(Passage Of Knowledge Is Opened)


Remember, your covenant as bani Israel (the degraded khalifah who construct his own spiritual journey seeking the truth) with your Rabb ? Your obligation is decreed in surah Al Baqarah 2.25 "And bashar / sensible thoughts who trust / feel safe / secure (in transformation of self) and stimulate to do righteous deeds of corrections, that for them is Jannat / Garden (of the hidden knowledge) beneath which the river of knowledge (truth / enlightenment) flow.   Whenever they are ruziqu / provided with a sustenance from thamaratin / process of increased intellect there from, they will say, "this is which we were nourished due to ability to accept."  And it is given with it, mutasyabihan / a resemblance.  And for them in it are process of azwajun mutahharah / purified pairs / mates (pure thoughts), and they will abide in it eternally.  Allah's obligation os in HQ2:38  "We said, "Degrade from it (the hidden garden of knowledge), all of you.  And when hudan / guidance comes to you from Me, whoever follows My guidance, there will be no haufun / fear upon them, nor will they yahzanun / grieve.  

This covenant is sealed between bani Israel / those degraded khalifah who contruct their spiritual journey to seek the truth and his Rabb.  Not anyone will enter into this covenant with his Rabb.  Only those who are aware of and serious to acquire knowledge of the truth from his Rabb will enter into the covenant and return to his Rabb for opening of the passage of knowledge radhiyatan in Allah's approval of the abstract system of education, mardhiyatan / in a state of receiving education (from your Rabb).  

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman). 

89.1    And the fajri / passage of knowledge is opened. 

89.2    And the layalin / darkness (without the guidance) assembled.  

89.3    And the shaf'i / making of a pair and the watri / succession by following (one after the other). 

89.4    And the laili / darkness (without guidance) when it yasri / pervades (spread through). 

89.5     Has there in that qasamun / a separation for hijrin / hard headed minds?

89.6    Did you not see how your Rabb / Lord deal with ‘Aad / those who are trapped in their own repetitive pattern (of life ignoring the signs of Allah)? 

89.7    Irama / illusory happiness (of duniya), essence of the 'imad / intention?  

89.8    The likes of whom had never been yukhlaq / evolved in the biladi / languid attitude / living a life of ease and comfort ?  

89.9    And Thamud / that accept which is not true, who jabu / respond the sahra / foundation with wadi / valley of helplessness?  

89.10    And Firaun / a dictator having superiority complex the owner of the awtad / established thoughts pegged (in the superiority complex), 

89.11    They all thoghaw / took security in falsehood, in the bilaadi / languid attitude (in ease and comfort).  

89.12    Then aktharu / many in it, the fasad / corrupted aspects (of the understanding).  

89.13    So your Rabb / Lord poured upon them sawtha / a mix of azabin / punishment. 

89.14    Indeed, your Rabb / Lord is ever watchful.  

89.15    So for the insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, when what his Rabb / Lord abtalaa / tests him and is generous to him, then he says: “My Lord has honoured me!”  

89.16    And for when what He tests him so measured over him his provision, then he says: “My Lord has humiliated me!”  

89.17    No, but you do not honour the yatim / those who severed guidance (support) from Allah.

89.18    And you do not look to feeding the miskina / needy in true knowledge.

89.19    And you consume the turaatha / inherited knowledge (without facts and empirical evidence), consuming all that is lamman / brought forth.

89.20    And you love the wealth of knowledge (given birth by human mind), a love that is excessive.

89.21    No, when the ardh / lower consciousness (non empirical and non factual knowledge) is dakkan / dissolved, dakka / demolished.

89.22    And your Rabb / Lord jaa'a / become present (in your awareness) and the malaku / thoughts with authority saffan / come forward (to meet their Rabb), saffa / set in place.

89.23    And with jahannam / dark hole of ignorance on that moment is brought. That moment the insaan / intellect aligned  with the truth yatazakkaru / will embody divine masculine attributes (logical, focus, assertive), but how will the zikra / embodiment of the divine masculine, now will be for him?

89.24    He will say: “Ya laytani / O I wish (what) I have done (got out of the ignorance) for my life!”

89.25    So at that moment, no other yuazzibu / will punish azabahu / his punishment, not anyone.

89.26    And no other yuthiqu / will make a covenant his covenant, not anyone.

89.27    “O an-nafs / the soul / self of the mutmainnah / one who is satisfied (where rizqi / provisions of knowledge from your Rabb came in abundant).”

89.28    “Return to your Rabb / Lord radhiyatan /  approval acknowledged (of Allah's abstract system of education), mardhiyatan / in a state of receiving education (from your Rabb).”

89.29    “So enter in My ibaadi / servants.”

89.30    “And enter My jannati / hidden garden of knowledge.”





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