(The Proclamation And Establishment of Truth)


Allah makes it known that the moment to take account of the agitated mind is near, and it will often come when you are least aware of it.  It is crucial that we remain conscious of this moment when it arises, and that requires an intentional act of listening and paying attention to decipher the signs that represent reality.  In this regard, you may find yourself in a situation where your heart is swayed by distractions, despite having insights. Prior to that, Allah sends independent thoughts that serve as inspiration.  As for our physical bodies, including the brain, they are not eternal and will not be the ones to assimilate knowledge permanently.

Allah remains truthful to His covenant, promising to save those who seek the straight path from misguidance, while also condemning those who neglect their obligations and engage in wasteful deeds.  Allah has bestowed upon you an inherent script, allowing you to comprehend and be conscious of the message you have received. With His boundless knowledge, you shall navigate through the darkness when guidance seems elusive and bask in illumination when you are receiving guidance.  It is essential to recognize that the reality that will be resurrected is not derived from the lower consciousness. Indeed, the reality becomes corrupted if it stems from both the higher and lower consciousness simultaneously.

Allah decreed that the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness were a united entity, except for those who reject reality, leading to illusory breaches with barriers between them. Then Allah provides the knowledge needed to evolve the consciousness back into a united entity. The higher consciousness is a construct of high authority that preserves the purity of the realities, while the lower consciousness represents intricate messages with a full spectrum of meanings to guide us in understanding the realities it represents.

Every soul, which essentially is conditioned, will have to be unconditioned and unself by independently being aware of the realities attained from Allah’s abstract system of education, in its every act of transformation.  As insaan, one who is familiar with the truth, evolution will take place from acknowledging the signs delivered from our Lord by our inner voices and comprehended by our independent thinking in a self-warning that is inspired.  In such a state, we will be able to listen to the call when we are warned in the manner below:

  • To Musa, one who is familiar with the truth and Harun, one who has strong will to deliver the truth,  Allah granted upon them the criterion what is truth and what is false besides an illumination and independent awareness.  

  • To Ibraheem, one who is intensely inclined to the truth,  Allah bestowed upon him the right guidance and was very knowledgeable.

  • Allah granted additional abilities to correct oneself to Ishaq, one who is perfect and alienates himself from being attached to his thoughts and Ya’qub, one who always returns to Allah.  To them,  Allah inspired them with good deeds, establishment of connectedness with their Lord to receive and download the truth and serve their Lord with pursuant of mental growth to correct themselves.  

  • And Allah gives Lut, one who adheres to the truth, knowledge of truth and right judgment to secure oneself from a cluster of established thoughts that defiantly disobeyed by committing badness.  

  • And Nuh, one who is compassionate to those who are not aware and do not receive the call, Allah will help and secure him and those who are acquainted to him, from groups of evil thoughts that deny the signs (of truth) from Allah. 

  • And Allah gives Dawud, the ability to break up complex and fixed headed thought (figuratively described as established like a mountain), swim in His abundant knowledge and bring into full awareness of the wild and fantasy thoughts.  

  • Allah gives understanding of submission and peace to Sulaiman with sound judgment in the self inquiry, blowing His spirit alongside the flow of knowledge with His command toward the lower consciousness. 

  • And Ayyub, one who is enlightened (returned to his true self), when he called to his Lord, Allah removed whatever afflicted him, admitted him in His abstract system of education and became aware of all empirical and factual knowledge.

  • And Ismail, one who listens intensely; Idris, one who learns a lot and Dzul-Kifli, one who has a strong sense of responsibility are all from the patient ones.  They are also admitted into Allah’s abstract system of education and forthwith they put into practice the knowledge received to correct themselves.  

  • And Zakariyya, one who is strong in his independent thinking, always called his Lord to grant him direct knowledge because he is aware that his independent thinking has limitations and direct knowledge from his Lord is the best knowledge that should be inherited.

  • Allah granted Yahya, one who is always alive with the truth (knowledge direct from his Lord) and correct his zakara, independent support and unsa, support from sensory inputs so that he also sees the truth from both supports.

