(Interpret reality with the representation)




Allah has decreed that He reveals the signs to clarify the inherent script. Within these signs, there are articulate expressions of reality that are made comprehensible through our own fatherly support of independent thinking. Additionally, the signs contain inspired retraceable steps that accurately account for the facts.

Yusuf, the one who comprehends reality through the representations given by the signs, observes the multitude of signs in a state of unity and possesses the ability to discern truth from illusion, through facts and its empirical evidence. Any truth that has been understood must not be mixed with conditioned thoughts. Prior to reaching this stage, you must first be dedicated to the truth and rely on your commitment to seek guidance to attain its interpretation solely from your Lord while distancing yourself from other sources. Allah teaches you the interpretation of the signs from its representations and bestows His blessings through your own fatherly support for independent thinking, enabling you to achieve direct experience and return to Allah.

Allah uses fables to convey unseen principles, providing an easy comprehension of moral and practical lessons in a memorable and impactful way. Therefore, when reading them in a storytelling manner, it is important to understand that the objective is to reflect upon, analyze, and internalize these principles in order to comprehend them fully.

Within a mind encapsulated by conditioning, there exists a natural tendency to suppress and eliminate thoughts that possess awareness of the truth, reverting them back to become corrupt and distorted thoughts. We must remain constantly aware, employing rational thinking that gives preference to thoughts rooted in truth, in our decision-making, actions, speech, and thoughts. Corruption initiates when we engage in activities driven by personal preferences that lead to indulgence and frivolity. Subsequently, delusion sets in, attempting to persuade us that these actions are truthful and morally justified, ultimately culminating in a web of lies.  Allah teaches Yusuf to be the one capable of interpreting reality through its representations. Allah fortifies Yusuf with sound judgment and knowledge of facts, along with empirical evidence, to attain maturity in his interpretation of the unseen (ghaib).

Fortified with the ability to interpret the unseen, Yusuf becomes capable of warding off negativity and obscenity. Through rational thinking, he establishes a criterion: if his wandering and restless mind aligns with a reliable source, then the information is accepted as truthful; however, if it is based solely on past experiences, the information is unworthy of consideration.

Then, urged by sensory inputs, Yusuf received information about the love of his separate or conceptual self. Realizing that this was misguided information, he turned to his Lord for guidance and sought connection with Him. In a calm state of mind, Yusuf realized that the urge concerning the love of one's separate self was not a rational thought but rather an established authority born from external sources. Yusuf took a step back and contemplated whether he should silence his mind, refraining from dwelling on the matter, or continue to engage in a state of awareness and acknowledge the chatter. Regardless of his choice, Yusuf knew that his Lord would teach him the interpretation, and he should avoid adhering to thoughts that did not originate from a reliable source.

Then Yusuf, with his maturity in interpretation, will be able to advise on matters regarding self-inquiries and provide nourishment towards understanding reality. The outcomes of those deprived of such advice, however, will dry up with no guidance and may return to the agitated mind without the nourishment of truth. So, the cultivation of understanding progresses in accordance with the level of nourishment received.

Conversely, individuals in positions of authority, who lack the knowledge of truth from the Lord, tend to rely on and defend knowledge obtained from external sources. However, upon careful examination, it becomes apparent that information from sources other than Allah is inherently limited, as it is often fragmented and incomplete.

While knowledge acquired from external sources has its value, Allah decrees that one should seek guidance from their own independent fatherly support to establish a true understanding of oneself through introspection and self-inquiry. When information is received, it becomes essential to retrace the steps and establish an accurate account of the facts. The truth does not reside in a mere representation that resembles reality; instead, it lies in the interpretation provided by your Lord. This interpretation serves as guidance and mercy within the abstract system of education for those who find security in Allah. Undoubtedly, the ultimate destination, where the separate and adaptive self is ultimately ended, and the true self remains, is far superior for those who are mindful.  

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar  Rahman).

12.1    Alif, Lam, Ra.  Alif signifies the oneness reality of being.  Lam represent the manifestation of the reality in the form of His representations and Ra represent the support of the truth receive in the form of messages from your Rabb / Lord.  These are the ayaati / signs of the clarifying Al kitab / inherent script (from your Rabb). 

12.2    Surely We have revealed qur'anan arabiyyan / an articulative (clear and intelligibly) expression of truth, perhaps you ta'qilun / comprehend (use your pure logical mind).

