(One Who Is Praised)


The word Muhammadun and Muhammadin in the book AlQuran refers to "the one who is praised." It appears in four key verses: HQ 3:144, 33:40, 47:2, and 48:29. Additionally, the term Ahmad, another variation of the word Muhammad, is used in HQ 61:6. In its grammatical form, a noun with tanween (such as Muhammadun and Muhammadin), the word becomes an indefinite noun, signifying the universality of praise and its timeless quality.  Also, the word Ahmad signify the profound intensity of the praise.

But why is one praised? The praise arises from the unique role of being the khatam an-nabiyyin—the Seal of the Prophets. This title is more than a mere designation; it reflects the culmination and perfection of prophetic wisdom. He is called "sealed" because he embodies and completes the prophetic lineage, fully encompassing all the attributes of the 19 prophets mentioned in Surah Al-Ana'am verses 81-86 and surah Maryam verse 56. His enlightenment, inner establishment, and direct experiential knowledge of the truth mark him as the one who has successfully received and actualized the profound, hidden knowledge granted by the Divine.

In this sense, the praise is not merely a recognition of external deeds but a deep acknowledgment of the realized truth and wisdom, fully integrated within his self / psyche. 

Muhammad is the one who acknowledged and recognized fully the truth of the irreducible, fundamental, oneness of reality and when it is seen as difficult to accomplish orderly generated result (manifestation), he does not evade from the way of Allah.  Your minds are capable of creating illusions, biases and distortions that can affect your perception of reality. However, Allah admits those who take security in Al Kitab with awareness and conscious experience, to His hidden garden of knowledge. In His garden of knowledge you will be able to learn to recognize, strengthen the insight of the fundamental truth and overcome our cognitive limitation with courage, fully rooted, solidified and ingrained. 


Allah knows of your faith going back and forth when you have recognized the fundamental truth.  That is because there are rejecters and there are those who hinder you from abiding in the path that Allah has shown you. Be mindful of thoughts from your own independent thinking and thoughts from your intuitive thinking. With cognitive limitations, your interpretations from these thoughts may not be accurate. So seek forgiveness and know that there is no reality but Allah.  Allah admits those who take security in Al Kitab and do correctional deeds to His hidden gardens of knowledge beneath which rivers of knowledge flow.   On the contrary, those who reject or cover the truth they enjoy and consume falsehood, innovation, baseless understanding, wrong interpretation and the likes of it, as if consuming pleasant and blissful knowledge bestowed by Rabb / Lord resulting in accumulating internal conflicts that burn their psyche.  Allah will make all your deeds become worthless if you know but reject the fundamental truth. 


Those who turn back after Allah has made it clear for them of the truth and obey Allah in part, then Allah will also make your deeds become worthless.  Indeed Allah will test and put into trial those who recognize and fully understand the nature of their psyche / self.  Know that the hayaatu duniya, those attachments that we adhere to in life are only amusements and diversions from our mindfulness.

If He should ask you for it and honour you, then you should be patient and hold fast to the fundamental truth that Allah reveals to you.



By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).  

47:1    Those who kafaru / reject / cover (the truth) and shaddu / evade ( when the truth is seen diffcult to accomplish) from the way of Allah, 'akmalahum / their deeds will go astray (misdeeds).

47:2    And those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab, the way of Allah) and do soleha / corrections (in the transformation of self) and aamanu / take security with what has been revealed on Muhammadin / one who is praised (for his approval and acknowledgment of the truth), and it is the truth from their Rabb / Lord, He will cover sayyi'atihim / their misdeeds and aslaha / correct their conditions.

47:3    That is because those who kafaru / reject / cover (the truth) follow falsehood, and those who aamanu / take security follow the truth from their Rabb / Lord.  Thus does Allah present to an-nas / the agitated mind their amsaal / similitudes.

47:4    So when you meet those who reject then strike the riqabi / the ones who are on the look out (for knowledge) until you have subdued them then bind firmly.  Then either he manna / strengthens after or either liberate / set free until the war (conflict) lays down its burden.  And if Allah wills He would have been victorious for them He tries some of you with some.  And those who were being killed in the way of Allah, He will never astray their deeds / actions.

47:5    He sayahdiihim / will guide them and yuslihu / will correct, put at ease (from the agitation) their condition.

47:6    And admit them to jannata / hidden garden of knowledge, (attaining enlightenment) complete recognition of his true self, to them.

47:7    O you who aamanu / keep secured, if you help Allah , He will help you and plant firmly (rooted, solidified and ingrained) your aqdama / courage.

47:8    But those who kafaru / reject / cover (the truth), for them is going astray, and He will waste their deeds. 

47:9    That is because they disliked what Allah revealed, so He rendered worthless their deeds.

47:10    Do they not proceed throughout the lower consciousness and see how was the consequence of those from before them ?  Allah destroyed over them, and for the kaafirin / rejecters / those who cover (the truth) is comparable (the same as those disliked what Allah revealed).

47:11    That is because Allah is the protector of those who aamanu / have taken security and because the kafaru /  rejecters / those who cover (the truth) have no protector for them. 

47:12    Indeed, Allah will admit those who aamanu / have taken security and aamilu solehaati / done correctional deeds to jannatin / hidden gardens of knowledge beneath which knowledge flow, but those who kafaru / reject / cover (the truth) they enjoy and ya'kulu / will consume (the knowledge) as if consume the ana'am / bestowal of pleasant thoughts (from Allah), and the an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) will be a residence for them.

