(The Truth Is Hidden From The Intellect) 


Ignorance, at its essence, is the lack of knowledge or awareness about the truth. It does not imply a judgment of intelligence but rather signifies a recognition of the profound unknowns of the Quran, a truth rooted in empirical evidence and facts. The veil of ignorance creates an illusion of certainty, often leading us to cling to these illusions, mistaking our beliefs and opinions for absolute truths. This deception can cloud our perception of reality, preventing us from seeing the broader picture.

Introspectively, Al Jinn is the group of thoughts that are unfamiliar or unacquainted with the truth, that is to say, the truth is hidden.  Consequently, they formulated certain realities not rooted in teachings or inspirations received from their Rabb/Lord, but rather stemming from their independent contemplation and contemplating information received from external sources through their sensory apparatus, thus giving rise to thoughts derived from limited accumulated knowledge in their memory and individually modulated reflections.

Surah Al-Jinn commences with a depiction of a dissenter, one who disagrees with the majority opinion, separates himself from the congregation of jinn, those distanced from the truth (the Quran), rendering the group of jinn unfamiliar with it. Only upon his departure can he become capable of listening to the Quran, the expression of truth. Through his rational contemplation of the Quran, he discerns that the Quran, the embodiment of truth, will lead him to sound judgment, therefore, finding assurance in the message imparted by his Rabb / Lord.  

He (the dissenter who listened to the Quran) will establish that Allah is the Most High and that Allah brings about evolution rather than direct creation. He does not have a companion and never gives birth to souls or the universe. The dissenter becomes aware that before he listened to the Quran, he lacked knowledge and wisdom about Allah. After listening to the Quran, he becomes aware that not knowing Allah is an exceedingly unjust thing to do. Moreover, he is certain that in whatever state he finds himself in, whether far from the truth or familiar with it, he should not add to his burden and be foolish by not evolving and increasing his pure understanding of Allah.

Conditioning plays a significant role in maintaining the veil of ignorance.  From a young age, we are subjected to cultural, societal, and familial conditioning that moulds our beliefs and values.  Becoming aware of our conditioning is the initial step toward transcending it.  The ego and our sense of individual identity often reinforce the veil of ignorance.  It seeks to protect our self-image and maintain a sense of control.  However, the ego can also blind us to our interconnectedness with all existence leading towards a distorted perception of reality.  

Consequently, our higher consciousness is influenced by persistently held and fully matured obstinate thoughts, thereby giving rise to the manifestation of negative actions in the lower consciousness. Among our thoughts are those that align with the Quran, expression of the truth received from our Rabb / Lord, and those that deviate from the Quran, thereby distancing themselves from the guidance of their Rabb / Lord. For those who deviate, their destination is Jahannam, the dark hole of ignorance (clinging to static beliefs), a degraded manifestation filtered through ego. The Masaajid, the mental states of submission, are exclusively for Allah, and when you supplicate, Allah will make it almost comfortable and easy for you to understand the truth.  
Indeed, your Rabb / Lord is the Knower of the unseen (ghaibi). He does not reveal the unseen to anyone except to those whose inner voice He has approved, and thereafter, the message of truth will enter their consciousness. He will make it known to them that the message has been delivered, and He will ensure that whatever is received is comprehended.


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated hidden meaning to it's name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide the abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman). 

72.1    Say, "It has been inspired to me that it, nafarun / a dissenter (dissociate and break away from the congregation) from the jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord) istama'a / listened then said, 'Indeed, we have heard an amazing Qur'an / expression of truth.

72.2    It (quran), guides to the rushdi / sound judgment, then we have aamana / security with it.  And we will never tushrik / associate with our Rabb / Lord, ahadan / anyone.

72.3    And indeed it (quran), is ta'ala / most high, bring evolution.  Our Rabb / Lord has not taken sohibatan / a companion (thoughts given birth by mind) and not waladan / give birth to soul / self (and the world of matter),

72.4    And that it (the dissenter), used to say safihuna / our lack of wisdom about Allah. shathothon / an exceedingly unjust thing.