12.3    We naqussu / retrace to you the best qasasu / tracing (that is to retrace the steps to make an account of facts accurately) through what We have awhaina / inspired to you in this Qur’an / expression; and before it you were of those who were unaware.

12.4    When Yusuf / who is abled to interpret reality from its representations, said to his abi / fatherly support (unfettered independent logical mind): “O My abi / pure mind, indeed I saw ahada / many in a state of oneness 'ashara / assemble kaukaban / bright sparkles (flickering of knowledge) and ash-shamsa / the spiritual illumination / the clarity and al qamara / the illusion (deceptive knowledge), I saw them saajidin / submitting to me.”

12.5    He (the pure mind) said: “O my bunaiya / thoughts conceived, do not trace (what) you perceive to your brothers (brotherly thoughts), or they will plan against you.  Indeed, the shaytan / acts arises from state of despair to insaan / one who is aligned with the truth, is a clear enemy.”

12.6    And thus, your Rabb / Lord has chosen you, and He teaches you from the interpretation of the hadith / representations (of reality), and He completes His blessings upon you and upon the ahle / those acquainted of Ya'qub / one who always return (to Allah), as He completed it from your aba / that foster fatherly support (pure mind) before that, Ibrahim / one who is committed to the truth and Ishaq / one who is perfect and alienated (from other sources). Your Rabb / Lord is Knowledgeable, Wise. 

12.7    Certainly,  in Yusuf / one who interpret reality with the representations and his brothers (other pure thoughts) are ayaati / signs for those who ask.

12.8    For when they (an-nas / the agitated thoughts) said: “Yusuf / who is abled to interpret reality from its representations and his brother (other brotherly pure thought) are more loved by our abi / fatherly support than us, while we (an-nas) are usbatun / twisted.  Our abaa / fatherly support (independent logical mind) is clearly strayed.”

12.9    “Kill Yusuf / who is abled to interpret reality from its representations, or cast him in the lower consciousness, so that wajhu / his focus to care (for growth) of your abi / fatherly mental support will be only for you, and after that you can be qaum / group of established thoughts who correct themselves.”

12.10    One among them said: “Do not kill Yusuf / who interpret reality with the representation) but throw him in ghayabati / unseen (in other care) al jubbi / the extended long time, ba'du / others yaltaqidhu / will pick him up saiyaratin / return to former state, if you are going to do (that is to kill).

12.11    They said: “O our aba / independent fatherly support, why you do not trust us over Yusuf ?  And surely to him we will advice.”  

12.12    “Send him with us ghadan / early to digest (to corrupt the knowledge) what he pleased and to fool around, and surely we will guard of him.”  

12.13    He said: “Indeed, surely it saddens me that you should take him, and I fear that the dhi'bu / fright will consume him if you will be ghafilun / heedless / unmindful of him.”  

12.14    They said: “ Surely if the dhi'bu / fright consume him, while we are usbatun / twisted together, then we are the losers.”

12.15    So, when they went with him they had agreed to place him in ghayabati / unseen (other care) al jubbi / the extended long time. And We inspired to him: “You will inform them (news of the ghaib) with this act of theirs while they will not expect it.”

12.16    And they came to their abaa / fatherly support (independent logical mind) in the isha'an / early part of darkness (where perception is starting to be difficult), yabkuna / weeping.

12.17    They said: “O our abaa / fatherly support, indeed zahabna / we expended  nastabiqu / to persuade / convince him and left Yusuf near our provisions, and the fright consume him! But you would not be with mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind) over us even if we were truthful.”

12.18    And they brought upon qamisihi / his unsteady mind bidamin / stained in kazibin / a lie.  He said: “Bal / rather, you have sawwalat / suggested amran / an affair to your anfus / souls.  So patience is jamil / beautiful, and Allah is sought for help against what you describe.”

12.19    And there came saiyaratun / a pursuit (to former state of mind) so they send their warida / presenter so he presented.  He said: “O sensible thoughts, there is ghulamun / intense excitement!” So they hid it (reality) as bida'ah / pieces of information (not presenting the whole picture). And Allah is aware of what they did.

12.20    And they sold it (the pieces of information) with samani /  a little value, a lowly obscured thought for counted moment, and they regarded in him from the insignificant.

