(Unpretentious understanding)


An inherent script is unveiled by our Lord, manifesting itself through signs that intricately detail the truths, supported by factual knowledge and in harmony with the laws of nature. This profound message is conveyed through our inner voice, awakening our consciousness to serve Allah alone and seek forgiveness and repentance. As a warner, endowed with rational thoughts, it instills trust within us and stimulates the impetus for transformation.

Allah evolves the higher consciousness and lower consciousness in six phases.  His structure or framework has been built upon knowledge in the following stages ;

  1. The barriers of the darkness (no knowledge of the truth) must be removed before punishment comes because once it arrives, it will be irreversible.

  2. There will be a state of luminosity (giving brightness so that you now can see the knowledge of the truth) once the barriers of darkness are removed, and Allah will grant you a glimpse of His abstract system of education.

  3. The agitated mind can delude you, so it is important to remain patient and cultivate corrective actions.

  4. Allah does not bestow a treasure of knowledge all at once. Instead, His revelations sparkle and are bestowed according to His command.

  5. Those who possess understanding of the revelations will find security in it and will grow by resolving incorrect information, falsehoods, misunderstandings, and distorted knowledge, among other things.

  6. Those who find security will transcend their conceptual self and abide in their true essence.

Initially, there are inner voices that deliver messages by bringing news (that lead to the truth) and advice to serve Allah alone. One should rely on them with devotion, receive the message, and evolve through the six stages in order to achieve success. However, there are those who turn away and do not find security in the message of truth from their Lord. In response, Allah sends additional inner voices to retrace the news, calm the mind, and bring the truth, lessons to be learned, and an awareness to find security in the message.

So Allah sent Nuh, who is compassionate towards those who do not adhere to their covenant with Allah, to warn and remind them to serve only Allah and honor their covenant. They should strive to avoid going astray and find solace in Al Kitab, while nurturing the growth of truth. As the process of nurturing truth progresses, obstinate thoughts will mock Nuh. It is decreed that when Allah issues His command, the chamber will burst forth, germinating the truth.  Allah reveals the message of truth, and it is the role of your fatherly independent support and motherly support from external inputs to contemplate and contribute to the matured understanding of this truth.

Then Allah sent Hud, who possesses an unpretentious understanding of the truth, to Aad, a community with repetitive established thoughts and a stagnant pattern of life. Hud advises them to serve only Allah and to rely with devotion upon Him. The truth originates from your Lord, so pursue its revelation with eagerness, diligence, and energy.  Those remain stubborn,  Allah curses them in this duniya (close attachments and relations) and the moment of standing (to dissolve your illusory thoughts).  So away with the repetitive thoughts that carry a stagnant pattern of life.  

Further Allah sent Salleh, the one who corrects oneself, to Thamud, a community exhausted from their labor and lacking in reform. He emphasizes that the message revealed by Allah is factual, free from defects and imperfections, a sound thought.  Therefore, consume this knowledge using your intelligence freely, but do not pollute or distort the message received from Allah.  Those who disable this sound thought, they become lifeless in their dwelling in the lower consciousness.  It is as if they never lived there.  So away with those who exhaust themselves with no reform.

Certainly, Allah then sent Ibrahim, one who is committed to the truth, bringing with him a profound message to address those who are exhausted from diligently practicing the commands of Allah but have not yet embraced, received, and understood the message of truth. Those obstinate thoughts that persist in their stubbornness will continue relying solely on their own limited understanding and will be unable to embrace and receive the message from their Lord. Let those stubborn thoughts depart and be enveloped in the cover of darkness, deprived of guidance from their Lord.

Allah sent Shuaib, one who gathers and brings unity, to a community that follows a truthful way of life, consciously obeying Allah's judgments. He advises them to serve only Allah and not to disregard the importance of their intellect, which plays an equitable role in understanding the message. However, those who persist stubbornly, relying solely on their own limited understanding and disregarding Allah's revelations, essentially wrong themselves and become lifeless in their narrow-mindedness. Away with their so-called truthful way of life that consciously disobeys Allah's judgments.

