(Constantly Sowing For The Truth)  


This surah is addressed to those who constantly sowing to bring about the truth to a state that possess self awareness of their true self.  Those whose minds are conditioned to have densely populated complex and wild negative thoughts, they exalt their separate self and that they divide themselves from the true self.  Among the ingredients  of these negative thoughts are unfounded knowledge, baseless beliefs, trivial likings, psychological hurt, psychological fear, superiority complex, inferiority complex, religious spirituality complex and so on. These negative contents essentially clouded and conditioned the mind that produce judgments, ideas, projections, imaginations and actions which bring about conflicts and disputes.  They claimed that the possession of one true self is an innovation. 

Thoughts are produced in our brain through the complex interaction of neurons, neurotransmitters and electrical impulses.  How it comes about is not in our control but what we notice are the ones that we have certain acquaintance to it influenced by our conditioned mind.  There are many that actually come but go off unnotice.  Thoughts that are influenced by conditioned mind are complex and wild thoughts.  There are also intrusive thoughts that are unwanted or disturbing associated with anxiety and distress.  The mala'u, that are those filled with complex and wild thoughts listed in this surah are the firaun (those who are filled with superiority complex), jundun (those who are always doubtful), aad (those who like to repeat), thamud (those who are exhausted with trivial matters), qaumu lut (thoughts attached to duniya) and ashabul aikah (companions of densely populated and entangled thoughts).  It is wrong to mix or join these complex, wild thoughts with the compassionate thoughts.  Mixing or joining these two categories of thoughts of opposite values will only escalate the intensity because the complex, wild thoughts have tendencies of taking advantage of the other.  Those who are aamanu / take security in Al Kitab and do corrective actions, they, Daud, break up the complex, wild thoughts to simplified forms that are manageable. 

Then Allah granted Sulaiman (one who submit and attain peace) to Daud (one who has the ability to break up complex, wild thought) and placed upon Sulaiman, jasadan (mental image of him supported by bodily structure).  Allah gives strength to Sulaiman by not allowing shaytan (acts from despair) to construct grief-stricken ideas in his analysis.  Further, Allah commissioned the spirit of truth to flow by his command as he wills it.

Allah's conscious servant, Ayyub, one who returned to his true self will always call his Rabb / Lord when he is afflicted with distress and suffering from shaytan / act of depair.  To dissolve the affliction, Allah commanded him to strike with his rijal / own independent thinking to strengthen his understanding (only after receiving the takwil / interpretation from his Rabb / Lord) provided it is not conditioned by falsehood or innovation.  In this scenario, you are allowed to mix or join knowledge from your Rabb / Lord and rijal / your own independent thinking just like dzul qarnain / possessor of united thought (from the two oceans of knowledge).

As for Ibrahim, he is always inclined to the truth, Ishaq / one who is perfect and alienated (from other than the truth), and Ya'kub / one who always return (to Allah) were resourceful and with insights.  Allah has purified them with constant reminders of purifying their encirling thoughts.  And conscious is Ismail / one who listen to the truth, Yasa'a / one who mighty strike in a debate and Zulkifli / one who possess strong sense of responsibility.  With their consciousness, they settled themselves in jannatin / hidden garden of knowledge and have access to the doorways to receiving the decoded meaning of the ayaati / signs for comprehension, perpetually.

The opposite value of nar / conflict is tin / natural quality of harmony.  When there is conflict and dispute, the nafs / soul / self become nafs e ammarah and nafs e lawammah.  Allah teaches us to constantly sow the seed to obtain the news from the ghaib inspired by our Rabb.  These news, form perceptions process by the pure mind will bring about understanding the true knowledge embedded and from the true knowledge that is known we do corrective actions and reform.  A reformed state of mind,  will return our selves to our natural quality of harmony, nafs e mutmainna.


(The act of constant sowing to bring about the truth)

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of knowledge provided by the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the approval of receiving the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman).  

38.1    Saad (the act of constant sowing to bring about the truth), and the Qur’an / expression of truth (formulated from reading ayaati / signs) that dzil zikri / possessed the consciousness (awareness of one true self). 

38.2    Bal / rather, those who are kafaru / reject / cover (the truth)  are in izzatin / state of separate self exaltation and shiqaq / divided (from the true self). 

38.3    How many ahlakna / We have destroyed from before from qarnin / thoughts binding in the same group.  And they called out when it was far too late. 