12.21    And said he who bought it (the pieces of information) from it's mishra / divine boundary (setting limits in our reasoning not to intervene in the interpretation of the truth) to his obstinate thought: “Make it's stay akrimi / honorable, perhaps it will benefit us or we may take it as waladan / what we fathered (produced and breed).” And it was thus that We established for Yusuf / the one who interpret (reality with the representations) in the lower consciousness and to teach him from the interpretation of the hadith / representation of the reality.  And Allah has full control over his affair, but most of an-nas / the agitated mind do not know.  

12.22    And when he reached it's (the teaching of interpretation) maturity, We gave him judgment and knowledge (empirical and factual behaviour of nature). It is thus that We reward the muhsinin / one whose experience (deeds) is out of true knowledge.

12.23    He (Yusuf) was in his mental house receiving information about nafsihi / his soul (this mean Yusuf entered into self inquiry mode exploring his self-existent).  And she closed the doors (that is, those corrupted thoughts dismissed the matter) and she said “I have prepared for you (she has prepared the answer / conclusion or judgment which is not the reality)”.  He (Yusuf) said “I seek refuge with Allah.  Surely He is my Rabb / Lord.  He kept me in the most beautiful place of stay.”  Surely the oppressors la-yuflihu / will not succeed (in breaking the frontiers of consciousness).

12.24    And without doubt she took interest (in what Yusuf said) with him, and he did take interest (in what she said) with her, had it not been that he saw the proof of his Rabb / Lord.  Likewise for We turn away the badness and the obscenity from him; surely he was from Our muhlasin / sincere servants. 

12.25    And as they sabtabaqa / compete towards the door (to close the discussion), she tore his qamis / unsteady (wandering) mind from behind (that is from past experiences); and they found both their sayyidaha / elevated state at al bab / the closing.  She said: “What is the punishment for your ahle / acquaintance who wanted evil except that he be yusjana / imprison / restrain or punish painfully?”

12.26    He said: “She wanted to explore about nafsi / soul,” and a witness from her ahle / those acquainted gave testimony: “If his qamisuhu / unsteady wandering mind was torn from the front (in context of reliable source), then she is truthful, and he is the liar.”

 12.27    “And if his qamisuhu / unsteady wandering mind is torn from behind (past experience), then she is lying, and he is truthful.”

12.28    So when he saw that his qamisuhu / unsteady wandering mind was torn from behind, he said: “Surely, this is from your planning, your planning is indeed great!”

12.29    “Yusuf /  the one who interpret reality with the representations, turn away from this. And you seek forgiveness for your sin; indeed you were from the khoti'in / sinners.”

12.30    And said niswatun / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity), in the madinah / truthful way of life (consciously obey Allah's system, law and judgment): “The imraati / stubborn thought of the aziz / mighty / potent (that having great influence) receive information about nafsihi / his soul in the prime; Surely, she (information received) is shaghafa / imprinted by hubban / a liking (she likes the soul / separate / adaptive self). Surely, we see her clearly misguided.”

12.31    So when she heard of their planning, she arsalat / turned to having connection for them and prepared a muttaka'an / leaning therein (for support) for them, and she gave each one of them a sikkinan / state of calmness. And she said: “Come out to them,” so when they saw him they exalted him and qatta' / severe aidiyahunna / their strength, and they said: “Hasha / direct attention to Allah, this is not basharan / sensible thought, but an honorable malakun / authority!”  

12.32    She said: “Fazalikunna / so that is the one you blamed me in it, and surely I want to explore about nafsihi / his soul but he saved himself (he take refuge with Allah). And if he does not do as I command him, he layusjananna / will surely be imprison / restrain, and he will be one of those subdued.”  

12.33    He said: “My Rabb / Lord, I like sijnu / imprisonment / restraint me than what they are inviting me to it (do).  And if You do not tasrif / turn their plans away from me, I will fall for them and be of the jaahilin / nescient (who do not possess knowledge due to neglectfully uninformed).”  

12.34    Then his Rabb / Lord responded to him, so He turned away their plans from him. He is the Hearer, the Knowledgeable.  

