(The Recognition & knowing of facts)


Allah revealed Al Kitab, the inherent script for the explicit purpose of cautioning our restless and perturbed mind. To truly grasp the essence of this profound script , it is essential that we do not impose unnecessary difficulties upon ourselves when endeavoring to comprehend and internalize its message. Instead, approach it with an open and independent awareness, unburdened by preconceived notions, biases and influences of our own and of those conditioned minds around us.  By doing so, we allow ourselves to wholeheartedly embrace the content of the script and find solace, tranquility and assurance within its guidance.

Allah has made for us our living in the lower consciousness to seek and establish the truth in it.  To neglect or deviate from this path of truth-seeking would be to wrong ourselves, for in doing so, we risk losing the essence of our true souls.  The truth, in all its profound magnitude, remains unseen, veiled behind its representation and the layers of perception that shape our understanding.  Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to diligently and earnestly pursue the truth, for it is in this pursuit that we shall discover and shape the true essence of our soul.  In this cosmic quest, every faculty of our mind, every cognitive function that supports our thinking process, must willingly and humbly submit itself to the unseen truth.  By surrendering our intellectual prowess to the greater wisdom that lies beyond our limited perception, we open ourselves to the transformative power of the truth and embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-realization.  It is through this alignment that we find purpose, harmony and fulfillment in our existence.

It becomes paramount for us, in conjunction with our intellectual faculties of zakara, the cognitive function that supports independent thinking, and unsa, the cognitive function that supports sensory inputs, to partake in the consumption of knowledge derived from the hidden gardens of Allah.  Within this ethereal sanctuaries lie the wisdom and insights that transcend the limitations of human perception, granting a glimpse into profound truths.  Thus we refrain from venturing towards the knowledge born solely from the depths of our agitated mind.  This restless realm, often plagued by turbulence and uncertainty, harbors the breeding ground for malicious whispers of shayatin, fragmented thoughts that have lost their way, trapped in despair.  Those who denied the signs of Allah, the gates for the message to pass through, of the higher consciousness will not open and we will not be able to enter jannah, Allah’s hidden gardens of knowledge.  Over the a'raf, ability to perceive and recognise the truth, is rijalun, an independent urge who recognized all their features and characteristics.  

Allah sends Nuhan, a compassionate inner voice to those who are not aware or neglected the covenant with Allah.  This is a rasul that warns the group of established languid thoughts to observe their covenant and serve only Allah, the fundamental reality of being.  With this awareness, the inner voice gives clarity and enlightens the message and seeks to abandon the fatherly support of our own conditioned mind.

Allah sends Hud, one who is lenient and tolerant to others but strictly adhering to Allah’s commands, to those repetitive thoughts who are all lenient to Allah’s commands but strict in fulfilling their wishes in their duniya.  Hud advised them that awareness of the covenant has come and it is their duty to support the message received with their independent thinking process so that its understanding is established.

Allah sends Salleh, one who corrects himself, to those who are involved in all works and no reform.  He advised those who are arrogant, a sound thought to reform has come.  So take security in this sound thought and do reform.  

Allah sends Shuayb, one who gathers and unites, to madyan, those in the state of truthful way of life (as commanded by Allah’s judgment).  He said, clarity has come to them.  Use your intelligence equitably and do not deprive the agitated mind of what belongs to them, that is to say, be gathered together and be united.  Do not commit corruption after you have reformed.

Then Allah raised Musa, one who is familiar and matured with the truth, to firaun, one who is filled with superiority complex.  With the signs, he strikes where he is strong in knowledge of the truth, a pure knowing.  

The rasul, inner voice that deliver the message, is the source of nurture and support of Allah’s message (an-nabiyyil ummiyya) of which written with it the Taurah (natural law) and the injeel (comprehension of the truth from the natural law).  The inner voice comes with acknowledgment of facts and prohibits disguised matters, permits the pure things and forbids the impure things and removes the burden (of relying on our own cognitive functions) upon us.  The inner voice comes with authority in the higher consciousness and lower consciousness to establish there is no reality except Allah, giving life and ending the dissociation of the true self. Those who follow (experience) the message by the inner voice are the successful ones.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar  Rahman).

7.1    Alif, laam, meem, shaad.  Alif signify the absolute, oneness reality of being.  Laam represent the manifestation of the reality appearing as His representations, Meem is the letter of death to all otherness ending their apparent illusory existence and Shaad is a letter indicating upright, consistent and constant sowing of truth.  

7.2    A book / inherent script that has been unzila / revealed to you, so let there not be any harajun / difficulty in your sadri / awareness from it, that you may warn with it; and zikraa / an independent awareness to the mukminin / those who take security (in Al Kitab). 

7.3    Follow what was revealed to you from your Rabb / Lord, and do not follow from besides Him,  awliya' / guardians.  Little (is) what you tazzakaru / independently aware! 

7.4    And how many from qaryatin / a cluster of established thoughts have We destroyed; for Our punishment came to them bayatan / while thinking (in preparation to structure their mental house), or they qa'ilun / concluded with the thoughts. 

7.5    Then their only dakwa / claim when Our punishment came to them was: “Surely, we were zhaalimin / unjust (thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality)” 

7.6    We will question those to whom the message was sent, and We will question the mursalin / inner voice that sent the message. 

7.7    Then surely, falanaqushanna / We will retrace the steps to them (the wrongdoers) with knowledge, and We were not ngha'ibin / unseen / hidden / absent. 

7.8    And the waznu / weight on that yawm / moment will be the truth.  So, those whose weights are thakulat / heavy mawazinuhu / on his weighing, then those are the muflihun / successful ones (in breaking the frontiers of consciousness). 

7.9    And whoever has light weights in his weighing, then these are the ones who have lost their souls with what they zalimu / wronged themselves of Our ayaati / signs. 

7.10    And certainly, We granted you dominance in the ardh / lower consciousness, and made for you in it a living; little what you are grateful. 

7.11    And certainly, We khalaq / evolved you, then We shawwar / shaped you, then We said to the malaikah / mental faculty of authority: “isjudu / submit to Adam /  one who receive education of the unseen;” so then they sajadu / submit except for iblees / one who is wrapped with broken spirit and despair, he was not of those who sajidin / submit.  

7.12    He (Allah) said: “What mana'aka / has prevented you that not (stop you) tasjuda / submit when I have commanded you?” He (iblees) said: “I am better from him, You khalaqtani / evolved me from nar / internal conflicts and khalaqtahu / evolved him from tin / natural inherent science of morality (moral values and principles to good moral as an evolved mechanism)!”  

7.13    He (Allah) said: “Then degrade from it, for what to you to be that tatakabbara / arrogant in it; then depart, indeed you are from the sha'ngirin / who has been subdued.” 

7.14    He (iblees) said: “Grant me respite (time to examine) to the moment they are resurrected?” 

7.15    He (Allah) said: “Indeed you are from the munzhirin / one who are given respite.” 

7.16    He (iblees) said: “For that with what You have caused me to be misled, surely I will sit for them on Your straight path.” 

