(The Clarity) 


Surah Al-Bayyinah emphasizes the profound significance of attaining clarity regarding the unseen, the hidden reality that lies beyond the manifest signs—ayaati—revealed by Allah. These signs are not the ultimate truth in themselves; rather, they serve as reflections, guiding the discerning mind towards the unseen reality that they represent. This clarity of the unseen is essential for one to truly comprehend and find security in Al-Kitab, the inherent script that holds the essence of divine wisdom.

For those among the Ahlil Kitab who reject the divine message and associate others with Allah, their rejection persists until the clarity of the established message, brought forth by a Rasul, becomes undeniable. The rejection is not merely a refusal of the message but a deeper state of spiritual stagnation, representing the worst of the bariyyah, absolution from incomplete establishment of the deen of Allah.

In contrast, those who embrace the message, who place their trust in Al-Kitab and engage in corrective deeds, will be rewarded with hidden gardens of knowledge—an inner sanctuary of divine understanding. They represent the best form of barriyah, absolution from a complete establishment of the deen of Allah. Allah is pleased with them, and they find contentment in Him. This state of mutual approval is granted to those who khoshiya, revere and deeply respect the Lordship of Allah, acknowledging His guiding presence in their lives.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem. (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).

98:1    Those who kafaru / rejected (the hidden message of Allah) from among ahlil kitab / those acquainted to the inherent script and the musyrikeen / those who associate lam yakuni / would not leave (their rejection) until the bayyinah / clarity (of the hidden knowledge) came to them.  

98.2    A rasul / inner voice that deliver the message (of the hidden knowledge) from Allah reciting a purified shuhufan / discernment. 

98.3    In them are kutubun / mentally scripted, qaimah / established. 

98.4    And those who had received the Kitab / inherent script did not be divided illa / save from after what came to them, the clarity. 

98.5    And they were not commanded except to serve Allah and be mukhlisin / one who is sincere to His deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgement), hunafa' / naturally inclined (towards the truth), and established (rooted, solidified and ingrained) salaah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) and yu'tu / to pursue zakah / mental development.  And that is the established deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgement). 

98.6    Certainly, those who kafaru / rejected (the hidden knowledge) from ahlil kitab / those acquainted with the inherent script and the musyrikin / one who associate (others with Allah) are in nari jahannama / the burning sensation of stagnation (of knowledge resulting in internal conflicts) abiding therein, those are the worst of the bariyyah / absolusion from establishing (the deen when status is not complete). 

98.7    Certainly, those who aamanu / take security in Al Kitab / the inherent script and do solehah / corrective deeds, they are the best of the bariyyah / absolved from establishing (the deen when status is complete). 

98.8    Their reward in the nearnest of their Rabb / Lord are jannatu / hidden gardens of knowledge beneath which the rivers of knowledge flow, abiding therein eternally.  Allah approved of them, and they approved of Him. That is for whoever khoshiya / revere (in receiving) Rabbahu / His Lordship. 

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