(The Passionate Urges)


Your Rabb, Lord evolves an-nas, the agitated mind from a single nafs / soul.  This core essence then gives rise to two distinct attributes of zakara, the divine masculine attributes like linearity, logic, focus and assertiveness and unsa, the divine feminine attributes like unconditional love, unconditional acceptance of inspiration and care. Divine masculine is the embodiment of the fatherly support which creates meaningful actions in the physical world, whereas divine feminine is the carrier of deep sacred wisdom with raw truth. 

Further evolving from both zakara and unsa are rijal, independent thought processes for analysis, reason and rationalization, and nisa, passionate urges, emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality. These aspects serve as sources of information, allowing our localized mind to engage in the processes of love, accepting, rationalization, conception and the birth of thoughts, all in pursuit of understanding of the hidden knowledge and movement towards morality.

Surah An-Nisa provides specific guidelines and limitations for managing passionate urges, acknowledging their inherent potential to overflow and become overwhelming. It emphasizes the importance of self-control and balance, ensuring that such emotions are channeled appropriately rather than allowed to spiral out of control.  

The balance of reason and passion is fundamental in shaping humanity, influencing our actions, decisions, and relationships. A harmonious balance between reason and passion enriches human experience, enabling us to navigate the complexities of life with clarity and emotion. It encourages us to act thoughtfully while pursuing our deepest aspirations, fostering a complete soul.  You cannot function effectively with only one; a reliance on either reason or passion alone can lead to imbalance and dysfunction. 

The nourishment obtained from own fatherly support has its rightful place and deserves recognition when it positively contributes to self-development and transformation. However, information intuited from direct inspirations from our Rabb / Lord should only be put into practice once one has attained maturity and possesses sound judgment. Such information, by its very nature, is often insufficiently considered and limited. Hence, it is crucial to avoid incorporating inadequately examined information into one's accumulated knowledge. The maturity of the acquired knowledge can be tested through thought experiments, identifying any deficiencies in its evaluation.

For individuals who exceed the bounds of conditoned urge, it is crucial to seek repentance from Allah as soon as one becomes aware of such transgressions. Allah permits this course of action, and there is no inclination towards wrongdoing when the pursuit of truth is undertaken alongside those who also seek knowledge. Utilizing knowledge from rijal or nisa that has been thoroughly examined and comprehended is essential in this endeavor.

Allah prohibits the establishment of a connection with one's Rabb, seeking to directly download and receive messages, during states of unawareness, such as bewilderment, a disordered mind, absent-mindedness, preoccupation with external matters, or being engrossed in distractions. If one finds themselves feeling stuck and making no progress, it is crucial to redirect attention and focus on positive ascension in personal development. Goals should be repurposed, areas of strength reconsidered, and attention placed on one's areas of excellence.

Allah has decreed that any message He reveals should be obeyed with His permission. Rejecting such a message reflects a failure to recognize its rightful place, and ultimately, this would be a disservice to oneself. The most significant aspect lies in dissolving the attachment to the material world, including the annihilation of our conceptual selves, in order to uncover the true higher self. Thus, the establishment of connectedness with our Rabb, channeling for the downloading of messages, and the pursuit of mental development and transformation are essential. Subsequently, the dissolution of worldly attachments and conceptual self becomes imperative, as the aakhirah, the culmination of illusory realities, holds far greater value for those who possess awareness of the truth.

The attainment and comprehension of the messages revealed by your Rabb (Lord) are not arbitrary occurrences; they are a result of deliberate intention. Once you establish a profound connection with your Rabb, enabling you to receive these messages with love and unconditional acceptance, you assume the responsibility to independently employ your faculties of masculinity like linearity, logic, focus and assertiveness in order to fully comprehend them. It is through the benevolence of Allah that He imparts knowledge to you, surpassing what is already ingrained in the script of existence, and grants you understanding based on His divine law.

This constitutes the essence of the deen, the authentic path of life, which binds the Muslim who surrenders their aspirations and goals to Allah. Their actions and experiences are guided by true knowledge and align with the adherence of those who are inclined towards the truth, while avoiding associating partners with Allah.


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar  Rahman). 


4:1    O an-nas / the agitated mind! Ittaqu / be mindful / conscious of your Rabb / Lord, who khalaqakum / evolve you from a single nafs / soul and evolve from it, its pair (zakara / divine masculine faculty (like linear, logic, focus and assertive) and unsa / divine femininine faculty (like unconditional love, care and acceptance) and dispersed from both of them many rijalan / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization) and nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality); and attaqu / be mindful / conscious of Allah, whom you ask with it and the arhama / inception (giving birth to thoughts). Surely Allah is ever, over you, an Observer.

4:2    And give the yataama / who has no support (of guidance from the Rabb), their amwaal / accumulated knowledge and do not exchange khobis / corrupt / defective (knowledge) with thoiyyib / good; and do not consume their amwaal / accumulated knowledge into your own amwaal / accumulated knowledge. Surely, that is ever a great sin.

4:3    And if you are fearful that you cannot do justice in the yatama / who has no fatherly support (in respect of self-development), then nikah / commingle what is good to you from an-nisa / the passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality), twos and threes and fours, then if you are fearful that you cannot be taqdilu / equitable then one or ma malakat aymanukum / what authority of your right possesses (right represent correct based on truth, good moral in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others). That is adnaa / appropriate, that you may not ta'ulu / deviate from the right course. 

4:4    And give an-nisa / the passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality) saduqaatihinna / their share of the truth, nihlatan / an acknowledgement / a recognition, then if anything good to you from it nafsan / a soul, then consume it in satisfaction, an ease.

4:5    And do not give the sufaha'a / weak-minded your amwaal / accumulated knowledge, which Allah has made a means of qiyaaman / establishment for you, but provide for them with it and wrap them and say to them words of makrufan / facts that are acknowledged (and known).

4:6    And test / try the yatama / who has no support from Rabb (in respect of self development) until when they baligh / attain maturity of an-nikah / entanglement / commingle (with nisa / passionate urge). Then if you anastum / are aligned (with the truth) the rushdan / sound judgment (in the right course) from them so disburse amwaal / accumulated knowledge to them and do not digest it heedlessly and hurriedly / quickly that they are yakbaru / magnified. And whosoever is ghaniyyan / self sufficient (and free of needs) then he should refrain and whosoever is needy then let him digest with acknowledgement / recognition (of the facts). So when you disburse their amwaal / accumulated knowledge to them then take witnesses over them and sufficient with Allah (in) taking account.

4:7    For the rijali / independent thought processes 
(for analysis, reason and rationalization), nashibun / a share of what (is) conceived (by) the waalidani / thoughts given birth to (manifested and produced of rijalan / independent thought process and nisa / passionate urge) and akrabun / close related thought (from memory), and nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality) are a nashibun / share of what (is) conceived (by) the waalidani / thoughts given birth to (manifested and produced of rijalan / independent thought process and nisa / passionate urge), be it less from it or kathura / much - an obligatory nashiban / share.

