(The germination of truth)


Surah Al-Falaq, about the germination of truth, is a powerful invocation for the protection and safeguard of the truth that is germinating, so that it will grow to its completion and fullness. It opens by calling upon your Rabb, the Lord who brings forth the germination of truth, symbolizing the emergence of truth after ignorance. The germination of truth symbolizes the enlightenment and clarity that come after the struggle in our spiritual journey. 

When your Rabb germinates the truth, it is crucial that you seek His refuge to safeguard it. This germination of truth is a delicate process, vulnerable to impurities and corrupt influences. Therefore, you ask Allah to protect this nascent truth from the evil that can taint it as it evolves and grows.

You seek refuge in Allah from the harm of external forces that may introduce doubts and confusion into your hearts. Establishing a strong connection with your Lord is essential to ensure that this truth receives continuous guidance and nurturing from Him. By doing so, you fortify your spiritual foundation, making it resilient against any doubts or uncertainties.

Moreover, you ask Allah to protect you from the envy and malicious intentions of others that can hinder the growth of this truth. Envy can manifest in actions that deprive your spiritual journey of the excellent guidance and support it needs to flourish. Thus, seeking Allah's refuge is a comprehensive act of safeguarding your spiritual development from all forms of harm, both seen and unseen.

In essence, Surah Al-Falaq teaches you to rely entirely on Allah for protection and guidance. It reminds you that your Lord, who brings forth the germination of truth, is the ultimate refuge from all evils that may threaten your spiritual growth. 

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).

113.1    Say: “I seek refuge with Rabb / Lord of al-falaq / the germination of truth,” 

113.2    “From evil (of) what it khalaqa / evolved,” 

113.3    “And from the evil (of) nghasiqin / darkness (without guidance) when waqab / it spreads,”

113.4    “And from evil (of) the naffaasaati / blow softly but deep (instilling into heart and mind) in the 'uqad / bondage,”  

113.5    “And from evil (of) haasidin / an envy (wishing that the excellence of guidance is deprived from others who possess ) when (he) envies.” 



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