(The Cling To Attachment and Relationship)


Allah has commanded that you engage deeply with your Kitab, the inherent script you have authored from your perception and understanding of the Quran revealed by your Rabb. This Kitab represents your personal expression of the truth, and how you shaped your mental house from the guidance received from your Rabb. As a Muslim, your submission to the truth is not passive; it involves actively engaging with it, correcting where you may have erred, and continuously reforming your understanding and actions. In this way, your journey is one of ongoing refinement, as you align yourself more closely with the divine truth that your Rabb has revealed. 

Islam, your path of deen, places profound importance on recognizing and rejecting falsehoods, as well as abstaining from immoral actions that arise from misguided reliance on personal interpretation for guidance. This surah teaches us to embark on a deep and thoughtful exploration of the signs of Allah and the divine messages conveyed through revelation. This journey of inquiry is essential for fully understanding the Quran, which stands as a manifestation of ultimate truth. 

Your deen, Islam emphasizes the significance of rejecting falsehoods and immoral actions that stem from relying on our own interpretation for guidance. The surah begins by urging individuals to deeply explore the evidence of Allah's existence and divine messages in order to fully grasp the Quran, which serves as an expression of truth. Consequently, comprehending these truths enables humans to transcend their deceptive connections and attachments. The human brain operates in a manner where its activities are directly linked to personal experiences. Throughout our lives, our personalities remain susceptible to change.

Certainly, to your Rabb is your inevitable return. The Quran, as an eternal expression of truth, will guide and transform you, molding you into the one who secures a place with your Rabb. Have you not observed what becomes of those who deny themselves the opportunity to establish a deep connection with the divine and fail to immerse themselves in the message of the Quran? Have you seen how those who turn away from this guidance fail to receive the light of Allah or cultivate mindfulness of Him?

Consider those who reject and distance themselves from Allah—do they ever embody truthfulness with unwavering certainty? Indeed, if one does not block themselves from divine guidance, they will be fortified with the authority of the divine masculine attributes—logic, focus, courage, diligence, and more—that empower them to repel wrongdoing and falsehood. Therefore, submit and obey Allah with complete sincerity and devotion, for in doing so, you align yourself with the very essence of truth and righteousness.


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).          

96.1    Iqra' / read intently (to receive the Quran / expression of truth) with the name (that carries elevated hidden meaning) of your Rabb / Lord who khalaqa / evolved.  

96.2    (He) Khalaqa / evolved the insaan / intellect aligned with the truth from 'alaqin / clinging to an attachment and  relationship (by its nature clinging on peceptions that are perceived by our logical thinking).  

96.3    Iqra' / read intently (the kitab, to receive the quran / expression of truth), and your Rabb / Lord is the akramu / Most Generous.  

96.4    The One who taught with the qalam / expression derived from cognitive perception.  

96.5    He taught the insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, what he did not know. 

96.6    Lo and behold, certainly the insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, is layathgha / surely bound to take security in falsehood. 

96.7    That he sees himself, self-sufficient (free from the need to call on Allah for help)! 

96.8    Certainly to your Rabb / Lord is the return. 

96.9    Have you seen the one yanhaa / who prohibits, 

96.10    A servant when shollaa / connected (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice) and read intently (the message of Allah) ? 

96.11    Have you seen if he is upon the hudaa / guidance,  

96.12    Or he orders with the taqwaa / mindfulness (awareness)?  

96.13    Have you seen if he kazzaba / denies and tawalla / turns away?  

96.14    Does he not know with certainty (that) Allah sees? 

96.15    Lo and behold, surely if he does not yantahi / prohibit, surely We will nasfa'a / strike him with the nasyiyah / pursuit (that is pursuing with eagerness, diligence and energy).

96.16    A pursuit of kaazibah / lies and khoti'ah / wrong-doings. 

96.17    So let him call on his nadiyah / assembly (of the lies and wrong-doings). 

96.18    We will call on the zabaniyyah / (authority in you) to push it (the lies and wrong-doings) away. 

96.19    Lo and behold, do not obey him, and asjud / fully submit and aqtarib / come really near (in your relationship with Allah). 



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