4:8    And when qurba / dissolving the reality (of waalidaini) and yatama / to avail guidance to who has no guidance and the masakin / to avail guidance to who are poor of guidance are present at alqismata / the sharing of knowledge, then provide for them from it and say to them a saying of makrufan / facts that are acknowledged (known).

4:9    And let those who fear if they taraku / conceived kholfihim / representing them with weak zuriyyatan / off-springs of early developed thoughts behind and feared for them. So let them yattaqu / be mindful / conscious of Allah and a saying sadidan / towards the right direction.

4:10    Surely, those who consume amwaal / accumulated knowledge of yataama / who has no support (in respect of self development) dhulman / wrongfully are only consuming into buthunihim (bathin) / their spiritual / psychological naran / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas).  And they will be burned intensely.

4:11    Allah yusikumu / entrusts you concerning awladikum / thoughts given birth by rijal / independent thought processes and nisa / the passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity).  For the zakari / divine masculine faculty (of Allah) is like the share of al unsayain / the two sources that is, divine feminine attributes and passionate urges. But if there are (only) nisa'an / passionate urges from feminine energy (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality), two or more, then for them is two thirds of what taraka / conceived. And if there is only one, for her is half. And for abawaihi / its upbringing, for each one from both of them is a sixth of what is conceived if it is for him a birth (brought about).  Then if he had no waladun / parental support (of zakara and unsa in the brought about) and the upbringing inherit from him, then for his ummi / one who raise / nurture is one third. And if he had intimate thoughts, for his ummi / one who raise / nurture is a sixth, from after a testament he has willed with it or dainin / an indebted obligation to consciously obey (Allah's system, law and judgment). Your upbringing or the birth of thoughts - you know not which of them are nearest to you in benefit. (These shares are) an obligation by Allah.  Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Hakiman / Wise (all deeds based factual knowledge).

4:12    And for you is half of what your pair (zakara and unsa) conceived if they have no birth (of thought).  But if they have a birth (of thought), for you is one fourth of what they conceived, from after a testament they have willed with it or dainin / an indebted obligation to obey.  And for them is one fourth of what you conceived if there is no waladun / parental support to the produce.  And if there is rajulun / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization) you conceived a birth of thought, then for them is an eighth of what you conceived, from after a testament they have willed with it or dainin / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, law and judgment). And if rajulun / an independent independent thought process or amra'atun / pleasant in digesting conceives and to him a brotherly or a sisterly (thoughts), then for each one of the two is a sixth. Then if  aktharahum / they are more from that, then they are partners in the third, from a testament you have willed with it or dainin / indebted obligation to consciously obey (Allah's system, law and judgment), as long as there is no detriment.  (This is) a testament from Allah, and Allah is Knowing and Forbearing.

4:13    These are the limits of Allah, and whoever obeys Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) will be admitted by Him to jannatin / hidden gardens of knowledge under which river of knowledge flow, abiding eternally therein; and that is the great attainment. 

4:14    And whoever disobeys Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) and yata'adda / transgresses His limits,  He will put him into an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) to abide eternally therein, and he will have a humiliating punishment.

4:15    And from your nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality), who come with the obscenity to seek from you the evidence of four witnesses over (four indicate completeness of proofs of the obscenity) them, so if they bear witness then hold them in the mental houses until almauta / destitudeness (lifelessness) completes them or Allah makes a way for them.

4:16    And the two who come (with obscenity) from them, hurt both.  So if both of them repent and correct so avoid (to hurt) both of them.  Surely Allah is oft-returning, most merciful.

4:17    Surely (to accept) repentance over Allah for those who do badness / ill with nescience (where they do not possess the knowledge because they are uninformed) then they repent from soon after.  So they are those over whom Allah (accept) repentance.  And Allah is Knower, Wise (all judgment based on facts and empirical evidence).

4:18    And there is no (acceptance) of repentance for those who do badness / ills until when almauta / the destitudeness (lifeless soul) is present to any one of them, he says "surely, now I repent".  It is not for (Allah to accept repentance) those who yamutuna / became lifeless (the ignorant who do not possess knowledge because they consciously ignore seeking and reject the knowledge) and they were rejectors, they are those for whom We have prepared the painful punishment.  

4:19    O you who aamanu / have taken security (in Al Kitab), it is not lawful for you to inherit an-nisa / the passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality) by force (unwillingly).  And do not taqduluhunna / constraint them so that you may let them take their own recourse with what you have given them unless they come with a clear fahishah / immorality.  And 'ashiruhunna / assemble them with makruf / facts acknowledged (and known).  Then if you dislike them, perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good.

4:20    And if you intend to replace zawjin / a pair (zakara / independent fatherly support and unsa / motherly support from sensory inputs, in place of zawjin / a pair and you have given  ihdahunna / two as one a great possession (of knowledge), then do not take from it anything. Would you take it buhtanan / an amazement (in a state of mind that you do not see the right course) and a sin (as) clarity.

4:21    And how could you take it and surely one of you has already gone in to the other and they have made from you a firm covenant ?

4:22    And do not tankihu / entangle / commingle from the nisa' / the passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality), what your abaa / fatherly support (independent logical mind) has entangled / commingled except what surely salafa / has experienced before.  Surely it is an obscenity and a hateful and a way to badness.

4:23    Hurrimat / forbidden on you are your ummaha / motherly support (like care and compassion from own agitated mind) and your banatu / feminine actions manifested from it, and your akhawatu / masculine actions manifested from it and your ammatu / motherly actions masnifested from it and your khalatu / other related motherly actions from it, your banatu al akhi / looked up as object of glory or honour and your banatu al ukhti / emotional support for glory or honour and ummahatu arda'na / dishonourable act leading others to imitate and your akhatu al rada'ati / dishonourable act for emotional support and your ummahatu nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality), and your rabba'ibu hujuri / prevent from getting nourishment from your nisa / passionate urges, whom you have entered with them.  So if you have not entered with them there is no junaha / inclination to wrong-doing on you (from preventing the nourishment) and your hala'ilu / lawful abna / construct of those who from aslaabikum / your deprivation of logic.  And that you gathered up between two objects of glory or honour except without doubt what salafa / has experienced before.  Surely Allah is forgiving / merciful.

4.24    And muhsanaatu / the one who is fortified with true hidden knowledge, from an-nisa / the passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality) except ma malakat anymanukum / what authority your right possesses (right here represent correct based on truth, good moral in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others).  Allah has written over you and it is uhilla / lawful / permitted for you what is behind those that you seek with them your wealth (of knowledge) to be of those who fortify (with true knowledge) other than musaafihin / the one who does an unprofitable deed.  So whatever astamtaqtum / advantage you seek from them with it, give them their ordained rewards and there is no junaha / inclination to wrong-doing in you in what you agreed together with it after the ordained (rewards).  Surely Allah is knowledgeable, wise (actions based on true knowledge).  