7.17    "Then I will come to them from between their hands (established thoughts they are currently holding), and from khofihim / their representation, and from aymaanihim /  their right (experience based on factual knowledge), and from their left (experience based on non-reality or illusory); and You will find most of them ungrateful.” 

7.18    He (Allah) said: “Get out from it, you are maz'uman / a state of despised and banished.  Certainly,  those among them who follow you, surely I will fill jahannam / veil of ignorance with you all!” 

7.19    “And O Adam / one who receive education of the unseen, and your pair (zakara and unsa) uskun / calm down / remain still in the jannah / hidden gardens of knowledge,  so kulu / consume from it (the knowledge) as you both wish, and do not come near this tree (words derive from agitated mind), else you will be of those who zhaalimin / unjust (thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality).” 

7.20    Then the shaytan / thoughts that are broken and in despair whispered to both of them (you and your agitated mind), to reveal to them what was liyubdiya / not apparent to them of their saw'a / evil; and he said: “Your Rabb / Lord did not prohibit you from this tree (words derived from agitated mind) except that you would become malakain / sovereign to the two mental faculty of authority, or you would be the khalidun / one who abide perpetually.” 

7.21    And he (the shaytan) swore to them: “Indeed, to both of you, I am among annaasihin / those giving advice.”  

7.22    So he fadallaahuma  / misled them both bighurur / with deception; and when they tasted (self-experience) the tree (words derived from agitated mind), their evil became apparent to them, and they thofiqa / set about yakhsifa / to cover themselves from waraqi / hiding (the guidance) of the jannah / hidden gardens of knowledge; and their Rabb / Lord called to them: “Did I not prohibit you from that tree (words derived from agitated mind), and tell you that the shaytan / thoughts that are broken and in despair is your clear enemy?”  

7.23    They said: “Our Rabb / Lord, we have wronged our anfus / souls and if You do not forgive us and tarhamna / have mercy (guidance of Ar Rahmaan) on us, then we will be of the losers!” 

7.24    He said: “Ahbithu / degrade; for you are rivals to one another; and in the ardh / lower consciousness you will have mustaqarrun / an ongoing desire for stability and mata'un / enjoyment with the provision."

7.25    He said: “In it you tahyana / will live and in it you tamutuna / will end your dissociation, and from it you will be brought forth.” 

7.26    O bani Adam / those who construct themselves to receive education of the unseen, verily We revealed to you libasan / coverings to cover your evil, and warishan / rectification; and libasu / covering of the taqwa / being mindful (of Allah's judgment) that is the best.  That is from the ayaati / signs of Allah, perhaps they yazzakkarun / will independently be aware. 

7.27    O bani Adam / those who are ready to receive knowledge of the unseen, do not let the shaytan / thoughts that are broken and in despair afflict you as he evicted abawaikum / fatherly supports (independent logical mind) from the jannah / hidden gardens of knowledge; he removes from them their libasa / covers to show them their suu'a / evil. Indeed, He and his directive see you from where you do not see them. We have made the shayatin / thoughts that are broken and in despair as awliya / guardians for those who do not yukminun / take security. 

7.28    And if they commit faahishatun / immorality, they say: “We found our abaa / fatherly supports (independent logical mind) doing such, and Allah ordered us with fahsha' / immorality.” Say: “Indeed, Allah does not order with fahsha' / immorality! Do you say about Allah what you do not know?” 

7.29    Say: “My Rabb / Lord orders with the qisthi / justice, and  akimu / establish your wujuha / focus to care (for growth) at every masjid / state of submission, and that you invoke on Him, while being mukhlisin / one who are sincere to Him in the deen / obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment); as He originated you, (so) you will return.” 

7.30    Fariqan / a party He has guided and a party in truth over them is the dhalalah / misguided (party that is not guided); surely, that is because they have taken the shayatin / thoughts that are broken and in despair as guardians besides Allah; and they think they are muhtadun / one who is guided! 

7.31    O bani Adam / those who construct to receive education of the unseen, take zinatakum / your adornment (of hayaatu duniya) at every masjid / state of submission, and consume and digest and not tusrifun / be heedless (unmindful); certainly, He (does) not love the musrifun / those who are heedless (unmindful).  

7.32    Say: “Who has made forbidden the zinat / adornment (of hayaatu duniya) that Allah has brought forth for His servants and the good from the provisions?” Say: “They are meant for those who aamanu / take security in this hayaati duniya / living temptations of close attachments and relations, and they will be khalisatan / accepted as sincere for them on the yawmal qiyamah / moment of establishment.” It is such that We nufassilu / explain in detail the ayaati / signs for kaumin / group of thoughts who know. 

7.33    Say: “Certainly, My Rabb / Lord has made forbidden fawahisha / immorality; what is zahara / apparent from it and what is bathin / concealed; and sin, and baghya / seeking to do evil without the truth, and that you set up partners with Allah that which He has never revealed with it sulthanan / an authority, and that you say about Allah what you do not know.” 

7.34    And for every ummatin / foundation of motherly course (will be fixed) ajalun / a term; so when ajaluhum / their term is reached, they will not delay sa'atan / direct experience (meta consciously), nor yastaqdimun / postpone.

7.35    O bani Adam / those who construct to receive education of the unseen, if come rusulun / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) give to you from amongst you and yaqussu / retrace the steps to you of My ayaati / signs; then for those who are aslaha / seek to reform, there will be no fear over them nor will they grieve. 

7.36    As for those who kazzabu / deny with Our ayaati / signs, and become arrogant towards them; then these are the companions of an-nar / the internal conflicts, in it they will khalidun / abide perpetually. 

7.37    Who is more azlamu / wronged than he who invents against Allah kaziban / a lie, or denies with His ayaati / signs? They are those who nasibuhum / their  indemnification will reach them from the kitab / inherent script; so that when Our rusul / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) come to yatawaffau / complete (their souls), they will say: “Where are those whom you used to invoke on besides Allah?” They said: “They have abandoned us!” And they bore witness upon their souls that they were kaafirin / rejecters. 

7.38    He said: “Enter in umamin / thoughts nurturing motherly conduct, certainly khalat / banished from before you from among the jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord) and ins / aligned with the truth, in an-nar / internal conflicts!” Every time ummatun / thoughts nurturing motherly conduct is banished, it cursed its uhtana / thoughts nurturing sisterly conduct, until they are all gathered inside it; then the last of them says to the first: “Our Rabb / Lord, these are the ones who have misguided us, so give them double the punishment of an-nar / the internal conflicts!” He replied: “Each will receive double, but you do not know.” 

7.39    And the first of them said to the last: “You have no fadhlin / given advantage over us, so taste (self-experience) the punishment for what you have earned!” 

7.40    Those who have kazzabu / denied Our ayaati / signs, and became arrogant towards them, the gates of the samaa' / higher consiousness will not open for them (the message will not be decoded), nor will they enter the jannah / hidden gardens of knowledge until the jamalu / beauty passes through the simma / core impurities.  It is such that We recompense the mujrimun / the one who violated the covenant. 

