(The Deprivation Suffered)


This surah begins by stating that being alive essentially involves acquiring knowledge from Allah for your education and evolution. Allah possesses higher consciousness, where truth is constructed by the knowledge acquired, and lower consciousness, where knowledge is revealed for growth and development. The knowledge you acquire determines the path of your evolution, whether as a kafir or a mukmin. Allah emphasizes that He is the one who will evolve you into a mukmin. If you acquire knowledge from sources other than Allah, you become a kafir. The messenger for the delivery of this knowledge is your own inner voice in the form of sensible thoughts.

The moment of taghabun is described as the time when all your thoughts are consolidated, making you aware of the deprivation you suffered due to lack of mindfulness. For those who believe in and take security from the knowledge given by Allah, and who correct themselves by practicing this knowledge, Allah will cover their wrongdoings and admit them into His hidden gardens of knowledge, where they will abide eternally. As for those who reject Allah's signs, their knowledge is useless and worthless, and they will dwell in the heat of conflicts. Therefore, be mindful of the knowledge you embrace and your reluctance to evolve. Detach and surrender your nafs (soul) fully to Allah. 

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman). 

64.1    Whatever in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and whatever in the ardh / lower consciousness yusabbihu lillah / glorifies Allah (for His abundant knowledge).  For Him is the mulku / sovereignty (authority) and for Him is the hamdu / praise (for the approval), and He is qadirun / powerful over all things. 

64.2    He is the One who has evolved you, then among you there is the kafirun / rejecter / denier, and among you there is the mukminun / one who take security.  And Allah is Seer of what you do. 

64.3    He evolved the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness with the truth, and He harmonized you and perfected your harmonization, and to Him is the final destiny. 

64.4    He knows what is in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, and He knows what you conceal and what you declare. And Allah knows with the essence of your sudur / awareness. 

64.5    Did the news not come to you of those who had rejected from before? They had tasted (experienced) the consequences of their decision and they incurred a painful punishment. 

64.6    That was because rusuluhum / their inner voices that deliver the messages came to them with clear proofs, but they said: “Shall mere basharun / sensible thoughts guide us?” So they kafaru / rejected / denied and tawallau / turned away.  And Allah is free of need.  And Allah is Self-sufficient, Praiseworthy. 

64.7    Those who kafaru / rejected / denied claim that they (true self) will not yub'asu / be raised. Say: “Rather, by my Lord, you tub'asunna / will be raised, then you will be informed of everything (deeds from knowledge of ghaib) you have done, and this is easy for Allah to do.”

64.8    Therefore, you shall aaminu / take security with Allah and His rasul / inner voices (that deliver the message), and the light (that will guide you) that We have revealed.  And Allah is Acquainted over all that you do.

64.9    The moment when He will assemble you for the Moment of Assembly (consolidating the thoughts); that is the moment of taghabun / deprivation suffered.  And whoever yukmin / take security in Allah and solehan / deeds that correct themselves, He yukaffir / will reject / will deny / will cover his bad deeds / wrong doings, and will admit him into jannaati / hidden garden of knowledge with rivers (knowledge) flowing beneath them, abiding therein eternally. Such is the great success.

64.10    As for those who kafaru / reject / deny and kazzabu / lie with Our ayaati / signs, they are the ashabu nnar / companions of the internal conflicts (thoughts that burn the agitated mind); they will abide therein.  And miserable is the destination.

64.11    No musibatin / misfortune strikes except with the permission of Allah. And whoever yukmin / take security in Allah, He will guide his heart / pull of affection. And Allah knows all things.

64.12    And obey Allah and obey the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message).  And if you turn away, then only upon Our rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) is the clear delivery (of the hidden message).

64.13    Allah, there is no reality except Him. And in Allah the mukminun / those who took security, shall surely tawakkal / rely with devotion.

64.14    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), from among your pair (zakara / thoughts from memory and unsa / thoughts from sensory inputs) and your awlad / thoughts conceived of own conditioning are aduwwan / transgressions to you; so beware of them. And if you pardon, and overlook, and forgive, then indeed Allah is Forgiver, Merciful.

64.15    Indeed, what amwaal lukum / accumulated knowledge to you and awladukum / your conceived thoughts by your own conditioning, are finatun / a trial, and with Allah is a great recompense.

64.16    Therefore, fattaqullah / be mindful of Allah what astathaqtum / you embrace, and listen, and obey, and anfiqu / self-experience (the reform putting the knowledge into good practice) for the good of their nafs / soul.  And whoever yuqo / is protected (by becoming mindful of at-taghabun / the deprivation) of his shuhha / reluctance to spend his soul (reluctant to put into practice for the evolution of own soul), then these are the muflihun / successful ones (those who successfully unlock the frontiers of consciousness).

64.17    If you tuqridu / detach (to) Allah a goodly (fully) qardhan / detachment (fully surrender to Allah), He will multiply it for you, and forgive you.  Allah is Appreciative, Forbearing.

64.18    'Alimul / knower of the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden and the syahadah / witnessed; the Mighty, the Wise.

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