(The Ones Who Pass Premature Judgment)


This surah pertains to those who are within reach but hastily pass judgment on the truth when their discernment is not yet fully developed. Genuine judgment cannot be expressed until discernment matures. If judgment is prematurely formed, it remains an immature manifestation of discernment. A fully developed discernment represents the mature capacity to perceive, differentiate, and distinguish truth. This is the means to align with the truth.

The surah begins with a condemnation to those who rush to judgment. These individuals prioritize their intellect over their agitated minds, hindering the development of discernment due to biases, preconceived notions, fear, the desire for superiority, and a lack of information. They place significant emphasis on their intellect while neglecting the inspiration of the truth from their Lord. Furthermore, they harbor uncertainty regarding the aakhirah (ending), the dissolution of the duniya (worldly existence), and the resurrection of the true self.

Certainly, the moment of Aakhirah, marking the end of Duniya and the resurrection of one's true self, will come. During this moment, the inherent script of those who deny Allah's message is consigned to Sijjeen, a place of imprisonment where their inherent script is held back from reaching their restless minds. Undoubtedly, they are veiled from their own inherent script. On the contrary, the inherent script for the Abrar, those who hold deep affection for Allah's messages, resides in Illiyyin, a realm of elevated consciousness. They are the ones who draw near to their inherent script, completely absorbed, and their consciousness sealed in the contemplation of truth.

Indeed, the Mutoffifin are those from among the Ahle Kitab, or those acquainted with the inherent script, who have transgressed due to their intense captivation with their own nas, or agitated minds. Have the Mutoffifin been rewarded for the transgressions they've committed in the premature judgment of the truth?

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated meaning to it for nothing exist without being named), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman).

83.1    Woe to the mutoffifin / ones who passed premature judgment (judgment based on incomplete understanding), 

83.2    They are those who, when they take iktaalu / (their) intellect over an-nas / the agitated mind, yastawfun / wholly and in completeness. 

83.3    And when they kaalu / take (their) intellect or they zanuu / put great importance (to their own intellect), yuhsirun / they will lose. 

83.4    Are they not yazhunnu / certain that they are those who mab'uthun / in a state of resurrection (of true self), 

83.5    For a great moment..  

83.6    Moment of the an-nas / the agitated mind will quumu / establish (aakhirah / ending of duniya and resurrection of true self) before Rabb / Lord of the aalamin / all empirically evidenced and factual knowledge? 

83.7    No! Indeed, kitaaba / inherent script of the fajjari / wicked is in sijjeen / imprisonment (your inherent script is restrained when you become wicked). 

83.8    And do you know what is sijjeen / imprisonment (where you inherent script is restrained)?

83.9    Kitabun / an inherent script marqum / imprinted (in the consciousness).

83.10    Woe, that moment to the deniers,

83.11    They are those who deny with the moment of the deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgement).

83.12    And none deny with it save every sinful transgressor.

83.13    When Our verses are recited to him (so that His servant will discern the message received), he says, "tales of the awwalin / earlier thoughts."

83.14    No! Rather, raana / stain (from denial) has covered qulubihim / their hearts of that which yaksibun / they earn.

83.15    No! Indeed, from their Rabb / Lord, that moment, surely will be veiled (from their kitab / inherent script).

83.16    Then indeed, they will abide in the jahim / burning sensation (of internal conflicts).

83.17    Then it will be said, "This is those who are with it, tukazzibun / used to deny."

83.18    No! Indeed, kitaba / inherent script of the abrar / affectionate is in 'illiyyin / elevated consciousness.

83.19    And what do you know what is 'illiyyun / elevated consciousness?

83.20    Kitabun / an inherent script, marqum / imprinted (in the consciousness).

83.21    Witness of the muqarrabun / those who are near to truth.

83.22    Indeed, the abrar / truthfulness (of their covenant) will be in na'im / enlightening knowledge.

83.23    Over the araa'ika / the support (upon your Rabb / Lord), in certainty.

83.24    Ta'rifu / know in wujuhihim / their focus to care (for growth), nadhratal na'im / radiance of enlightening knowledge,

83.25    Absorbed from rahiqin / most excellent knowledge, makhtumin / sealed.

83.26    Its seal is miskun / held firmly.  And in that then tanafas / breathing in (of the discernment of truth), of the mutanaafisun / one who breathe in the truth. 

83.27    And its blending is from tasneem / elevation of knowledge (in the consciousness),

83.28    'Ainan / a perception absorbed inwardly with it, the muqarrabun / those who are near the truth.

83.29    Indeed, they (the mutoffifin) are those who are ajramu / violated the covenant from those who aamanu / took security (in Al Kitab), (with a ) yadhakun / cynical smile.

83.30    And when they marru / passed with them (the mujrimun), yataghamazun / intimidating squint.

83.31    And when they returned to ahlihim / those acquainted (in transgression), they would return fakihin / full of captivation (with agitation and restlessness).

83.32    And when they (the mutoffifin) saw them (the mukmin), they would say, "Indeed, those are astray."

83.33    And (claimed that) they were sent as khofizhun / guardians over them.

83.34    Then the moment those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) from the kuffar / rejecters, yadhakun / (with a) cynical smile,

83.35    On the araai'ki / support (from your Rabb / Lord), yanzhurun / observing.

83.36    Have the kuffar / rejecters been rewarded for what they used to do?



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