12.35    Then it appeared to them, from after they had seen the ayaati / signs, to surely will restraint him for a time.  

12.36    And with him in the sijna / imprisonment / restraint entered two thoughts in his prime. One of them said: “Indeed I saw myself squeezing to conceal the flow of thought (meaning he wants to silent his mind from chattering),” and the other said: “Indeed I saw I ahmilu / conceive (knowledge) over my head (brain) khubzan / fully aware, and that the thoiru / scattered thoughts were digesting from it (what is conceived).” “Inform us with its ta'wil / interpretation (news of the ghaib), for we see that you are of muhsinin / one whose experience is of true knowledge.”  

12.37    He said: “No turzaqa / provision of tho'amun / food for knowledge will come to you, except that I would have informed you both (the two thoughts in his prime) about its ta'wil / interpretation (news of the ghaib) before it comes to you. That is from what my Rabb / Lord has taught me. I have just left the millata / life practices (based on guidance by logic and reasoning of their conditioned mind) of qaumin / group of thoughts who do not yukminun / take security with Allah, and they are kafirun / rejecters / those who cover with the aakhirah / ending.”  

12.38    “And I have followed millata aabaa'i ibraheem / life practices (based on guidance by fatherly support of your logical mind inclined to the truth), and Ishaq / who is perfect and alienated, and Yakub / who always return to Allah. It was not for us to set up partners with Allah at all. That is from fadhli / given advantage of Allah over us and over an-nas / the agitated mind, but most of an-nas / agitated mind are not thankful.”  

12.39    “O sahibi yasijni / companions in imprisonment / restraint (cloud of thoughts in the same state), are various arbabun / lords better, or Allah, the wahidu / One irreducible reality of being, the Supreme?”  

12.40    “What you serve from besides Him are nothing but names which sammaitumu / you have named, both you and your abaa / fatherly support (independent logical mind), Allah has not sent down any authority for such. The judgment is for none except Allah. He has ordered that none be served except He. That is the true deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment), but most of an-nas / the agitated mind do not know.” 

12.41    “O sahibi yasijni / my companions in imprisonment / restraint, one of you will be serving flow of thoughts of his Rabb / lord, while the other yuslabu / will be deprived of reason (or logic) so that the thoiru / scattered thoughts will digest from his head (brain). The matter which you both have sought is now qudiya / concluded.”  

12.42    And he said to the one whom is certain that he would be saved from both of them (the two restraints in prison): “uzkurni / embody masculine faculty (that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) in the nearnest of your Rabb / lord.” But the shaytan / acts arises from state of despair made him forget to zikra / be masculine in awareness of his Rabb / lord, so he remained in prison / restraint for bid'a / pieces of information stay (as his truth from his Rabb).  

12.43    And the maliku / authority said: “Surely, I have seen sab'a / congregated simaanin / nourished (levels with knowledge) baqaraatin / self inquiries being digested by sab'a / congregated deprived ones, and khudrin / immatured state of sab'a / congregated sunbulaatin / well-groomed levels (produced by the deprived ones) and others apparently dried up.  O you mala'un / thought filled with raged, tell me what my vision means if you are able to interpret the visions.”

12.44    They said: “(It is nothing except) a mixture of bad understanding; and we are not knowledgeable in the interpretation of the ahlam / understanding (pure knowing).”

12.45    And the one who had been saved from the two, and iddakara / was independently aware after ummatin / group of thoughts said: “I will inform you of its interpretation (news of the ghaib), so let me be sent.”

12.46    “Yusuf / the one who interpret reality with the representations, O the truthful one, aftina / advise us the matter regarding sab'a / congregated simaanin / nourished (levels of knowledge) baqaraatin / self inquiries being digested by sab'a / congregated deprived ones, and khudrin / immatured state of sab'a / congregated sunbulaatin / well-groomed outcomes (that produced by the deprived ones based on respective levels of knowledge) and others apparently dried up? Then perhaps I may go back to an-nas / the agitated mind so they will know.”

12.47    He said: “You will cultivate regularly for sab'a / congregated ascensions, so whatever you harvest leave it in its levels, except for the little that you will kulu / consume.”

12.48    “Then there will come sab'un / a congregation after that which are severe and which will consume all that qaddamtum / you preceded earlier except for what you have experienced (first person experience of the true knowledge).”

12.49    “Then after that will come an immersed swim (in the sea of knowledge) in which an-nas / the agitated mind will have abundant knowledge and which they will be able ya'sirun / to squeeze.”

