(The one who is in contention)



Surah Al Mujadila is about the contention put forth by your thoughts both from your zakara (masculne attributes) and unsa (feminine attributes) regarding the fundamental truth, there is no reality except Allah the absolute irreducible reality.  Both thoughts arise from our mind are not our motherly support for our growth and development.  In reality, they are fatherly thoughts, that is  thoughts that gave birth to other thoughts.  As such, the products of your independent inputs are limited in nature and not considering all the facts leading to distorted words, images and sensations.  

Whoever want to correct themselves, they then have to siyam / self restraint from having thought process of memory and sensory inputs, one after the other.  When the mind is silent (free from thought process), take security in Allah and the messages delivered by the rusuli / inner voices.  Be truthful to and mindful of Allah, and trust Allah by taking security in Al Kitab.

Those who have taken security in Allah and moment of ending, in their hearts are decreed with Al Imaan / the security and Allah supports him with a Spirit from Him and admits him in His hidden garden of knowledge.  They are the hizbullah / party of Allah. 

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman). 

58.1    Certainly, Allah has heard the saying of those who are tujaadilu / in contention towards you concerning zawjiha / her pair (that is zakara / thoughts from memory and unsa / intuitive inputs) and tashtaki / acknowledge her grief to Allah and Allah hears the tahawurakuma / thoughts wanting to return to original state by both of you.  Certainly, Allah is Hearer, Seer. 

58.2    Those from among you who yuzhahiru / manifest from their nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination), that they are not ummahatihim / their motherly support (for growth and development). Ummahatuhum / their motherly support is none except they are those who walad / give birth to them (thoughts manifested, produced).  Indeed, they layaqulu / are saying that is munkaran / a disguise (facts not known) from the saying of wazuran / a distortion.  And Allah is Pardoner, Forgiver. 

58.3    And those who yuzahiru / manifest from their nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity), then they ba'udu / wished to go back to what they had said, they shall free raqabatin / one who is on the look out for knowledge from before that will touch them (retracing what lead him wanting to go back to what he had said). That to you is tu'azuna / a sermon / lesson with it.  And Allah is well acquainted with what you do. 

58.4    So whoever cannot find, then he shall siyam / self restraint shahrain / two notable sources of perception (that is zakara and unsa) mutatabi'ain / sequentially (that is perception from memory and perception from sensory apparatus, one after the other) from before that (they both) yatamassa / will touch him.  Then whoever cannot obey (cannot do the siyam / self restraint), then he shall be sittina / attributed for the wrong miskinan / (of having) a poor knowledge. That is so you would tukminu / take security in Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message). And these are the hudud / boundaries set by Allah.  And for the kafirin / rejecters / those who cover, a painful punishment. 

58.5    Indeed, those who yuhaddu / limit Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) will be kubitu / suppressed, like their previous counterparts were kubita / suppressed (so that they turn back disappointed)And certainly, We have revealed clear ayaati / signs, and the kaafirin / rejecters have incurred a shameful punishment. 

58.6    Yawma yab'asuhumullah / moment when Allah resurrects them all, then He informs them (news of the ghaib) of what they had done.  Allah ahsaahu / enumerated it, while they nasuhu / have forgotten it (thus cannot enumerate it).  And Allah witnesses all things. 

58.7    Do you not see that Allah knows whatever in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and whatever in the ardh / lower consciousness?  There is nothing from najwa / effort to save (from misguidance) of three except Him being their fourth, nor five without Him being the sixth, nor less than that, nor more, without Him being there with them wherever they may be. Then, on the yawmal qiyamah / moment of establishing, He will inform them of everything they had done.  Allah is fully aware of all things. 

58.8    Have you not seen those who were prohibited from najwa / efforts to save (from misguidance), but then they go back to what they have been prohibited from? They meet secretly to commit sin, transgression, and disobedience of the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message).  When they come to you, they greet you with a greeting other than that which Allah greets you with. They say inside themselves: “Why does Allah not punish us for our utterances?” Hell will be sufficient for them, wherein they burn; what a miserable destiny. 

