The Place Of Refuge 
(The Peaceful State Of Mind We Take Shelter In)



Allah has directly bestowed upon His servant the divine scripture, known as Al Kitab, containing the inherent script, the natural prescribed script from your Rabb / Lord. Through these revelations, Allah revealed the knowledge based on facts and does not make any distortion from it. Such revelation imparts directly from your Rabb / Lord without going through your conditioned mind. As such, we must give our rational thinking to receive profound understanding, enabling us to embark on a transformative journey through corrective actions.  
By seeking refuge in Al Kitab, individuals can reform their souls and strive for spiritual growth. Ultimately, in the aakhirah (ending), the soul will dissolve its individualistic earthly existence upon undergoing this transformative process and establishing the truth that Allah neither creates, gives birth, nor produces, and neither is Allah created, given birth to, nor produced. 

Allah has made the lower consciousness an adornment to test which servant excels in deeds. We seek refuge in Al Kitab, the best sanctuary, and construct the optimal path to refuge, as exemplified by the companions of the Kahfi. During the zenith of your spiritual journey, find solace in the serene state of mind provided by the "kahfi"—a secure haven from harm. Upon entering this retreat, Allah will shield your perception from external distractions. Subsequently, Allah will fortify your heart, drawing your inclination towards attentively listening to the revealed scripture, Al Kitab. As a result, clarity will dawn upon you, enabling discernment of the right path. It is imperative to act upon the inspirations received thereafter.

The education of the mukmin commences with Allah providing evidence, directly from our Rabb and through our own mentation. Which of these two constitutes the superior educational system? Allah then fortifies the mukmin with the pull of affection within their hearts and establishes that there is no reality except Allah—the fundamental, irreducible absolute reality. Allah further illustrates the two education systems (knowledge derived from personal mentation and knowledge directly inspired by our Rabb) by narrating the tale of Musa and Khidr. Musa represents one acquainted with the truth (formulated independently through personal mentation), while Khidr symbolizes one whose Lord is always in his presence, indicating continuous awareness of his Lord and direct inspiration in education.

Knowledge obtained from personal mentation involves thinking, analyzing, and synthesizing information to generate insights, ideas, and understanding by our left brain. It employs cognitive processes like perception, memory, attention, and reasoning to reflect on past experiences and learn from them. Ladunni, or knowledge inspired directly by our Rabb, refers to understanding instinctively what is inspired to our right brain without the need for conscious reasoning. Allah described in this surah that ladunni is combined with mentation, but mentation is employed to rationalize and reinforce understanding after receiving inspiration from the Rabb.

In the fable's conclusion, Musa is depicted as lacking patience, signifying that personal mentation tends to hastily conclude the interpretation of reality. Therefore, it is crucial to engage mentation after receiving the interpretation from our Rabb. Mentation is utilized for development, learning, self-reflection, and maturation in understanding the interpretation provided. Dzul Qarnain possesses both systems combined.

Allah further describes the amalgamation of the two education systems (mental perception and ladunni) through another fable of Dzul Qarnain, the possessor of both systems. This fable illustrates how understanding from the combination of the two systems fosters advanced maturity, strength, higher intellect, and the ability to harmonize intense anxiety arising from mischievous activities.

Those who trust in Allah's educational systems and engage in corrective deeds for transformation will inherit the jannah—hidden gardens of firdaus, abundant and limitless in knowledge. They will dwell eternally in it, and the oceans of knowledge have no boundaries of exhaustion. Conversely, those who reject these systems see their deeds rendered worthless, and their reward is the jahannam—a dark hole of ignorance where knowledge stagnates.


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated hidden meaning to it's name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide the abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman).

18:1    The praise is due to Allah (for the approval of the guidance) who revealed Al Kitab / the inherent script, to His servant and did not make over it iwaja / distortion. 

18:2    Qayyiman / established to warn of a severe ba'san / state of distress ladunhu / directly from Him (that is the Kitab is directly from Him and not mediated by our conditioned mind) and yubashiru / give sensible thoughts (understanding the unseen from the ayaati / signs) to the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind) who (are bound to) do solehaati / deeds reforming their soul that they shall have a goodly reward, 

18:3    Staying in it forever (and the meaning is clear).