4:25    And from you who could not extend / stretch out yankiha / commingle the fortified (with true knowledge) mukminat / the one who accept security then (you commingle) from ma malakat aymanukum / what authority your right possesses (right here represent correct based on truth, good moral in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others) from your prime mukminat / the one who accept security.  And Allah knows more about your imaan / feeling safe / secure.  Some of you are from some.  Then fankihu / commingle them with the permission of their ahli / those who are familiar and give them their reward with acknowledgement / recognition of facts to those who accept fortification other than musaafihaatin / the one who does an unprofitable deed.  And they are not to be taken as intimate companions, so when they are being fortified then when they come with obscenity the punishment is half on them to what is over the one fortified.  That is for those who fear hardship from you and that you may have patience it is better for you.  And Allah is forgiving, merciful. 

4:26    Allah wants to make clear to you (the lawful from the unlawful) and guide you to the sunana / practices of those before you (in respect of establishing deeds) and to accept your repentance.  And Allah is Knowing and Wise (all judgment based on facts and empirical evidence).

4:27    And Allah wants to accept your repentance, and wants those who follow desire to digress (into) a great deviation.

4:28    And Allah wants to lighten for you (your deeds); and khuliqa / evolve the insaan / who is aligning with the truth, (who are) dho'ifan / weak.

4:29    O you who aamanu / take security, do not digest your amwaal / wealth of knowledge between yourselves with baatil / falsehood except that only be tijaaratan / an exchange deal (mental activity) on approval from them and do not fight your soul / self.  Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful (in educating the truth).

4:30    And whoever does that udwaanan / aggression and zhulman / wrongfully / injustice then We will drive him into naran / internal conflict (that burn an-nas).  And that, for Allah, is easy.

4:31    If you tajtanibu / are bewildered (puzzled with what you understood) fully develop what you are abstained from it, We will nakaffir / conceal on you your evil deeds and admit you to a noble entrance.

4:32    And do not wish for that by which Allah has made some of you exceed others. For rijali / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization), a share of what they have earned, and for nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality) is a share of what they have earned. And ask Allah of his fadhli / given advantage. Indeed Allah is ever, of all things, Knowing.

4:33    And for all, We have made mawaali / state of authority as master (which is rijal and nisa) of what is taraka / conceived by walidani / thoughts given birth (manifested and produced of rijalan / independent thought process and nisa / passionate urges) and akrabun / close related thoughts.  And to those who you pledged aimaanukum / by your right (the correct thing to do), give them their share.   Indeed Allah is ever, over all things, a witness. 

4:34    The rijalu / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization) are those who qawwamu / take a stand (established position) over an-nisa / the passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity)with what Allah has given the bounty to any one of them over the other and with what they anfaqu / self-experience (put into direct experience for reform) from their wealth of knowledge.  So (they make) correction and devotion and preservation for the ghaibi / knowledge of the unseen, with what Allah has preserved.  And those whom you fear of the agitation / emotional shock then sermon (strongly encourage) them, and abandon them in the side and strike them, so if they obey you then do not seek over them a way.  Surely Allah is Great, High.

4:35    And if you fear shiqaqa / disunity between the two (rijal and nisa), then raise (to life) a judge from his ahle / who are familiar, both sides. And a judge from her ahle / who are familiar, if they both wish islahan / a reform, Allah yuwaffiqi / will reconcile it towards success, between them.  Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and All Aware.

4:36    Serve Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to waalidaini / thoughts given birth to (manifested and produced of rijalan / independent thought process and nisa / passionate urge) do good, and the qurba / dissolving its reality (of waalidaini) and the yatama / to avail guidance to who has no guidance and the masakin / to avail guidance to who are poor of guidance and the jarizil qurba / those who are closeby in attaining the dissolution (of waalidaini) and the jarizil junubi / those who are closeby but in wilderness (puzzle for the new understanding is fresh and different from what is known) and the sahibi bil janbi / the companion (thoughts of the pure mind) with wilderness ibni sabil / those who construct the path and those whom ma malakat aymanukum / what authority your right possesses (right here represent correct based on truth, good moral in harmony with Natural Law and actions do not result in harm to others).  Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful.

4:37    Those who withhold and order the agitated mind to withhold and conceal what Allah has given them of His fadhli / given advantage and We have prepared for the kafirin / rejecters / those who cover, a humiliating punishment

4:38    And those who yunfiqu / self-experience (put into direct experience their reform) their wealth of knowledge to be seen by the agitated mind and not taking security with Allah and not with the yawmil aakhir / moment of ending (dissolution of duniya and remaining behind the dissociated self) and whoever has shaytan / acts from despair to him become qarinan / binding in a group of thoughts, evil is that qarinan / binding.

4:39    And what (harm would come) upon them if they aamanu / take security in Allah and the yawmil aakhiri / moment of ending (dissolution of duniya and remaining behind the dissociated self) and anfaqu / self-experience the reform (put into direct experience) out of what Allah provided for them? And Allah is ever, with them, Knowing.

4:40    Surely, Allah does not yazlimu / do wrong / injustice,  as much as mithqala zarrah / putting a burden on early developed truth; while if there is a good deed, He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward.

4:41    So how (will it be) when We bring from every ummatin / group of thoughts with a shahidin / witness and we bring with you upon these (thoughts) a witness?

4:42    That moment, those who kafaru / rejected (Al Kitab) and disobeyed the rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) will tusawwa / equate with them of the lower consciousness.  And they la-yaktumuna / will not be able to conceal from Allah a hadisan / representation of reality.

4:43    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), do not come near salah / connections (to download and receive hidden messages) when you are sukaara / confused (in your analysis and comprehension) until you know what you are saying and not in junuban / a state of bewilderness except taking a lesson of a way until you taghsilu / wipe to remove (the mental baseless and false understanding) and if you are mardha / disordered (sick, tired, pain and short of knowledge) or safarin / mentally blank minded or one of you come from the ngaa'iti / position of submerged (in other irrelevant matters) or you have been in contact with an-nisa / the passionate urge (emotional drive), then you do not find maa'an / flow  of knowledge then tayammamu / focus / pay attention toward saidan / good ascension in your reform then amsahu / wipe to remove (your mental impurities) with wujuhikum / your care (for growth) and aidikum / your strength / power, surely Allah is pardoning, forgiving.

4:44    Have you not seen those who were given a portion of the kitab / inherent Scripture (from your Rabb), purchasing error and wishing you would lose the way?

4:45    And Allah is most knowing with your a'da / transgressions; and sufficient is Allah as a wali / guardian, and sufficient is Allah as a helper.

4:46    From those who are hadu / who became lenient yuharrifuna / distort (misrepresent the true meaning) the words from its place and they say, “we listened and we disobeyed”.  And listen other than the hearing and (they say) raina / we listen twisting with their languages and piercing (i.e. to make a way) in the deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, judgment and law).  If only they have said we hear and we obey and listen and (said) unzurna / we reflect and ponder (over the signs revealed) that is better and akwama / more establish for them.  But Allah cursed (no inspiration, no development and no evolution) them with their rejection.  Then except few they will not yukminuna / take security.