Indeed, Allah sent Musa, one who is matured and familiar with the truth, to Pharaoh, a dictator with a superiority complex, along with those whose thoughts are also filled with superiority complex. Musa clarifies that they are treading a path devoid of guidance. Without a doubt, Musa then replaces their erroneous thoughts with the truth. However, only a few were saved by Allah, as the rest violated their covenant.

To Allah belongs the world of the unseen, which encompasses knowledge beyond cognitive perception, and to Him, all matters ultimately return. Allah is not unaware of your actions.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar  Rahman). 

11.1.    Alif, Lam, Ra.  Alif signify the oneness reality of being.  Lam represent the manifestation of the reality in the form of His representations and Ra represent the support you received from your Rabb / Lord.   Kitabun / an inherent script (from your Rabb) whose ayaatu / signs are uhkimat / judicious (consistent with the law of nature) then fussilat / in detail ladun / directly from (first person experience), Wise and All Aware.  

11.2.    Do not serve but Allah.  Indeed, I am to you from Him a warner and bashirun / sensible thoughts (who trust transformation and will stimulate you to be the one who transform). 

11.3.    And seek forgiveness of your Rabb / Lord then repent to Him,  He will let you enjoy a good provision for a specified term and give every doer of fadhlin / given advantage His fadhla / given advantage.  But if you turn away, then indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a great moment. 

11.4.    To Allah is your return, and He is over all things competent. 

11.5.    No doubt, surely they yathnuna / fold up their sudur / awareness (what they sought if folded up in their awareness) that they may hide from Him. No doubt, when they cover with their returning (to Allah), (He) knows what they conceal and what they declare. Indeed, He is Knowing of what is the sudur / awareness (thing other than Allah that they folded).

11.6.    And there is no daabatin / stimulating freshness in al-ardh / lower consciousness but upon Allah is its provision, and He knows its mustaqar / place of stability and mustawda'a / place of development. All is in a clear kitaabin / inherent script.

11.7.    And it is He who evolved the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness in six phases / moments (progressive stages) - and His arshuhu / framework / structure had been upon almaa' / the knowledge - that He might test you as to which of you is best in deed. But if you say, "Indeed, you are resurrected after the mauti / destituteness," those who kafaru / reject / cover (the truth) will surely say, "This is not but obvious sihrun / diversion from the right course."

11.8.    And if We hold back from them the punishment for a limited time, they will surely say, "What detains it?" Unquestionably, on the moment it comes to them, it will not be averted from them, and they will be enveloped by what they with it, yastahzi'un / disregard / contempt.

11.9.    And if We give al insaan / the one who is aligned with the truth, to taste (self-experience) rahmatan / blessings of fresh knowledge from Us, then We removed it from him, surely he will be despairing / hopeless, a rejecter.

11.10.    And if we give him to taste (self-experience) the blessing after harm touched him definitely he will say the hurtnesses / badnesses went away from me.  Surely he is rejoiceful, boastful.

11.11    Except those who have sabaru / patience and 'amilu solihat / correctional deeds.  They are those for them is forgiveness and ajrun kabir / a great reward.

11.12    So perhaps you ignore some of what is inspired to you, and you are dho'iqun / depressed by it, sadruka / your awareness because they say, "Why has there not been sent down to him a treasure or come with him malakun / an authority?" But you are only a warner.  And Allah is wakil / trusted custodian over all things. 

11.13    Or they may say he invented it, say come with 'ashari / assembly of invented surahs / overpowering influences (to your mind) like it, and call whomsoever you can other than Allah if you are truthful. 

11.14    So, if they do not respond to you, then know that it has been revealed with the knowledge of Allah, and that there is no ilaah / fundamental reality of being except He. Will you then submit?  

11.15    Whoever wants the hayaata duniya / living temptations (of close attachments and relations) and its adornments, then We will grant them their works in it, and they will not be short changed in it.

