Surah Al Qamar is about the deceptive knowledge that needed to be identified, isolated and discarded when you want to establish your understanding of the truth from the ayaati / signs you read.  Deceptive knowledge refers to knowledge that is misleading or false.  It can be presented in a way that seems authoritative and reliable, but it is actually misleading and manipulative.  It is important to be aware and to carefully evaluate the information that we rely on.  

There are several attitudes or cognitive biases of our agitated mind that potentially trap us into considering the deceptive knowledge as true and valid :

a)    Confirmation bias : This is the tendency to seek out information that confirms to our existing beliefs and ignore information that contradicts them.  When we only seek out information that supports what we already believe, we will say the information that does not confirm to our beliefs as sihrun mustamirrun (a diversion of one who is nobody),

b)    Emotional reasoning :  This is the tendency to make judgments and decisions based on emotions, rather than on objective evidence and factual information.   

c)    Authority bias : This is the tendency to trust information that come from perceived authorities without questioning or verifying the accuracy of the information.

d)    Overconfidence bias : This is the tendency to be overly confident in our own knowledge and abilities.

e)    Bandwagon effect : This is the tendency to believe something simply because many other people believe it.  We can be susceptible to defective knowledge that has gained widespread acceptance, even if it is not actually true.  

If you turn to your Rabb for help when your cognitive biases hold you back,  Allah will open the gates of higher consciousness and reveal the truth through ayaati / signs.  Will there be any who take notice?  Allah always make it easy for us to understand the Quran / expression of truth that is embedded in the ayaati / signs, but there are those who deny them, just like the established thoughts of Aad, Thamud,  Lut and those acquainted with firaun.  Those who choose to separate themselves and rely fully on their own knowledge and abilities, Allah will destroy them.  Those who have subdued their arrogance and is mindful of Allah,  Allah will place them in jannatin / hidden garden of knowledge consuming the knowledge that flowed in to them..  Everything will be written in their zuburi / intelligence that is determined and shaped (in relation to the realisation of meaning with insights and conscious understanding).   

(The Deceptive Knowledge)

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman).   

54.1    The saa'ah / moment of understanding the truth iqtarabat / is approaching, and the qamar / deceptive knowledge is inshaqqa / isolated and discarded. 

54.2    And if they see ayaatan / a sign, yukridu / appear and they say: “sihrun mustamirrun / a diversion of one who is passing by (of a person who is not at all important)” 

54.3    And kazzabu / they denied, and followed their desires, but every amrin / order (is for) mustaqirrun / one who ongoingly desirous for stability.

54.4    And certainly, while the anba'i / news (of the ghaib) had come to them wherein in it muzdajar / refrain oneself (so that they follow their perception).

54.5    Hikmatun baalighah / A complete delivery of the message that is understood  with clear proof; so the warnings (news) are considered not necessary (because he considers himself free from need).

54.6    Fatawalla / so turn away from them; (the) moment will call the caller to a thing nukurin / a mistrust (he does not trust the news received).

54.7    With absoruhum / their insight khushh'an / focus (on their own thinking), they come out of the ajdathi / buried (what they are ignorant of) as if they jaradun / a slow destruction of their way of life (like locusts stripped the land of its herbage) of muntashirun / one who is charmed (self absorbed with his own thinking).

54.8    Muhti'ina / One who retreated in fear towards the caller (after experiencing the misjudgment),  will say to the kafirun / rejecters (of the ayaati / signs): “This is a moment of 'asar / state where you gradually loosing the guidance.”

54.9    Qaum / group of established thoughts of Nuh / one who is compassion to those who do not remember, who denied (the ayaati) before them, they denied Our servant and said: “majnun / souls hidden and disconnected from awareness”.

54.10    So he called on his Rabb / Lord: “I am maghlubun / beaten (in a state of being overpowered), fantasir / so grant me help.” 

54.11    Fafatahna / So We opened (decoded) abwaaba / gates (of perception) of the samaa'i / higher consciousness with knowledge (of the truth) pouring down.

54.12    And We caused springs of knowledge to burst out of the ardh / lower conscousness. Thus the flow of knowledge met to a command which had been qudira / measured.

54.13    We hamal / conceived it (knowledge from higher consciousness) upon his core essence of the alwah / localised content of the consciousness and dusurin / (form) a foundation.

54.14    It flowed with a'yunina / Our observation; a reward to whoever kufira / has rejected.

54.15    And certainly We have left it as ayaatan / a sign.  Are there any muddakkirin / one who will be aware ?

54.16    So how was My azabi / punishment and nuzuri / warnings!

54.17    And certainly, yassarna / We have made it easy (to understand the truth with success of) the Qur’an / expression of the truth (from higher consciousness) lizzikri / for awareness.   Are there any muddakkirin / one who want to be aware?

54.18    ‘Aad / a repetitive thought kazzabat / denied. So how was My punishment and warnings!

54.19    Indeed, We sent upon them (those who denied) rihan sorsoran / a violent spirit, in moment of nahsin mustamirrin / misery that pass by (not important).

