(The Ascension)


This surah is centered around establishing a connection with Allah's abstract system of education, enabling us to access knowledge related to our conscious evolution. Through this evolution, our awareness will expand, leading to a spiral effect of spiritual growth, analogous to anfal, ascension, as we put this knowledge into practice. Ascension represents a journey from our base consciousness to unity consciousness. Base consciousness involves our lower-level thoughts and actions of the lower consciousness, while unity consciousness resides at a higher consciousness.

However, within our thoughts, some may resist and remain unwilling to transform with the truth, even after receiving a clear understanding of the message. This unwillingness and disputes may arise from deep-rooted sorrow that has not been healed. To those who dispute, Allah reinforces their understanding with rational thoughts that support the truth, urging them to abandon falsehood and embrace the facts.

For those who continue to doubt even after this reinforcement, Allah warns of the consequences. Those who have taken refuge in Allah are reminded to introspect and be vigilant against any inclinations towards unwillingness, disputes, or doubts that may seek to influence them. Ignoring these tendencies is futile. Our essence lies in strategizing and comprehending these rejections to dissolve them, freeing ourselves from unwillingness, disputes, and doubts. Failure to do so may result in Allah's wrath, leading to veils of ignorance and inner conflicts.

Therefore, it is imperative to obey Allah and heed the inner voice that conveys the message obtained from Allah's abstract system of education. Do not turn away from this message when you hear it. If you remain mindful of Allah's message, Allah will grant you the discernment to distinguish between the inner voice delivering the message from your Lord and the voice born from your conditioned mind.

It is crucial to recognize that your conditioned mind is forbidden and unhealthy, necessitating its dissolution in submission. In the esoteric concept of Al Masjidil Al Haraam, the unhealthy mind has no place in our submission to the message received from our Lord. Those who connect with Allah's abstract system of education through their conditioned minds may find it meaningless, as they hear words but fail to comprehend their deeper meaning. Their joy and contentment are often based on unearned success.

The embodiment of a conditioned mind, characterized by superiority complex, self-delusion, and sorrow, can be psychologically burdensome for ascension. Therefore, it is essential to embody light in its hidden, esoteric sense. This light not only illuminates your path but also makes you light in terms of weight of your burden, enabling you to ascend higher. This entails detachment from worldly attachments and relationships, as certain emotional states can be heavy obstacles.

To ascend, you must dissolve these attachments and embark on a healing journey to make your embodiment light. Consume the knowledge bestowed upon you by your Lord. Indeed, those who transition from a state of attachment to one free from all attachments, while grappling with the wealth of knowledge from their Lord, are the ones intimately acquainted with Allah's abstract system of education and are truly successful. 


(The Ascension - Of Our Conscious Evolution)

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated meaning to it for nothing exist without being named), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman).

8.1    They ask you, about the anfal / ascension (of our conscious evolution). Say, "The anfal / ascension is for Allah and the rasul / inner voice that deliver the message."  Fattakullah / so be mindful of Allah and aslihu / correct that which is between you (that you are in control of) and obey Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message), if you should be mukminin / one who take security (in Allah).

8.2    The mukminun / ones who take security (in Allah) are only those who, when zukira Allah / embody masculine faculty (that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) of Allah, their hearts become fearful, and when tuliyat / (they) follow what they recited of His aayati / signs, zaadathum / increases (to what they have) their security (in Allah); and upon their Rabb / Lord they rely. 

8.3    Those are the ones who establish salaat / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), and from what razaknaahum / We have provided them, they yunfiqun / self-experience (the reform by putting the knowledge into practice).

8.4    They are those who are the mukminun / ones who take security (in Allah), truly.  For them are daraajat / degrees (upward trajectory of the anfal / ascension) with their Rabb / Lord and forgiveness and noble provision.

8.5    Just as your Rabb / Lord brought you out of baytika / your mental home bilhaqqi / with the truth, and indeed, a group from the mukminin / ones who take security (in Allah) certainly unwilling,

8.6    Disputing with you in the truth after it had tabayyana / become clear, as if they were being driven toward mauta / destituteness while they were looking on.