11.16    These will have nothing but an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) in the aakhirah / ending, and what they have done will be baathil / in falsehood, and what they have worked.

11.17    So who is on clarity from his Rabb / Lord and a witness recites it from it.  And from before it is kitabu / a script of Musa (the one who is matured and familiar with the truth), imaman / a leader (who guides by Allah's command) and rahmatan / a mercy (for the approval of Allah's system of education).  They take security with it and whosoever rejects with it from the groups so an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) is his promised place.  So you do not be in doubt from it.  Surely it is the truth from your Rabb / Lord but the majority of an-nas / agitated mind do not take security. 

11.18    And who is more azlamu / wrong / unjust than he who invents lies about Allah? They will be displayed before their Rabb / Lord, and the witnesses will say: “These are the ones who have lied about their Rabb / Lord.” Alas, the curse of Allah will be upon the zalimin / wrongdoers.

11.19    (The zalimin) Those who turn away from the path of Allah and they seek iwajan / a distortion (of the message); and they with the aakhirah / ending (dissolution of duniya and attachments) they are kaafirun / rejecters.

11.20    These are the ones who will not escape in al ardh / the lower consciousness, nor do they have besides Allah any allies. The retribution will be doubled for them. They were not able to hear, nor could they yubsirun / have insights.

11.21    They are the ones who have lost anfusahum / their souls, and what they had invented (the lies) has abandoned them.  

11.22    There is no jarama / violation of the covenant, that in the aakhirati / ending they are the losers.  

11.23    Those who aamanu / take security (with Allah) and 'amilu solihat / do corrective deeds, and humble towards their Rabb / Lord; they are ashhabu / companions (thoughts of the pure mind) of Jannah / hidden garden of knowledge, in it they will remain.

11.24    The example of the two groups is like the blind and deaf, and the seer and hearer.  Are they the same when compared? Do you not tazakkarun / embody masculine faculty (of Allah. that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) ?

11.25    And We had sent Nuhan / one who is compassion, to his qaum / group of established thoughts: “I am to you a clear warner!”

11.26    “That you serve none but Allah. I fear for you the retribution of a painful moment.”

11.27    The mala'u (mind filled with obstinate thoughts) who rejected from among his qaum / group of established thoughts said: “We do not see you (Nuh) except as basharan / a sensible thought like us, and we see that only the lowest among us who have no opinion have followed you. And we do not see fadhlin / a given advantage that makes you better than us; in fact, we think you are liars.”

11.28    He said: “O my qaum / group of established thoughts, do you see that should I be upon a clarity from my Rabb / Lord, and He has given me rahmatan / a mercy (for the approval of Allah's system of education) from His nearnest, that you may be blinded to it? Shall we compel you to it while in fact you hate it?”

11.29    “And my qaum / group of established thoughts, I do not ask you for wealth of knowledge, my reward (seeking of knowledge) is from Allah. Nor will I turn away those who aamanu / take security, for they will meet their Rabb / Lord. But I see that you are qauman / a group of established thoughts who are ignorant (who do not possess knowledge because you consciously ignore seeking knowledge).”

11.30    “And my qaumi / group of established thoughts, who will help me against Allah if I turn them away? Will you not tazzakkarun / embody masculine faculty (that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive)?”

11.31    “Nor do I say to you that I have the treasures (patterns and meanings of the signs) of Allah, nor do I know the ghaiba / knowledge of the. hidden, nor do I say that I am malakun / state with sovereign authority, nor do I say to those whom your eyes look down upon that Allah will not grant them any good. Allah is aware of what is in anfusihim / their souls; in such case I would be among zalimin / who wronged themselves.”  

11.32    They said: “O Nuhu / one who is compassionate, you jadaltana / have been in contention with us, fa'akthalna / then We mediated jidaalana / (you) continued contention with us, so bring us what you promise us if you are of the truthful ones.”  