7.41    For them from jahannam / veil of ignorance mihaadun / a developmental place and from ngawashin / a covering to fawqihim / above them (the evil in it).   It is thus We recompense the zhalimin / unjust (thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality) 

7.42    As for those who aamanu / take security (in al kitab) and do solehaati / reform actions; We do not burden nafsan / a soul except with what it can bear; those are the companions (thoughts of the pure mind) of the jannah / hidden gardens of knowledge, in it they will abide.  

7.43    And We removed what was in their suduri / awareness from ghillin / conditioned mind (and what influenced it); rivers of knowledge will flow beneath them; and they will say: “Alhamdulillah / All praise be to Allah (for accepting us in His abstract system of education) who has guided us to this (felicity), and we would not have been guided unless Allah guided us.  Surely, the rusulu / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) of our Rabb / Lord had come with the truth.” And it was called to them: “This is Jannah / hidden gardens of knowledge; you have inherited it for what you have done.”  

7.44    And the companions (the logical pure mind) of the jannah / hidden gardens of knowledge called the companions (thoughts of the agitated mind) of an-nar / the internal conflicts that: “We have found what our Rabb / Lord promised us to be true; did you find what your Rabb / Lord promised to be true?” They said: “Indeed!” Then a caller announced between them: “The curse of Allah is on the zhaalimin / unjust (thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality).” 

7.45    “Those who yasuddu / turn away from the path of Allah, and sought to make it iwajan / a distortion; and they with the aakhirati / ending, kaafirun / rejecters.” 

7.46    And between them (companions of jannah and an-nar)  a hijabun / veil, and over the a'raf / perception and recognition of facts, rijalun / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization) who recognized all bisimaahum / with their features.  And they called out to the companions (thoughts of the pure mind) of jannah / hidden gardens of knowledge that: “Salamun / Peace be upon you!” They have not yet entered it, but they are hoping.

7.47    And when their absaar / insights (from a'raf) are turned towards the companions of an-nar / the internal conflicts, they say: “Our Rabb / Lord, do not place us with the qaumi / group of established thoughts, the zalimin / wrong-doers!” 

7.48    And the ashabul (companions) of a'raf / perception and recognition of facts, in rajalan / independent thought processes 
(for analysis, reason and rationalization) recognized them with their features, they said: “What good did your large number do for you, or what you were arrogant for?” 

7.49    “Were these not the ones whom had sworn Allah would not grant them of His rahmatin / mercy (in approval to enter His abstract system of education)?” Enter the jannah / hidden gardens of knowledge, there is no fear for you nor will you grieve. 

7.50    And the companions of an-nar / the internal conflicts called on the companions of jannah / hidden gardens of knowledge: “Give us some maa' / good fresh knowledge (that give life to true self), or what Allah has provided for you?” They said: "Certainly, Allah has made it forbidden for the kaafirin / rejecters.” 

7.51.   They (kaafirin) are those who took their deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment) as distraction and amusement and whom are deluded with the hayaatu duniya / living temptations of close attraction and relations."  So this moment We nansaahum / abrogate / cancel them just as they nasu / forgot the meeting of this moment of theirs and for having rejected Our ayaati / signs.

7.52    And certainly, We have come to them with kitaabin / an inherent script which We have detailed with ilmin / knowledge; hudan / a guidance and rahmatan / a mercy (for Allah's abstract system of education) to qaumi / group of established thoughts who are yukminun / take security (in Al Kitab).  

7.53    Do they yanzurna / reflect / ponder save His takwila / interpretation?  The moment He brings takwila / interpretation, those who from before nasu / forgot it will say: “Certainly, rusulu / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah) of our Rabb / Lord have come with the truth!  Then are there any intercessors to intercede for us? Or can we be sent back and we will work differently than what we did?” They have lost their souls and what they have invented has abandoned them. 

7.54    Indeed, your Rabb / Lord is Allah who has khalaqa / evolved samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness in six ayyamin / phases / moments, then He settled upon the arsh / structure. The laili / darkness (barriers) runs away from covering the nar / brightness, which seeks it continually; and the shamsa / state of luminosity (clarity) and the qamar / illusory and the nujum / sparkling (of revelation) are commissioned by His command; to Him is the khalqu / evolution and the command. Tabaraka Allah / Glory to Allah, Rabb / Lord of the 'aalamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge

7.55    Invoke your Rabb / Lord in tadhurru'an / implore with humility and in khufyatan / obedient in submission. He does not like the aggressors. 

7.56    And do not corrupt in the ardh / lower consciousness after islaaha / it has reformed; and invoke on Him khaufan / fearing and thoma'an / hoping. Surely the rahmata / mercy (for the approval of the education for true knowledge) of Allah is near from the muhsinin / the one whose experience is out of true knowledge. 

7.57    And He is the One who sends the riyaaha / spirit of consciousness bushra / sensibly between his hands (what he upheld) of His rahmah / mercy for the approval of the education; until when a few sahaaban / dragged (the) thiqalan / burden, We drive them libaladin / to a languid attitude (life of easy and comfort), mayyitin / lifeless (soul) then We reveal with it the maa / flow of knowledge and We bring forth with it from every the thamarat / increased intelligence. It is thus that We will bring out the mauta / lifeless (soul), perhaps you tazakkarun / embody the divine masculine attributes. 

7.58    And the good baladu / languid attitude, its nabatu / mental development are brought forth with the permission of its Rabb / Lord. And for the one that is khobusa / bad / evil, it does not bring forth except nakidan / a difficulty. It is such that We dispatch the signs for qaumin / group of established thoughts who are thankful. 

7.59    Certainly, We had sent Nuhan / sense of empathy and compassion (to the nescient and ignorant), to his qaum / group of established thoughts, so he said: “O qaumi / my group of established thoughts, serve Allah, there is no ilaahin / reality to you besides Him (the reality of being). Indeed, I fear for you punishment of yawmin azheem / a great moment!”

7.60    Said the mala'u / thoughts filled with superiority complex from his qaumi / group of established thoughts: “Surely, we see that you are in dhalaalin mubin / a clear misguidance.” 

7.61    (Nuh) said: “O my qaumi / group of established thoughts, there is no dhalaalah / process of error in me, but I am rasulun / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah) from the Rabb / Lord of 'aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge.”  

7.62    “'Ubalighukum / to deliver to you risaalaati / the enlightening messages of my Rabb / Lord, and anshahu / I advise you, and I know from Allah what you do not know.”  

7.63    “Are you 'ajib / amazed that zikrun / an embodiment of divine masculine attributes, has come to you from your Rabb / Lord over rajulin / independent thought processes 
(for analysis, reason and rationalization) from among you to warn you, that you may be tattaqu / mindful and that you may receive turhamun / mercy for the approval of the knowledge?”  

7.64    They denied him, so We saved him and those with him in the fulki / germination of the truth, and We drowned those who denied Our ayaati / signs; indeed they were a blind qauman / group of established thoughts.  