18:4    And (so that he may) warn those who say, "Allah has taken waladan / bring about / produce / give birth" (to soul / self and the universe).

18:5    They have no knowledge of it, nor did their abaa / fatherly support (their own independent logical mind); a grievous word it is that comes out of their mouths; they speak nothing but a lie.

18:6    (With the revelation of the Kitab) Then maybe you will dissolve (doing it to a great extent) your soul asafan / with grief over them if they do not yukminu / trust (and take security) in this hadis / representation (to the reality that Allah has not taken waladan.  It is you yourself psychologically created your waladan) .

18:7    Surely We have made whatever is over al ardh / the lower consciousness ziinatan / an adornment for it, so that We may try them (as to) which of them is best in deeds

18:8    And most surely We will make what is on it sa'idan / voracious appetite to consume (the ziinatan / adornment in it). 

18:9    The ashaba / companions (thoughts of your pure mind)  of al kahfi / the place of refuge (the peaceful state of mind we take shelter in, from danger) and the raqim / imprinted or signature (of the course towards refuge) were of Our amazing ayaati / signs of the course they am hasibta / construct (they calculate towards refuge).

18:10    When al fityah / the prime time of your spiritual journey awaa / you got yourself retreated to the kahfi / the place of refuge (the peaceful state of mind we take shelter in, from danger) and said, "Our Rabb / Lord, grant us ladunka / direct guidance from You (that is, not mediated by our own conditioned mind) rahmah / an abstract system of education and prepare for us from our affair rashada / sound judgment."

18:11    So We cover over their ears (stop them from listening to other external sources) in al kahfi / the place of refuge for a preparation to elevate (them in darajat).

18:12    Then We raised them up that We make evident which of the two parties (the one who listen to others and the one who Allah covers their ears) was best to which they remained, a distance. 

18:13    We naba'ahum / relate to you their naqussu / footsteps / story (make account of the facts) with the truth; surely they were fityatun / in their prime time (understanding not matured yet) who aamanu / trust and take security with their Rabb / Lord and We increased them in guidance.

18:14    And We strengthened their qalbu / pull of their affection (to turn to Allah's message and not to other tendencies), when they qaamu / establish (the truth received) then said: Our Rabb / Lord is the Rabb / Lord of the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness; never we will invoke ilaahan / a reality of being (because the consciousness is infinite, full of itself) from other than Him, surely we would have said an exceedingly unjust thing.

18:15    These, our qaum / group of thoughts have taken aalihatan / realities from other than Him; why do they not produce any clear authority in their support ?  Who is then more azlamu / wrong / unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah? 

18:16    And when you i'tazaltumuhum / have left / parted them and that which they yakbuduu / (are bound to) serve other than Allah, then retreat to al kahfi / the place of refuge. Your Rabb / local consciousness will spread out for you of His rahmatihi / abstract system of education and will facilitate for you from your affair (with) ease.

18:17    And you will see  i'shamsa / the illumination / the clarity when (you) discovered / examined, tazaawaru / embellishment / falsehood about kahfihim / their refuge towards  the right (experience based on factual knowledge), and when it set, leave them behind on the left (experience based on non-reality or illusion) while they were in a wide space thereof. That is of the signs of Allah; whomsoever Allah guides, he is the rightly guided one, and whomsoever go astray, you shall not find for him a rightly guided protector.

18:18    And tahsabuhum / you would think them (those astray who has no protector and no guide) awake, while they were asleep. And We turned them to the right (factual knowledge) and to the left (illusory knowledge - two sides argument that is the truth and the falsehood), while their madness / confusion (loss of reasoning due to state of madness / confusion) stretched extending with closing their minds (do not want to be rationale). If you had appeared at them, you would have turned away from them to elude / dodge and been filled from them with terror.

18:19    And similarly, We raised them (from inactive mind) that they might ask one another. Said a speaker from among them, "How long have you remained ?" They said, "We have remained a time or some part of a time." They said, "Your Rabb / Lord is most knowing of how long you remained. So send anyone from you with your wariqi / cover (to hide their shame) this to the madeenah / state of conscious obedience and let him unzur / ponder to which is justified of food (knowledge for the soul - from own mind or directly from Allah) and bring you provision from it walyatalatthof / and let you be kind. And let not anyone be aware with you (not to make known your case to anyone).