11.33    He said: “It is Allah who will bring it to you if you will (earnestly want); you do not have any strength.”  

11.34    “And my advice will not benefit you if I wanted to advise you that Allah wanted that you should go astray.  He is your Rabb / Lord, and to Him you will return.”  

11.35    Or do they say: “He (Nuh) invents it (to bring forth what is promised)?” Say: “If I invent it, then I am responsible for ijrami / incriminating to violate the covenant, and I am absolved from your tujrimuna / incrimination to violate the covenant.”  

11.36    And it was inspired to Nuhin / one who is compassionate: “That he will never yukminu / take security from your qaum / group of established thoughts except those who already aamana / taken security. So do not be saddened by what they have done.”

11.37    “And construct the fulki / germination of the truth under Our eyes and Our inspiration, and do not tukhatibni / address to Me regarding those who are zalimu / wronged (reject the notion to unbecome the become). They will be drowned.”

11.38    And as he was constructing the fulka / gemination of the truth, every time passed over him mala'un / those whose minds are filled with obstinate thoughts, from his qaum / group of established thoughts, they mocked him. He said: “If you mock us, then we also mock you as you mock.”

11.39    “You will know to whom the azabun / punishment will come to disgrace him, and yahillu / lawful upon him will be a mukimun / lasting / continuing punishment.”

11.40    Until, when Our command came and the chamber erupted (and the truth is germinated). We said: “Ahmil / conceive / carry in it a pair (zakara and unsa) from each kind, and your ahle / those who are acquainted; except those against whom the saying has been issued; and whoever has aamana / taken security.” But those who aamana / has taken security with him were few.

11.41    And he said: “Embark in it, in the name of Allah its discourse and its established understanding. My Lord is Forgiving, Merciful (showering the approved knowledge).”

11.42    And while it was embarking with them in waves like jibal / hard headed complex thoughts (intolerant and obstinate), Nuhun (one who is compassionate) called to his abna / construction of the truth, who was in an isolated place: “O my bunaiya / thoughts embarking in the constructions, embark with us, and do not be with the kafirin / rejecters!”

11.43    He said: “I will take refuge to the jabalin / hard headed complex thoughts which will protect me from the maa'i / knowledge.” He said: “There is no protection from the decree of Allah except for those He has granted raheem / mercy from the knowlege He showered.” And the wave (of knowledge) came between them, so he was one of those who drowned.

11.44    And it was said: “O ardhu / lower consciousness, swallow your maa'i / knowledge, and O samaa'u / higher consciousness, 'aqli'i / eradicate (to abrogate or cancel it).” And the knowledge was diminished, and the matter concluded. And it came to rest on the judi / excellent performance, and it was said: “Away with the qaumi / group of established thoughts who are zalimin / wrong-doers.”

11.45    And Nuhun / one who is compassionate called on his Rabb / Lord, then he said: “My Rabb / Lord, my abni / contruction of the truth is from my ahle / thoughts that are acquianted, and surely your promise is the truth, and you are the Wisest of all Judges.”

11.46    He said: “O Nuhu / one who is compassionate, surely he is not from your ahle / thoughts that are acquainted, surely his amalun / deeds was not a corrective one, so do not ask what you have no knowledge of. I advise you not to be of the jaahilin / nescient (those who are neglectfully uninformed ).”

11.47    He said: “My Rabb / Lord, I seek refuge with You from asking You what I do not have knowledge of. And if You do not forgive me and have mercy (by showering the true knowledge) on me, I will be of the losers!”

11.48    It was said: “O Nuhu / one who is compassionate, descend (bring your soul down from being obstinate) with peace from Us and blessings (remain in peace) upon you and umamin / guide or lead (with Allah's command) from those with you. And umamun / guide or lead (with Allah's command) whom We will give enjoyment, then a painful retribution will reach them from Us.” 

11.49    This is from anbaa'i / news of the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden, that We inspire to you. Neither did you nor your qaum / group of established thoughts know this, so be patient; indeed the 'akibah / consequence is for the muttaqeen /  those who are mindful of Allah.