58.9    O you who aamanu / take security (in al kitab), when tanajaitum / you strive to save your self / soul (from misguidance), with ithmi / sin and 'udwan / transgression and disobey the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message), and you yatanaajau / shall save your self / soul (from misguidance) with birri / truthfulness (to your covenant) and taqwa / mindful (of Allah's command).  And attaqul / be mindful of Allah, before whom you will be summoned. 

58.10    Surely, whatever the najwa / effort to save (from misguidance) are from the shaytan / acts of despair, to cause grief to those who aamanu / take security. However, it (shaytan) cannot harm them except if Allah wills.  In Allah the mukminun / those who take security (in Allah), shall put their trust. 

58.11    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), when you are told to tafassahu / quiet your mind from thoughts in the majaalis / state of clearing your thoughts, fafsahu / quiet your mind; Allah yafsahi / will quiet your mind for you.  And if it is said, unshuzu / arise, then arise.  Allah will raise those among you who aamanu / take security, and those who acquire knowledge to higher ranks; and Allah is fully aware with what you do. 

58.12    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), when you naajaitu / wish to be saved (from misguidance from) the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message), then qaddimu / bring forth between your hands (power) najwakum / your effort to save (from misguidance), sadaqatan / truthful genuine way.  That is khoirun / good for you, wa'atharu / and purer.  Then if you tajidu /  find not (the najwa), then Allah is Forgiver, Merciful (for the approval of the knowledge). 

58.13    Are you reluctant to tuqaddimu / bring forth between your hands (power) najwakum / your effort to save (from misguidance), sadaqaatin / truthful genuine way?  Then, if you cannot do such, and Allah has forgiven you; then you shall akimu / establish the salaah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), and aatu zakaah / perform mental development (of knowledge), and obey Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message).  And Allah is fully acquainted with what you do.

58.14    Have you not seen those who tawallau / turned away (from Allah) and take qauman / group of thoughts whom Allah is angry with ? They are now neither from you nor from them.  And they deliberately lie while they know!

58.15    Allah has prepared for them a severe punishment. Miserable indeed is what they used to do.

58.16    They used aymanahum / their right (experience based on factual knowledge) as a means of fashaddu / aversion from the path of Allah.  Consequently, they have incurred a shameful punishment.

58.17    Neither their amwal / treasure of knowledge nor their awlad / thoughts that they give birth to, will avail them anything from Allah. These are the ashabun nar / companions of the internal conflicts (thoughts that burn an-nas), in it they will abide.

58.18    The moment will come when Allah resurrects them all. Then they yahlifu / will ally to Him, just as they ally to you, thinking that they are over something (thinking they are right).  Indeed, they are the kaaziban / liars.

58.19    The shaytan / act of despair has overtaken them, and has caused them to forget zikra / awareness / mindfulness of Allah. These are the party of the shayatin / acts of despair. Absolutely, the party of the shayatin / acts of despair are the losers.

58.20    Certainly, those who yuhaddu / limit Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message), they will be with the azallin / most humiliated.

58.21    Allah has decreed: “I and rasuli / inner voice (that deliver the message) will surely aghlibanna / overcome.” Allah is All Strong, Mighty.

58.22    You will not find any qauman / group of thoughts who yukminun / take security in Allah and the yawmil aakhirah / moment of ending leaning towards those who hadda / limit Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message), even if they were their aaba / that foster fatherly support, or their abna / construct of their own thinking, or their ihwa / other brotherly thoughts, or ashiratahum / their notable thoughts.  They (those who took security) are those who in their hearts (pull of affection) are decreed al-imaan / the security, and supports them with ruhin / a spirit from Him, and He admits them into jannatin / hidden garden of knowledge with rivers of knowledge flowing beneath them; abiding therein. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. These are the hizb Allah / party of Allah. Most assuredly, the party of Allah are the muflihun / ones who are successful (those who successfully unlock the frontiers of consciousness).


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