18:20    Indeed, if they come yazharu / to ponder of you, they will throw you away or return you in what their millata / life practices (based on guidance by logic and reasoning of their conditioned mind). And never would you succeed (breaking the frontiers of consciousness), then - ever."

18:21    And that to you, We make known upon them so they would know that the wa'dallaah / covenant or promise of Allah is true and that of the saa'ata / direct experience of reality (with meeting Allah from a first person perspective) there is no doubt in it when they nazak / in agony among themselves about their affair and said, "Construct over them a structure. Their Rabb / Lord knows about them." Said those who prevailed (victorious) in the matter, "We will surely take over them masjidan / in a state of submission."

18:22    They will say a third, the fourth of them being their confusion; and they will say fifth, the sixth of them being their confusion - despise with the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden; and they will say seventh, and the eighth of them their confusion. Say,  "My Rabb / Lord knows of their account. None knows them (the ghaibi) except a few. So do not argue about them except with an obvious argument and do not inquire about them (the ghaibi) from anyone."

18:23    And never say of anything, "Indeed, I will do that ghadan / at the time I prepared or provided tomorrow (it is up to me when I want to be in a masjid / state of submission),"

18:24    Except  if Allah wills.   And remember your Rabb / Lord when you forget (it) and say, "Perhaps my Rabb / Lord will guide me to what is nearer from this right conduct."

18:25    And they remained in their kahfi / refuge for three hundred years (remaining for a long time or indeterminate situation from our perspective) and added by nine.

18:26    Say, " Allah knows with what they remained. To Him is the ghaibu / knowledge of the hidden of the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness.  Seeing with it and hearing!  They have not besides Him any protector, and He shares not hukmihi / His natural law with anyone." 

18:27    And atlu / follow through,  what has been 'uhiya / inspired to you from kitabi / inherent script of your Rabb / Lord. There is no change of His words, and never will you find from other than Him, multahadan / one who give shelter.

18:28    And keep your nafs / soul patient with those who call upon their Rabb / Lord with the ghadaati / early stage of clarity and the 'ashiyyi / lacking perception wajhahu / its focus to care (for growth), seeking His countenance (admission / acceptance). And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey qalbahu / one whose heart We have made heedless of zikrina / Our awareness and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever neglect.

18:29    And say, "The truth is from your Rabb / Lord, so whoever wills - let him trust (and take security); and whoever wills - let him yakfur / reject."  Indeed, We have prepared for the wrongdoers naaran / internal conflict (that burn an-nas) whose surrounding will cover them.  And if they consider calling for relief, they will be relieved with ma'i / flow of knowledge, like murky oil (deliberately moving / proceeding slowly), burn the wujuha / its focus to care (miss the object of mental growth). Wretched (miserable) is the drink (the direct experience), and evil is the resting place.

18:30    Indeed, those who have trusted (and take security) and do corrections (transformations) - indeed, We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds.

18:31    Those (who did well in deeds) will have jannatu / hidden knowledge (from their Rabb); beneath them rivers (of enlightening knowledge) will flow. They will be adorned therein (state of mind) from zahabin / dispersed thoughts and yalbasuna / will be wrapped (in) thibaban / a cover of khudran / immatured state from supports of intelligence and eloquency, reclining / leaning therein (upon his Rabb). Excellent is the reward, and good is the resting place.

18:32    And present to them an example of rajulain / two independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization): We granted for one of them jannatain / two gardens of hidden knowledge from life (repeating itself), and We surrounded them (the two of them) with choosing nakhlin / structured and placed between a means to cause them the growth.

18:33    Each of the two jannata /  hidden gardens of knowledge produce the two (knowledge) and did not tazlimu / wrong / fall short thereof in anything.  And We caused to gush forth within them a river (flow of enlightening knowledge).

18:34    And he had thamarun / an increased intellect, so he said to his companion (thought given birth by his mind) while he was conversing with him, "I am greater than you in wealth (in terms of knowledge) and more honorable contender."