11.50    And to ‘Aad / repetitive thoughts was sent their brother Hud / one who is unpretentious (possesses the knowledge of the truth but not attempting to impress).  He said: “O My qaum / group of established thoughts, serve Allah, and you have no ilaah / fundamental reality of being besides Him; you are simply conjecturing (guessing).”

11.51    “O my qaum / group of established thoughts, I do not ask you for any reward, my reward is from the One who has fatarani / originated me. Will you not ta'qilun / comprehend (use your pure logical mind)?”  

11.52    “And my qaum / group of established thoughts, seek forgiveness from your Rabb / Lord, then repent to Him; He will send the samaa'a / higher consciousnesss to you (showering of the truth) abundantly, and He will add might to your might. So do not turn away as mujrimin / one who violated the covenant.”

11.53    They said: “O Hud / the one who is unpretentious (but knowing the truth), you have not come to us with any proof, nor will we leave our aaliha / realities based on what you say. We will not bimikminin / with those who take security (with independent logical mind).”

11.54    “All we can say is that perhaps some of our aaliha / realities have seized you with evil.” He said: “I make Allah my witness, and all of you witness, that I am dissociated of what you have set up.”

11.55    “From besides Him, so plan against me all of you, then do not give me respite (you can act against me immediately from what you plan - do not give me time).”

11.56    “Indeed I tawakkal / relied (with devotion) upon Allah, my Rabb / Lord and your Rabb / Lord.  (There is) Not from a daabatin / stimulating freshness (of the truth) but He will seize it by its forelock (that is pursuing towards the revelation with eagerness, diligence and energy). My Rabb / Lord is on a straight path (a path based on the truth).”

11.57    “So, if you turn away, then surely I have delivered what I have been sent to you with it, and my Rabb / Lord will bring after you a qaum / group of established thoughts who yastahlifu / will represent you; and you cannot harm Him the least. Indeed my Rabb / Lord is hafizun / Preserver over all things.”

11.58    And when Our command came, We saved Hudan / an unpretentious character and those who had taken security with him by rahmatin / an abstract system of education from Us, and We saved them from a mighty punishment.

11.59    Such was the case of ‘Aad / that refuses to accept the truth. They disregarded the ayaati / signs of their Rabb / Lord, and they disobeyed His rasul / inner voice (that delivers the truth), and they followed the command of every stubborn / complex thought.

11.60    And they were followed by laknatan / a curse / condemnation in this duniya / close attachments and relations and on the moment of standing / establishing.  Unquestionably,  ‘Aad / that refuses to accept the truth, rejected their Rabb / Lord. Unquestionably, for ‘Aad / that refuses to accept the truth, bu'dan / a distant away of qaumi Hud / established thoughts of impretentious character.

11.61    And to Thamud / that accept which is not true, was their brotherly thought Saleh / thought that reform.  He (Saleh) said: “O my qaum / group of established thoughts (that accept which is not true), serve Allah, you have no ilaahin / reality from besides Him.  He has raised you from the lower consciousness, and has made you settle in it; so seek His forgiveness, then repent to Him.  My Lord is Near, Responsive.”  

11.62    They said: “O Saleh / one who correct himself, surely you were well liked among us before this. Do you prohibit us from serving what our aaba / that foster fatherly supports (independent logical mind) served? We are in serious doubt as to what you are inviting us.” 

11.63    He said: “O my qaum / group of established thoughts, do you see that should I be upon a clarity from my Rabb / Lord, and He has given me rahmatan / an abstract system of education from Himself. Who would then support me against Allah if I disobey Him? You would only increase me in loss!”  

11.64    “And O my qaum / group of established thoughts, this is naqatu / a sound thought (signify free from defects and imperfections), in her you have a sign. So leave her to ta'kul / consume intelligence from Allah's lower consciousness freely, and do not harm her, or else a close retribution will take you.”  

11.65    But they 'aqaru / disabled her (the sound thought).  So he said: “Take enjoyment in your dwellings for three moments.  This is a promise not to be denied.”  

