(The Prohibition)


In this surah,  Allah makes it clear that it is permissible to rely on your azwaj / pair, zakara / masculine attributes like being linear, focus, logic, assertive and unsa / feminine attributes like unconditional care, love and acceptance.  However, it is obligatory upon you that you know and understand the outcome of the action you take if you rely on zakara and unsa.  This is because the outcome of zakara and unsa will never be a complete outcome due its limitation.  Also, one of the dangers is to claim whatever outcome you obtained, is to say that it comes from Allah, the Knowledgeable and All Aware.  So we seek guidance from Allah to give us azwajan /  a pair (zakara and unsa) who are better; muslimatin / submitting, mukminaatin / one who take security (in al Kitab), qaanitan / devout, taaibatin / repentant, 'aabidatin / serving, saa'ihatin / explore, thayyibatin / mature and abkaaran / fresh. 

Information from this pair (zakara and unsa) all will be processed by our mind before thought is given birth or constructed.  If the mind possess filters that are egoistic, fake knowledge, baseless personality traits and so on, then the thoughts constructed or given birth are haram or forbidden to the self / soul to follow.  On the other hand, if the mind is pure from impurities of the ego, baseless, fake and self interest activities, then the thoughts produce are permissible.   In the process, we are reminded to be aware of stubborn thoughts superiority complex adhering to our close attachments.  Allah commanded that we follow our pure thoughts and tawbatan nasuha, repent with a sincerely advised repentance should we falter.  

And when you are in a state to discover the best among all the knowledgeables, and you fortify your deeds with true knowledge then Allah will blow His ruh / spirit, and you will follow saddaqat / truthful / genuine way with words of your Rabb and you will be among those who are devout. 


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman). 

66.1    O an nabiyyu / the one who establish and pronounce (news of the ghaib), why do you make tuharrimu / forbidden what Allah has made ahalla / permissible for you, tabtaghi / bargaining mardata / pleasure of azwaajika / your pair (zakara / masculine attributes like being linear, focus, logic and assertive and unsa / feminine attributes like love, acceptance and care)? Allah is Forgiver, Merciful (in giving His knowledge).  

66.2    Indeed Allah has farado / made obligatory upon you tahillata / to take into effect aymaanikum / your right (deeds aligned to good moral behaviour). And Allah is your maula / intrusted guardian, and He is the Knowledgeable, the Wise. 

66.3    And when an nabiyyu / the one who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) asarra / confided to one of azwajihi / his pair (zakara / divine masculine attributes and unsa / divine feminine attributes), hadithan / a representation of reality, then when he naba'at / informed (news of the ghaib) with it and Allah zhahara / manifest it to him, he recognized part of it and avoid part. So when he informed her, she said: “Who informed you of this?” He said: “I was informed by the All Knowledgeable, the All Aware.” 

66.4    If the two of you (the zakara / masculine attributes (linear, focus, logic, assertive) and the unsa / feminine attributes (love, care, compassion) turn to Allah, then surely your hearts (pull of affection) inclined to both. And if you tazhaharu / manifest together against him, then indeed Allah is his mawla / intrusted guardian, and so are Jibril / faculty of mind that decode the hidden message and salehul mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind) to reform.  And, the malaaikah / faculty of authorities, are his helpers. 

66.5    Perhaps his Rabb / Lord thollaqakunna / would separate you that he will substitute you for Him, azwajan / a pair (zakara / divine masculine attribute and unsa / divine feminine attributes) who are better than you; muslimaat / those who submit (with intuitive mind receiving revelation from Allah), mukminaat / those who take security (with intuitive mind), qaanitan / devout, taaibatin / repentant, 'aabidatin / serving, saa'ihatin / explore, thayyibatin / mature and abkaaran / fresh. 

66.6    O you who aamanu / take security (in al kitab), be mindful to anfusakum /  your self / your soul and your ahli / those acquainted, of naran / an internal conflict (that burn an-nas by bringing about heated arguments) her fuel is an-nas / the agitated mind and hijarah / hard headed mind (not accepting new and fresh knowledge). Over it are malaaikah / faculty of mind with authority, severely difficult for those who do not disobey Allah in what He commanded them; and they carry out what they are commanded. 

66.7    O you who have kafaru / rejected, do not ta'taziru / find a reason for the moment (of severely difficult moment). You are being requited only for what you did. 

66.8    O you who aamanu / take security (in al kitab), repent to Allah tawbatan nasuhan / a sincerely advised repentance. It may be that your Rabb / Lord will yukaffira / cover from you, your sins and admit you into jannatin / hidden garden of knowledge with tajri / flow of knowledge flowing beneath them. At that moment, Allah will not disappoint the nabiyya / one who establish and pronounce (news of the ghaib) and those who aamanu / took security with him and with aymanihim / their right (experience based on factual knowledge). Their nur / light of pure knowing yas'a / will strive between their hands (evil / fake knowledge they withhold). They will say: “Our Rabb / Lord, keep perfect our light for us, and forgive us; certainly You measure over all things.” 

66.9    O an nabiyyu / the one who establish and pronounce (news of the ghaib), jahidu / struggle against the kuffara / rejecters and the munafiqin / those who self-experience (with their logic) and aghluzh / be difficult with them. Their abode is jahannam / dark hole of ignorance and stagnancy, and a miserable destiny. 

66.10    Allah puts forth mathalan / an example of those who kafaru / have rejected, imraata / obstinate / stubborn thoughts of Nuhin /  one who is compassionate to those who forget and imraata / stubborn / obstinate thought of Lut / the one adhered to attachment. Kanata / they were tahta / under (the control of) two servants from Our servants that solehain / reform their souls, but they betrayed them and, consequently, they could not help them at all against Allah. And it was said: “Enter the nar / internal conflicts (that burn your an-nas), both of you, with those who will enter it.” 

66.11    And Allah puts forth mathalan / an example of those who aamanu / take security (in al kitab) imraata / obstinate / stubborn thought of firaun / superiority complex when she said: “My Rabbi / Lord, build baitan / a mental home for me (housing knowledge of the truth) near You in jannah / hidden garden of knowledge, and save me from firaun / superiority complex and his deeds; and save me from the zhalimin / wrongdoing qaum / group of thoughts.” 

66.12    And Maryama / urge to discover (the best among all the knowledgeables), abnata / theoretical construct of Imran / those who are inclined to revive the deen, who ahshanat / fortify their deeds (with true knowledge) of farjaha / her exposure, so We blew into it from Our ruh / spirit, and she saddaqat / truthful / genuine with words of her Rabb / Lord and His kutubihi / inherit scripts; and she was of those who were devout. 

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