(The Truth Received)


The truth exists as it is. It emanates from your Rabb (your sustainer, your nurturer, and your Lord, who guides you to the right path), revealed to you through your inner voice, which delivers the message. "Our Rabb, raise within them a rasul (an inner voice) who will recite upon them Your ayaati (signs), so that they may follow closely, and will teach them Al Kitab (the inherent script) and hikmah (wisdom, actions based on understanding of the truth), and yuzakkihim (make them grow mentally). Indeed, You are the Mighty, the Wise (provider of understanding of the truth) - HQ 2:129. O an-nas, agitated minds, without doubt rusul (inner voices that deliver the message) have come to you with the truth from your Rabb, so aminu (take security in it); that is better for you. And if you takfuru (reject), then to Allah belongs whatever is in the samaawaat (higher consciousness) and the ardh (lower consciousness). And Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise - HQ 4:170."   
Your perceptions of truth fluctuate: some resonate with it, while others do not. Truth is knowable, and the journey embarked upon to seek and comprehend it is what we call a spiritual journey. The adversaries of truth are lies and deception. There are two ways for you to be fooled and not know the truth: by accepting that which is not true or by refusing to accept that which is true. Allowing falsehoods to take root in your heart and influence your thoughts, emotions, and actions impedes your readiness to comprehend. Thoughts create our experiences, offering paternal support to everything that exists within us. Emotions represent our spirit, reflecting the sensations derived from our sacred feminine principles. Actions embody the male principles, encompassing sacred masculine attributes such as linearity, focus, bravery, and assertiveness.

This surah provides examples of how lies and deceptions can take root in the heart, be fooled and you suffer the resulting consequences. Firstly, the experience of Thamud illustrates how truth is destroyed when you accept that which is not true and become preoccupied and attached to illusions, fantasy, core axioms, engaging in transgression, mentally developed in those ideas without reform. Secondly, the experience of Aad demonstrates how truth is undermined when you refuse to accept that which is true. Your repetitive thoughts suppress the spirit's ability to seek truth, leading to arrogant actions driven by fixed goals and destinations. Then, there is the example of Firaun, characterized by a superiority complex, strengthening the lies and deceptions by deluding you with wrongdoings that seen as realities.  Without corrective actions, hidden barriers form, blocking the light of awareness and plunging individuals into darkness. Consequently, communication with higher consciousness is severed, leaving one powerless to counter the opposing thoughts that undermine them, ultimately ruining the arsh, structure of your spiritual journey.

It is crucial to ensure that the inherent script received is provided accurately for the development of your neural pathways, based on empirical and factual knowledge. For this to occur, the kitabiyah is read on an "as is" basis, meaning the inherent script received is not influenced by the conditioning of your mind or other non-factual sources pertaining to its interpretation. The words of your Rabb should not be associated with non-empirical and non-factual knowledge. This is, in fact, the basis for attaining success in harvesting hidden knowledge. For those who receive the inherent script with the left—meaning with a mind conditioned in non-empirical and non-factual grounds—they will gain nothing from the wealth of hidden knowledge revealed to them. Lacking empirical evidence and facts, your sovereignty over the matter erodes, and you become overly reliant on your own mind for hidden knowledge. Consequently, you will no longer have any urge to seek and satisfy yourself with hidden knowledge once you realize your need for it. Thus, you remain trapped in the prison of your own egotistical self.

Indeed, the truth you have received, the haqqah, is surely the voice of your noble inner self delivering its message. It is not merely a statement laden with literal meanings in flowery poetic language, which you may accept as truth in a limited sense, nor is it a prediction that you will be able to ascertain its truthfulness using your masculine attributes like focus, logic, and others. Essentially, it is a revelation from your Rabb. If, at any point, your inner voice fabricates the message, then Allah will seize from it the right, ensuring that your experience is grounded in factual knowledge. Allah will then cut off the connections of the related neural pathway of the said inner voice. In essence, the truth revealed does not carry literal meanings nor does it pertain to future experiences. Instead, it is the unseen grounded in factual knowledge, which your sacred masculine attributes will enable you to establish and comprehend its truthfulness.

For those who deny and reject the haqqah, the truth received, intense regret awaits them. However, for those who accept the truth with certainty, abundance awaits. So, immerse yourself in your quest to seek and comprehend the truth when it is delivered to you. 

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.  (The Rahmaan is Allah's abstract education system that provides abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman). 

69.1    The truth (that is received) 

69.2    What is the truth (that is received) 

69.3    And what can make you know what the truth (that is received) is ? 

69.4    Thamud / that accept which is not true and Aad / that refuses to accept which is true, denied (the truth) with al-qariah / the cluster of established thoughts (of repetitive and negative thoughts).

69.5    So as for thamud / that accept which is not true, then destroyed (the truth that is revealed) with the thoghiyyah / grasping falsehood.

69.6    And as for Aad / that refuse to accept the truth (resulting in repetitive thoughts in their limited independent logial mind), destroyed (the truth that is received) with a suppressed spirit (repetition of thoughts that trap the spirit of truth from emerging), 'atiyatin / an arrogant act.

69.7   Sahharaha / He teased upon them sab'a layalin / a congregated mental barriers that bring darkness and samaaniyah / experiences of higher consciousness, a cut off moment; so you could see the qaum / group of established thoughts in it, sor'a / thrown down that they were powerless (unable to received the hidden knowledge from higher consciousness), nakhlin khowiyah / a ruined structure.