12.50    And the maliku / authority (from the ones deprived of knowledge) said: “Bring to me with it.” So when the rasulu / inner voice (that deliver the message) came to his Rabb / Lord, he (the maliku) said: “Go back to your Rabb / lord and ask him what was the matter regarding the niswati / passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity), we qatta' / severe aidiyahunna / their strengths ?  Indeed, my Lord is aware of their plans.”

12.51    He said: “What is khodbukunna / your exhortation when you explored Yusuf about nafsihi / his soul?” They said: “Allah be sought! We know of no evil on his part.” The pair of the aziz / mighty said: “Now the truth must be known, I did seek to explore Yusuf about nafsihi / his soul and he is of the truthful ones.”  

12.52    “That is so he knows that I will not betray him with ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden, and that Allah does not guide the planning of the betrayers.”  

12.53    “And nafsi / my soul does not absolve (from establishing the deen), indeed for the nafsa / soul is inclined to sin, except that which my Rabb / Lord has mercy upon. My Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.”  

12.54    And the maliku / authority said: “Bring to me with it, I may consider him sincere for my nafs / soul.” He said, surely the moment is you are with us established, trusted. 

12.55    He said: “Make me over the khoza'ini / keeper of the ardh / lower consciousness, for I am hafizun 'alim / a knowledgeable preserver.”

12.56    And thus We placed Yusuf / the one who interpret reality with the representation in the ardh / lower consciousness, to take possession from it wherever he pleases. We nusibu / pour with Our rahmah / abstract system of education upon whoever want, and We do not waste the reward of muhsinin / one whose experience is of true knowledge.

12.57    And the reward of the akhirah / ending (of the separate / adaptive self) is better for those who amanu / take security and yattaqun / are mindful / aware.

12.58    And the brothers (other thoughts) of Yusuf / the one who interpret reality with the representation came and entered upon him, and he recognised them, but they did not recognise him.

12.59    And when he prepared them with their provisions, he said: “Bring me a brother of yours (thought from the same lineage) who is from your abi / own independent thinking (logical mind). Do you not see that I give kaila / source of intelligence and that I am the best of munzilin / one who reveals?”

12.60    “So if you do not bring him to me with it, then there shall be no kaila / source of intelligence for you with me, and do not come near me.”

12.61    They said: “We will try to get him away from his abaa / fatherly support (logical mind), and indeed lafa'ilun / we shall surely do.”  

12.62    And he said to his fitya / prime time: “Make their bida'ata / pieces of information (that does not present the truth) into their rihali / platform to embarks, so that they may recognize it when they go back to their ahle / those acquainted so that they may return.”  

12.63    So when they returned to their abi / fatherly support, they said: “O our aba / fatherly support, we have been mana'a / prevented from us kailu / source of intelligence, so send our brother (other acquainted thought) with us to have naktal / source of intelligent, and surely to him we will be his preservers.”  

12.64    He said: “Shall I trust him with you as I trusted you with his brother from before? Then Allah is the best preserver, and He is the rahmaan / the abstract system of education of mental faculties through knowledge, the Rahim / merciful for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman.”  

12.65    So when they fatahu / decode / unlock their possession (what they benefited out of it), they found their bida'ata / pieces of information (that does not present the truth) had been returned to them, and they said: “O our abaa / independent logical mind, what more can we seek, these are our bida'atu / pieces of information returned to us, so we can get more for our ahle / those acquainted, and be preservers over our brother (other thoughts), and increase a measure of kaila / source of intelligence to ba'irin / to reject the wrongful deed. That is truly an easy kailun / source of intelligence!”  

12.66    He said: “Never will I send him with you until you come to me with a covenant from Allah that you will bring him back with it unless that you are surrounded with them.” So when they brought him their covenant, he said: “Allah is over what we say, wakilun / a trusted custodian.”  

12.67    And he said: “O my baniyya / those constructed (by me), do not enter from one door, but enter from separate doors; and I cannot avail you anything against Allah, for the judgment is to Allah. And upon Him falyatwakkali / I should surely trust as custodian, the mutawakkilun / one whom I trust as custodian.”  

12.68    And when they entered from where their abu / independent logical mind, had commanded them, it would not have availed them in the least against Allah, but it was out of a concern in nafsi / soul of Yakub / one who always return to Allah that he brought out. And he is with knowledge for what We taught him, but most of the people do not know.  

