Surah Al Hajj 22:5

O an-nas / those whose minds are agitated !  If you are in doubt about al ba'thi / the raising (of your true self) surely khalaqnakum / We evolve you from turabin / needy in misery (as is HQ 90:16) then from nutfatin / drop of water ( that is drop of pure knowledge that evolve life and its evolution to a measure, as is HQ 80:19)) then from alaqatin / evolve and proportioned with care (as is HQ 75:38) then from mud'ghatin muhallaqatin / the piece of truth that take shape (HQ 23:14) and other muhallaqatin / shape of truth that We clarify for you and We cause whom We will rest in the arham / an abstract system of education for a stated term then We bring you out as tiflan / infancy stage of the truth then you reach your age of full strength and from among them some of you are complete and some are sent back to the weakest / lowest age so they know nothing after having known.  And you see the al-ardh / lower consciousness dissolved.  So when We sent down rain / knowledge it stirred / moved and it swell / increases and grows from every delightful pair. 


An Nas / The Agitated Mind 

This verse is addressed to those whose minds are agitated.  The agitated minds are basically those whose minds distort reality due to conditioning or influence of concepts, beliefs, opinions, judgments, emotions, biasness, prejudice, blind following and so on, specifically grounded by false, illusions, myths, prejudice, self-interest that govern the sayings, feelings, perceptions, thoughts and actions.  These conditionings create layers of veils in the mind that result in burying the true self and emerge a conceivable self with ego and self interest.  We can identify this conceivable separate self by observing the dialogue we have with in our mind called inner voice,  the personalities exhibited, the habitual way of thinking,  the beliefs that are upheld, what we like as well as what we do not like and so on (as those related to egoic and self in-interest state of mind).

By observing closely, we will see our conceivable separate self is essentially created by our own mind from the knowledge, thoughts and perceptions inward and outward that we experience directly.   Its (the conceivable separate self) growth and development goes hand in hand with the growth and development of our brain.  Generally, there is a great influential relationship between other human around us and the environment (that is what our brains are exposed to and what we do with them) and our brain development.

The true self is already present well before the body, mind and conceivable separate self comes into presence.  Once the conceivable separate self has developed itself and become dominant in its presence, the true self will be buried.   

Al Ba'thi / The Raising 

The true self is buried and al ba'thi or the raising or the awakening of  the true self signify the removing of the restraints surrounding it (which are the layers of veils that bury the true self) to free the true self.  We have seen, from our close examination of the separate self, the layers restraining the emergence of the true self are brought about by the conceivable separate self, itself.  It is our duty then as a servant of Allah, to evolve by peeling off the layers of veils and dissolve the egoic and self-interest impurities of the mind.  It is an endless process of our lifetime to realign our thoughts, perception and feelings to be in line with our personal growth and development to be successful in raising the true self.

Stages Of Khalaqa / Evolution

The evolution in our personal growth and development commence from the stage of turabin that is the stage of needfulness in misery.  At this stage, the state of mind is dominant with ego and self interest.  Whatever thoughts, imagination, judgment and products of the mind at this stage essentially is acted upon fulfilling the needs of the ego and self interest which promote conflicts and lead to misery in life.  Surah Al balad 90:16 describes turabin as a miskinan / needy mutrabatin / in misery.

Awareness at the stage of turabin lead to the transformation of self purifying spiritually from egoistic and self-interrest to non-egoistic and non self-interest state of mind.  The first drop of knowledge is then revealed called nutfah which is a drop of knowledge (of the reality / truth). This drop of knowledge give life to the evolution.  In Surah Abasa 80:18 Allah asks what is the thing that will evolve the insan?  Allah gives the answer in surah Abasa 80:19 that it is nutfah, that will evolve the insan according to a measure.  

In surah Al qiyaamah 75:38, alaqatin is the stage that evolution further take place in due proportion.  At this stage perception of reality increase as a result of increase in awareness and eradication of delusion and self deception.  The cognitive development evolve to its maturity proportionately.  At this stage, the insan will experience the dissolution of the conceivable separate self and the waking up of the true self grasping the reality / truth.

The piece of truth finally is conceived at the stage of mud'ghatin muhalaqatin.   It takes  shape and at this stage Allah further clarify the evolution so that the insan is clear of the direct experiences that he has gone through.

Arham / An Abstract System Of Education 

The piece of truth is rested in arham / an abstract system of education.  In other words, the pregnancy of the piece of truth is developed in rahim where the anstract system of education will sustain and nourish it before giving birth to it.

Tiflan / Infancy Stage

At this stage, the piece of truth is given birth at tiflan / an infancy stage.  Then under the abstract teachings of Ar Rahman / The Merciful, the piece of truth develop further from its infancy stage to a level of full strength where there are those who know completely at this stage and also there are those who will fall back to the lowest or the weakest state even after knowing the truth.  To those whose knowledge are complete, there will be no al-ardh / lower consciousness and samawaat / higher consciousness anymore.  Instead, al-ardh / the lower consciousness is now dissolves and there is only the consciousness.  At this state, further knowledge is given from time to time increasing the awareness of truth and there will be delight between the pair, the consciousness and the hidden knowledge.



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