11.66    So, when Our command came, We saved Saleh and those who had believed with him by a mercy from Us and against the disgrace of that day. Your Lord is the Powerful, the Noble.  

11.67    And those who zhalamu / had wronged were taken by the scream, thus they became lifeless in their dwellings.  

11.68    It is as if they had never lived there. For Thamud / that accept which is not true, rejected their Rabb / Lord.  So away with Thamud / that accept which is not true.  

11.69    And certainly, Our rusul / inner voices (that deliver the message) came to Ibraheem / the one who is committed to the truth with good news, they said: “salamun / peace” He said: “peace,” and he made no delay in bringing with ijla / hastiness a khanizin / well formulated sound message.  

11.70    But when he saw that their hands (strength) did not tasilu / download / install towards it, he mistrusted them, and he began to have fear of them. They said: “Have no fear, we have been sent to the qaumi / group of established thoughts of Luthin / one who adhere to Allah's command.” 

11.71    And his imraati / obstinate (stubbornly disputing) thoughts was qa'imah / standing / establishing, so she wondered when We gave her the basharun / sensible thoughts of Ishaq / one who is perfect and alienated from other than the truth, and after Ishaq, Ya'qub / one who always return to Allah.  

11.72    She (obstinate thought) said: “O woe to me! Shall I a'alidu / give birth (manifest, produce, rear, educate and bring up to a soul other than Allah) when I am 'ajuzan / powerless (unable to do it), and here is ba'li / one who I depend on, shaikhan / a sage (learned elder)? This is indeed a strange thing!”  

11.73    They said: “Do you wonder at the decree of Allah?  The mercy of Allah and blessings (for the abstract system of education) are upon you O ahle bait / those who are acquainted to the mental house (of Allah's judgments). He is Praiseworthy, Glorious (for the approval of the knowledge).”  

11.74    So when the shock left Ibraham / the one who is committed to the truth, and the bushra / sensible thoughts was delivered to him, he began to yujadilu / be in contention with Us for the qaumi / group of established thoughts of Lut / the one who adhere to Allah's command.

11.75    Indeed, Ibraham / the one who is committed to the truth was compassionate, kind, obedient.

11.76    “O Ibraham / the one who is committed to the truth, turn away from this. The command of your Rabb / Lord has been passed, and a retribution that will not be turned back is coming for them.”

11.77    And when Our rusul / inner voices (that deliver the message) came to Lut / the one who adhere to Allah's command, he was grieved by them and he felt discomfort for them and he said: “This is a moment of 'asibun / getting bound together.”

11.78    And his qaum / group of established thoughts came rushing towards him, and before it they were committing sin, he said: “O My qaum / group of established thoughts, these are my banati / answers collected from others, they are purer for you, so be aware of Allah and do not disgrace me regarding my dayfi / inclination (to the truth). Is there no sound rajulun / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization) from you?”

11.79    They said: “Surely you know we have no interest in your banati / answers obtained from others, and you are aware of what we want!”

11.80    He said: “If only I had strength against you, or I could find for myself some powerful support.”

11.81    They said: “O Lut / the one who adhere to Allah's command, indeed we are rusulu / inner voices that deliver the message of your Rabb / Lord; they (qaum / group of thoughts) will not be able yasilu / to download / to install over you, so let it asri / pervade with your ahle / those who are acquainted with the cover from the laili / darkness (without guidance) and let not any of you look back except for your imraati / stubbornly disputing thought, she will be afflicted with what they will be afflicted.  Certainly, their scheduled time (of the affliction) will be the subhu / early light (of guidance). Is the subhu / early light (of guidance) not near?”  

11.82    So when Our command came, We made its highest part become its lowest, and We rained on it (signify bountiful provision) with hijaratan / hard headed minds from layers of sijjilin / scroll (of Al Kitab).  

