(The Victory Decoding The Hidden Message)


The deen, the way of life prescribed by Allah, represents the authentic path binding upon Muslims. It entails consciously obeying Allah's judgments and putting them into practice by embarking on a transformative journey to purify our restless minds from impurities such as baseless understandings, falsehoods, misunderstandings, fabrications, and more. This deen is supported by a structure of factual knowledge based on truth. Allah, the provider of the aalamin, encompasses all that is known and unknown. The knowledge of truth revealed by Allah serves as true guidance towards the straight path.

Therefore, it is crucial to serve and seek help solely from Allah in order to fulfill this mission. For those who are aware of this mission, Allah will assist them by inspiring pleasant thoughts that lead to the understanding of truth, as opposed to thoughts originating from false information, fabrications, and misguidance.

The term "Fateha" can be understood as victory in unlocking hidden knowledge or deciphering the coded messages of the signs revealed by Allah. Allah, the Lord of all known and unknown, reveals the signs as revelations, and grants rational and sensible thoughts to those who genuinely seek the truth, enabling them to decode the signs through His abstract system of education known as Ar Rahman. Ar Raheem signifies Allah's approval for those who seek knowledge through Ar Rahman.

Although the word "Fateha" is not explicitly mentioned in this surah, the seven verses of the surah essentially encompass its meaning and essence.


1.1    By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar  Rahman).  

1.2    All Praise be to Allah, Rabb / Lord (Cherisher and Nourisher) of the aalamin / all the known and unknown (based on facts and empirical evidences, the hidden knowledge).  

1.3    The Rahman / the abundance of mercy in the form of knowledge provided by the abstract system of education  (and), the Raheem / the mercy for the approval of receiving the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman. 

1.4    Maliki / master (one ruler and one authority to your actions, emotions and thoughts) moment of the deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, judgment and law). 

1.5    You alone we serve, and You alone we seek for help. 

1.6    Guide us to the straight path. 

1.7    The path of those ana'am / who you have bestowed with pleasant thoughts (knowledge from Ar Rahmaan), not of those over them the maghdhu / state of anxiety derived from toghut (non-reality / non-factual / fabricated), and not the misguided.  


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