54.20    Tanzi'u / It uprooted an-nas / the agitated mind as if they were a'jaza / powerless nakhlin / the best that are organised munqa'irin / who felt it deeply. 

54.21    So how was My punishment and warnings!

54.22    And certainly, We made it easy (to understand the truth with success of) the Qur’an / expression of the truth (from higher consciousness) for awareness.   Are there (any) from muddakirin / one who want to be aware?

54.23    Thamud / that accept which is not true, denied with an-nuzur / the warnings.

54.24    Then said: “'Is it abasharan / a sensible thought from one of us (that) we should follow?  Indeed we will then dholaalin / go astray and (be in) su'urin / an intense fire of internal conflicts.”

54.25    “Has the zikru / awareness come down to him from among us? He is kazzabun ashirun / an intimate denier that is acquainted.”

54.26    They will find out ghadan / an early digestion (of knowledge) who the 'ashiru / intimate acquiantance is.

54.27    Indeed, We are sending the naqati / a sound thought (signify free from defects and imperfections) as a trial for them.  So observe them closely and be patient.

54.28    And inform (news of the ghaib) them that the water (knowledge that give life to the self) qismatun / shall be shared between them; each shall be allowed to shirbin / consume the knowledge, muhthodarun / one in the presence (of Allah).

54.29    Fanadau / but they called their companion (thoughts givem birth by their mind), fata'atho / raising hand (as an act of defiance / resistance) then 'aqaru / unproductive (came to nothing).

54.30    So how was My punishment and warnings! 

54.31    Indeed, We sent upon them shoihatan waahidatan / a single cry out (responding to the act of resistance), whereupon they became kahashimin / hollow (like empty barrel is loud), muhtazhiri / one who is inaccessible.  

54.32    And certainly, We have made it easy (to understand the truth with success of) the Qur’an / expression of truth (from higher consciousness) for awareness.  Are there any from muddakirin / one who want to be aware ?

54.33    Qaumul Lut / group of established thoughts of those who used to adhere (to the judgment of Allah) kazzabat / lied (in his instigating and inciting) with the warners 

54.34    Certainly, We sent upon them hasiban / a violent confusion.  Except for the 'ala Lut / those acquianted in the adherance (to judgment of Allah), We saved them with saharin / a diversion.

54.35    Nikmatan / an enjoyable and pleasant thought from Us; it is thus that We reward whoever is thankful.

54.36    And certainly, he warned them about bathshatana / Our assault, but they doubt with the warnings.

54.37    And certainly, they wish to remove him from dhoifihi / his inclination to the truth; fathomasna / so We blinded their vision.  So taste My punishment and My warning.

54.38    And certainly, sobbahahum / their early light of understanding, (will be) bukratan / an early azabun mustaqar / one who ongoingly desirous for punishment.

54.39    “Taste My punishment and My warnings.”

54.40    And certainly, We have made it easy (to understand the truth with success of) the Qur’an / expression of truth (from higher consciousness) for awareness.  Are there any from muddakirin / one who want to be aware ?

54.41    Indeed, warnings had come to aala firaun / those who are acquianted to superiority complex.

54.42    They lied (said that is untrue) with all Our ayaati / signs. So We took them, the taking of the Mighty, muqtadirin / One who measure all things.

54.43    Are your rejecters (aala firaun / those who are acquainted to superiority complex) better than those (Our ayaati / signs)? Or have you been in bara'atun / absolved (free from obligation to look at Allah's ayaati /signs) by the zuburi / intelligence (of your own) ?

54.44    Or do they say: “We are jami'an / an assembly of muntashirun / those who help each other.” 

54.45    Al jamu'u / the assembly will be defeated; and they yuwalluna / will turn around (abandon) the zubura / intelligence (of their own).

54.46    Rather, the saa'ah / moment of truth (of direct experience) is their promised, and the saa'ah / moment of truth (of direct experience of their own) is adha / intelligence that is inclined to deluding others and amarru / passed over (that is intelligence that has be conditioned, passed over the state of its purity).

54.47    Certainly, the mujrimin / one who violated the covenant are in dholalin / astray and su'urin / will burn intensely. 

54.48    Yawma / moment when they yushabun / will be dragged upon wujuhihim / their focus to care (for growth) into the nar / fire of conflict: “Taste the agony of the scorching heat (of conflicts)!”  

54.49    Indeed, everything We khalaqna / have evolved are with qadirin / a measure.  

54.50    And Our command is wahidah / singular, like a look with the bashari / insight. 

54.51    And certainly, We have destroyed your counterparts (that separate themselves).  So is (there) any from muddakir / one who want to be aware? 

54.52    And everything they had done, is in the zuburi / intelligence (of their own). 

54.53    And everything, soghirin / subdued and kabirin / arrogant, mustatharun / one who is committed (written in the zuburi). 

54.54    Certainly, the muttaqeen / one who is mindful (of Allah) is in jannatin / hidden garden of knowledge and naharin / a flow (of it). 

54.55    In maq'adi / foundation of shidqin / truthfulnes, by malikin / a position of authority, muqtadin / one who is perfect in measurement. 

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