(The Measurement)


Surah Al-Qadr delves into the profound reality of Lailatul Qadr, a night that symbolizes the measurement and evaluation of darkness—the absence of truth that hinders our guidance. This darkness is not merely a physical concept but represents the spiritual and mental barriers that obscure the light of divine wisdom. The process of this measurement begins with a deep, inward reflection, where one becomes acutely aware of the layers of darkness surrounding the self. This introspective journey initiates a transformative phase of spiritual intensity, where we engage in deep contemplation and reflection upon our own state of being.

It is during this deep awareness that Allah reveals the Quran, the ultimate embodiment of truth. The act of measuring and evaluating the layers of darkness that obscure the light is a divine process, one that transcends the usual patterns of ignorance and spiritual blindness. The Quran, revealed by the permission of your Rabb, descends with absolute authority, carrying the essence of truth that penetrates through the darkness.

As one engages in this sacred assessment, the Quran acts as a guide, illuminating the obstacles and barriers that create spiritual darkness. This revelation initiates a state of profound peace, beginning the moment we recognize and confront these barriers. As the awareness progresses, the piercing light of dawn emerges, symbolizing the arrival of knowledge and understanding of the truth. This dawn marks the metaphor for the beginning of a new spiritual awakening, where the darkness is dispelled, and the illuminating light of divine truth takes hold, guiding us towards a path of righteousness and clarity.


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).           

97.1    Certainly, We anzalnaahu / have revealed it (Quran / the expression of the truth) in lailatil qadr / measured darkness (where the layers of barriers that block the light are accounted for).  

97.2    And do you know what is lailatul qadr / the measured darkness ?  

97.3    Lailatul qadr / measured darkness (where the layers of barriers that block the light are accounted for) is better from alfi shahrin / (what is) normally appear so.  

97.4    The malaikah / state of authority and the ruh / Spirit revealed in it with the permission of their Rabb / Lord from every amri / command.  

97.5    There is salamun / a peace until the emergence of the fajr / early light of guidance (that will pierce a passage for the truth). 



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