7.65    And to ‘Aad / that refuse to accept the truth, We sent their brother Hud / one with unpretentious character, (he) said: “O my qaumi / group of established thoughts, serve Allah, there is nothing to you from ilaahin / reality besides Him. Will you not be tattaqun / mindful ?” 

7.66    Said the malaa'u / thoughts that are filled with superiority complex who kafaru / rejected from among his qaumi / group of established thoughts: “Indeed, we see you in a weak mind, and surely in certainty you are one from the liars.” 

7.67    (He) said: “O my qaumi / group of established thoughts, there is no sufahatun / a weak mind in me, but I am a rasulun / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah) from the Rabb / Lord of the 'aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge.” 

7.68    “To deliver to you the messages of my Rabb / Lord, and to you I am a nashihun ameen / trustworthy advisor.” 

7.69    “Are you amazed that zikrun / an embodiment of divine  masculine attributes ( linear. logical, focus and assertive) has come to you from your Rabb / Lord over rajulin / independent thought processes from you to warn you?  And uzkuru / embody the divine masculine attributes that He made you khulafa' / representators after qaumin / group of established thoughts of Nuhin / a sense of compassion and empathy (to those who are not aware), and He zadakum / increased or added (to what you have) you in the kholqi / evolution abundantly. So uzkuru / embody the divine masculine attributes of Allah, that you may tuflihun / succeed (in breaking the frontiers of consciousness).” 

7.70    (They) said: “Have you come to us to serve Allah alone and abandon what our abaa / fatherly supports (independent logical mind) had served? Bring us what you promise if you are of the sadiqin / truthful ones!” 

7.71    (He) said: “Verily, you have incurred from your Rabb / Lord rijsan / impurity and ghadabun / anxiety (derived from toghut) . Atuhaadilu / do you dispute with me over names which you and your abaa / fatherly supports (independent logical mind) sammaitumuha / have named them with no authority being revealed by Allah? Wait then, and I will wait with you.” 

7.72    We saved him and those with him with rahmatin / a mercy (approval of Allah's system of education) from Us, and We destroyed the remnant of those who kazzabu / lied with Our ayaati / signs, and they were never become mukminin / the one who take security (in Al Kitab). 

7.73    And to Thamud / that accept which is not true, We sent their brotherly thought Salehan / a thought that do reform, said: “O my qaumi / group of established thoughts (accepting various knowledge which is not true), serve Allah, you have no other from ilaahin / reality besides Him; verily, bayyinat / clarity has come to you from your Rabb / Lord, this is naqatu / a sound thought (signify free from defects and imperfections) of Allah, in her (the sound thought received) you have a sign, so leave her to ta'qul / consume intelligence in Allah’s ardh / lower consciousness, and do not harm her (the sound thought), else the painful punishment ya'khuzukum / will seize you.” 

7.74    “And uzkuru / embody masculine faculty (of Allah, that is be linear, logocal, focus and assertive) when He made you khulafa' / representators after ‘Aad / one who indulged in repetitive patterns, and He bawwa'akum / settled you in the ardh / lower consciousness so that you take with ease qusuran / a task that is shortened, and you soften the jibala / fixed headed thoughts (intolerant and obstinate), buyutan / a mental dwelling. So uzkuru / embody masculine attributes (of Allah, that is linear, logical, focus and assertive) of Allah, and do not roam in the ardh / lower consciousness as mufsidun / corrupters.” 

7.75    Said the mala'u / the one whose mind is dominant (filled with superiority complex) who were arrogant from his qaumi / group of established thoughts to those who were weak and aamana / take security from among them: “How do you know that Saleh / the one who correct oneself was sent from his Rabb / Lord?” They said: “Indeed, with what he has been sent with it that we mukminun / take security.” 

7.76    Those who were arrogant said: “In that which you believe, we reject!” 

7.77    Fa'aqaru / so they disabled the naaqata / sound thought and defied the command of their Rabb / Lord, and they said: “O Salehu / one who correct oneself, bring us what you promised us if you are from the mursalin / the one who deliver (messages of Allah)!” 

7.78    Then the rajfah / state of disturbance seized them, so ashbahu / early light (guidance) became lifeless in daarihim / their mental home. 

7.79    Then he turned away from them, and said: “O my qaumi / group of established thoughts, surely, I have delivered to you the message of my Rabb / Lord and advised you; but you do not like the naasihin / advisers.” 

7.80    And Luthan / one who adhere to Allah's command, when he said to his qaum / group of established thoughts: “Do you commit the faahishah / immorality what has preceded you with her from the aalamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge?” 

7.81    “Surely, you are approaching the rijala / independent thought process (for analysis, reason and rationalization) out of desire from instead of the nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity)!  Rather, you are a qaumun / group of established thoughts of musrifun / those who are heedless (unmindful).”  

7.82    The only jawaba / response of his qaumi / group of established thoughts was: “Drive them out from your qaryati / cluster of established thoughts, surely, they are a unasun / those who are aligned with the truth, who want to keep themselves pure!”  

7.83    We saved him and his ahla / those who are acquainted, except for his amra'ata / obstinate thoughts; she was of those who ngabirin / remain corrupt.  

7.84    And amtharna / We shower upon them matharan / a shower of knowledge, so see how was 'aqibah / consequence for the mujrimin / one who violated the covenant. 

7.85    And to Madyan / (those in the) state of truthful way of life (where they consciously obey Allah's judgment), their brother (brotherly acquainted thought) Shu’ayb / one who gather and unite, (he) said: “O my qaumi / group of established thoughts, serve Allah, nothing to you from ilaahin / a fundamental reality of being besides Him. Clarity has come to you from your Rabb / Lord, so fulfill al kaila / the measure of intelligence and al mizan / equitable balance of its importance, and do not tabkhasu / deprive an-nas / the agitated mind what belongs to them, and do not commit corruption in the ardh / lower consciousness after islahiha / it has been reformed. That is better for you if you are mukminin / one who take security (with your independent logical mind).”  

7.86    “And do not taq'udu / put a footing with every path, promising, and turning away from the path of Allah those who aamana / take security with Him, and you seek to make it 'iwaja / distorted.  And uzkuru / embody masculine faculty (of Allah, that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) when izkuru / you embody thw divine masculine attributes less (is reduced) fakatthurakum / then increase your embodiment (of the divine masculne attributes); and see how is the 'aqibah / consequence of the mufsidin / one who is corrupted (who distorted the truth).” 

7.87    “And if a group of you aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) in what I have been sent with, and a group not yukminu / take security (in Al Kitab), then wait until Allah judges between us.  He is the best of the haakimin / judges.” 

7.88    Said the mala'u / thoughts that are filled with superiority complex who became arrogant from among his qaumi / group of established thoughts: “We will drive you out O Shu’aybu / one who gather and unite, along with those who aamanu / took security (in Al Kitab) with you from qariatina / our cluster of thoughts, or you shall return in our millati / life practices (based on guidance by logic and reasoning of our conditioned mind)” He said: “Even if we are (the ones) who hate (it)?” 