69.8    Then do you see towards them from (anything) baaqiyah / remaining experiences (from lower consciousness to receive)?

69.9    And came firaun / thought of superiority complex, and those who were before him and muktafikaat / one who delude with khoti'ah / wrong-doing.

69.10    Then they 'asau / disobeyed the rasul / inner voice (that carry the message) of their Rabb / Lord, so they were seized, akhazatin robiyah / a stronger hold.

69.11    Indeed, when hamalnaakum / we conceived you, the maa'u / knowledge that thogha / took security in falsehood, in the jaariyah / flowing.

69.12    Indeed, We made to you tazkirah / embodiment of divine masculine attributes (linearity, logic, focus, assertiveness) and ta'iyahaa / to think (ponder) uzunun / a listen (with paying attention).

69.13    Then, when nufikho / inflated in the shuuri / badness, a single inflation ( from a single strike of badness),

69.14    And the ardh / lower consciousness conceived (non empirical and non factual knowledge) and the jibalu / fixed headed thoughts, then a single dissolution (a single strike of dissolution).

69.15    Then that moment, waqa'atil waqi'ah / the occurrence will occur.

69.16    And the samaa'a / higher consciousness will break down, so that moment waahiyah / it will fell to pieces.

69.17    And the malaku / spiritual sovereign (to be in total control of oneself ) hoped for, and 'arsh / framework support of your Rabb / Lord conceived above them, on that moment, thamaaniyah / is costly (when the higher consciousness crumble).

69.18    On that moment, tughradhuna / you will turn away, and nothing will be hidden from you khofiyah / in secret.

69.19    As for him who is given his kitaba / inherent script with yaminihi / his right (premise of his inherent script is factual knowledge), he will say, "Here, take and read kitabiyah / my inherent script !"

69.20    Indeed, I was certain of mulaaqin / meeting hisaabiyah / my account (that I received).”

69.21    So, he will be in ghishati rodhiyah / a satisfying life that is approved.

69.22    In jannatin / hidden gardens of knowledge, 'aaliyah / most high.

69.23    Quthufuha / harvesting (the hidden knowledge) daaniyatin / closeby.

69.24    Kuluu / consume (the hidden knowledge) and ashrabu / absorb inwardly in satisfaction with what aslaftum / you have experienced before in the moment of the kholiyah / received according to your ability before.

69.25    But as for who utiya / is given kitaabahu / his inherent script bishimaalihi / with his left hand (premise of hid inherent script is non-reality / illusory), he will say, “O I wish I were never given kitabiyah / my inherent script.

69.26    And I did not know what hisabiyah / my account is.

69.27    Yaalaitaha / O I wish that were the qodhiyah / conclusion.

69.28    Maaliyah / wealth of knowledge I received has not availed me (that means he does not gain anything).

69.29    Halaka / eradicated from me is my authority.

69.30    Seize him then imprison (do not free) him.

69.31    Then shulluhu / burn him in the jahim / dark hole of ignorance.

69.32    Then silsilatin / descension into darkness whose grief is aggregated zira'an / uneasiness faslukuhu / then entered into him."

69.33    Indeed, he did not yukminu / take security with Allah , the Great,

69.34    And will not yahuddhu / feel the urge over tho'ami / consumption of the miskin / needy (in need of the hidden knowledge).

69.35    So nothing for him here the moment hamimun / of affliction (with) heated conflicting knowledge

69.36    And nothing tho'amun / consumed except from ghislinin / discharge of baseless understandings;

69.37    None will kulu / digest it (discharge of baseless understandings) except the khoti'un / sinners.

69.38    So I swear with what tubshirun / you have insights

69.39    And what you la-tubshirun / do not have insights

69.40    Indeed, it (haqqah - the truth) is surely saying of a noble rasulin / inner voice (that deliver the message).

69.41    And it is not saying of sha'irin / a literal expression (the truth is not expressed in flowery poetic language); a little do you tukminun / take security.

69.42    And not with saying of kaahin / a saying of prediction (like fortune teller); little what you tazakkarun / embody them with your masculine attributes (little will you be able to use your masculine attributes like linearity, bravery, logic, focus, assertiveness, to ascertain its truthfulness).

69.43    (It is) tanzilun / a revelation from Rabb / Lord of the 'aalamin / all the known and unknown (based on facts and empirical evidences, the hidden knowledge).

69.44    And if taqawwala / he fabricated over Us some of the qawail / sayings,

69.45    La'akhzna / We would have seized from him with the yamin / right (experience based on factual knowledge);

69.46    Then We would have cut from him the watin / supply channels (neural pathway of haqqah - truth that is received for spiritual development).

69.47    Then none of you could have khaajizin / held Us off (separate haqqah - truth that is received) from him.

69.48    And indeed, it (haqqah - truth that is received) is surely tazkirah / an embodiment of divine masculine attributes for the muttaqeen / one who is mindful (of Allah).

69.49    And indeed, surely We know that among you are mukazzibin / deniers.

69.50    And indeed, it (haqqah - truth that is received) surely hasratun / is an intense regret upon the kaafirin / rejecters.

69.51    And indeed, surely it is the haqqul yaqin / truth of certainty.

69.52    So sabbih / swim in the truth that is received, with the name (its elevated meaning) of your Rabb / Lord, the 'azhim / Great.



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