12.69    And when they entered upon Yusuf / the one who interpret reality with the representation, he called his brother (other thought from same lineage) to himself and said: “I am your brother, so do not be saddened by what they have done.”  

12.70    So when he jahhaza / prepared them with their provisions, he placed the siqayata / fresh knowledge in rahli / platform to embark his brother (thoughts of same lineage), then a caller cried out: “O you al'iru / the one who got loose, indeed you are surely saariqun / becoming unperceivable!” 

12.71    They said and aqbalu / turning for acceptance towards them: “What is it you tafqidun / are missing?”  

12.72    They said: “We are nafqidu / missing the suwa'a / composure of the maliki / authority, and whoever can produce with it, and I with it will breed ba'irun / rejection of wrongful deeds, za'imun / assertively.”  

12.73    They said: “By Allah, you know we have not come to cause corruption in the ardh / lower consciousness, and we are not saariqun / becoming unperceivable!”  

12.74    They said: “Then what shall be its jazaa'u / recompense, if you are kazibin / liar?” 

12.75    They said: “Its jazaa'u / recompense is that whoever wujida / exist in its rahlihi / platform to embark then he will be its recompense. It is so that we recompense the wrongdoers.”  

12.76    So he began with his thinking before the thought of his brother. Then he brought it out of thinking mind of his brother. It was such that We planned for Yusuf / one who interpret reality with the representation, for he would not have been able to take his brother under the deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment) of the maliki / authority, except that Allah wished it so. We raise the degrees of who wish, and over every one of knowledge is the All Knowledgeable.  

12.77    They said: “If he yasriq / become unperceivable, so surely a brother of his is also unperceivable.” So Yusuf / one who interpret reality with the representation kept this secret in his nafs / soul, and did not yubdi / reveal anything to them. He said: “You are in sharrun / an evil position, and Allah knows with what you describe.”  

12.78    They said: “O the aziz / mighty, surely to him shaikhan / a sage (learned elder) of abaa / fatherly support (in analysis and reason), so take one of us in his place. Indeed we see you from the muhsinin / one whose experience is of true knowledge.”  

12.79    He said: “Refuge is sought with Allah that we would take anyone except he whom we found our provision with him. Indeed, we would then be wrong doers.”  

12.80    So when istai'asu / they gave up from him,  (putting forth) a sincere effort to save. The kabir / greatest of them said: “Did you not know that your abaa / independent logical mind, has taken a covenant over you with Allah, and before this you also failed in your duty with Yusuf / one who interpret reality with the representation ? I will not leave this lower consciousness until my abaa / fatherly support, permits me to do so or that Allah will judge for me. He is the best of judges.” 

12.81    “Return to your abi / fatherly support (independent logical mind), then tell him: ‘O our aba / fatherly support (independent logical mind), indeed your abna / constructed thought saraqa / has become unperceivable, and we did not witness except with what we learned, and we could not hafizun / preserve the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden!”

12.82    “And ask the qariah / cluster of established thoughts which we were in it, and al'ira / the one who got loose which we have returned with it.  And we are being truthful!’”

12.83    He said: “Bal / rather, for it is anfusakum / your souls that have conspired you to this. So patience is most fitting, perhaps Allah will bring them all to me.  He is the Knowledgeable, the Wise.”

12.84    And he turned away from them and said: “Oh, asafaa / my sorrow over Yusuf / one who interpret reality with the representation and his ain / perception became expressive from grief, so he kazim / restrain (from the grief).

12.85    They said: “By Allah, you will never cease tazkuru / to be masculine in awareness of Yusuf / one who interpret reality with the representation, until you become haradhan / emaciated / wasted away (in corrupt deeds) or become from those who haalikin / destroyed!”

12.86    He said: “Surely I merely acknowledged my grief and sorrow to Allah, and I know from Allah what you do not know.”

12.87    “O my baniyya / those who (I) construct, go and inquire about Yusuf and his brother (other thought from same lineage), and do not despair from the spirit of Allah except the kaum / group of thoughts who are rejecters.”

12.88    So when they entered upon him, they said: “O the aziz / mighty, we have been afflicted with harm, us and our ahle / those acquainted, and we have come with bida'ati / innovation / pieces of information (not the whole truth) of muzjaatin / ones who are driven (by bida'ati), so give us the kaila / source of intelligence, and tasaddaq / be truthful towards us, for Allah rewards the mutasaddiqin / truthful ones.”