18:35     And he entered his jannah / hidden garden of knowledge while he was unjust to his soul / self.  He said, "I do not think that this will perish - ever".

18:36    And I am not azhunnu / certain of the saa'ata / direct experience (meta consciously) will qaa'imah / establish.  And if I should be brought back to my Rabb / Lord, I surely will find better from it, munqalaban / one whose knowledge is central to the heart."

18:37    His companion (thought given birth by his mind)  said to him while he was conversing with him, "Have you distrusted in He who evolved you from turab / layers of falsehood (in knowledge) and then from a nutfatin / a seed of knowledge and then proportioned you rajulan / an independent thought process (for analysis, reason and rationalization)?

18:38    But as for me, He is Allah , my Rabb / Lord, and I do not associate with my Rabb / Lord, anyone (with other illusory being).

18:39    And why did you not, when you entered your jannah / hidden garden of knowledge, say, "what Allah willed (has occurred); there is no power except with Allah ?  Although you see me less from you in wealth (of knowledge) and children (thoughts that you give birth / produce / breed), 

18:40    It may be that my Rabb / Lord will give me (something) better than your jannati / hidden garden of knowledge and will send upon it a calamity from the samaa'i / higher state of consciousness, and will become a smooth, dusty ground,  

18:41    Or yusibhu / will become (in a state of) its knowledge thereof ghawran / sunken / cave in (lost)  so never you will be able to find it.

18:42    And surrounded with thamarihi / increased intellect, so he began turning it inside-out altogether over what he anfaqa / self-experienced in it (the reform), while it had collapsed upon 'urushiha / its framework / structure, and said, "Oh, I wish I had not associated with my Rabb / Lord, anyone."

18:43    And there was for him no one to yansuru / help him from other than Allah, nor could he defend himself.

18:44    Here for you, Al-Walayah (the protection, power, authority and kingdom) will be for Allah, the Truth.  He is the best for reward and the best for the final end. 

18:45    And present to them the example of the living of this duniya / close attachments and relations,  like flow of knowledge which We reveal from the samaa'i / higher consciousness, intermingled with it nabaatu / mental development of the ardh / lower consciousness then it in the early stage become hollow (and easily broken) scattered.  And Allah is ever, over all things, Perfect in Measurement.

18:46    Al maalu / the wealth of knowledge and al banuuna / the thoughts produced are adornment of the living temptation of the duniya / close attachments.  And the perpetual saalihaatu / correction and transformation are better in the nearness of your Rabb / Lord for reward and better for amalan / deeds / experience.

18:47    And (warn of) the moment when We will nusa'iru / pursue the jibal / fixed headed mind and you will see the lower consciousness prominent (apparent), and We will gather them and not leave behind from them anyone.

18:48    And they will be presented before your Rabb / Lord in rows, surely, "You have certainly come to Us just as We evolved you the first time. But you claimed that We would never make for you maw'idan / a promise."

18:49    And Al Kitab / the inherent script (of the Rabb) will be placed, so you will see al mujrimun / the one who violated the covenant fearful of that within it, and they will say, "Oh, woe to us! What is this Kitab / inner script that leaves nothing small or great except that it has enumerated it?" And they will find what they did present.  And your Lord does yazlimu / wrong / injustice to no one.

18:50    And when We said for the malaa'ikah / sovereign authority (where mind, body and soul is one ruler and one authority) to asjudu / submit for Adam / who is ready to receive education of the unseen (the khalifah / the representor), then they all fasajadu / submitted except iblees / those who are wrapped (with broken spirit and despair).  He was of the jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord) and departed from the command of his Rabb / Lord. Then will you take him and zurriyatahu / his off-springs of early developed thoughts, as allies other than Me while they are enemies to you?  Wretched it is for the wrongdoers as an exchange.

18:51    (Allah says further to the malaaikah)  I called them not to witness the evolution of the higher state of conscousness and the lower state of consciousness nor evolution of their own soul / self and I would not have taken the misguiders as assistants (to you),

18:52    And the moment when (He) shall say: Call on those whom you considered to be My associates. So they shall asserted on them, but they shall not answer them, and We will cause a separation between them.

