(Those Who Self Experience The Reform)


Reality is intricately woven from the threads of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Knowledge forms the foundation, providing the raw data and facts that describe the reality. It is through knowledge that we recognize patterns, discern information, and gather the essential building blocks of our perception. Understanding elevates this foundation by connecting these pieces of information, offering context, and revealing the relationships between different elements. It is through understanding that we comprehend the "why" and "how" behind the facts we have acquired. Finally, wisdom transcends both knowledge and understanding by integrating these insights into a cohesive whole, allowing us to make judicious decisions and act with foresight. Wisdom is the manifestation of deep comprehension, guiding our actions in alignment with a broader, more profound sense of reality.

When knowledge is absent, we find ourselves in ignorance, unable to accurately perceive or respond to our environment. This lack of awareness can lead to misunderstandings and erroneous conclusions, as there is no foundation upon which to build understanding. Without understanding, even the most extensive knowledge can become disjointed and fragmented, leading to confusion and misinterpretation. Understanding is essential for discerning the connections and implications of the information we possess. In the absence of wisdom, decisions made may lack depth and foresight, potentially leading to misguided actions and unintended consequences. Wisdom requires both knowledge and understanding, refined through experience and reflection.

The interplay of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom directly influences the order or chaos within our reality. When all three are present and harmoniously integrated, they generate a reality characterized by clarity, coherence, and purposeful action, fostering an environment of order and stability. Conversely, the absence or imbalance of these elements can precipitate chaos.  Such deficiencies can create a disordered reality where actions are misaligned with the true nature of circumstances, leading to turmoil and instability. Thus, the cultivation of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom is crucial for generating a balanced and harmonious reality. 

In this surah, Allah testifies that it is He who sent the inner voice as a messenger to deliver His message, imparting knowledge of the truth and the facts of reality. With this knowledge, you are expected to understand and personally experience reform by closely following what Allah has provided. Those who exercise self-experience to reform are the munafiqun. Those who are left-brain dominant will use their own logical thinking to self-experience, following what they believe is best. They are considered liars because relying solely on their own logic, which depends on limited memory, will never provide a complete picture. Therefore, they will not be able to attain the truth through logic alone. These are the munafiqin, and Allah testifies that they are liars.

Allah further describes that the munafiqin have used their right to perform righteous actions as a cover for dominantly relying on their own logic in their deeds. They have rejected Allah's signs, are unable to comprehend, and their hearts are sealed; thus, they are not on the path of Allah. However, their appearance amazes you; their speech is polished, making you want to listen, and what you say is seen as a cry against them. They are deluded. When you show them the signs delivered by the messenger, they turn away in arrogance. They are the ones who say not to follow the messenger of Allah. They forget that to Allah belongs the treasures of the truth, and using their own logic, they will not understand.

To those who find security in Al Kitab from their Rabb (Lord) and accept the message delivered by Allah's messenger, it is Allah who bestows honor. When you return to embrace the consciousness of Allah's system, judgment, and law, the truth received will surely drive out falsehood. Indeed, the munafiqin, those who rely on their logic for self-experience, do not understand. Let not your thoughts, born of your own logic, distract you from embracing the divine masculine attributes of Allah. To understand wholly the message delivered, use pure logic, focus with clarity, assert with sincerity, and maintain upright linearity. So, experience the truth for yourself before a destitute mind or dead soul comes to you.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).

63.1    When the munafiqun / those who self-experience (the reform). come to you, they say, "We testify that indeed you are surely rasulu Allah / inner voice sent by Allah (to deliver the message). "And Allah knows indeed you are surely His rasul / messenger (inner voice that delivers the message), and Allah testifies indeed the munafiqin / those who self-experience (with their logic), surely are liars. 

63.2    They have taken aymaanahum / their rights (authority to do the correct actions) as junnah / a cover, fashoddu / so they are hindered from sabil / the way of Allah. Indeed, it saa'a / was badness that they were doing. 

63.3    That is because aamanu / they have taken security, and then they kafaru / rejected; so qulubihim / their hearts (pull of affection and emotion) were sealed over, and they do not yafqahun / comprehend. 

63.4    And when you see them, their ahsaamuhum / forms amaze you, and if they speak, you listen to their speech, as if they were khusubun / polished (smooth) musannadatun / one you leaned upon - they think that every cry is against them. They are the enemy, so beware of them. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded? 

63.5    And when it is said to them, "Come, the rasul / Messenger (inner voice) of Allah will ask forgiveness for you," they turn their heads aside and you see them evading while they are arrogant. 

63.6    It is all the same for them whether you ask forgiveness for them or do not ask forgiveness for them; never will Allah forgive them. Indeed, Allah does not guide the faasiqin / defiantly disobedient. 

63.7    They are those who say, "Do not tunfiqu / self-experience (the reform) over those who are with the Messenger of Allah until they yanfaddhu / rebind." And to Allah belongs the khazaa'in / treasures of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, but the munafiqin / those who self-experience (with their logic) do not understand. 

63.8    They say, "Surely if we return to al-Madinah / the state of embracing the deen (conscious obedient towards Allah's system, judgment and law), the more honourable will surely drive out the more dishonourable from it." And for Him is the honour, and to His rasul / inner voice (that delivers the message), and to mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind), but the munafiqin / those who self-experience (with their logic) do not know. 

63.9    O you who aamanu / have taken security (in Al Kitab), let not amwaalukum / your wealth of knowledge and let not awladukum / your thoughts that you gave birth to, distract you from zikri / divine masculine attributes of Allah. And whoever does that - then those are the losers. 

63.10    And anfiqu / self-experience (the reform) from what We have provided you from before mawtu / destitute mind (dead soul) come to one of you then he says, "My Rabb / Lord, why not You delay me for another time near so I would shaddaqa / be truthful and be among those who reform." 

63.11    But never will Allah delay a soul when its time has come. And Allah is Acquainted with what you do.



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