11.83    Marked from your Rabb / Lord, and they are never far from the zhalimin / wrongdoers.  

11.84    And to Madyan / state of truthful way of life (that consciously obey Allah's system, law and judgment) was their brotherly thought Shu’aiban / one who gather and unite.  He said: “O ny qaumi / group of established thoughts, serve Allah, you have no ilaahin / reality of being besides Him, and lanqusu / do not lose mikyala / source of intelligence and the mizan / importance. Indeed, I see you in prosperity, and indeed I fear for you the punishment of a moment that is encompassing.”

11.85   “And my qaum / group of established thoughts, awfu / give full / complete and the mikyala / intelligence and the mizan / importance with justice, and do not hold back the an-nas / agitated mind what is theirs, and do not roam the lower consciousness corrupting.”  

11.86    “What will remain for you with Allah is far better if you are mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind).  And I am not a guardian over you.”  

11.87    They said: “O Shu’aib / one who gather and unite, does your salaatu / connections (for hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) order you that we leave what our aaba / that foster fatherly supports (independent logical mind) served, or that we do not do with our amwaal / accumulated knowledge as we please? It seems only you are the compassionate, the wise!”  

11.88    He said: “O my qaum / group of established thoughts, do you see that if I am on clear evidence from my Rabb / Lord, and He has provided me with good provision from Him, then I would not want to tukholifakum / represent what I do to you by doing what I am prohibiting you from. I only want to make right what I can, and my guidance is only with Allah. To Him tawakkaltu / I rely with devotion, and to Him I turn in repentance.”  

11.89    “And my qaum / group of established thoughts, let not your hatred towards me incriminate you that you suffer the fate of what afflicted qauma / group of established thoughts of Nuh / one who wail a lot, or qauma / group of established thoughts of Hud / unpretentious one, or qauma / group of established thoughts group of Saleh / one who correct; and qauma / group of established thoughts of Lut / the one who adhere to Allah's command, were not far off from you.”  

11.90    “And seek forgiveness from your Rabb / Lord then repent to Him. My Rabb / Lord is Merciful (for the showering of education), Loving.” 

11.91    They said: “O Shu’aib / one who gather and unite, we do not understand most of what you say, and surely we see you as weak among us. And, if it were not for your clan (group of thoughts), we would have stoned (punishment for grave misdeed) you, and you have no power over us.”  

11.92    He said: “My qaum / group of established thoughts, is my clan (group of thoughts) more important to you than Allah, while you have cast Him away behind your backs?  Indeed, my Rabb / Lord is encompassing what you do.”

11.93    “And my qaum / group of established thoughts, continue to act as you do, and I will act. You will then come to know to whom the punishment will come to humiliate him and who is the liar. Watch then, and I will watch with you.”

11.94    And when Our command came, We saved Shuaib / one who gather and unite and those who aamanu / take security with him by mercy (showering of education) from Us; and the scream took those who zhalamu / had wronged, thus they became lifeless in their diyaar / state of encircling thought.

11.95    It is as if they had never lived there.  Away with Midyan / a state of truthful way of life that consciously obeys (Allah's judgment) as it was away with Thamud / that accept which is not true.

11.96    And surely, We sent Musa / the one who is matured and familiar with the truth, with Our signs and a clear authority.

11.97    To firaun / the one who has superiority complex and his mala-i / the ones whose thoughts are filled (with the superiority complex); but they followed the order of firaun / the one with superiority complex; and the order of firaun was not wise.

11.98    He will be at the head of his qaum / group of established thoughts on the moment of establishment, and he will lead them to an-nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas). What a miserable place they will be brought in!

11.99    And they were followed by a curse (state of no guidance) in this one, and on the moment of establishment. What a miserable path to follow!

11.100    That is from anba'i / news of the ghaib of the quraa / cluster of established thoughts which We trace to you; some are still standing and some have been wiped out.

11.101    And We had not zhalamnahum / wronged them, but they had wronged anfusahum / their souls; their aaliha / realities that they called on besides Allah did not rescue them at all when the command of your Rabb / Lord came, and they only added to their destruction.  