38.4    And they were surprised that a warner has come to them from among them.  And the kafirun / rejecters / those who cover (the truth) said: “This is saahirun / a diversion / turn from a right course, a liar.” 

38.5    “Has he made the aalihata / realities into one irreducible ilaahan / reality? This is indeed a strange thing!” 

38.6    And the mala'u / those whose minds are filled with superiority complex among them that continue talaqa / division (divorcing separate self from the true self) and remain patient over your aaliha / realities. Indeed, this thing is yuradu /  intended to make your mind restless / agitated.” 

38.7    “We never heard of this in almillati aahirati / ending of life practices (based on guidance by logic and reasoning of their conditioned mind) that this is but ikhtilaqun / an innovation.” 

38.8    “Has the zikru / divine masculine attributes of linearity, focus, logic and assertiveness, been unzila / revealed to him, from between all of us!” Bal / rather, they are doubtful of zikri / divine masculine attributes.  Bal / rather, they have not yet tasted My punishment. 

38.9    Or do they have the treasures of rahmati / abstract system of education of your Rabb / Lord, the Mighty, the Bestower. 

38.10    Or do they possess the mulku / authority of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, and all that is between them? Then let them bring their own al-asbaab / the cause / the motive.

38.11    Jundun / (those) enlisted fresh knowledge that have gathered will be the ahzab / group in alliance to transform. 

38.12    Kazzabat / Denied before them were qaumun / group of thoughts of Nuh / one is compassion (to the group of thoughts that are not conscious), ‘Aad / one who like to repeat, and Firaun / one with superiority complex formulated (endowed) pegged firmly. 

38.13    And Thamud / that accept which is not true, and the qaumun / group of thoughts of Lut / those who are attached (to duniya), and the ashabul / companions (thoughts of the agitated mind) of the aikah / those whose thinking are densely populated and entangled; these are the ahzab / defeated group.  

38.14    Each of them denied the rusula / inner voices (that deliver the message), so haqqa / justified My retribution.

38.15    And what these (defeated group) are waiting for is a single scream, from which they will not recover.

38.16    And they said: “Our Rabb / Lord, hasten for us qittona / our share, before the moment of the hisabi / reckoning (call for the account of it).”

38.17    Be patient to what they say, and uzkur / be aware of Our servant Daud / one who break up complex, wild thought, the resourceful.  Indeed, he was repeated turning.

38.18    Indeed, We sahhar / teased the jibala / those who are fixed headed to usabbih / swim in the abundant knowledge with him, with the isyaq / early darkness that need guidance and isyraq / early light in guidance.

38.19    And the thoiri / scattered flying thoughts were assembled; all were awwab / repeatedly turning to him.

38.20    And We strengthened mulkahu / his authority, and We gave him the hikmah / understanding with clear proofs (empirically and factually) and the ability to make fasla al hitabi / the detailed exhortation / expression (in a very articulate and eloquent manner).

38.21    And has there come to you naba'u / news (of the ghaib inspired) of the disputing party (who contended with one and another) when the tasawwarul mihrab / mental battle (debate) of knowledge is influenced (with the hikmah empirically and factually) ?  

38.22    When they entered upon Daud / one who break up complex thought, he was startled by them. They said: “Have no fear. We are two who have disputed, and one has wronged the other, so judge between us with the truth, and do not wrong us, and guide us to the right path.”  

38.23    “Surely, this is my brother (thought from the same lineage) and he owns ninety-nine (indicate exxageration) likings (from among the complex thoughts), while I own one liking; so he said to me: ‘Let me take care of it’ and he pressured me.”  

38.24    He said certainly: “He has wronged you by asking to combine your liking with his likings. And indeed, many of the mix that they seek take advantage of one another, except those who aamanu / take security (in Allah) and do 'amilu solehaati / corrective actions, and these are very few.” And Daud / one who break complex thoughts assumed that We had tested him, so he sought forgiveness from his Rabb / Lord, and fell down in submission, and anaba / returned to obedience (mixing the complex thoughts will not solve, break them up will).  

38.25    So We forgave him in this matter. And indeed, for him with Us is a near approach / access, and husna ma'abin / a good place of return.  