8.7    And when Allah promised you one of the two groups (of thoughts who want to transform or thoughts who are unwilling to tranform), that it would remain for you, and you wished that other than zaata / possessor of the understanding and Allah intended to establish the truth with His words and to eliminate the remainder of the kaafirin / rejecters

8.8    That He will justify the truth and abolish the falsehood, even if the mujrimun / one who violated the covenant, disliked it.

8.9    When you seek relief of your Rabb / Lord, and He answered you, "Indeed, I will reinforce you with a familiar (known facts) from the malaa'ikah / state of authority, murdifin / one who came after (as reinforcement to relief).

8.10    And Allah made it not but bushraa / rational thoughts and so that your hearts would be assured with it. And help is not but from Allah. Indeed, Allah is All-Mighty and All-Wise.

8.11    When yughashiykum / He overwhelmed you with the nu'asa / drowsiness, security from Him and sent down upon you from the samaa'i / higher consciousness, maa'an / flow of knowledge to purify you with it and remove from you the evil of shaytan (act arises from despair) and to make steadfast your hearts and yusabbitu / institute firmly with it the aqdaama / steps. 

8.12    When your Rabb / Lord inspired to the malaa'ikah / those (thoughts) that are in authority, "I am with you, fathabbitu / so institute firmly those who have aamanu / taken security (in Allah). I will cast terror (as a result of experience from own cognitive thinking) into the hearts (with two sides argument and confusion) of those who kafaru / rejected, so strike upon the 'anaaqi / embracement and strike from them every banaanin / an inner critic.

8.13    That is because they shaqqu / doubted Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message).  And whoever doubts Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message), then indeed, Allah strongly enforces the punishment.

8.14    That (the punishment) is yours, so taste (self-experience) it. "And indeed for the kaafirin / rejecters is the punishment of the nar / burning sensation of internal conflicts

8.15    O you who aamanu / have taken security (in Al Kitab), when you laqitumu / measure to determine those who kafaru / rejects slowly creeping in, so do not turn your backs to them (do not ignore them).

8.16    And whoever turns his back to them yawma'izin / on such a moment, except mutaharrifan / one who strategize for qitaalin / killing (the rejection creeping in) or mutahayyizan / one who gather to fi'atin / a group of thoughts comprehended, certainly shall earn bighadabin / with wrath from Allah, and ma'waahu / his abode is jahannam / veil of ignorance, and wretched is the destination.

8.17    Then you did not kill them (that is, the rejection that is creeping in), and it was Allah who killed them. And you ramaita / strike not, when you strike, but it was Allah who ramaa / strike and that He will test the mukminin / one who take security (in Al Kitab) with a good test.  Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

8.18    That is so, and that Allah will muhinu / weaken the plot of the kaafirin / rejecters.

8.19    If you (rejecters) tastaftihu / seek for victory to decode (the signs of Allah), certainly the fatha / victory to decode come to you. And if you tantahu / abstain, it is best for you; and if you return (to seek for victory to decode the signs of Allah), We will return, and never will you and your party (thoughts) be availed at all, even if it is kathurat / mediated more (by your logical mind); and that Allah is with the mukminin / one who take security (in his logical mind).

8.20    O you who aamanu / taken security (in Al Kitab), obey Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) and do not turn from him (the inner voice) while you hear.

8.21    And do not be like those who say, "We have heard," while they do not hear.

8.22    Indeed, sharra al dawaab / the evil of life experience, in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who will not ya'qilun / comprehend (use their pure logical mind).

8.23    Had Allah known any good in them, surely He would have made them hear.  Even if He had made them hear, they would still have turned away, mu'ridhun / one who oppose.

8.24    O you who aamanu / take security (in Allah), istajibu / answer to Allah and to the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) when he invoke you to that which gives you (true self) life. And know that Allah transmutes between al mar'i / the stubborn thoughts and his heart and that to Him you will be gathered.

8.25    And attaqu / be mindful of fitnatan / a trial which will not afflict those who have wronged among you exclusively, and know that Allah is severe in punishment (fitna can afflict both zalimu and aamanu).

8.26    And uzkuru / embody masculine faculty (that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) when you were few and musradh'afuna / ones who are weak (daif) in the ardh / lower consciousness, fearing that an-nas / the agitated thoughts might abduct you, but He sheltered you, supported you with His help, and provided you with good things, that you might be grateful.