47:13    And how many from qariah / cluster of established thoughts (or images or sensations) was stronger in strength than your qaryatika / cluster of thoughts which drove you out? We destroyed them; and there was no helper for them.

47:14    Is he who is on clear evidence from his Rabb / Lord like him whom the evil of his deeds has been made attractive and they follow their desires?

47:15    A parable of the jannati / hidden garden of knowledge which is promised to the muttaqeen / those who are mindful / conscious, in it flows of knowledge 'asinin / incorruptible, and flows from labanin / grasping (the knowledge and understanding) the taste whereof does not change, and flows from khamri / stillness of mind (direct revelation) delicious to those who drink, and flows from pure (free from impurities) sweetness and for them therein from all thamara / increased intelligence and forgiveness from their Rabb / Lord.   Like those who abide in the an-nar / internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) and who are made to drink heated conflicting knowledge so it rends their bowels scattered into pieces (meaning things will not be working out well).

47:16    And among them,  are those who listen to you, until when they depart from you, they say to those who were given knowledge, "What has he said just now?" Those are the ones of whom Allah has sealed over their hearts and who have followed their  desires.

47:17    And those who are guided, He increases them in guidance and gives them their taqwa / mindfulness.

47:18    Then do they yanzuru / observe / contemplate except that the moment should come upon them unexpectedly ? Without doubt already there have come its indications. Then what good to them, when it has come, will be their remembrance?

47:19    So know, that there is no ilaah / reality but Allah and ask forgiveness for your sin and for the mukminin / the one who feel secured from his own thoughts  and mukminat / the one who are secured from thoughts collected by sensory inputs.  And Allah knows of your mutakallabakum / faith back and forth (of your feeling of safe and secured) and your secured resting state.

47:20    Those who take security say, "Why has a surah / an overpowering influence not been revealed ?"  Then when a surah / overpowering influence is revealed and fighting is mentioned therein, you see those in whose hearts there is a disease looking at you with a look of one overcome from the mauti / lifeless (soul).  So more appropriate for them.

47:21    Obedience and sayings of makruf / state of facts that are well known and fully acknowledged. And when the matter (of fighting) was determined, if they had been true to Allah , it would have been better for them.

47:22    So would you perhaps (eagerly desire), if you turned away, that cause corruption in the lower consciousness and sever your relationship with arhamakum / your merciful showering of education ?    

47:23    Those it is whom Allah has cursed so He has made them deaf and blinded absaarahum / their insight.

47:24    Then do they not tadabbaru / ponder upon the Qur'an / expressions derived from reading (the ayaati), or are there locks upon (their) hearts?

47:25    Indeed those who return on their backs (turning away from the abstract system of education) from after what tabayyana /  become clear to them, the shaitan / acts from state of despair sawwala / entice / suggest over them; and He gives them respite (Allah gives them relief from the suffering that arise).  

47:26    That is because they said to those who disliked what Allah revealed, "We will obey you in part of the matter." And Allah knows what they conceal.

47:27    Then how (will it be) when the malaaikah / faculty of authority complete them (their souls) and wujuhahum / their focus to care (for growth) and their backs (the part that they obey and the part disobey) ?

47:28    That is because they followed what angered Allah and disliked (what) He approved, so He rendered worthless their deeds.

47:29    Or do those in whose hearts is disease think that Allah would never expose their hatred ?

47:30    And if We willed, We could show them to you, and you would know them by their mark; but you will surely know them by the tone of (their) speech. And Allah knows your deeds.

47:31    And We will surely test you until We make evident those who strive among you and the patient, and We will test your akhbar / knowing. 

47:32    Indeed, those who kafaru / rejected / covered (the truth) and hinder (others) from the path of Allah and opposed the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) after guidance had become clear to them,  never will they harm Allah at all, and He will render worthless their deeds. 

47:33    O you who aamanu / took security, obey Allah and obey the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) and do not tubtilu / invalidate your deeds.

47:34    Indeed, those who rejected / covered (the truth) and hindered (others) from the path of Allah and then maatu / ended the dissociation while they were kuffarun / rejecters / those who cover (the truth), then never will Allah forgive them.

47:35    So do not weaken and call for peace while you are superior; and Allah is with you and will never deprive you of  your deeds.

47:36    Indeed the hayaatu duniya / close attachments in life is only amusement and diversion (from being mindful).  And if you tukminu / take security and be mindful / conscious of Allah, He will give you your rewards and not ask you for your wealth (knowledge and mental growth).

47:37    If He should ask you for it and (ask with) honour you, and you would withhold (not proceeding towards direct experience of the truth), and He would expose adhghaanakum / your hatred.

47:38    O you (the particle "haa" indicate far for those who withhold)!   These calls to tunfiqu / self-experience (to reform by putting into practice what Allah has given you) then among you are those who yabkholu (bakhil) withhold (they could hardly come near to killing their soul - refer HQ 2:71).  And whoever withholds then surely what he withholds is his nafs / soul /self and Allah is the ghaniyyu / the sufficient / the being free of need and you are the fuqara / needy.  And if you turn away, He will replace you with another qauman / group of thoughts; then they will not be the likes of you.




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