7.89    “Verily, we will then be fabricating against Allah a lie if we return in your millati / life practices (based on guidance by logic and reasoning of your conditioned mind), after Allah has saved us from it; and we will not return to it except if Allah our Rabb / Lord wills, our Lord encompasses everything with knowledge, in Allah we put our trust. Our Rabb / Lord, decode the perception between us and between our qaumi / group of established thoughts with the truth, you are the best of the fatihin / who decode the signs.” 

7.90    And said the mala'u / thoughts that are filled with superiority complex who kafaru / rejected from among his qaumi / group of established thoughts: “Surely, if you follow Shu’ayb / one who gather and unite, then you are losers.”  

7.91    Then the rijfah / state of disturbance ahazat / seized them, then ashbahu / early light (guidance) became jaasimin / lifeless in darihim / their mental home.  

7.92    Those who denied Shu’ayb / one who gather and unite, it is as if they had never prospered therein. Those who denied Shu’ayb, they were the losers.  

7.93    Then he turned away from them, and said: “O my qaumi / group of established thoughts, surely, I have delivered to you the messages of my Rabb / Lord and advised you. So how can I feel 'asaa / sorry over qaumin / group of established thoughts who are kaafirin / a rejecter?” 

7.94    And We do not send in a cluster of thoughts from nabiyyin / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) that is inspired, except We afflict its ahla / those acquainted with adversity and hardship that they may implore. 

7.95    Then We changed (the) place of the bad (with) the good, until they are affluenced (with humility) and said: “Our aabaa / fatherly supports (independent logical mind), were touched by both hardship and ease.” We then seize them baghtatan / by surprise (unexpectedly), while they are unaware. 

7.96    And if only the ahla / those acquainted with the quraa / cluster of thought aamana / took security and surely we decoded the representation over them, then We would have blessed from the samaa / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness; but they kazzabu / denied, so We took them with what they had earned.

7.97    Do (they) take security from ahlul quraa' / those acquainted with cluster of established thoughts that Our punishment will not come to them bayaatan / mentally housed while they are naaimun / sleeping (inactive without awareness)? 

7.98    Or are the ahlul / those acquainted of the quraa / cluster of established thoughts sure that Our punishment will not come to them during dhuhan / shining penetratingly while they are playing? 

7.99    Do they take security of Allah's makra / plan?  But none are secured of Allah's plan except the qaumu / group of established thoughts who are khosirun / the losers. 

7.100    Is it not guidance for those who inherited the ardh / lower consciousness from after their ahli / those acquainted, that if We wished We could have punished them immediately for their sins? And We stamp on their hearts, so they do not hear. 

7.101    These are the quraa / cluster of thoughts whose naqussu / retraceable steps over you what We anbaa / narrate (news of the ghaib) to you; and certainly their rusul / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) had come to them with bayyinat / clarity (of the facts), but they would not yukminu / take security in what they had denied from before. It is such that Allah stamps on the hearts of the kafirin / rejecters.  

7.102    And We did not find most of them up to their ahdin / covenant, rather, We found most of them fasiqin / defiantly disobeyed.  

7.103    Then ba'athna / We raised from after them Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, with Our ayaati / signs to Firaun / one who is filled with superiority complex and his mala'i / thoughts that are filled with superioeity complex. Then they did zalamu / wrong with them, so see how is the aqibatu / consequence of the mufsidin / the ones who are corrupted. 

7.104    And Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, said: “O Firaun / one who are filled with superiority complex, indeed I am rasulun / an inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah) from the Rabb / Lord of aalamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge.” 

7.105    “It is haqiqun / obligated for me (Musa) to say about Allah (nothing) but the truth; I have come to you with clarity from your Rabb / Lord.  So send with me the bani Israel / those who construct the spiritual journey.” 

7.106    He said: “If you have come with a sign then bring it, if you are of the truthful?” 

7.107    So alqa / measure to determine his asha / strikes (where you are strong in knowledge of the truth) and suddenly it manifested into tu'banun / a stream of knowledge flow. 

7.108    And he drew out his hand (his strength), and suddenly it became baidho'u / bright (with pure knowledge) for the observers. 

7.109    Said the malaa'u / those who are filled with superiority complex from among qaum / group of established thoughts of Firaun / who is filled with superiority complex: “This is surely a knowledgeable saahirun / the diversion (turning away from the right course)” 

7.110    “He wishes to drive you out of your ardh / lower consciousness; so what is your command?” 

7.111    They said: “Defer him and his brotherly thoughts, and send in a gathering of the madaa'ini / state of indebted obligations to consciously obey Allah's (systems, law and judgment)." 

7.112    “They (malaa'u) will come to you with every knowledgeable saahirin / diversion (turning away from the right course)

7.113    And the saharah / one who is diverted came to Firaun / one who is filled with superiority complex, they said: “We require a reward if we are the ngalibin / victors / the one who can overcome.”

7.114    He said: “Yes, and indeed, you surely are from the muqarrabin / ones who are near (to truth).”

7.115    They said: “O Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, either you cast, or we will cast?”

7.116    He said: “You cast.” So when they cast, they saharu / divert the 'ainu / vision of an-nas / the agitated mind, and instilled terror in them, and they came with sihrin azheem / a great diversion.

7.117    And We inspired to Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth: “Cast down your staff (where Musa is strong in the knowledge of the truth);” then suddenly, it talqafu / seized / swallowed what they ya'fikun / deluded / falsified.

7.118    Thus the truth was set, and bathala / became falsehood (to) what they used to do.

7.119    So they were defeated there and then, and they returned humiliated.

7.120    And the cast of the saharah / turned away, saajidin / went down subdued in total submission.

7.121    They said: “We aamanna / take security in the Rabb / Lord of the aalamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge.”  

7.122    “The Rabb / Lord of Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth and Harun / one who has strong will to deliver the truth.”  

7.123    Firaun / one who is filled with superiority complex said: “Have you aaman / taken security with it before I give permission to you? This is surely makrun / scheme which you have schemed in the madeenah / state of conscious obedience (to Allah's judgment) to drive out its ahla / those acquainted, from it; so soon you will know.”

7.124    “I will cut off your aidi / ability and arjula / independence (in analysis, reason and rationalization) from khilafin / a representation, then I will surely sollibanna / deprived (logic / reason of) you all.

7.125    They said: “Indeed, to our Rabb / Lord that we will munqalibun / return to the final abode (heart of the matter).”

7.126    “And do not seek revenge from us except that we aamanna / take security with the aayati / signs of our Rabb / Lord when they came to us. Our Rabb / Lord, provide us with patience, and complete us (our soul) as muslimin / one who submit with humility (to Al Kitab).”

7.127    And said the malaa'u / state of mind that is filled with superiority complex from among the qaum / group of established thoughts of Firaun / thoughts having superiority complex: “Will you let Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth and his qaumu / group of established thoughts corrupt the ardh / lower consciousness, and abandon you and aalihataka / your realities?” He said: “We will dissolve (what) they abna / construct and nastahyi / let comprehend their nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity); and certainly, we will be supreme over them.”