8.27    O you who aamanu / took security (in Al Kitab), do not betray Allah and the rasula / inner voice (that deliver the message) or betray amaanaatikum / your trusts while you know (the consequence).

8.28    And know that amwaalukum / your wealth of truth and awlaadukum / your thoughts you gave birth to, are but a trial (challenges of perceptions and beliefs) and that Allah has with Him a great reward.

8.29    O you who aamanu / took security (in Al Kitab), if you are mindful of Allah, He will grant you furqaanan / a conscience (discernment to distinguish thoughts you gave birth to, and wealth of truth) and will cover from you sayyi'ayikum / your misdeeds and forgive you. And Allah is the possessor of the great fadhli / given advantage.

8.30    And when those who kafaru / rejected plotted against you liyuthbituka / to bind you or kill you or evict you.  But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.

8.31    And when ayaatina / Our signs are recited (so that they follow) to them, they say, "certainly We have heard. If we willed, we could say like this. This is not but legends of the former." 

8.32    And when they said, "O Allah, if this should be the truth from You, then shower down upon us hijaarah / hard headed minds from the samaa'i / higher consciousness or bring us a painful punishment."

8.33    And Allah would not punish them while you are among them, and Allah would not punish them while they seek forgiveness.

8.34    And why should Allah not punish them and they are yasuddu / unwilling (to dissove) the masjidil al haraam / forbidden (unhealthy mind) state of submission, and they (the forbidden unhealthy minds) were never its protectors! Its protectors are the muttaqun / ones who are mindful (of Allah); but most of them do not know. 

8.35    And solatuhum / their connection (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice) at the baiti / mental house was not except muka'an / whistling (they hear the melody of words and feel content, even though they do not fully comprehend the meaning) and tasdiyatan / clapping (expressing their gratitude and joy for their unmerited success). So taste (self-experience) the punishment with what takfurun / you rejected.

8.36    Indeed, those who kafaru / rejected yunfiqun / self-experience (the reform by putting into practice) amwaaluhum / their wealth of knowledge, to avert from the way of Allah.  Fasayunfiqu / so they will self-experience it (the reform by putting into practice); then it will be for them a regret (for not lifting the veil of ignorance through solat); then they (true self) will be subdued. And those who kafaru / rejected, unto jahannama / hole of ignorance they will be gathered.

8.37    That Allah may yamiza / separate the khobis / bad from the thoyyibi / good and place the bad some of it upon others then accumulate him (the simulated self) all together and put them into jahannam / hole of ignorance. It is those who are the losers.

8.38    Say to those who kafaru / rejected, if they cease (committing badness), what has previously occurred will be forgiven for them. But if they return (to badness), then the precedent of the sunnatul awwalin / former practice (of badness) certainly madhot /  take place.

8.39    And fight them (the khobis/ badness) until there is no fitnah / trial and the deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment), all of it, is for Allah . And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do.

8.40    And if they turn away - then know that Allah is your mawlaa / intrusted sustainer (Rabb). Nikma / Excellent is the intrustedt sustainer, and Excellent is the helper.

8.41    And know that what ghanimtum / you gain (of the goodness) from anything, then indeed to Allah is (brough forth)  five parties (rasul, qurba, yataama, masaakin and ibni sabil) and for the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) and for the qurba / those who approach for knowledge and the yataama / those who have no support for guidance, the masaakin / those who are needy of knowledge, and the ibni sabil / those who construct the path towards knowledge, if you aamantum / have believed in Allah and in that which We revealed to Our Servant on the moment of furqan / discernment to distiguish (between voice give birth by your own thinking and inner divine voice - the moment the meeting (of the two voices) are together. And Allah, over all things, qadirun / competent in empowerment.

8.42    When you were with 'udwah / the acts of unsettling (the equilibrium of a peaceful mind) of duniya / close attachments, and they are with 'udwah / unsettling acts (the equilibrium of a peaceful mind), and the rakbu / embark was lowest from you. Even though you had made a promise, you would have lakhtalaftun / surely represented the promise. And it was that Allah fulfilled a matter was maf'ulan / done (by you), that whoever destroyed (the equilibrium of a peaceful mind) would destroy with clear empirical evidenced and that whoever liven (the peaceful equilibrium) would liven with clear empirical evidenced. And indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

8.43    When Allah showed them to you a few in manamika / your sleep (showing a few aspects of the unsettling acts during sleep); and if He had shown them many to you, surely you would have lost courage and surely would have disputed in the matter, and Allah saved (the equilibrium of a peaceful mind). Indeed, He is Knowing of that within the sudur / awareness.