Indeed, your Rabb's attribute the Rahman is Allah's abstract system of education, your cherisher, and sustainer of all empirical and factual knowledge for you to experience in your effort to correct yourself. Then you will know the knowledge of the truth: that there is a single reality to which we submit, Allah.




By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman).

21.1    Their hisaabu / account for the nas / agitated mind has come near, while they are turning nghaflatin / unaware.

21.2    Zikrin / an independent awareness does not come to them from their Rabb / Lord muhdathin / the representation to reality, except listen to it while they fooling around,

21.3    (With) their hearts (pull of affection) distracted. And they asarru / create illusion of the najwa / feeling save from misguidance of those zhalamu / who wrong themselves on this matter except basharun / a rational thought like you.  So would you approach the sihra / diversion (from the right path) while you tubsirun / have insights (of it) ?

21.4    He said, "My Rabb / Lord knows the saying in the samaa'i / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing."

21.5    Rather they say, "adhghathu ahlaamin / a mixture of bad understanding; rather, iftaraahu / he has invented it; rather, he shaa'irun / perceive not (because of its illusory existence). So let him bring us ayaatin / a sign just like ursilal awallun / the earlier inner voice (that deliver the message)."

21.6    None before them aamantu / take security (in Al Kitab) from qaryatin / a cluster of established thoughts We destroyed it, so will they yukminun / take security (in Al Kitab) ?

21.7    And We sent not before you, except rijalan / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization) to whom We nuhii / inspire, so ask the ahlal zikri / those acquainted to divine masculine attributes (linear, focus, logic and assertive), if you do not know.

21.8    And We did not make jasadan / body adhered to self not consuming athho'ama / digestion of the message, nor were they khalidin / eternal.

21.9    Then shadaqnahumu / We are truthful for them the promise, then anjainaahum / We saved them from misguidance and whoever willed and We destroyed the musrifin / one who is heedless (unmindful).

21.10    We have certainly anzal / revealed to you kitaban / an inherent script in it, zikrikum / your embodiment of divine masculine attributes (towards understanding what was revealed). Then will you not ta'qilun / comprehend (use your pure logical mind)? 

21.11    And how many from qaryatin / a cluster of established thoughts which zhalimatan / was wrongful to themselves, have We shattered and raised after it qauman / a group of other established thoughts.

21.12    And when they perceived Our might, at once they fled from it.

21.13    Do not flee and return to what utriftum / wealth of knowledge in it, and masakinikum / state where your needs are  fulfilled - perhaps you tus'alun / will be questioned.

21.14    They said, "O woe to us! Indeed, we were zhalimin / wrongdoers."

21.15    And then this da'waahum / invocation of theirs did not cease until We made them hashidan / a harvest, khomidin / an extinguish.

21.16    And We did not khalaq / evolve the samaa'a / higher consciousness and ardh / lower consciousness and what is between them laa'ibina / (in) playing.

21.17    If We intended to take lahwan / a diverted amusing activities, surely We could have taken it min ladunna / directly from Us - if (indeed) We were to do so.

21.18    Rather, We throw with the truth upon the baathili / falsehood, and it (truth) destroys it (falsehood), thereupon when it zahikun / departs.  And for you is destruction from that which you describe.

21.19    And to Him (belongs) whoever is in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness.  And whoever are near Him, they are not arrogant with their service to Him, nor do they yastahsirun / will be exhausted lifting the veils of ignorance.

21.20    Yusabbihuna / They swim in His abundant knowledge at the laili / darkness (when they do not received guidance) and the nar / illuminated (when they received guidance), (they) do not yafturun / weaken (after attaining the strength). 

21.21    Do you take aalihatan / a reality from the ardh / lower consciousness (as) they who resurrect (as the true self that resurrect) ?

21.22    If there been in both of them (samaawaat and ardh) aalihatun / realities besides Allah, lafasadata / surely they would have been corrupted. So subhan Allah / swim in Allah's abundant knowledge, Rabb / Lord of the 'arshi / structure (that support the truth), above what they describe.