18:53    And al mujrimun / the one who violated the covenant will see an-nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) and will be certain that they are to fall therein. And they will not find from it a way elsewhere.

18:54    And we have certainly varied / diversified in this quran (expressions of truth derived from reading the ayaati / signs) for an-nas / the agitated mind from every (kind of) example, but insaan / the intellect that is aligned with the truth, most of anything, (as for the agitated mind, they are prone to) jadalan / be in contention,   

18:55    And nothing has prevented an-nas / the agitated mind that trusting (and take security) when al huda / the guidance came to them and asking forgiveness from their Rabb / Lord except that there come to them the sunnatun awalin / early practice or that the punishment should come before them.

18:56    And when We send not the mursalin / inner voice (who deliver the message) except mubashirin / one who possess sensible thoughts (that decode the ayaati / signs to understand the truth) and warners, and those who kafaru / reject, yujadilu / wish to be in contention with bathil / falsehood to invalidate with it the haq / truth, have taken My ayaati / signs and that of which they are warned, huzuwa / in disregard / dispute. 

18:57    And who is more azlamu / wrong / unjust than one who zukkira / has embodied (the masculine attributes) with the ayaati / signs of his Rabb / Lord but turn away from them and forget what his hands (physical deeds) have put forth?  Indeed, We have placed over their hearts (pulling of affection) coverings, as though they understand it, and in their ears deafness (not listening).  And if you invite them to guidance, they will never be guided, ever.

18:58    And your Rabb / Lord is the Forgiving, possessor of Rahmah / abstract system of education.  If He were to impose blame upon them for what they earned, He would have hastened for them the punishment.  Rather, for them is a promise from which they will never find an escape.

18:59    And those al quraa / the cluster of established thoughts - We destroyed them when they wronged, and We made for their destruction, a promise. 

18:60    And when Musa / the one who is matured and familiar with the truth, said to his fataahu / thoughts in the prime (the opposite of al quraa / the established thoughts in HQ 18:59), I will not quit until I reach majma'a / assembling point of both oceans of  knowledge (from mental and Ladunni as mentioned in HQ 18:65) or I will continue being hukuban / kept back (without knowledge), 

18:61    Then when they both reached majma'a / assembling point between both of them (the two oceans of knowledge), both of them overlook hutahuma / knowledge that swim around (enticing both of them), so it took its path in the ocean (of knowledge) slipping away.

18:62    So when they jaawaza / had processed (in their mind the hidden knowledge), (Musa) said to fataahu / thoughts in the prime, "Bring us ghada'a / early stage of clarity. We have certainly laqi / measured from safari / 
state of absence (zero / blank mind) to determine in this (spiritual journey), nasaban / a final reflection." 

18:63    He said, "Did you see when we retired to the foundation (thought) ? Indeed, I forgot  al huta / knowledge that swim around (enticing both of them).   And none made me overlook it except the shaytan / act arises from state of despair - that I should mention it. And it took its course into the ocean of knowledge amazingly". 

18:64    He said, that is what we are seeking after.  So they both returned on their tracks / mark retraced.

18:65    So both of them wajada / found / attained (after Allah brought it into existence) a servant from Our servants.  We gave him rahmah / abstract system of education from our nearness and We taught him ladunna / directly from Our knowledge (not mediated by the conditioned mind). 

18:66    Musa (the one who is matured and familiar with the truth) said to him (ladunna / in the presence / khidr of your Rabb), "May I follow you on that you teach me from your pure knowing of right guidance?" 

18:67    He said, "Indeed, with me you will never be able to have patience.

18:68    And how can you have patience for what you do not encompass with it, khubran / (any) knowledge (of it) ? 

18:69    (Musa) said, "You will find me, if Allah wills, patient and I will not disobey your order." 

18:70    (Khidr / the presence of your Rabb) said, "Then if you follow me, then do not ask me about anything (the mind must be silent) until I uhditha / relate (the meaning behind the perception) to you from it's zikran / awareness." 