8.44    And when He showed them to you, when you met, as few in your eyes, and He made you as few in their eyes so that Allah might accomplish a matter maf'ulan / done. And to Allah are matters returned.

8.45    O you who aamanu / took security (in Al Kitab), when you encounter fi'atan / a party (who unsettle your equilibrium of peace), fa'uthbutu / institute firmly (liven the peace) and uzkuru / embodiment of divine masculine attributes (that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) of Allah much, that you may be successful (in breaking the frontiers of consciousness).

8.46    And obey Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message), and do not dispute then lose courage and break your spirit (feeling hopeless); and be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.

8.47    And do not be like those who came forth from diyarihim / their state of encircling thoughts (rumination) bathoran / stupefied (when done excessively) and show of an-nas / the agitated mind and yasudduna / will hinder from the way of Allah. And Allah is encompassing with what they do.

8.48    And when shaytan / act arises from despair, made their deeds zayyana / adorning (attractive) to them and said, "No (thoughts) of the moment (of shayyatin) from an-nas / agitated mind, ghaliba / is subdued to you, and indeed, jaarun / a dissolution to you."  Then when the two forces (a group of thoughts fighting in the cause of Allah and another group reject) sighted each other, (the group of thoughts fighting in the cause of Allah) nakaso / withdrew on its consequence and said, "Indeed, I am disassociated from you. Indeed, I see what you do not see; indeed I fear Allah . And Allah is severe in punishment."

8.49    When the munafiqun / those who self-experience (the reform) and those in whose hearts was disease said, "Their deen / undebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment) has deceived them." And whoever yatawakkal / relies upon Allah - then indeed, Allah is All-Mighty and All-Wise, 

8.50    Even if you could see when those who kafaru / reject (the words of Allah), yatawaffa / circamumbulate their inner selves (introspecting the content of their souls), al malaa'ikah / the sovereignty established with authority, strike their wuju / focus to care and their backs (past experience) and taste (self-experience) the punishment of the burning (that will arise from internal conflicts).

8.51    That is with what your hands have put forth (of evil) and because Allah is not ever unjust to His servants,

8.52    Like the plight of the ahle firaun / those who become dictator with superiority complex and those from before them. They kafaru / rejected with the ayaati / signs Allah, so Allah seized them with their sins. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and severe in punishment.

8.53    That is because Allah would never yaku / make it happen mughayyiran / one who has changed nikmatan / a blessing with enjoyable and pleasant thought which He had bestowed upon qaumin / a group of established thoughts until they change what is with anfusihim / their souls. And indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

8.54    Like the plight of the ahle firaun / those who become dictator with superiority complex and of those before them. They denied the ayaati / signs of their Rabb / Lord, so We destroyed them for their sins, and We drowned them (in baseless and false knowledge). And all were zhaalimin / unjust 
(thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality).

8.55    Indeed, sharra al dawaab / the evil of life experience in the sight of Allah are those who kafaru / rejected (the signs of Allah), so they will not (ever) yukminun / take security (in Al Kitab),

8.56    Those are the ones who 'aahatta / you made a covenant from them, then yanquduna / they break their covenant in every passing by, and they are not yattaqun / mindful of Allah .

8.57    So if you, identify them (those break their covenant) in the harbi / war (because of their superiority complex), disperse with them whoever kholfahum / represented them that perhaps they will be yazzakkarun / embodied in masculine faculty (of Allah, that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive).

8.58    And as for takhofanna / fear from qaumin / a group of established thoughts khiyaanah / betrayal, then abandon over them, sawaa'in / of equality. Indeed, Allah does not like the traitors.

8.59    And let not those who kafaru / rejected, yahsabanna / think sabaquu / they come ahead (of those break their covenant). Indeed, they will not yu'jizun / powerless.

