(Opening To Release The Truth)

The lower consciousness is fully developed when it possesses the ability to perceive beyond the limitations of its own reality. It gains the capacity to perceive what is typically imperceptible. This surah focuses on unblocking these limitations and initiating the release of the knowledge of truth from the higher consciousness, in accordance with the ability to perceive and distinguish by the lower consciousness. 
Unblocking limitations requires introspection to identify the barriers that obstruct liberation. Those who diligently endeavor to dismantle the internal barriers and succeed in drawing near to their Lord, will receive their inherent script in their right hand. This symbolizes their heightened capacity for independent thinking, rationality, strength, and authority.

The primary reason they encounter limitations is their inclination to return to the familiar, driven by their affection. They find their inherent script placed behind them, symbolizing a disconnect from their Lord, discarding the guidance provided by their Lord, and attempting to assert control with restless minds. This mindset is rooted in narrow perspectives, failing to recognize the capacity of their thoughts to embody reason, strength, and authority. Consequently, Allah bestows insight in the form of encroaching fear as they deviate from His guidance, leading to the encirclement of intense conflicts. Moreover, Allah offers insight with an encroaching fear of deception and its consequences when it reaches its pinnacle. Consequently, their minds remain occupied, jumping from one thought to another, resembling a monkey mind and forgetting to unblock their limitations.

Why don't they find solace in their inherent script (Al Kitab)? The reason is that when they receive the inspiration of their inherent script, they fail to surrender to it. They deny and become among those who reject Allah's message, except for those who find security in Allah's message. They will never lose their strength, even in moments of weakness.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated meaning to it for nothing exist without being named), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman).

84.1    When the samaa'a / higher consciousness 'unshaqqat / split open (unveiling the truth for liberation),

84.2    And azinat / willingly permited to its Rabb / Lord and huqqat / was more truthful, 

84.3    And when the ardh / lower consciousness muddat / has been developed,

84.4    And alqat / release what (the truth) within it and takhollat / give out according to measurement (of the ability of its lower consciousness)

84.5    And azinat / willingly permited to its Rabb / Lord and hukkat / was more truthful,

84.6    O insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, indeed you kaadihun / are working hard (to be successful) toward your Rabb / Lord, kadhan / a work familaaqihi / so that (you) will attain (knowledge of the truth).

84.7    Then as for he who is given his kitaaba / inherent script biyaminihi / with his right (experience based on factual knowledge),

84.8    He yuhaasabu / will be considered, hisaaban yasiran / an easy consideration,

84.9    And return (by the pull of his affection) to ahlihi / his acquaintance, masruran / delightfully.

84.10    But as for he who is given kitaabahu / his inherent script behind his back (signifying cutting off his communication with his Rabb / Lord and wanting to be in control),

84.11    Then soon, yad'u / he will call out (for) thuburan /
(in) a state of restricted mind (narrow minded)

84.12    And burn intensely.

84.13    Indeed, he had been among his ahli / those acquainted in a delightness;

84.14    Indeed, he zhonna / had been certain he would never yahur / will produce pure thoughts.

84.15    Rather indeed, his Rabb / Lord was with him, an insight.

84.16    So no, I uqsimu / swear (that I will give insight) with the shafaqi / encroaching fear

84.17    And the darkness (when there is no guidance) and what it envelops

84.18    And the qamar / deception when it becomes complete,

84.19    You will surely embark from thobaqan / an embarkation (of thought to) embarkation (to another thought like monkey mind).

84.20    So what is with them they do not yukminun / take security (in Al Kitab),

84.21    And when the Qur'an / expression of truth is recited to them, they do not yasjudun / submit?

84.22    Rather those who have kafaru / rejected, deny (Al Kitab),

84.23    And Allah is most knowing with what they yu'un / think.

84.24    So give them bashar / sensible thoughts with a painful punishment,

84.25    Except those who are aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) and do 'amilu sollehat / corrective deeds. To them is a reward of ghairu mamnun / unfailing strength (when they are weak).



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