7.128    Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth said to his qaumu / group of established thoughts: “Seek help with Allah, and be patient; indeed, the ardh / lower consciousness is for Allah, He will inherit it to who wants from His servants; and the 'aqibatu / consequence will be for the muttaqeen / one who is mindful (of Allah).”

7.129    They said: “We were being harmed from before that you came to us and from after what you have come to us.” He said: “Perhaps your Rabb / Lord will destroy your enemy, and make you khalifah / representors in the ardh / lower consciousness, so He sees how you work?”

7.130    And certainly, We afflicted ahla / those who are acquainted of Firaun / one who has superiority complex with years of drought from the thamara / increased intelligence, perhaps they yazzakkarun / would independently be aware.

7.131    So when the good came to them, they said: “This is for us,” and when any bad afflicted them, they blamed it on Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth and those with him.  Is there not their blame is with Allah, but most of them do not know.  

7.132    And they said: “No matter what you bring us of a sign to litas harana / divert us with, we will never tukminin / take security in you.”  

7.133    So We sent them the atthufan / thoughts going round in circle, and the jarada / peeling (of goodness), and the qummala / decay, and the dhafadi'a / weak, and the addama / anxiety; all detailed signs; but they turned arrogant, they were qauman / a group of established thoughts that are mujrimin / one who violated the covenant.

7.134    And when the affliction befell them, they said: “O Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, invoke your Rabb / Lord for what He has pledged with you, that if you remove this affliction from us, then we will linukminanna / surely take security in you and we will send with you the bani Israel / those who construct their spiritual journey.”

7.135    So when We removed from them the affliction, over a prescribed term, they were reaching it when they yankithun / break their covenant.

7.136    We thus took retribution from them by drowning them in the yammi / focus / paying of attention, for their denial of Our ayaati / signs, and their disregard of them.

7.137    And We let the qaum / group of established thoughts who were weak inherit the mashriqu / distinguished state of the ardh / lower consciousness and its maghriba / state of isolation / remoteness which We have blessed in it. And the good word of your Rabb / Lord was tammat / completed over bani Israel / those who construct the spiritual journey for their patience; and We destroyed what Firaun / those having superiority complex and his qaum / group of established thoughts were doing, and what they used to yakrishun / erect (structure of superiority complex).

7.138    And jaawazna / We process (in their mind) with bani Israel / those who construct their spiritual journey al-bahra / the sea of hidden knowledge (received), then they came upon qaumin / group of established thoughts who were devoted to ashnam / images (that appear as realities) to them; they said: “O Musa / one who is matured in rational thinking, make for us an ilaahan / reality like they have aalihah / realities (from the images)?” He (Musa) said: “You are tajhaluna / ignorant (who do not possess knowledge because you consciously ignore seeking knowledge) qaum / group of established thoughts!”

7.139    “Indeed, these are ruined for what they are in, and baathilun / falsehood / fiction is what they do.”

7.140    He said: “Shall I seek other than Allah as ilaahan / a reality for you when He fadhalakum has given you advantage, over the aalamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge?”

7.141    And when We had saved you from ahli firaun / those who are acquainted in superiority complex, they were afflicting you with the worst punishment; they used to kill your abna / construction (of the truth) and yastahyuna / letting live your nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity); and in that was a great test from your Rabb / Lord.  

7.142    And We made a covenant (for) Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth thirty lailatan / barriers that cover with darkness, and We completed them with 'ashrin / assembly, so completed appointed time of his Rabb / Lord was set at forty lailatan / barriers that bring darkness.  And Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth said to his brotherly thought Harun / one who has strong will to deliver the truth: “Be my representative in my qaum / group of established thoughts and aslih / do reform, and do not follow the path of the mufsidin / one who corrupt (the covenant).”

7.143    So when Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth came to Our appointed time, and his Rabb / Lord spoke to him, he said: “My Rabb / Lord, show me (that I may) look at you.” He said: “You will not see Me, but look upon the jabali / fixed headed thoughts (intolerant and obstinate), if it stays in its place (stable and silent) then you will see Me.” So when his Rabb / Lord tajalla / revealed Himself to the jabali / fixed headed thoughts, He caused it to crumble; thus Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth fell so'iqan / shaken / baffled. When he awoke, he said: “Subhanaka / Glory to You (for the abundant knowledge), I repent to You and I am the first of those who mukminin / take security (in Al Kitab).”

7.144    He said: “O Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, I have chosen you over an-nas / the agitated mind with risaalaati / My messages and with kalaami / My words; so take what I have given you and be of the shakirin / grateful.”

7.145    And We wrote for him in the alwahi / localised content of his consciousness, from all things maw'izotan / a sermon with lessons, and detailing all things. Take it with strength and order your qauma / group of established thoughts to take the best from it. I will show you daral fasiqin / the state of defiantly disobedient.

7.146    I will avert away from My ayaati / signs those who are arrogant in the ardh / lower consiousness without the truth, and if they see every sign they do not yukminu / take security in it, and if they see the path of guidance they do not take it as a path; and if they see the path of mischief, they take it as a path. That is because they have denied Our ayaati / signs and were heedless of them.

7.147    And those who deny with Our ayaati /signs and the meeting of the aakhirah / ending, their deeds are worthless. Are they not being recompensed except for what they used to do?

7.148    And qaum / group of established thoughts of Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, took from after him, from huliyyihim / their adorned state of mind ijlan / hastiness jasadan / a body to him, weak. Did they not see that it could not speak to them, nor guide them to any way? They took it and they were zhaalimin / unjust (thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality).

7.149    And when they realized what their hands had done, and they saw that they had gone astray, they said: “If our Rabb / Lord will not have yarhamna / mercy on us (to educate the truth) and forgive us, then we will be of the losers!”

7.150    And when Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, returned to his qaum / group of established thoughts, ghadbaana / in a state of anxiety and 'asifa / sorrowful, he said: “Evil is khalaftumuni / what you have represented from after me; do you wish to hasten amra /  matter of your Rabb / Lord?” And he alqa / measure to determine the alwah / localised content of his consciousness, and took his brotherly thought by his head (fully aware) dragging him towards him. He said: “Abna / Construct of my motherly support, surely alqauma / the group of established thoughts overpowered me and nearly killed me, so do not make the enemies rejoice over me, and do not make me with the qaumi zalimin / group of established thoughts who are wrong-doers.”

7.151    He said: “My Rabb / Lord, forgive me and my brotherly thought, and admit us in Your rahmati / abstract system of education; and You are the Most Merciful (to approve us to be in Your abstract system of education) of the rahmaan / system of education .”  

7.152    Indeed, those who took the ijla / hastiness, ghadabun / anxiety will surely reach them from their Rabb / Lord and zillatun / a humiliation in this hayaati duniya / living temptaions of attachments and close relations.  And thus We recompense the muftarin / fabricators.

7.153    And those who commit sinful deeds but then repent afterwards and aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab); your Rabb / Lord after that is Forgiving, Rahim / Merciful in showering of the education (to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).

7.154    And when the ghadabu / state of anxiety sakata / subsided from Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, he took the alwah / localised content of his consciousness; and in its inscription was a guidance and a rahmatun / an abstract system of education for those who to their Rabb / Lord, yarhabun / are fearful.