38.26    O Daud / the one who is able to break complex thoughts,  indeed We have made you a khalifah / behind whom Allah acts in the ardh / lower consciousness. Therefore, you shall judge among an-nas / the agitated thoughts with the truth, and do not follow desire, it diverts you from the path of Allah.  Indeed, those who stray off the path of Allah will have a severe punishment for forgetting the moment of the hisabi / reckoning (call for the account of it) 

38.27    And We did not halaqa / evolve the samaa' / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, and what is between them, baathilan / in fiction / falsehood. Such is the thinking of those who kafaru / reject. Therefore, woe to kafaru / rejector from an-nar / internal conflict (that burn an-nas).  

38.28    Or shall We treat those who aamanu / take security (in Allah) and do saalihati / corrective actions as We treat those mufsidin / who make corruption in the ardh / lower consciousness? Or shall We treat the muttaqeen / mindful as the wicked?  

38.29    Kitabun / an inherent script that We have revealed to you, that is blessed, so that they yaddabbaru / may reflect upon its ayaati / signs, and so that ulul albab / those who possess intelligence yatazakkaru / will be in awareness (of their true self).  

38.30    And to Daud / the one who is able to break up complex thoughts, We granted Sulaiman / the one who submit and attain peace (no conflict in oneself). The excellent servant.  Indeed, awwab / one who repeatedly turned (to Allah).

38.31    When they 'uridho / were shown to him with 'ashiyyi / difficulties in perception, the saafinatu / astonishment affected him.  

38.32    He then said: “Indeed I preferred love of the good from zikri / awareness of my Rabb / Lord, until it is hidden with the veil!”

38.33    “Send them back.” He then masha / wiped to remove (the mental impurities) with their suqi / sickness and 'aknaqi / betrayal.

38.34    And certainly, We tried Sulaiman / the one who submit for peace and We placed jasadan / bodily mental image adhered (the body adhered to the self) upon his kursi / structure for support, then he turned.

38.35    He said: “My Rabb / Lord, forgive me, and grant me mulkan / an authority that will never be attained by anyone from after me. Indeed, You are the Wahhab / Bestower.”

38.36    So, We commissioned the riha / spirit (of truth) to flow by his command, smoothly flowing haisu / where he asaba / willed it.

38.37    And the shaytana / acts arises from despair, in every constructing of ideas and indulgence (grief-stricken with distress and suffering) in analysis.

38.38    And others (thoughts), chained in muqarranin / bounds (from such influence).

38.39    “This is what We give, so you may manna / be strengthen or amsik / remain weak, without reckoning (for the account of it).”

38.40    And certainly, he has a near position with Us, and a wonderful abode.

38.41    And azkur / conscious is Our servant Ayyub / one who returned to his true self, when he called upon his Rabb / Lord: “The shaytan / act arises from despair, has afflicted me with distress and suffering.”  

38.42    “Strike with rijlika / your independent thought process 
(for analysis, reason and rationalization), this is mughtasalun / one who wash away (that is afflicted), a cool state (from the burning sensation of the affliction) and sharabun / an inward absorption (to consume the knowledge).”  

38.43    And We granted to him ahlahu / those who are inclined to him and a like of them with them, rahmatan / an abstract system of education from Us; and zikraa / awareness (of true self) for those who possess intelligence.

38.44    “And take in your hand a mix then go forth with it, and do not break your oath.” We found him steadfast. What a good servant!  He was obedient.

38.45    And azkur / conscious Our servant Ibraham / one who is inclined to the truth, Ishaq / one who is perfect and alienated (from other than the truth), and Ya'kub / one who always return (to Allah).  They were resourceful, and with insight.

38.46    Indeed, We had akhlasnahum / purified them with zikra / consciousnesss of the dari / encircling thoughts.

38.47    And indeed with Us, they are of the chosen, the best.

38.48    And azkur / conscious is Ismail / one who listen intensely and yasa'a / one who mighty strike in a debate, and Zulkifli / one who possess strong sense of responsibility; all are among the best.

38.49    This is zikrun / a consciousness, and the muttaqeen / mindful will have a wonderful abode.

38.50    Jannatin / hidden garden of delightful knowledge, for them the doorways of adnin mufattahah / the one who received the decoded meaning of ayaati (from Allah), perpetually. 

38.51    Muttaka'ina / leaning therein (for support), they will be called therein with fakehatin / many delights and sharabin / comprehension (of the knowledge given). 