4:47    O you who were given the kitab / inherent scripture (from your Rabb), aaminu / take security in what We have revealed, confirming that which is with you, from before that nathmisa / erase / wipe-out / obliterate wujuhan / focus to care (for growth) and turn them toward their backs or curse them as We cursed the ashabas sabti / companions (thoughts of the agitated mind) of those who disrupt the equilibrium of a peaceful active mind.  And ever is the decree of Allah accomplished.

4:48    Surely, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom wills. And he who associates others with Allah has certainly fabricated a tremendous sin.

4:49    Have you not seen those who claim their anfus / souls to be pure? Rather, Allah purifies whom wills, and they will not be wrong, (however much) a twist (from the truth).

4:50    Unzur / ponder / reflect how they invent the kaziba / lie about Allah, and sufficient with it is a ithman mubina / clear sin.

4:51    Have you not seen those who were given a portion of the kitab / inherent script (from your Rabb), who yukminu / take security with al jibti / the superstition (anything that has no good in it) and at-thaghut / taking security in falsehood (other than Allah) and say about the kafaru / rejecters / those cover (the truth), "These are better guided in a path than from those who aamanu / take security".

4:52    Those are the ones whom Allah has cursed; and he whom Allah curses, never will you find for him a helper.

4:53    Or have they a share of the kingdom?  Then they would not give an-nas / the agitated mind nakiran / the consent picking up (false benefits from al jibti and at taghut).  

4:54    Or they are jealous of an-nas / agitated mind on what Allah has given them from His fadhli / given advantage?  Indeed We have given ahla / those familiar of Ibrahim / the one who is inclined to the truth, the al kitab / the inherent script and al hikmah / understanding based on Allah's law (with facts and empirical evidence) and We gave them a great kingdom. 

4:55    So from among them aamanu / take security in it, and among them were aversed to it. And sufficient with jahannam / veil of ignorance, sa'iran / an acute (state). 

4:56    Indeed, those who kafaru / reject / cover (the truth) with Our ayaatina / signs, soon We will burn them into naran / an internal conflict (that burn nas-nas).  Every time their juluudu / firmness are nadhijat / matured (that is when the conflict become matured and part of his life), We will replace them with other firmness (of conflict)  that they may taste (self-experience) the punishment.  Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise (all judgment based on facts and empirical evidence).

4:57    And those who aamanu / take security and amilu solihaati / do corrective deeds, We will admit them to jannatin / hidden gardens of knowledge beneath which rivers of knowledge flow, wherein they abide forever.  For them therein are purified pair (zakara / masculine attributes and unsa / feminine attributes), and We will admit them to a dholilan / protective / guarded dhillan / shade (tapestry of life).

4:58    Indeed, Allah commands you to render the trust to whom they are due and when hakamtum / you judge (based on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence) between an-nas / the agitated mind to judge with justice.  Excellent is that which Allah instructs you with it. Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing.

4:59    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), obey Allah and obey His rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) and the one who gives the order from you.  So if you have dispute in anything, so return it to Allah and the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb) if you tukminu / take security with Allah and the aakhiri / ending (dissolve the duniya and remain only the dissociated self).  That is better and the most beautiful interpretation.

4:60    Have you not seen those who claim to aamanu / have taken security in what was revealed to you, and what was revealed before you?  They wish to give judgment (on the basis of facts and empirical evidence) to the thaghut / taking security in falsehood (other than Allah), while they were commanded to reject it; and shaitan / acts from despair wishes to lead them far astray. 

4:61    And when it is said to them, "Ta'alau / come and magnify / exalt what Allah has revealed and to the rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb)," you see the munafiqin / those who self-experience (with their own logic), turning away from you in aversion. 

4:62    So how (will it be) when disaster strikes them because of what their hands have put forth and then they come to you swearing by Allah, "We intended nothing but ihsanan / a good conduct and tawfiqan / an ability to achieve success."

4:63    Those are the ones of whom Allah knows what is in their hearts, so turn away from them but admonish them and speak to them concerning anfusihim / their souls, a penetrating word. 

4:64    And We did not reveal from any rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) except to be obeyed with the permission of Allah.  If surely they zhalamu / had wronged their anfus / souls, they had come to you then they would have seek forgiveness of Allah and the rasulu / inner voice (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb) would have seek forgiveness for them.  Definitely they would have found Allah returning, merciful.

4:65    But no, by your Rabb / Lord! They do not yukminun / take security until they make yuhakkimuka / you a judge (judgment based on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence) of that which has become a matter of disagreement among them, and then do not find any straightness in anfusihim / their souls as to what you have decided and submit with entire submission.

4:66    And if We had decreed upon them, "Kill your anfus / souls" or "Leave from your diyar / state of encirculating thought," they would not have done it, except for a few of them. But if they had done what they were instructed, it would have been better for them and a firmer tasbitan / assurance.

4:67    And then We would have given them from Us a great reward.

4:68    And We would have guided them to siratal mustaqim / a path of the one who is established with the truth.

4:69    And whosoever obey Allah and the rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati / signs) so they are with those whom Allah has an'ama / blessed over them from an-nabiyyin / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) and the truthful and the witnesses and the ones who reform.  And beautiful are those rafiqan / manners.

4:70    That is the fadhlu / given advantage from Allah and sufficient with Allah, 'aliman / a knowing. 

4:71    O you who aamanu / take security khuzu / prepare for your precaution / mindfulness then go forth in thubatin / detachments or advance all together.

4:72    And indeed, there is among you he who lingers behind; and if disaster strikes you, he says, " Allah has favored me in that I was not present with them."

4:73    But if fadhlun / given advantage comes to you from Allah, he will surely say, as if there had never been between you and him any affection. "Oh, I wish I had been with them so I could have attained a great attainment."

4:74    So let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this duniya / close attachments and relationships with aakhirah / the ending (dissolution of duniya and remaining behind dissociated self).  And he who fights in the cause of Allah and is killed or achieves victory - We will bestow upon him a great reward.

4:75    And what is (the matter) with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and those who are da'if / weak among rijal / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization) and the nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality) and wildani / brainchild (idea) who say, "Our Rabb / Lord, take us out of this qariah / cluster of established thoughts of oppressive ahle / those acquainted and appoint for us direct from You a protector and appoint for us direct from You a helper?"

4:76    Those who aamanu / take security (in Allah) fight in the cause of Allah , and those who kafaru / reject, fight in the cause of Taghut / falsehood (besides Allah). So fight against the allies of shaytan / acts arises from despair. Indeed, the plot of shaitan / acts arises from despair has ever been da'if / weak.

4:77    Have you not seen those who were told: “Restrain your hands (uphold your righteousness), and aqimu / establish the salaata / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), and pursue az zakah / mental growth and development.” Then when the qitalu /  fighting (to dissolve duniya by education) was decreed for them, a party from them fear an-nas / the agitated mind as they would fear Allah or even more intense fear. And they said: “Our Rabb / Lord, why did You decree fighting (to dissolve duniya including body, mind and soul) for us? Why not You delay for us until another time near.” Say: “The enjoyment of this duniya / close attachments is little, and the aakhirah / ending (dissolving duniya and remaining behind the dissociated self) is far better for those who are aware; you will not be wronged fatiilan / however much there is a twist (from the truth).” 