7.155    And Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, selected from his qaum / group of established thoughts sab'ina / congregations of rajulan / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization) for Our appointed time; so when the rajfah / state of disturbance seized them, he said: “My Rabb / Lord, if You had willed You could have destroyed them before this, and me as well. Will you destroy us for what the foolish among us have done? It is all Your trial, You misguide with it whom please and You guide with it whom please. You are our Supporter, so forgive us and have mercy on us (for your education); You are the Best Forgiver.”

7.156    “And decree for us good in this duniya / close attachments and close relations, and in the aakhirah / ending; we have been guided towards You.” He said: “My punishment, I afflict with it whom choose, and My mercy (education) encompasses all things. I will thus decree it for those who yattaqu / are mindful and contribute towards zakah / mental development, and those yukminun / who take security with Our aayaati / signs.”

7.157    Those who follow the rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb), an-nabiyyal ummiyyi / motherly support to pronounce and establish (establishing news of the ghaib with divine feminine attributes of unconditional love, compassion, care), whom they find written with them in the Tawrah / natural law (which govern the behavioural consequences) and the Injeel / good news (conception of good moral behaviour); he commands bilmakruf / with acknowledgement of facts and evidence, and prohibits them from munkar / disguised matters (of which facts are not known), and he makes permissible for them the pure things, and he makes forbidden for them the impure things, and he removes their burden and the shackles that are upon them. So those who aamanu / take security with him, and support him, and help him persevere, and follow the light that was sent down with him; these are the muflihun / successful ones (in breaking the frontiers of consciousness).

7.158    Say: “O an-nas / agitated mind, I am rasulullah / a messenger (inner voice that deliver the guidance) of Allah to you all.  Those for it (the guidance) have the mulku / sovereignty (one ruler one authority for the body, mind and soul) of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, there is no ilaaha / reality except He (the fundamental absolute reality); He gives yuhyi / life (to the true self) and yumit / causes lifeless (of the true self).” So aaminu / take security with Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb), the nabiyyi ummiyyi / who motherly pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib with unconditional love and unconditional acceptance of a motherly support), who yukminu / take security with Allah and His kalimaah / words; and follow him that you may be guided.

7.159    And from among the qaum / group of established thoughts of Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, are ummah / a foundation of its motherly course who guide with the haq / truth and with it they become just.

7.160    And We divided them into ithnatay 'asharata / folded assembly asbatan / a group of like minded and having same interest of umaman / same motherly (source of nurture and support of thoughts); and We inspired over Musa / one who is aligned with the truth, when his qaum / group of established thoughts asked for his idzistasqa / fresh knowledge: “Idrib / explore / investigate / discipline the hajara / hard headed mind with asoka / your domain knowledge (where you are strong and knowledgeable, manageable and can regulate the truth properly),” thus isnata 'asharata / folded assembly of thoughts gushed forth out of it.  Certainly each unasin / thoughts aligned with the truth, then knew from where to consume the knowledge. And dholalna / We shaded them (in their tapestry of life) with ghamama / coverings and We sent down to them manna / strength where they are weak and salwa / endurance: “Consume from the good knowledge that We have provided for you.” They did not wrong Us, but it was their souls that they wronged.

7.161    And when they were told: “Reside in this qaryah / cluster of established thoughts and consume (the good knowledge) from it as you please, and say: “hittotun / burden is removed,” and enter the passageway (to the true knowledge), sujjadan / in submission with humility, We will forgive for you your wrongdoings, and We will sanazidu / increase (and added to what strength you have) for the muhsinin / one whose deeds are out of true knowledge.”  

7.162    Those who were zalamu / wronged among them altered what was said to them with something different; so We sent to them an affliction from the samaa' / higher consciousness with what wrong-doing they were in.  

7.163    And ask them about the qaryah / cluster of established thoughts (of an agitated mind) which al-bahri / ocean of knowledge was hadirat / present, when they ya'duna / disrupt in sabti / equilibrium of a peaceful active mind; when came to them hitanuhum / knowledge that swim around (enticing ) openly the moment of their sabti / equilibrium of a peaceful active mind, and when they are not yasbituna / in equilibrium, they do not come to them! It is such that We afflicted them for what they defiantly disobeyed. 

7.164    And when ummahun / a foundation of a motherly course from among them said: “Why do you ta'zuna / give instruction to qauman / group of established thoughts whom Allah will destroy or punish a painful punishment?” They said: “An exemption (exempted from blame) to your Rab / Lord, and perhaps they yattaqun / may be mindful.”

7.165    So when they forgot that which they zukkiru / were embodied with masculine faculty (that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) with it, anjaina / We saved those who yanhaw / forbade from the suu'i / negative thoughts (fear, arrogant, proud, etc), and We took seized who wronged with a grievous punishment with what they were yafsiqun / defiantly disobeying.

7.166    So when they persisted in that which they had been prohibited from, We said to them: “Be despicable qiradatan / a monkey mind!”

7.167    And when your Rabb / Lord ta'azzan / declared that He will surely yabassana / raise upon them, until the yawmil qiyamah / moment of establishment, who would inflict grievous punishments on them. Your Rabb / Lord is swift to punish, and He is Forgiving, Merciful.

7.168    And We divided them in the ardh / lower consciousness umaman / foundational thoughts of motherly course. From them are the solehuna / those who reform, and from them are other than that. And We tested them with good things and bad, perhaps they will return.    

7.169    Then, represented thought (of the umaman) came after them a representation who inherited the kitab / inherent script,  ya'huzuna / seizing aradho / turning away (from the kitab) this which is lower; and they say: “It will be forgiven for us.” And if they continue to opt for aradhun / turning away (from the kitab) if it comes to them; was not the covenant of the kitab / inherent script taken on them that they would only say the truth about Allah, and they studied what was in it? And the abode of the aakhirah / ending is better for those who are yattaqun / mindful.  Do you not ta'qilun / comprehend (use your pure logical mind)?

7.170    As for those who hold fast with the kitab / inherent script, and they aqamu / establish the salaah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download); We will not waste the reward of the muslihin / one who reform.

7.171    And when nataqna / We dissolved the jabala / fixed headed thoughts (intolerant and obstinate) over them as if it were zullatun / shades  (to their tapestry of life), and they zhunnu / are certain it would fall on them: “Take what We have given you (the zullatun) with strength and uzkuru / embody masculine faculty (of Allah, that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) what is in it that you may be tattaqun / mindful.”  

7.172    And when your Rabb / Lord took for the bani adama / those who construct the education of the unseen from their zuhuri / apparent representation (world of matters), their zurriyata / off-springs of early developed thoughts; and their ashhada / witness over their anfus / souls: “Am I not your Rabb / Lord?” They said: “Yes, we bear witness.” Thus you cannot say on the yawmal qiyamah / moment of establishment that you were unaware of this. 

7.173    Or you say: “it was only our aaba / fatherly supports (independent logical mind), who set up partners from before and we were simply zurriyatan / off-springs of early developed thoughts from after them. So will You destroy us with what the mubthilun / one who falsify, did?”   