18:71    So both of them (Musa and khidr / in the presence of Rabb) thalaka / set out to be separated, until when they had embarked in the safiinati / dissolution, tore it open. (Musa) said, "Have you torn it open to drown its ahla / those who are acquainted ?  You have certainly done a im'ran / grievous thing ."

18:72    (Khidr) said, "Did I not say indeed with me, you would never be able to have patience?"

18:73    ( Musa ) said: "Call me not to account with what I forgot, and not suspect me of bad conduct from usran / (raising) difficulty of my affair."

18:74    Then they both (Musa and khidr / in the presence of Rabb) thalaka / set out to be separated, until when laqiya / measure determining a lustful excitement, so he killed him.  (Musa) said, "Have you killed a zakiyyatan / pure nafsan / soul / psyche for other than nafsin / a soul / psyche?  You have certainly done a thing, nakran / misjudged."

18:75    (Khidr) said, "Did I not say indeed with me,  you would never be able to have patience?"

18:76    (Musa) said, "If I should ask you about a thing after this, then do not keep me (intellect aligned to the truth) as a companion.  Verily, you have delivered from ladunni / intuition (the presence) of your Rabb, 'udhran / an excuse (exempted from blame)."

18:77    Then they both (Musa and khidr / in the presence of Rabb) thalaka / set out to be separated, until when they came to those ahla / acquainted qaryatin / group of thoughts, they asked those acquainted for nourishment, but they refused to provide. And they found therein a wall (their fortification) about to collapse (the wall that protects), so he restored it.  (Musa) said, "If you wished, you could have taken for it a reward."

18:78    He said, this is a separation between me and between you, I will inform you with interpretation (news of the ghaib) on what you were not able (to have) patience on it.

18:79    As for the safinatu / dissolution, fakanat / then took place for masaakin / needy of knowledge ya'maluna / experiencing in the ocean of knowledge.  Then (when the dissolution) aradtu / shifting to and fro that cause a'ibaha /  imperfection in it and there was after them malikun / a faculty of authority who yakhudzu / might gain every safinatin / dissolution, forcefully.

18:80    And as for the ghulaamu / one excited by lust, abawaahu / his fatherly support (independent logical mind and emotion) were mukminain / those two who trust (and take security with the Rabb), so we feared (disapprove) that he should come upon both of them (by his undutiful conduct and bringing evil upon them) that yurhiqahuma / make excessive thughyaanan / falsehood activities and rejection.

18:81    So aradna / we shifted that their Rabb / Lord should substitute for them a better from him in purity and nearer to ruhman / the abstract system of education.

18:82    And as for the wall (fortification that is about to collapse), so it was (belonging) to ghulamain / those two who are excited by lust, those two who are not guided in Al Madina / the state of deen (conscious obedience) and beneath it a treasure (pure knowing) for both of them, and both their fatherly support (logical mind and emotion) correct / transform, so your Rabb / Lord willed that they both reach their maturity / strength (in the understanding), and they both take out their treasure, rahmah / abstract system of education from your Rabb / Lord and I do not do it from my own accord.  That is interpretation (of) what you were not able (to have) patience on it.

18:83    And they ask you about Dhul Qarnain / the possessor of combined systems of education (mentation and ladunni).  Say, I will pursue (study) on you from it, zikran / an awareness. 

18:84    Surely makanna / We empower to him in al ardh / the lower consciousness and bestow him (the knowledge) from all kinds of sababan / cause / motive.

18:85    So he concentrates / investigates a cause / motive.

18:86    Until when he balagha / reaches maturity / strength (in understanding from) maghriba / early darkness (to) the shamsi / illumination and he perceives / finds her taghrubu / remote in perception of hami'atin / dirty thought and he finds near that a qauman / group of thoughts.  We say, O dhul qarnain / possessor of combined systems of education (by mentation and ladunni) either that you can give them retribution / punishment and you can take that, whatever in them pleasing. 

18:87    He says, whoever zalama / does wrong / does unjust then soon we will give him retribution / punishment then he will be returned to his Rabb / Lord, and He will give a difficult retribution.

18:88    And as for whoever trust ( the combined systems of education) and do correction / reform, so for him a good / pleasant reward and soon We inform him from our command (with) ease.