4:78    Wherever you are, almauta / lifeless soul will yudrikkumu / seize / catches you and even if you were in burujin / prominent,  mushayyadah / elevated state (in terms of knowledge of the truth).  And if goodness reaches them they say this is from the nearness of Allah.  And if hurt / badness reaches them, they say this is from your nearness.  Say all are from the nearness of Allah.  Then what is for these qaumi / group of established thoughts that they are not near enough to understand hadisan / representation (of which there is reality behind the perception of matter).  

4:79    Whatever reaches you from goodness then it is from Allah.  And whatever reaches you from the hurt / badness, then it is from your nafs / soul.  And We sent you an-nas / the agitated mind a rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb).  And Allah is enough as a witness.

4:80    Whoever follows the rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati / signs) without doubt he obeys Allah.  And whoever tawalla / turn away, then We have not sent you over them, a preserver.

4.81    And they  assert  (their) tho'atun / conformity (to the message delivered by rasul), then when barazu / emerge them from bayyata / mental house (that contain messages other than the one brought by rasul) with you tho'ifatun / a dogma (messages not supported by the truth) from them other than those taqulu / asserted (of which they fabricated), and Allah records what they yubayyituna / mentally house (the unsupported messages). So turn away from them and put your trust in Allah.  Sufficient with Allah, wakilan / a trusted custodian.  

4.82    Do they not tadabbaru / reflect on the Qur’an / expression of truth (derived from the reading)? If it was from any other than Allah they would have found in it many ihtilafan / representation (of the truth).  

4.83    And if any matter regarding security, or fear, comes to them, they spread with it, but if they had raddu / referred / turned it back to the rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) and to those entrusted from them then it would have been known by those who studied it from them.  And had it not been for fadhlu / given advantage of Allah upon you and His rahmah / an abstract system of education, you would have followed the shaitan / acts arises from despair, except for a few. 

4.84    So fight in the cause of Allah; you are not responsible except for your nafs / soul. And urge the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind): “Perhaps Allah will put a stop to the might of those who kafaru / reject / cover (the truth).” And Allah is far Mightier and far more Punishing.  

4.85    Whoever intercedes with a good intercession (step-in with the truth from Al Kitab), he will have a reward of it; and whoever intercedes with an evil intercession (step-in with other than the truth), he will receive a share of it. And Allah has control over all things. 

4.86    And if you huyyitum / want to bring (their soul) to life (from the intercession) with tahiyyatin / a revival, then return with an even better hayyu / revival or return the same.  Allah is Reckoning over all things. 

4.87    Allah, there is no ilaaha / reality of being except He. He will surely jama'annakum / gather you (the content of your consciousness) for the yawmil qiyamah / moment of establishment in which there is no doubt. And who is truthful (in) hadisan / representation of this reality, from Allah? 

4.88    What is the matter with you that you are divided into two groups over the munaafiqin / those who self-experienced (with their own logici), while Allah has regressed them for what they have earned? Do you want to guide those whom Allah misguides? Whoever Allah causes to be misguided, you will never find for him a path. 

4.89    They hope that you will reject as they have rejected, then you will be the same. Do not take any of them as allies until they emigrate in the cause of Allah. If they turn away, then take them and kill them (their soul) wherever you find them; and do not take from them any ally or supporter. 

4.90    Except for those who yasilu / will be connected to qaumin / group of established thoughts between you and between them a covenant, or they come to you with a reluctance in their sudur / awareness (turned to other than Allah) to fight you or to fight their own qauma / group of established thoughts.  Had Allah willed He would have given them strength and they would have fought you. But if they retire from you, and do not fight you, and al qau / the direct experience over them (group of thoughts) is assalama / the submission for peace (free from conflict); then Allah does not make for you a path against them.  

4.91    You will find others who want to be safe among you and safe among their qaum / group of established thoughts. Every time they are returned to the trial, they fall back in it. If they do not withdraw from you, and offer you peace, and restrain their hands, then you shall take them and kill (dissolve) them wherever you encounter them. For these We have given you a clear authority. 

4.92    And it is not for mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind) yaqtula / to kill another mukminan / those who take security, except by hoto'an / mistake. And whoever kills a mukminan / those who take security, by mistake, then he fatahriru / shall free raqabatin mukminatin / one who take security (with intuitive mind) who on the look out for the true knowledge, wadiyyatun musallamatun / those who are helpless in their submission (with their intuitive mind) to his ahle / acquiantance; unless that is yasaddaku / truthful. Then if he was from qaumin / a group of established thoughts who are aduwin / unjust to you, and he was a mukminun / one who take security (in Allah) shall free raqabatin mukminatin / one who take security (with intuitive mind) who on the look out for the true knowledge.  And if he was from a qaum / group of established thoughts from among you and among them have a covenant, fadiyyatun musallamatun / then those who are helpless in their submission (with their intuitive mind) to his ahle / acquiantance, and free raqabatin mukminatin / one who take security (with intuitive mind) who on the look out for the true knowledge. Whoever does not find, then siyamu / self restrain shahrain / two notable screens of perception sequentially (that is independent perception and perception derived from sensory apparatus) as a repentance from Allah; for Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise (all deeds based on facts)

4.93    And whoever kills a mukminan / one who take security (in Allah) muta'ammidan / intentionally, then his recompense shall be jahannam / stagnation (holding on to static beliefs that halt spiritual progress), abiding therein, and Allah will be angry with him, and curse him, and for him is prepared a great retribution. 

4.94    O you who aamanu / take security (in Allah), when darabtum / you go forth in the cause of Allah you tabayyanu / investigate to make it clear and do not say to who that offer you with the salaama / submission for peace: “You are not a mukminan / one who take security (in Allah)!” You are seeking the aradha / pervasive delusional hayaati duniya / living temptation (of close attachments and relationships); but with Allah are abundant gains (in mental development). That is how you were from before, but Allah graced you, so tabayyanu / investigate to make it clear. Allah is All Aware over what you do. 

4.95    Not equal are those who stayed behind from the mukminun / those who take security (in Allah); except those disabled; with those who strived in the cause of Allah with their amwal / accumulated knowledge and anfus / souls. Allah has preferred those who strive with their amwal / accumulated knowledge and anfus / souls over those who stayed behind by a darajat / grade; and to both Allah has promised goodness; and Allah has preferred those who strived over those who stayed behind by a great reward. 

4.96    Darajaatin / grades from Him and forgiveness and a mercy (for the approval of the knowledge).  Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. 

4.97    Indeed those who completed the malaaikah / state of sovereign authority (where your mind, body and soul is one ruler one authority), while they had wronged their anfus / soul; they said: “What situation were you in?”  They said: “We were oppressed on the ardh / lower consciousness.” They said: “Was the ardh / lower consciousness of Allah not wide enough that you could emigrate in it?” To these their abode will be Jahannum / ignorant (where mental development is hindered); what a miserable destiny!

4.98    Except for those who were oppressed from the rijal / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization) and the nisa'i / passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality), and wildani / brainchild (idea) who could not devise a plan nor could be guided to a way. 