38.52    And with them are those who qaasirat / fail to accomplish the taraf / part, atrabun / poorly comprehend.

38.53    This is what you have been promised for the moment of the reckoning (call for the account of it)

38.54    Indeed, this is surely Our larizqi / provisions, it does not nafadin / run out.  

38.55    This is so, and indeed, the thoghin / falsehood activity is a miserable destiny.  

38.56    Jahannam / stagnation (no spiritual progress) is where they burn, then the mihadu / developmental place of evil 

38.57    This is so, then let them taste (self-experience) it, hamimun / heated and ghassaqun / dark.  

38.58    And others, of the same type bounded to it, in pairs.  

38.59    Here is another faujun / group muqrahimun / recklessly plunging (into the heated conflicts without reason) with you. “We have not welcomed (no space due to their narrow-mindedness) with them, surely they shall burn in an-nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas).”  

38.60    They said: “Rather, you are the ones without marhaban / welcome (no space due to being narrow-minded).  It was qaddamtumuhu / you who have brought this to us, then bi'sa / worsen the qararu / stability” 

38.61    They said: “Our Rabb / Lord, whoever brought this upon us, fazidhu / then increase (and added to what they have) their punishment in an-nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas)”  

38.62    And they said: “Why do we not see rijalan / independent thought process (for analysis, reason and rationalization) we used na'udduhum / to count them, among the wicked?”  

38.63    “Did we take them sihriyyan / (in) ridicule, or have our absaru / vision turned away from them?”  

38.64    Surely, this is in truth the dispute of ahlin nar / those who are aquainted with the internal conflict (that burn an-nas).  

38.65    Say: “Indeed, I am only a warner; and there is no ilaahi / reality but Allah, the One, the Supreme.”  

38.66    “The Rabb / Lord of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, and whatever between them; the Mighty, the Forgiving.”  

38.67    Say: “It is a great naba'un / news (news of the ghaib inspired from your Rabb).”  

38.68    “From it you turn away.”  

38.69    “No knowledge with the mala'i the a'la / mind that is filled with high superiority complex for me when they were disputing.”  

38.70    “It is only inspired to me that I am a clear warner.” 

38.71    When your Rabb / Lord said to the mala'ikah / state of sovereign authority (where mind, body and soul contitutes one ruler one authority): “Indeed, I am khaaliqun / evolving basharan / sensible thoughts from tinin / a natural inherent science of morality (moral values and principles to good moral as an evolved mechanism).”  

38.72    “So when I have sawwaituhu / harmonize him, and nafakhtu / inflated from ruhi / my permeation (spread of the spirit of the truth) in him, then you shall saajidin / submit / obey to him.”  

38.73    Then the mala'ikah / authorities (commanding faculty of the mind) sajada / submitted / obeyed, all of them,

38.74    Except iblees / the one wrapped in perplexity; he turned arrogant, and became among the kafirin / rejecters.

38.75    He said: “O iblees / the one wrapped in perplexity, what prevented you from tasjuda / submitting / obeying to what I have khalaqtu / evolved by My hands (in control and awareness)? Are you too arrogant? Or are you one of those exalted?”

38.76    He said: “I am better than he; You khalaqtani / evolved me from nar / internal conflict, and (You) evolved him from tin / natural inherent science of morality (moral values and principles to good moral as an evolved mechanism).”

38.77    He said: “Then get out of it, for indeed you are accursed.” 

38.78    “And indeed My curse will be upon you until the moment of the deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment).” 

38.79    He said: “My Rabb / Lord, respite me until the moment (the true self) is raised (from maut / ending of dissociation - HQ 2:56) .”

38.80    He said: “Indeed, you are respited.” 

38.81    “To the wakti / determined moment maklum / known.” 

38.82    He said: “Then by Your izzati / exaltation, I will mislead them all.”

38.83    “Except for Your servants from those who are mukhlasin / the ones who are sincere.” 

38.84    He said: “then the truth, and the truth is what I say.”  

38.85    “Surely I will fill jahannam / state of stagnation (no spiritual progress) from you and those who follow you, all together.” 

38.86    Say: “I do not ask you for any ajrin / reward, and I am not from mutakallifin / the one who is a burden to others.” 

38.87    “It is but a reminder for the aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge.” 

38.88    “And you will come to know its news (news of the ghaib inspired) after awhile.” 










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