21.23    He is not questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned.

21.24    Do you take aalihatan / realities from other than Him? Say, "Produce burhaanakum / your proof. This zikru / independent sustenance is the message for those with me and the message of those before me." But most of them do not know the truth, so they are turning away.

21.25    And We sent not from before you rasulin / any messenger except that We nuhi / inspired to him that, "There is no ilaaha / reality except Me, so serve Me."

21.26    And they say, "The Rahman / His abstract system of education, has taken waladan / that is given birth to (produce)." Subhanahu / Exalted is He! Rather, they are servants, mukramun / one who is honoured.

21.27    They cannot precede Him with qaul / saying, and they act with His command.

21.28    He knows what is between his two hands (what he upheld) and what is kholfahum / their representation, and they cannot intercede except on behalf of one whom He approves. And they, from khoshyatihi / fear of Him, mushfiqun / those who are cautious.

21.29    And who will say from among them, "Indeed, ilaahun, I am a reality from other than Him"- then that to you najzihi / his reward will be jahannam / dark hole of ignorance. Thus that is Our reward of the zhalimin / wrongdoers.

21.30    Have you not considered, those who kaafaru / rejected that the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness were a united entity (from a breach between them), then We disunited both of them and We made from maa / flow of knowledge every living thing? Then will they not yukminun / take security ?

21.31    And We placed in the ardh / lower consciousness rawaasiya / firmly grounded (fixed natural law), that (the messages are) tamida / intricate (detailed and inter-related) with them, and We made therein fijajan / full spectrum of meaning, subulan / ways that they might be guided.

21.32    And We made the samaa'a / higher consciousnesss saqfan / a cover by high authority, mahfudzhan / those who preserve (the purity) and they, about its signs, mu'ridhun / those who turn away.

21.33    And it is He who khalaqa / evolved the laili / darkness (without guidance) and the nahar / brightness (with guidance) and the shamsa / clarity and the qamar / illusory; all in falakin / a gemination (of truth) yasbahun / swimming (in the abundant knowledge). 

21.34    And We did not make libasharin / to a rational and sensible thoughts (who trust the transformation) from before, alkhuldi / the everlasting (thoughts); so if you mitta / dissolved (the thoughts) - would they be eternal ?

21.35    Every nafs / soul / self (which are essentially conditioned by thoughts) will taste (self-experience) mauti / destituteness (lifeless soul).  And nablukum / We test you with evil and with good as trial (to evolve you); and to Us you will be returned.

21.36    And when those who kafaru / reject see you, they take you not except huzuwan / a disregard / contempt (saying), "Is this the one who yazkuru / will independently be in awareness of aalihatakum / your realities ?" And they are, with zikri / independent awareness of the Rahman / abstract system of education, (but) kaafirin / rejecters.

21.37    Insaan / one who is familiar with the truth, khuliqa / was evolved from 'ajali / hastiness.  I will show you My ayaati / signs, so do not be in impatient.    

21.38    And they say, "When is this promise, if you should be truthful?"

21.39    If those who kafaru / reject knew the time when they will not yakuffuna / restrain the nar / burning sensation of internal conflict about wujuhihim / their focus to care (for growth) and not about zhuhurihim / apparent to them and they will not be aided.

21.40    Rather, it (the show of Allah's sign) will come to them baghtatan / unexpectedly fatabhatuhum / then bewilder them (in a state of mind that you are amazed), and they will not be able to repel it, nor will they be yunzharun / reprieved.

21.41    And certainly, already were rusulin / inner voices that deliver the message disregarded from before you, with those who fahaqa / ridiculed them were sahiru / turning into internal conflicts from them what they used to disregard.

21.42    Say, "Who can ya'la'ukum / keep you safe with laili / darkness (without guidance) and the nahar / brightness (with guidance) from the Rahman / abstract system of education?"  Rather, they are about, zikri / embodiment of divine masculine energy (like focus, pure logic, assertiveness, and much more of their Rabb / Lord, mu'ridhun / turning away. 