4.99    For these, perhaps Allah will pardon them.  Allah is Pardoner, Forgiving. 

4.100    Whoever yuhajir / emigrates in the cause of Allah will find in the ardh / lower consciousness many muraghaman / state of humiliation / degradation and sa'atan / an experience of the knowing. And whoever leaves from his baiti / mental home emigrating to Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb), then overcomes by almautu / lifeless soul; without doubt, his recompense has fallen to Allah, and Allah is Forgiving, Rahiman / merciful (with the approval of His abstract system of education). 

4.101    And if you go forth in the ardh / lower consciousness, then there is no junahun / inclination to wrong-doing that you shorten from the salaati / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), if you fear that the kafaru / rejecters yaftinakumu / will try you. Surely, al kaafirin / the rejecters are to you a clear 'aduwwan / transgressor.   

4.102    And when you are among them then faakamta / you establish for them the salaata / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), then let established a group from them with you and let them bring out aslihatahum / their uncleanliness; and when they have sajadu / submitted then let them be from behind you; and let a group who has not yet sallu / connect (for hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice) come and yusallu / will connect with you, and let them be wary and let them bring their uncleanliness with them. The kafaru / rejecters hope that you would neglect your uncleanliness and provisions so they can come upon you in a single deviation. There is no sin upon you if you are impeded by rain of knowledge, or if you are mardho / disorder (sick, tired, pain and short of knowledge) that you place down your uncleanliness. And be wary, Allah has prepared for the rejecters a humiliating punishment.   

4.103    Then when qadhaitumu / you are decreed with the salaata / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), then uzkuru / embody masculine faculty (that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) of Allah, qiaman / an establishing and qu'udan / waiting (for the understanding) and over junubikum / your bewilderness (where the message received is fresh and different from what is known). Then, when you are satisfied, aqimu / establish the salaata / connections.  Indeed, the salaata / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) for the mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind), kitaban / an inherent script mawqutan / a determined matter (success is never an accident). 

4.104    And do not falter in the pursuit of the remaining kaum / group of established thoughts. If you are feeling pain, then they are also feeling pain as you are; and you seek from Allah what they do not seek.  Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise (all judgment based on facts and empirical evidence).  

4.105    We have revealed to you the Kitab / inherent script with the truth that you litahkuma / may judge (based on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence) between an-nas / the agitated thoughts by that which Allah has shown you, and do not be an advocate for the treacherous. 

4.106    And seek forgiveness from Allah; for Allah is Forgiver, Merciful. 

4.107    And do not tujadilu / be in contention on behalf of those who deceive their nafs / soul.  Allah does not love those who betray, a sin.

4.108    They yastakhfuna / may conceal this from an-nas / the agitated thoughts, and they may not yastahfuna / conceal it from Allah, and He was with them when they yubayyituna / mentally house the message that they schemed what He does not approve of the qaul / assertion.  Allah is muhithon / Encompassing with what they do.

4.109    Here you are jaadal / in contention on their behalf in this hayaati duniya / living temptations (of close attachments and relationships), but who yujadilu / be in contention on their behalf with Allah on the moment of establishment (of the transformative deeds)? Or, who will be their wakilan / a trusted custodian?

4.110    And whoever does evil, or yazlim / wrong his soul, then seeks the forgiveness of Allah; he will find Allah is Forgiving, Merciful (for the approval of the knowledge).

4.111    And whoever earns any sin, then surely he has brought it on his nafs / soul. And Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise (all judgment based on facts and empirical evidence) 

4.112    And whoever earns a wrongdoing or sin, then yarmi / formed wrong opinion with it, bari'an / an absolution (from establishing the deen); he has surely incurred falsehood and a clear sin.  

4.113    And had it not been for fadhlu / given advantage of Allah upon you and His rahmatuhu / abstract system of education, a group of them would have obsessed on misguiding you; they would not have misguided except their anfus / souls, nor would they harm you in anything. And Allah has revealed to you the kitaba / inherent script and the hikmata / understanding based on Allah's law (with facts and empirical evidence), and He has taught you what you did not know. And fadhlu / given advantage of Allah upon you is great.  

4.114    (There is) no good in most of their najwa / save (from being misguided), except who orders with sadaqatin / genuine / truthful or makrufin / acknowledged with known facts or islaahin / reform between an-nas / the agitated mind.  And whoever does this seeking the mardoti / approval of Allah, We will give him a great recompense.

4.115    And whoever is hostile to the rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) after the guidance has been clarified to him, and he follows other than the path of the mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind); We will grant him what he has sought and deliver him to jahannam / veil of igonarance; what a miserable destination.

4.116    Surely, Allah does not forgive that partners be set up with Him, and He forgives other than that for who wishes (for forgiveness). Whoever sets up partners with Allah has indeed strayed a far straying.

4.117    They are invoking on others besides Him except inaatha / divine feminine attributes (unconditional love and unconditional acceptance).  Indeed, they are only invoking on shaytanan (an act arises from despair), mariidan / a disorder.

4.118    Allah has laknat / cursed (will not get guidance) him; and he said: “I will surely take from Your servants nasiban / a share mafrudan / obligatory.”

4.119    “And I will surely mislead them and surely make them have wishful thinking, and surely I will command them, so that they will surely cut-off the anaam / enjoyable / pleasant thoughts and surely I will order them so they will surely change the evolution of Allah (to what Allah commanded them to do).” Whoever takes the shaitana / acts arises from despair (which basically are the thoughts) as a supporter from other than Allah, then he has indeed lost a clear loss.

4.120    He promises them and makes them have wishful thinking, but what the shaitanu / acts arises from despair promises them only delusion.

4.121    For these, their abode shall be jahannam / veil of ignorance, and they will find no escape from it.  

4.122    And as for those who aamanu / take security (in Allah) and do solehati / corrective actions, We will admit them to jannah / hidden garden of knowledge with rivers of knowledge flowing beneath them, abiding therein eternally. The promise of Allah is truth; and who is more truthful in saying than Allah?  

4.123    It will not be by what you wishfully think, nor by what the ahle / those who are acquainted of the kitab / inherent script. Whoever does evil, he will be recompense for it; and he will not find for himself besides Allah any supporter or a helper. 

4.124    And whoever does deeds from solehati / that correct oneself, from zakarin / divine masculine attribute (linear, logical, focus and assertive) or unsa / divine feminine attribute (unconditional love, care and acceptance), and is mukmimin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind), then they will be admitted to jannah / hidden garden of knowledge, and they will not yuzlamuna / be wronged in the least.

4.125    And who is better in deenan / an indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, judgment and law), from who submits wajhahu / his focus to care (for growth) to Allah, and he is muhsinun / one whose experience and deeds are out of true knowledge, and follows the millata Ibrahim / life practices (based on guidance by fatherly support of your logical mind inclined to the truth), hanifan / naturally inclined (to the truth)?  And Allah took Ibrahim (who is inclined to the truth) as a khalilan / perfect friendship.

4.126    And to Allah is what is in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness; and Allah is Muhithan / Encompassing all things.