8.60    And prepare against them whatever you are able from qaumin / a group of established thoughts (betrayals) and from ribathil khoili / the strong sense of self deluding turhibuna / by which you may be terrified with it aduwwa / unsettling the peace of Allah and aduwwakum / unsettling your peace of mind and others besides them whom you do not know (but) whom Allah knows. And whatever tunfiqu / you self-experience (the reform by putting into practice) from everything in the cause of Allah yuwaffa / will be fully completed to you, and you will not be wronged.

8.61    And if they janahu / incline to peace, then incline to it and tawakkal / rely upon Allah.  Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing.

8.62    And if they intend to deceive you, then sufficient for you is Allah. It is He who supported you with His help and with the mukminin / those who take security (in Al Kitab). 

8.63    And allafa / brought together their hearts. If you had anfaqta / self-experienced (the reform by putting into practice) whatever is in the ardh / lower consciousness all together, you could not have brought their hearts together; but Allah brought them together. Indeed, He is Exalted in Might and Wise. 

8.64    O the nabiyyu / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaiba), sufficient for you is Allah and for whoever follows you from the mukminin / those who took security (in Al Kitab).

8.65    O the nabiyyu / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaiba), urge the mukminin / those who took security (in Al Kitab) over the killing (dissolving attachments including ego). If there are among you 'ishruna / an assembly (of attachments), sobirun / steadfast (stay resolute), they will overcome mi'ataini / remain (in pain at the level of individual attachment and at a group level of attachments). And if there are among you mi'atun / a remain, steadfast (stay resolute), they will overcome alfan / bring together from those who kafaru / rejected because they are qaumun / a group of established thoughts who do not yafqahun / understand.

8.66    Now, Allah has lightened (the hardship to dissolve your attachments) for you, and He knows that among you dhof'an / is weak. So if there are from you mi'atan / remain (in pain who are) steadfast, they will overcome twice sobiran / steadfast (remain in resolute). And if there are among you alfun / brought together, they will overcome alfa'in / twice (remain steadfast) by permission of Allah. And Allah is with the steadfast.

8.67    It is not for nabiyyin / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) that there should be for him asraa / captives until yuth'hina / he has subdued in the ardh / lower consciousness. You desire 'aradho / turning to other (than the truth) of this duniya / close attachments, but Allah intends (for you) the aakhirah / ending (the dissociation). And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.

8.68    Had not for kitabun / an inherent script from Allah sabaqa / that preceded, surely you would have been touched in what you took by a great punishment.

8.69    So consume (the knowledge) from what ghanimtum / you have gained (of the ascension) lawful and good, and be mindful of Allah.  Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful (for giving us the knowledge).

8.70    O nabiyyu / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaiba), say to whoever is in aidikum / your hands (power) of the captives, "If Allah knows in your hearts goodness, He will give you better than what was taken from you, and He will forgive you; and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."

8.71    And if they intend to betray you, then certainly they have khiyaanataka / betrayed Allah from before, then amkana / He secured (you) from them. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.

8.72    Indeed, those who aamanu / have taken security (in Al Kitab) and haajaru / emigrated (from state of close attachment to freedom from duniya) and jaahadu / struggle with their wealth of knowledge and anfusihim / their souls are in the cause of Allah and those who aawaw wanasara / gave shelter and aided - they are awliya / allies of one another.  And those who aamanu / took security (in Al Kitab) and did not yuhajiru / emigrate, from whatever for you and surely yaatimin / no support (from Allah) for guidance from anything until they emigrate.  And if they seek help of you in the deen / obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment), then you must help, except against qaumin / a group of established thoughts between you and between them, mithtaaqun / (is) an agreement. And Allah is Seeing of what you do.

8.73    And those who kafaru / rejected are allies of one another.  If you do not do so (hijrah), there will be fitnah / test in the ardh / lower consciousness and great corruption.

8.74    And those who kafaru / rejected and emigrated and struggle in the cause of Allah and those who gave shelter and aided, it is they who are the mukminin / ones who take security (in Al Kitab), truly.  For them is forgiveness and noble provision.

8.75    And those who aamanu / took security (in Al Kitab) after hajaru / emigrated and jaahidu / struggle with you, they are from you and ulul arham / those acquainted to Allah's abstract education system, some of them earlier with another in Allah's scripture. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of all things.







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