21.43    Or (do they have) for them aalihatan / realities that prevent them from besides Us (from leaving them to come to Us)?  They are unable (even) to help themselves, nor their companions (logical and intuitive support) from Us. 

21.44    Rather, matta'na / We have benefitted for these and their abaa / fatherly provision until meaningful for them, the 'umuru / life. Then do they not see that We set upon the ardh / lower consciousness, reducing it from athrafiha / its assuming look (accepting it as truth without proof)? So it is they who will overcome?

21.45    Say, "I only warn (self warning to put oneself on guard) you with wahi / inspiration." And the summu / deaf (not paying attention to the truth) do not yasma'u / hear the call when they are warned.

21.46    And if nafhatun / a brief from punishment of your Rabb / Lord should touch them, they would surely say, "O woe to us! Indeed, we have been zhalimin / wrongdoers."

21.47    And We place the mawaazin / scales of justice (weight of the importance of Our message) for the moment of the qiyamah / establishment (to dissolve all duniya), so no nafsun / soul will be treated unjustly at all. And if there is weight of habbatin / an affection from khordalin / a seed of truth, We will bring it forth. And sufficient with Us Khosibin / in taking the account (of the weight of importance).

21.48    And certainly We had already given Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, and Harun / one who has strong will to deliver the truth, the criterion and dhiya'an / an illumination and zikran / an independent awareness for the muttaqeen / one who is mindful.

21.49    Those who fear their Rabb / Lord with the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden, and they are from the saa'ah / direct experience (of the hidden knowledge), mushfiqun / those who fear, cautious and mindful of Allah.

21.50    And this zikrun / independent awareness is mubarakun / a blessed message which We have revealed. Then are you to it munkirun / one who cannot be trusted ?

21.51    And We had certainly given Ibraheem / one who is inclined towards the truth, his rushdahu / right guidance from before, and We were with him, 'aalimin / knowledgeable. 

21.52    When he said to his abaa / fatherly support (independent logical mind) and his qaum / group of established thoughts, "What are these tamathil / simile / parable to which you are 'akifun / attached yourself to it?"

21.53    They said, "We found our abaa/ fatherly support, served (to) it."

21.54    He said, "You were certainly, you and your abaa / fatherly support, in manifest error."

21.55    They said, "Have you come to us with truth, or are you of those who fool around (not being mindful)?"

21.56    He said, "Rather, your Rabb / Lord is the Rabb / Lord of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness who originated them (from singular consciousness into samaawaat and ardh), and I, to that, am of those who shaahidin / witness.

21.57    And by Allah , la'akidanna / surely I will plot (against) ashnamakum / your representation (image and appearance) after you have turned away, turning your back."

21.58    So he made them juzaazan / a fragmental interruption, except a large one to them, that they might return to it.

21.59    They said, "Who has done this with our aalihati / reality? Indeed, he is of the zhalimin / wrongdoers."

21.60    They said, "We heard fatan / a prime thought yazkuruhum / independently aware of them with saying to him, Ibraheem / one who is inclined to the truth."

21.61    They said, "Then bring with it upon the vision (on knowledge) of an-nas / the agitated mind that they yashhadun / may witness."

21.62    They said, "Have you done this with our aalihat / reality, O Ibraheem / one who is inclined to the truth?"

21.63    He said, "Rather, his doing - the largest of them - this is, so ask them, if they yanthiqun / may articulate."

21.64    So they returned to themselves then said, "Indeed, you are the zhalimun / wrongdoers."

21.65    Then they reversed themselves (for the fallacy and failure in a rational argument), "Certainly, You have already known that these do not yanthiqun / articulate!"

21.66    He said, "Then do you serve from other than Allah what does not benefit you at all and does not harm you?

21.67    Uffin / a word of disrespect to you and to what you serve from other than Allah.  Then will you not ta'qilun / comprehend (use your pure logical mind) ?"