72.5    And that zhonanna / we are certain that ins / intellect that is familiar with the truth and the jinn / truth is hidden from the intellect (that is not familiar with the truth), would never speak concerning Allah kaziban / a lie.

72.6    And that were rijalun / independent thought processes 
(for analysis, reason and rationalization) from insi / intellect aligned with the truth, (who) sought refuge with rijalin / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization) from the jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord), so they increased and added them (to lack of wisdom with its burden they already have), rahaqan / a foolishness.

72.7    And that they zhonantum / are certain, as you are certain, that Allah would never yab'asa / raise ahadan / anyone.

72.8    And that lamasna / we have touched the samaa'a / higher consciousness fawajadnaha / then found it filled with obstinate thoughts, harasan shadidan / preserved strongly and  shububan / fully grown.

72.9    And that we remained attached (with the obstinate thoughts) from it as maqaa'ida / foundation for hearing, then whoever listens now will find for him shihaban rashodan / a prepared (conditioned) radiance.

72.10    And that we do not know is evil intended with whoever in the ardh / lower consciousness or their Rabb / Lord intends with them rashadan / a right course.

72.11    And that among us are the solihun / reformers (with deeds that reform their soul), and among us are other than that; we were thoro'iqa qadidan / ways torn apart (to separate ways).

72.12    And that zhonannaa / we have become certain that we will never cause failure to Allah in the ardh / lower consiousness, nor can we escape Him, haraban / flee for refuge (in other than Allah).

72.13    And that when we heard the hudaa / guidance, we aamanna / took security with it. So whosoever yukmin / take security with his Rabb / Lord then there will not be fear bakhsan / holding back and no rahaqan / foolishness.

72.14    And that among us are the muslimun / those who submit (to Al Kitab / inherent script), and among us are the qosithun / deviate (from Al Kitab). So whosoever  aslama / submit, they are those who have sought out rashadan / right course.

72.15    But as for the qosithun / (the ones) deviate, then they will be, for jahannam / dark hole of ignorance (holding on to their static beliefs), hothoban / a degraded manifestation (filtered by ego)

72.16    And that if they istaqomu / had remained establish on thoriqah / the way, We would have given them ghadoqan / abundant maa'un / provision of knowledge

72.17    That We might test them therein. And whoever turns away from the zikri / awareness of his Rabb / Lord, He will let into azaban so'adan / an escalating punishment.

72.18    And that the masaajid / mental states of submission are for Allah, so do not invoke with Allah anyone.

72.19    And that when servant of Allah qama / establish supplicating Him, they almost became over it (state of submission) lubadan / comfortable and easy (with no struggle towards discovering the truth).

72.20    Say, "I only invoke my Lord and do not associate with Him anyone."

72.21    Say, "Indeed, I do not possess for you harm and not a guided path."

72.22    Say, "Indeed, neither can ahadan / anyone protect me from Allah,  nor will I find in other than Him multahadan / one who give shelter.

72.23    Except balaghan / a delivery from Allah, and His risaalaat / messages." And whosoever disobeys Allah and His rasul / inner voice that deliver the message, then indeed, for him is the naaran / internal conflicts of jahannam / dark hole of ignorance; they will abide therein forever.

72.24    Until, when they see what they are promised, then they will know who is 'adh'afu / weaker, nashiran / a helper and aqallu 'adadan / little consideration.

72.25    Say, "I do not know if what you are promised is near or if my Rabb / Lord will make for it amadan / a great distance."

72.26    Knower of the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden, then He does not yuzhiru / manifest His ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden, to anyone 

72.27    Except whom He has approved from rasulin / inner voice that deliver the message, and indeed, it (the message of truth) yasluku / will enter his consciousness from between his two hands (knowledge that he upheld) and from khalfihi / its replacement, rashadan / ready and waiting (fully prepared to receive the message).

72.28    That He will make it known that indeed they have delivered risaalaat / messages of their Rabb / Lord; and He (will make) whatever is with them comprehended and He keeps count of all things.



























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