4.127    And they seek your yastaftu / youthful prime interpretation in the nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality), say: “Allah will give you a youthful prime interpretation regarding them (the thoughts / urges) and what is being recited to you in the kitab / inherent script regarding the yataama an-nisa' / the passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality), that are not guided (by Allah) whom you wish tankihu / to comingle but have not given them what was decreed for them, and the oppressed from the wildani / brainchild (ideas) : That you taqumu / establish for the yataama / those not guided in equality.” Whatever good you do, then Allah is aware of it. 

4.128    And if imraatun / an obstinate thought fears from her ba'al / dependence they rely on (for mental  improvement), an arising or disregard, then there is no junaha / inclination to wrong-doing upon them to find a solution of reconciliation between their anfusu / souls; and reconciliation is best. And the souls are brought by need; and if you are kind and do right, then Allah is khobiran / All Aware over what you do.

4.129    And you will not be able to be fair regarding the nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality), even if you make every effort; so do not sway too greatly and leave her as one hanging in a void. And if you reconcile and do right, then Allah is Forgiver, Merciful (for the approval of the knowledge).

4.130    And if they separate, then Allah will provide for each of them from His bounty. Allah is waasi'an / All Encompassing, Hakiman / Wise (all judgment based on facts and empirical evidence). 

4.131    And to Allah is what is in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness; and without doubt wassaina / We have instructed as testament to those who were given the kitab / inherent script from before you, and you, to be mindful of Allah. And if you reject, then to Allah is all that is in the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness; Allah is abundance (in knowledge), Praiseworthy for the approval of the knowledge.

4.132    And to Allah is all that is in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness; and Allah is enough as Wakilan / a trusted custodian.

4.133    If He wills, He can make all of you an-nas / agitated thoughts to disperse; then He will bring others in your place. And Allah measures over that thing.

4.134    Whoever seeks the reward of this duniya / close attachments and relationships, then with Allah is the reward of this duniya and the aakhirah / ending (dissolution of duniya and remaining behind the dissociated self). Allah is Hearing, Watchful.

4.135    O you who aamanu / take security (in the kitab / inherent script), qawwamin / establish from justice as witnesses to Allah, even if against your anfus / souls, or the waalidain / thoughts given birth to (manifested and produced of rijalan / independent thought process and nisa / passionate urge) or the akrabain / the two closely related thoughts (formulated by conditioned mind in memory and via senses). Even if he be abundance or faqir / poor (in knowledge), Allah is more worthy of them, so do not follow desire into being unjust. And if you twist or turn away, then Allah is All Aware over what you do.

4.136    O you who aamanu / take security (in the kitab / inherent script); aaminu / take security with Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb), and the kitab / inherent script which was revealed to His rasul / inner voices (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb), and the kitab / inherent script which was revealed from before. And whoever rejects with Allah, and His malaikah / authorities, and His kutub / inherent scripts, and His rusul / inner voices (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb), and the moment of aakhirah / ending (dissolution of duniya and remaining behind only the dissociated self); then surely he has strayed a far straying.

4.137    Those who aamanu / take security (in the kitab / inherent script), then rejected, then aamanu / take security, then rejected, then they increased in rejection; Allah was not to forgive them nor to guide them to the path.

4.138    Basharin / sensible thoughts to the munaafiqin / those who self-experienced (with their own logic), that they will have a painful punishment.

4.139    Those who take the rejecters as allies from beside the mukminin (those who take security in Al Kitab): “Do they seek izzata / honor with them?” All honor belongs to Allah.

4.140    And surely, it has been revealed to you in the kitab / inherent script, that if you hear the ayaati / signs of Allah being rejected with it and yustahza'u / disregarded / contempted with it, then do not sit with them until they move on to a different hadithin / representation of the reality; if not, then you are like them. Allah will gather the munaafiqin / those who self-experience (with their own logic) and the kafirin / rejecters in jahannam / stagnation (where spiritual progess halt) all together.

4.141    Those who linger and observe you, if you have fathun / a victory decoding the ayaati (signs) from Allah they say: “Were we not with you?” And if the kafirin / rejecters have success, they say: “Did we not side with you and deter the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind) from you?” So Allah yahkumu / will judge (based on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence) between you on the yawmal qiamah / moment of establishment (of the truth), and Allah will not grant the rejecters any success over the mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind).

4.142    Indeed the munafiqin / those who self-experienced (with their incomplete own logic), seek to deceive Allah, while He is deceiving them; and when they qamu / establish to make the salaati / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), they do so lazily, only to show the people; they do not yazkuru / embody masculine faculty of Allah except qalilan / very little. 

4.143    They are swaying in-between, neither with this group nor with that group. Whoever Allah will misguide, you will not find for him a way.

4.144    O you who aamanu / take security (in the kitab / inherent script), do not take the kafirin / rejecters as allies instead of the mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind)). Do you want Allah to have sultana mubina / a clear authority against you?

4.145    The munafiqin / those who self-experience (with their own logic) will be in the lowest pit of an-nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas); and you will not find for them nasiran / a helper.

4.146    Except those who tabu / repent, and in corrective actions, and hold fast to Allah, and are sincere in deenahum / their indebted obligations to consciously (obey Allah's system, judgment and law) to Allah; then these will be with the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind).  And Allah will give the mukminin / those who take security (with their unfettered independent logical mind) a great recompense.

4.147    What would Allah do with your punishment if you were only thankful and aamantum / you took security ?  Allah is Beneficence, Knowledgeable.

4.148    Allah does not love aljahra / make known (the representation) with evil from his saying, except the one who is zulima / wronged.  Allah is Hearer, Knowledgeable.

4.149    If you tubdu / display (you show as the representation) what is good or hide it, or forgive what is bad, then Allah is Forgiver, qadiran / a measure over all thing.

4.150    Those who yakfiru / rejected with Allah and His rusul / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb), and they want to make a separation between Allah and His rusul / inner voices (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb), and they say: “We believe in some and reject some!” And they desire to take a path in-between.

4.151    These are the true kafirun / rejecters; and We have prepared for the rejecters a humiliating azaban / punishment.

4.152    And those who aamanu / take security (in the kitab / inherent script) with Allah and His rusul / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) and do not make a distinction between any from them, We will give them their recompense. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

4.153    The ahlul kitab / those acquainted with the inherent script ask you to reveal to them kitaban / an inherent script from the samaa' / higher consciousness.  Indeed, they had asked Musa / the one who is matured and familiar with the truth, for even more than that, then they said: “Show us Allah hajahratan / with awareness!” So the sa'iqahu / the insensible fear of death with their zalimi / wrongdoing. Then they took the ijla / hastiness from after the clarity had come to them, and We pardoned them for this; We gave Musa / the one who is matured and familiar with the truth,  a clear authority.

4.154    And We raised the thur / mount (signifying the weighty magnitude of the covenant) above them by the covenant they took, and We said to them: “Enter the bab / door (of the covenant) in sujjadan / humility / submissive.” And We said to them: “Do not ta'du / transgress the sabti / equilibrium of a peaceful active mind (because if you do, it becomes a monkey mind);” and We took from them a solemn (genuine) covenant.