7.174    It is such that We explain the ayaati / signs, perhaps they yarji'un / will return.

7.175    And atlu / follow through over them naba / news of the ghaib of those whom Our ayaati / signs were given to him, fansalakho / then he detached himself from them, and thus the shaytan / act arises from despair followed him, and he became of those from the ngawin / went astray.  

7.176    And if We had willed, surely We could have raised him with it (in a state of astray), and be akhlada / forever stuck to the ardh / lower consciousness and he followed his desire.  Famasaluhu / so his example is like the example of the kalbi / madness / confusion (loss of reasoning due to state of madness / confusion), if tahmil / conceive on him, he will fatigue, or if you leave him, he fatigues; such is the example of the qaumi / group of established thoughts who kazzabu / lie with Our ayaati / signs. So uksusi / retrace the steps (to make an account of the facts accurately), perhaps they yatafakkarun / will ponder. 

7.177    Saa'a / evil is the example of the qaumu / group of established thoughts who kazzabu / lied with Our ayaati / signs, and it was their souls that they had wronged.

7.178    Whoever Allah guides, then he is the guided one; and whoever He misguides, then these are the losers.

7.179    And certainly, We have given to jahannam / stagnation (holding on to static beliefs that halts your spiritual progress) many of the Jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord) and ins / those who are aligned with the truth; they had qulubun / hearts (pull of affection) with which they did not understand, and they had visions with which they did not have insights, and they had 'azanun / call with which they did not hear. They are like the ana'am / enjoyable and pleasant thoughts; but rather, they are adhollu / astray. These are the ngafilun / unaware ones.

7.180    And to Allah belongs the most beautiful asmaa'u / names (with elevated hidden meaning for there is nothing exist before being measured and named), so invoke Him by them; and leave alone those yulhiduna / who deviate in His names (with elevated hidden meaning). They will be rewarded (according to) what they do.

7.181    And of (those) whom We khalaq / evolved is ummatun / a group of thoughts who yahdu / guides with the truth, and with it they are yakdilun / just.  

7.182    As for those who kazzabu / deny with Our ayaati / signs, We sanastadrijuhum / will progressively rank them from where they do not know.  

7.183    And umli / I will respite to them, indeed My planning is matin / formidable.

7.184    Do they not reflect?  Their companion (thoughts give birth by the mind) is not from jinnah / hidden garden of knowledge; but he is a clear warner.

7.185    Have they not looked at malakut / exclusive authority of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, and all that Allah has khalaqa / evolved?  Perhaps that ajaluhum / their term is certainly iqtaraba / drawing near; so in which hadith / representation of the reality after this one will they yukminun / take security?

7.186    Whoever Allah misguides, then there is none to guide him; and He leaves them blindly wandering in tughyaanihim / their falsehood activities.

7.187    They ask you regarding the saa'ah / moment of direct experience: “When  mursaaha / its understanding established (fixed)?” Say: “Certainly its knowledge is with my Rabb / Lord, none can yujalliha / make evident / make obvious for waktiha / its coming except He. It is thakulat / arduos / not easy through the samaawaati / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness; it will not come to you except baghtatan / unexpectedly.” They ask you, as if you are hafiyyun / think highly of (responsible) for it! Say: “Its knowledge is with Allah, but most of an-nas / the agitated mind do not know.”

7.188    Say: “I do not possess authority for nafsi / my soul any benefit or harm, except what Allah wills. And if I could know the ghaiba / knowledge of the hidden, surely I istakthartum / would have more from the good, and no harm would have come to me. I am but nazirun / a warner and bashirun / a sensible thought for a qaumi / group of established thoughts who yukminun / take security (with Al Kitab).”

7.189    It is He who has khalaqakum / evolved you from one nafsin / soul, and He made from it its pair (zakara / divine masculine attributes and unsa / divine feminine attributes) to reside with. When he resided with her (the pair), she conceived (giving birth to thoughts) with a light load, and she continued with it; then when it became heavy, they invoked on Allah, their Lord: “If You give us solehan / a reform / transform, then we will be among the grateful.”

7.190    So when He gave them solehan / a reform (transform), they set up partners with Him in what He had given them. Allah be exalted above what they set up as partners.

7.191    Do they yushriku / associate what do not yakhluku / evolve anything, while they (themselves) yukhlakun / evolved?  

7.192    And they cannot give them nashran / help, nor can they yanshurun / help anfusahum / their souls ?  

7.193    And if tad'uhum / you invoke them to the huda / guidance they will not follow you.  It is the same whether you invoke them or somitun / simply keep quiet.  

7.194    Indeed, those whom you invoke on besides Allah are ibadun / servants like you; so invoke them then let them answer to you if you are truthful.  

7.195    Do they have arjulun / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization) with which yamshuna / to progress with it? Or, do they have ability with which to strike (to work on the incompleteness or incompetence) with it? Or, do they have visions with which to have insights?  Or, do they have 'azanun / permission with which to hear? Say: “Invoke your suraka / partners, then plan against me.  So do not wait.”  

7.196    “My wali / guardian is Allah who sent down the kitab / inherent script; and He takes care of the solihin / those who reform.”  

7.197    As for those whom you invoke besides Him, they cannot nashra / help you, nor can they yanshurun / help anfusahum / their souls.  

7.198    And when you invoke them to the huda / guidance, they do not listen. And you see them looking at you, while they do not yubshirun / have insight.  

7.199    Take to forgiveness, and order with 'urfi / what is factually known, and 'arid / expose about the jaahilin / nescient (who do not possess knowledge due to neglectfully uninformed).  

7.200    And if bitterness from the shaytan / acts arises from state of despair afflicts you, then seek refuge with Allah.  He is the Hearer, the Knower.

7.201    Certainly those who are attaqau / mindful (of Allah), when any evil thought from the shaitan / acts arises from despair touches them, they tazzakkaru / will embody masculine faculty (of Allah that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive), then they are mubsirun / ones who have insights.

7.202    And their brethren / brotherly thoughts attempt to drive them towards error, they do not cease.

7.203    And because you do not bring them a sign, they say: “If only you had brought one.” Say: “I only follow what is inspired to me from my Lord. This is an evidence from your Lord, and a guide and mercy to qaumi yukminun / a group of established thoughts who take security (in al kitab).”

7.204    And when the Qur’an / expression of truth (given by Allah) is being read, then listen to it and pay attention, that you may receive turhamun / mercy (the teachings of the Quran).

7.205    And uzkur / embody masculine faculty (that is linear, logical, focus and assertive) of your Rabb / Lord in nafsika / your soul, tadharru'an / humbly and khifatan / fearful; and without the jahri / awareness from the qauli / sayings, with nguduwwi / early stage of clarity and the asoli / lacking perception. And do not be from the heedless.

7.206    Indeed those who are near your Rabb /  Lord, they are never too proud to serve Him, and they yusabbihu / glorify Him (swim in the abundant knowledge), and to Him they yasjudun / submit.























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