18:89    Then he concentrate on another cause / motive.

18:90    Until when he balagha / reaches maturity / strength (in understanding) mathligha / increase (in clarity) the illumination and he finds it that it's rising upon a qaum / group of thoughts for whom we don't make from other than it, sitran / a cover up.

18:91    Thus and surely,  khodna / We encompass (knowledge) with what khubran / knowledge near him.

18:92    Then he concentrates on another cause / motive.

18:93    Until when he reached balagha / maturity / strength (in knowledge) between the saddain / two sayings in the right direction (from two systems of education), he finds qauman / a group of thoughts from who can hardly understand, qaulan / a saying.

18:94    They said, O dhul qarnain / possessor of combined systems of education (mentation and ladunni) surely yakjuj / adding other information to reality and makjuj / state of having distorted reality, mufsidu / the ones who are corrupt in Al Ardh / lower consciousness then shall we make for you kharjan / a way out upon that between us and between them, saddan / a saying (towards the right direction)?

18:95    He said what established me in it that my Rabb / Lord is better,  then assist me with strength, I will make between you and between them, radman / a barrier.

18:96    Give me zubara / intelligent that is determined and shaped (in relation to the realisation of meaning with insights and conscious understanding) of the hadid / law of the limits until when it sawaa / harmonize between the sadaqain / two truthful / genuine states (independent own thinking and from sensory inputs), he says unfukhu / inflate (to fill in) until when it makes naran / conflict within oneself,  (so when the conflict come) say, give me (so that) I pour down over it qitran / stability bit by bit.

18:97    So they ( Yakjuj and Makjuj) are not abled to overcome nor to incline for it. 

18:98    (Dhul-Qarnain) said, "This is a rahmah / an abstract system of education from my Rabb / Lord; so when the promise of my Rabb / Lord comes, and He will make demolish it (yakjuj and makjuj), and ever is the promise of my Rabb / Lord true."

18:99    And We will leave some of them that moment (those) in a state of commotion (conflicting) in others, and nufikha / inflated in badness, and We will gather them, altogether.

18:100    And We will present jahannam / state of stagnation that moment to al kafirin / rejecters / those who cover (the truth), 'ardhan / a display / obvious  -

18:101    Those whose a'yunuhum / sights had been within a cover (by the state of stagnation) about awareness, and they were not able to hear.

18:102    Do (you) then think those who kafaru / reject / cover (the truth) that they can take My servants from other than Me as wali / guardian / allies? Indeed, We have prepared jahannam / state of stagnation for the kafirin / rejecters / those who cover (the truth) as a settled place (they will be occupied in).

18:103    Say, "Shall we (mukmin) inform you of the greatest losers as to a'malan / experience / deeds ?

18:104    They are those whose effort is lost in hayaati duniya / temptations of close attachments and relations, while they think that they are doing well in work."

18:105    Those are the ones who kafaru / reject / cover (the truth) with  ayaati / signs of their Rabb / Lord and in (their) meeting Him, so their deeds have become worthless; and We will not assign to them on the moment of qiamah / standing / establishment any importance.

18:106    That is their reward - Jahannam / state of stagnation - for what they rejected / denied / covered (the truth) and they took My signs and My rusuli / inner voices (that deliver the messages) huzuwa / in disregard / contempt / not mindful.

18:107    Indeed, those who have trusted (and took security) and do solehaati / corrections / transformations - they will have the jannah / hidden gardens of firdaus / abundant / plentiful knowledge as a lodging,

18:108    Wherein they abide eternally. They will not desire about it, a change.

18:109    Say, if the ocean of knowledge midadan / expanded / stretched for the words / speech (lafzun) of my Rabb / Lord, the ocean of knowledge would be exhausted before the words / speech (lafzun) of my Lord exhausted, even if We brought the like of it as supplement.  

18:110    Say, "I am only a bashar / sensible thoughts (who trust in transformation) like you, to whom has been inspired that your ilaah / reality of being is a single irreducible ilaah / reality of being.  So whosoever would hope for the meeting with his Rabb / Lord - let him do corrective / reformative deeds and do not associate with ibadah / service of his Rabb / Lord, anyone."










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