4.155    So, for the breaking of their covenant, and their rejection of the ayaati / signs of Allah, and their killing of the anbiya' / who pronounce (news of the ghaib) without truth, and their saying: “Our hearts are wrapped.”  Rather, Allah has stamped upon their hearts because of their rejection; they do not yukminun / take security, except for a few.

4.156    And with their kufri / rejection and their saying about Maryama / state of discovering the truth, a great buhtanan / falsehood.

4.157    And their saying: “We have killed the Masiha / pure soul (freed of baseless and false understanding), Isa / who is fortified with Ruh Qudus (holy spirit of the truth), abna / construct of Maryama / state of ardent pursuit to discover, rasullallah / messenger of Allah (inner voice that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb)!” And they had not killed him, nor salabu / deprived him (of logic / reason), but it appeared to them as if they had. And those who ihtalafu / represent (the truth) are in doubt regarding him, they have no knowledge except to follow conjecture; they did not kill him, certainly.

4.158    Rather, Allah had raised him to Himself; and Allah is Noble, Wise (all judgment based on facts and empirical evidence).

4.159    And verily from the ahlul al kitab / those who are acquainted to the inherent script but surely he yukminanna / take security with him before mautihi / his destituteness (lifeless soul), and on the yawmal qiyamah / moment of establishment (of the truth) he will be witness against them.

4.160    Then for the zhulmin / wrongdoers from among those who are hadu / lenient, We made forbidden to them the good things that were permissible to them; and for their deterring many from the path of Allah.

4.161    And for their taking of the riba / superficial (inflated) knowledge and understanding, while certainly they were prohibited from doing so, and for their consuming the amwaala / accumulated knowledge of an-nas / the agitated mind unjustly. We have prepared for the kafirin / rejecters among them a painful punishment.  

4.162    But those of them who are well founded in hidden knowledge, and the mukminun / those who take security (in Al Kitab), yukminun / take security in what was revealed to you and what was revealed from before you; and the mukimina / one who establish the salaah / connections (to receive and download hidden messages), and those who contribute towards zakaah / mental growth (development), and mukminun / those who take security with Allah and the aakhirah / ending (dissolution of duniya / close attachments); those We will give them their recompense greatly.  

4.163    Surely, We have inspired you as We had inspired Nuhin / who has empathy and compassion (to the nescient and ignorant) and the nabiyyin / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) from after him. And We had inspired Ibrahim / who is inclined to the truth, and Ismail / who listen to the truth, and Ishaq / who is perfect and alienated from other than the truth, and Yakub / who always return to the truth, and the Asbati / who are like minded and having same interest, and Isa / who is fortified with Ruh Qudus, and Ayyub / who has returned to his true self, and Yunus / who is in constant pusuit to embody the truth, and Harun / who has strong will to deliver the truth, and Sulaiman / who submit and attain peace; and We gave Daud / who break up complex (and wild) thoughts, zaburan / intelligence that is determined and shaped (in relation to the realisation of meaning with insights and conscious understanding) 

4.164    And rusulan / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) surely We have retraced the steps (to make account of the facts accurately) to you from before, and rusulan / inner voices (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb) We have not retraced the steps (of the facts) to you; and Allah spoke to Musa (the one who is matured and familiar with the truth) directly.

4.165    Rusulan / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) who were rational thoughts and self-warners, so that there will be no excuse for an-nas / the agitated mind's hujjatun / argument over Allah after the rusuli / inner voices (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb).  Allah is Almighty, Wise (all judgment based on facts and empirical evidence).

4.166    But Allah bears witness for what He has revealed to you.  Revealed to you with His knowledge, and the malaaikah / authorities bear witness; and Allah is sufficient as a witness.

4.167    Those who kafaru / have rejected and saddu / aversed from the path of Allah, they have strayed a far straying.

4.168    Those who kafaru / have rejected and zalamu / did wrong, Allah was not to forgive them, nor guide them (in) tariqan / a pursuit in the path to attain the truth.

4.169    Except thariqa / pursuit to the path of jahannam / veil of ignorance (halt the spiritual progress), they will abide therein eternally. For Allah this is yasiran / very easy. 

4.170    O an-nas / agitated mind, without doubt rusul / inner voices (that deliver ayaati / signs) has come to you with the truth from your Rabb / Lord, so aminu / take security (in it); that is better for you. And if you takfuru / reject, then to Allah is what is in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness. And Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise (all judgment based on facts and empirical evidence).

4.171    O ahlal kitab / those who are acquainted with the kitab (inherent script), do not overstep (exceed the limit) in your deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, judgment and law), nor say about Allah except the truth.   Al masihi / the pure (freed of baseless and false understanding)  Isa / who is fortified with Ruhul Qudus, construct of Maryama / state of ardent pursuit to discover, was no more than a rasullullah / messenger of Allah (inner voice that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) and His word, which He cast to Maryama / urge (motivation) to discover, and ruhun / a Spirit (essence of the truth) from Him. So aaminu / take security with Allah and His rusul / inner voices (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb), and do not say: “Three.” Cease, for it is better for you. Allah is only One ilaah / reality of being, be He glorified that He should have waladun / psychological procreation / birth! To Him is all that is in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness; and Allah is sufficient as wakilan / a trusted custodian.  

4.172    Never the Masih / pure soul (freed of baseless and false understanding) yastankihu / is disdained to be abdan lillah / a servant to Allah, nor are the malaaikah / sovereign authority, muqarrabun / those who are near (to truth). Whoever is disdained from his ibadah / service, and is arrogant, then He will gather them all towards Him together (for punishment).  

4.173    As for those who aamanu / take security and do solehati / corrective actions, He will give them in completion their recompense and increase for them from His fadhli / given advantage. And as for those who are disdained and arrogant, He will punish them a painful retribution, and they will not find besides Allah any protector and no helper.  

4.174    O an-nas / agitated mind, surely burhanun / proof has come to you from your Rabb / Lord, and We have revealed to you a clear (guiding) light.  

4.175    As for those who aamanu / take security in Allah and hold fast to Him, He will admit them in rahmatin / abstract system of education from Him and fadhlin / a given advantage, and He will guide them to Himself, siratal mustaqim / a path of the one who is established in the truth.  

4.176    They seek your yastaftu / youthful prime understanding.  Say: “Allah gives you the youthful meaning in the kalaalah / state of mind that need support. If imru'on / discernible thought is annihilated and has no birthing of thought, but has a sisterly thought, then she shall receive half of what is left behind; and he will inherit from her if she has no birthing of thought. However, if he has two sisterly thoughts, then they will receive two thirds of what is left behind; and if he has sisterly thoughts, rijalan / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization) and nisa / passionate urges (emotional drive that fuel motivation, creativity, empathy and determination to pursue knowledge and morality), then zakari / divine masculine attributes (linear, logical, focus and assertive) shall receive twice what the nisa'an / divine feminine attributes.  Allah makes clear to you that you do not stray; Allah is aware of all things. 




















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