(The Levels Of Ascension)


Al-Maarij represents the levels of ascension, depicting the trajectory of awareness in our evolutionary journey. It involves elevating our faculties of authority and expanding our spirit of consciousness from basic individual awareness to the universal unity consciousness of the absolute, irreducible oneness of existence. Allah is the possessor of this ascension, and nothing else, including our conceptualized soul, has a place in it. The measure of success lies in the corresponding dissolution of impurities and the dispelling of the illusory existence of otherness.

This Surah describes the elevation of faculties of authority and spirit as akin to permeating murky oil, deliberately flowing and gradually opening the path for embodying our higher self. Patience is a prerequisite for this flow, as impurities include fixed-headed thoughts at the cellular level, emotional attachments, conflicting thoughts vying for dominance, and thoughts violating the beautifully constructed covenant. Additionally, thoughts from the same cloud of brotherly thoughts, such as liberality and courage, can misguide with negativity, creating flames of conflicts in the pursuit of truth and the embodiment of our higher self.

The "insaan," one familiar with the truth, seeks to evolve towards embodying that truth. Success for insaan in achieving perfection lies in "aqimus salaah," establishing a connection with Al Kitab (our inherent script) to download and accept guidance for evolution and ascension. Constantly establishing such a connection, they accumulate knowledge from Al Kitab, enabling them to recalibrate their mind, body, and soul for the embodiment of their higher self.

They find themselves in Jannah, hidden gardens of knowledge, where they witness the truth, enlighten themselves, and draw near to Allah, becoming the honored ones. 



By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated hidden meaning to it's name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide the abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman).

70.1    Question a questioner about a punishment waaqi' / that has occurred

70.2    To the kaafirin / rejecters; no daafiq / deflector for it

70.3    From Allah, possessor of the maarij / ascension

70.4    The malaaikah / faculty of authority (in our mind) and the ruh / spirit ascend to Him in a moment is miqdaruhu / whose measurement is khamsina alfi sanah / fifty thousand years.

70.5    So be patient with a jamilan / beautiful patience (that is abled to dissolve the impurities).

70.6    Indeed, they see it, ba'idan / a remote matter (in respect to dissolve the impurities),

70.7    But We see it, qariban / a near affair.

70.8    Moment the samaa'u / higher consciousness will be like almuhli / the murky oil (deliberately moving / opening up slowly),

70.9    And the jibaalu / fixed headed (thoughts) will be like the 'ihni / wool (loosen),

70.10    And no hamimun / heated conflicting thought will ask hamiman / a heated (of another) conflicting thought,

70.11    They (the heated conflicting thoughts) will have basharu / insights of each other. The mujrimu / one who violated the covenant if he yaftadi / could be redeemed from the punishment of that moment bibanihi / with his construct

70.12    And saahibatihi / his companions (thoughts given birth by his mind) from same cloud of thoughts and akhihi / his brotherly thoughts (like leberality and courage)

70.13    And fashilatihi / his detailed explanation who shelter him (supported him)

70.14    And whoever is in the ardh / lower consciousness jami'an / altogether then yunjihi / it (his detailed explanation) will save him (from misguidance).

70.15    Lo and behold! Indeed, it lazho / flame (to navigate the challenges to seek the truth),

70.16    Nazza'atan / a dispute (to the established thoughts) for shawaa / outer layers of understanding (to gain insights into the true nature of reality).

70.17    It calls (invites) whoever adbara / pondered and tawalla / revert (to the truth)

70.18    And jama'a / gathered (the knowledge) then aw'aa / be conscious (of its presence).

70.19    Indeed, the insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, evolved halu'an / yearning towards perfection

70.20    When the sharru / evil touches him, jazu'an / affected by a distress,

70.21    And when the khoiru / good touches him, manu'an / (the detailed explanation) a hinderance (against encroachment of desires that turn him away from the truth),

70.22    Except the musallin / the ones who are connected (for hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download),

70.23    They are those who are daa'imun / constant over their salla / connection (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice)

70.24    And they are those within their amwaa / wealth of knowledge, is a haqqun ma'lum / known truth

70.25    Lilsaa'ili / for those who ask, and the mahrum / forbidden

70.26    And those who yusoddiqun / are truthful with moment of the deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment)

70.27    And they are mushfiqun / ones who are fearful of the punishment of their Rabb / Lord

70.28    Indeed, punishment of their Rabb / Lord is not that from ma'mun / state which one is secured

70.29    And those who khofizun / preserve furujihim / their exposures

70.30    Except from azwaajihim / their pair (zakara / divine masculine attributes and unsa / divine feminine attributes from their Rabb, or ma malakat aymaanuhum / what authority they have, to do their right (right here represent correct, based on truth, good moral in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others), then indeed, they are not malumin / to be blamed.

70.31    But whoever ibtagha / seeks beyond that, then they are the 'aadun / that refuses to accept the truth (resulting in repetitive thoughts in their limited independent logical mind).

70.32    And they are those who observe attentively (to keep it upright) their trusts and covenant

70.33    And they are those who qaaimun / establish with their syahadah / witness (taking notice of the certainty of realities)

70.34    And they are those who yuhaafizun / preserve solatihim / their connection (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice)

70.35    They are those in jannaatin / hidden gardens of knowledge, mukramun / one who is honored.

70.36    So what is with those who kafaru / reject (Al Kitab / inherent script), muhthi'in / one who retreated in fear,

70.37    (Scrambling) from the yamin / right (experiences to be based on factual knowledge) and the shimal / left (experiences to be based on illusory knowledge), izin / in support (of their fear)?

70.38    Does every amri'in / practical experiencers among them aspire to enter jannatan na'im / a delightful hidden garden of knowledge (from rational and sensible thoughts)?

70.39    Rather! Indeed, We have evolved them from what they know.

70.40    So I swear (that I will dissolve all attachments) with the Rabb / Lord of the mashaariq / illuminated state (with guidance from state of darkness / without guidance) and the maghaarib / state of darkness / without guidance (from state of illumination / with guidance), indeed surely it is qaadirun / measurable.

70.41    Tubaddila / to replace that over them (thoughts related to attachments) a better from among them; and we are not bimasbuqin / with what has preceded.

70.42    So leave them behind yakhudu / (those who) enter falsely (deluded, unsubstantiated and vain elements in Our ayaati / signs) and yal'abu / playing until they meet their moment which they yu'adun / are promised,

70.43    The moment they will emerge from the ajdathi / mental preparation sira'an / swift (in their course), as if they were toward nushubin / clearly distinguishable (marked) yufidun / hastiness.

70.44    Their insights humbled, covering them with dhillah / humiliation. That is the moment which they yu'adun / had been promised.



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