11.102    And such is the seizing of your Rabb / Lord when He seizes the quraa / cluster of established thoughts while they are wicked. His taking is painful, severe. 

11.103    Indeed, in this is a sign for he who fears the retribution of the aakhirah / ending. That is a moment towards which all an-nas / the agitated thoughts will be gathered, and that is a moment which will be witnessed. 

11.104    And We do not delay it except to a term already prepared for. 

11.105    On the moment it comes, no nafsun / soul will speak except with His permission. Some of them will be distraught, some will be happy. 

11.106    As for those who are distraught, they will be in an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas); in it for them is a sighing and a wailing. 

11.107    Abiding therein as long as the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness remain, except for what your Rabb / Lord wishes.  Indeed,  your Rabb / Lord does as He pleases. 

11.108    And as for those who are happy, they will be in jannah / hidden garden of knowledge; abiding therein as long as the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness remain, except for what your Rabb / Lord wishes, atho'an / a giving / bestower without majzuzin / end (not interupted). 

11.109    So do not be in doubt as to what they serve. They serve nothing except what their abaa / that foster fatherly supports (independent logical mind) before them served. We will give them their recompense in full. 

11.110    And without doubt, We gave Musa / the one who is matured and familiar with the truth, Al Kitab / the inherent script (from his Rabb), then they ihtulifa / represented (the truth) in it; and had it not been for a word from your Rabb / Lord, definitely it would have finished off (the dispute) between them and surely they are in suspicion from it, doubting. 

11.111    And indeed to each your Rabb / Lord will recompense their works. He is All Aware with what they do. 

11.112    Fastaqim / so stand firm as you were commanded, and those who have repented with you, and do not tathghaw / take security in falsehood. He is Seer over what you do. 

11.113    And do not lean towards those who have wronged, else you will incur the an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas); and you will not have besides Allah any awliya' / guardians, and you will not be victorious. 

11.114   And establish salaah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), tarafi / examine the nahar /  uplifted barriers that bring on the light (with guidance) and zulafan / within reach from the laili / barriers that bring darkness (without guidance).  Surely the goodness take away the badness.  That is zikraa / embodying masculine faculty (of Allah, that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) for those who zaakirin / independently in awareness.  

11.115    And be patient, for indeed Allah does not waste the reward of the muhsinin / one whose experience is of true knowledge.

11.116    Then if there had not been from the qurun / thoughts binding of the same group, from before the possessor of bibaqiyyah / with perpetuality, who prohibited corruption in the lower consciousness, except the few of those We saved of them and those who were zhalamu / wronged the enjoyment they were in, and they were mujrimin / one who violated the covenant.

11.117    And your Rabb / Lord will not destroy the quraa / cluster of established thoughts unjustly, while its ahlu / those who are acquainted are muslihun / those who correct themselves.

11.118    And if your Rabb / Lord had wished, He could have made all the an-nas / agitated thoughts one ummah / group of thoughts, but they still would have continued be mukhtalifun / one who represent (the truth).

11.119    Except whom your Rabb / Lord has mercy upon (showered the system of education); and for that He has evolved them. And the word of your Lord fulfilled: “Surely I will fill (the mind) internal conflicts from the Jinn / hidden intellect (that are not familiar with the truth) and an-nas / agitated thoughts together!”

11.120    And all We retrace to you from anba'i / news of the ghaib of the rusuli / inner voices (that deliver the message) what firmly fixed with it, pure heart (to calm your mind). And in this has come to you the truth and a lesson and zikraa / embodying masculine faculty (that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) for the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind).

11.121    And say to those who do not yukinun / take security (in Al Kitab): “Continue to do what you will, we will also do.”

11.122    “And wait, for we are also waiting.”

11.123    And to Allah is the ghaibu / knowledge of the hidden of the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness, and to Him all matters return. So serve Him and tawakkal / rely with devotion upon Him. Your Rabb / Lord is not unaware of what you all do.











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