21.68    They said, "Burn him (with his burning sensation of internal conflicts) and support aalihatakum / your realities (that you served) - if you are to act."

21.69    We said, "O nar / burning sensation of internal conflict, be cool (for inward absorption of the knowledge) and salaman / peace (from any affliction) upon Ibraheem / one who is inclined to the truth."

21.70    And they intended with him kaidan / a plot (to serve besides Allah), but We made them the greatest losers.

21.71    And najjainaa / We secured him and (his) adherence (of the truth) to the ardh / lower consciousness which We had blessed in it for all 'aalamin / knowledge of facts and its empirical evidence.

21.72    And wahabna / We granted to him Ishaq / one who is perfect and alienate himself (from thoughts) and ya'qub / one who always return (to Allah), nafilatan /  an additional abilities, and all We made saalihin / correct themselves.

21.73    And We made them a'immatan / a leader (on the straight path) guiding by Our command. And We inspired to them the doing of good deeds, establishment of salaah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), and pursue az zakah / the mental growth; and they were to Us, 'abidin / those who serve.

21.74    And luthon / an adherence to the truth, We gave hukman / judgement and ilman / knowledge, and We secured him from the qaryah / cluster of established thoughts that was committing the khobith / badness. Indeed, they were qauma / a group of evil thoughts, faasiqin / defiantly disobedient.

21.75    And We admitted him into rahmatina / Our abstract system of education. Indeed, he was of the solehin / those who correct themselves.

21.76    And Nuhan / a compassion to those who are not aware, when he called from before, so We responded to him and secured him and his ahle / those acquainted from the great karbi / affliction.

21.77    And We helped him from the qaum / group of thoughts who denied Our ayaati / signs.  Indeed, they were qauma / group of evil thoughts, so We drowned them (in the ocean of knowledge), all together.

21.78    And Dawud / one who is capable to break up complex thoughts, and Sulaiman / one who submit and attain peace, when both of them judged in al-hars / the inquiry, when nafashat / separating and loosening evil thoughts in it ghanamu / gain of the qaum / group of thoughts, and We were witness to their judgement.

21.79    Then We gave understanding of Sulaiman / one who submit and attain peace, and each We gave judgement and knowledge. And We subjected with Dawud / one who is capable to break up (complex thoughts) the jibala / fixed headed thoughts to yusabbihna / swim in Our abundant knowledge, and the thoira / flight of wild and fantasy thoughts. And We were the doer.

21.80    And We taught him the skill labusi lakum / for your covering to fortify you from ba'sikum / your state of affliction. So will you then be grateful?

21.81    And to Sulaiman / one who submit and attain peace, the riha / spirit, blowing forcefully, tajri / flow of knowledge, with his command toward the ardh / lower consciousness which We had blessed in it. And We are ever, of all things, Knowing. 

21.82    And from the shayatin / acts arise from despair, who dived for him and did work other than that. And We were to them guardian. 

21.83    And Ayyub / one who is enlightened (returned to his true self), when he called to his Rabb / Lord, "Indeed, adversity has touched me, and you are the Most Merciful of the Raheem / approval given for the education (from Ar Rahman)."

21.84    So We responded to him and removed what afflicted with him of adversity.  And We gave him his ahle / those acquainted and the like thereof with them, rahmatan / mercy for the abstract system of education from Us and zikra / an awareness for the aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge.

21.85    And Ismail / one who listen to his Rabb intensely, and Idris / one who learn a lot and Dhul-Kifli / one who possess strong sense of responsibility; all were from the sobirin / patience (with awareness).

21.86    And We admitted them into rahmatina / Our abstract system of education (with Our mercy).  Indeed, they were of the solehin / ones who correct themselves.

21.87    And zha-nnun / who is in pursuit of the truth, when drawn to mughadhiyan / one who is in anger then zhanna / certain of his opinion, that is taqdira / decreed upon him so he called out within the zhulumat / darknesses (in situation not aware of the truth), "There is no ilaaha / reality except You; subhanaka / glory be to You (for allowing me to swim in the abundant knowledge). Indeed, kuntu / I was of the zhalimin / wrongdoers (for not being aware)."

