and unlimitedness is singular and the originator is Allah.  

However, the world is manifested to us via our mind perceived by the 5 senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell as well as by our thoughts (compose of sound of words, feelings and images).  From these perceptions, al-ardh / the lower consciousness appear and seen as partial, finite and limited world alienating itself from the higher consciousness.  Our conceptualized separate self is modulated and is present within this partial, finite and limited worldly experiences of the lower consciousness.  Here we have an illusory distinction between anfus / soul / self / psyche and consciousness.

From our anfus / soul / self / psyche, Allah made a pair for us, the zakara and unsa.  Zakara being the thoughts constructed by knowledge from memory while unsa being thoughts constructed by knowledge from sensory apparatus.  There is also a pair from the pleasant thoughts bestowed by Allah upon His servant.  These pleasant thoughts may manifest in the form of speech, ideas, actions, words and thoughts that are halallan and thiyyiban as well as violating and haram.  Allah bestowed His favour to he who sincerely seek guidance to evolve and improve own anfus / soul / self / psyche.

The physical world or the world of matter, feelings and thoughts constructed are all the appearance or representation to the reality.  The physicalism is never the reality.  Be as it may, Allah, the Originator is "laisa kamitslihi syaiun" that is "there is no-thing like His likeness".  He is the Hearing, the Seeing.   Allah is beyond all names, words, sounds, labels, images, concepts, descriptions and any belief systems.  He is beyond the thing that the mind can think of.  There is nothing like Him at all.



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