21.88    So We responded to him and secured him from the distress. And thus do We secure the mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind).

21.89    And Zakariyya / one who is strong in his independent thinking, when he called to his Rabb / Lord, "My Rabb / Lord, do not leave me fardan / alone (without giving me knowledge directly from You), and you are the best of the warithin / one who gives the knowledge to inherit."

21.90    So We responded to him, and We granted to him Yahya / one who is alive with the truth, and We correct for him zaujahu / his pair (zakara / independent support and unsa / support from sensory inputs). Indeed, they used to hasten to good deeds and supplicate Us in hope and fear, and they were to Us humbly submissive.

21.91    And the one ahsanat / who fortified farajha / her opening exposure, so We blew into her from Our ruh / spirit, and We made her and abnaha / her construct a sign for the aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge.

21.92    Indeed this is, ammatukum / your group of thoughts, ummatan / a singular group of thoughts, and I am your Rabb / Lord, so serve Me.

21.93    And they taqattho'u / disunite and limit their affair among themselves, all to Us will return.

21.94    So whoever does from the solihaati / corrective deeds while he is mukminun / one who take security (in Al Kitab), then no denial will there be for his effort, and indeed We, to it, are kaatibun / recorders.

21.95    And there is prohibition upon qaryatin / a cluster of established thoughts which We have destroyed certainly they, will not return,

21.96    Until when yakjuj / defiled materialistic thought and makjuj / state of being materialistic, has been opened and they, from every elevation (what true knowledge you brought forth), unravelled (to destroy the truth),

21.97    And the true promise has approached; then when absoru / insight of those who kafaru / rejected will be staring, "O woe to us; we had been unmindful of this; rather, we were wrongdoers."

21.98    Indeed, you and what you serve other than Allah are the account of jahannam / dark hole of ignorant. You to it is, waridun / a journey to attain universal truth.

21.99    Had these been aalihatan / realities, they would not have come to it, but all are eternal therein.

21.100    For them therein is zafirun / a sighing, and they therein will not yasma'un / hear.

21.101    Indeed, those for them who sabaqat / has preceded hastily (that is those who hastily claimed as understood the message they received from their Rabb), from Us the best, they are from it mub'adun / the one who is far off (from the truth).

21.102    They will not hear its sensible sensation (perception), and they are, in that what ashtahat / desire of their souls, abiding eternally (not to be dissolved and to live eternally has always been the desire of the souls).

21.103    They will not be grieved by the greater fear, and the malaa'ikah / sovereign authority will meet them, "This is moment of those who have been promised",

21.104    The moment when We will fold the samaa'a / higher consciousness like the scroll of the recorded kutubi / inherent scripts. As We began the first kholqi / evolution, We will repeat it, a promise binding upon Us. Indeed, We will do it.

21.105    And certainly, We have already written in the zabur / intelligent processing of data from after the zikri / awareness that the ardh / lower consciousness is inherited by My servants of the ones who solihin / correct themselves.

21.106    Indeed, in the balaaghan / eloquency for qauman / a group of established thoughts, serving (Allah).

21.107    And We have not sent you, except rahmatan / a mercy of the abstract system of education, for the aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge.

21.108    Say, "It is only revealed to me that your ilaahu / reality is but ilaahun waahid / a singular reality; so will you be Muslimun / one who submit ?"

21.109    Then if they turn away, then say, "I have announced over to you equally.  And I know not whether near or far is that which you are promised.

21.110    Indeed, He knows what is the apparent from the sayings, and He knows what is concealed.

21.111    And I know not; perhaps it is a trial for you and enjoyment for a time."

21.112    Say, "My Rabb / Lord, judge with the truth. And our Rabb / Lord is the Rahman / abstract system of education, almusta'anu / the one whose help is sought against that which you describe."

















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