12.89    He said: “Do you know what you have done with Yusuf / one who interpret reality with the representation, and his brother (thought from the same lineage), while you were jaahilin / nescient (do not possess the knowledge because you are uninformed)?”

12.90    They said: “Are you indeed Yusuf / one who interpret reality with the representation?” He said: “I am Yusuf, and this is my brother (other thought of the same lineage).  Indeed, Allah has manna / provided strength (when we are weak) to us. For anyone who yattaqi / mindful (of Allah) and is yasbir / steadfast, Allah will not waste the reward of the muhsinin / one whose experience is of true knowledge.”

12.91    They said: “By Allah, Allah has indeed preferred you over us and that we lahati'in / have sinned.”  

12.92    He said: “There is no blame on you this moment, may Allah forgive you, and He is the arhamu / the provider of the abstract system of education of arraahimin / those who self educate.”  

12.93    “Go with this qamisi / unsteady mind then throw it over wajha / focus to care (for growth) of abikum / your fatherly mental support, and he will have an insight; and bring to me all ahli / those acquainted.”  

12.94    And when al'iru / the one who got loose, is separated, their abu / fatherly support said: “I do indeed feel riha / spirit of Yusuf (the one who interpret reality with the representation), why not that tufannidun / you may think me I committed error.” 

12.95    They said: “By Allah, indeed you surely at al qadim / the foremost (from beginning) in your error.”

12.96    Then, when that the bashirun / sensible thought (who trust the transformation) arrived, he throw it over wajhi / his focus to care (for growth) and he regained an insight. He said: “Did I not tell you that I know from Allah what you do not know?”

12.97    They said: “O our abaa / fatherly support, ask forgiveness for our sins, indeed we khoti'in / have sinned.”

12.98    He said: “I will ask forgiveness for you from my Rabb / Lord, He is the ghafur / forgiving, the rahman / an abstract system of education.”

12.99    So when they entered upon Yusuf / who interpret reality with its representation, he took his abawai / parents (that is his own rational thinking and passionate urges) to him and he said: “Enter misra / divine boundary (setting limits in our reasoning not to intervene in the interpretation of the truth) to the obstinate thought, Allah willing, in security.”

12.100    And he raised his parents (that is his own thinking and the thinking from sensory inputs) upon the arshi / structure, and they fell in a sujjadan / submission with humility to Him. And he said: “O my abaa / independent logical mind, this is the ta'wilu / interpretation of my vision from before.  Without doubt, my Rabb / Lord has made it true, and without doubt, He has been good to me that he took me out of sijjini / imprisonment / restraint  and brought you out of the badwi / lowest state of thought (who has no opinion) from after that the shaytan / acts from despair had made bitterness between me and my brothers (thoughts from the same lineage). My Lord is Kind to who wills (for the kindness). He is the Knowledgeable, the Wise.”

12.101    “My Rabb / Lord, without doubt You have given me from the mulki / kingdom of authority and taught me from takwil / interpretation of ahadis / representation of the reality.  Originator of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and al ardh / lower consciousness, You are my waliyyi / protector in this duniya / close attachments and the aakhirah / ending (of attachments).  Tawaffani / complete me as musliman / one who has submitted, and join me with the saalihin / those who correct themselves.”  

12.102    That is from anbaa'i / news of the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden that We inspire to you. You were not among them when they arranged their plan and were scheming.  

12.103    And most of an-nas / the agitated mind, even if you are desirous, bimukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind). 

12.104    And you are not asking them for any reward, it is but zikran / embodiment of divine masculine (be linear, logical, focus and assertive) to the aalamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge. 

12.105    And how many aayatin / a sign in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness do they pass by, while they are turning away from it. 

12.106    And most of them will not yukminu / take security with Allah except while they setting up partners. 

12.107    Are they secure against the coming of ghashiyatun / an enveloping / overwhelming azab / punishment from Allah, or that the sa'atu / state of direct experience will come to them baghtatan / by surprise (unexpectedly) while they do not perceive? 

12.108    Say: “This is my way, I invite to Allah upon insight, I and from whoever follow me. And subhana / glory (praised for the abundant insight) be to Allah; and I am not of the musyrikun / those who set up partners.” 

12.109    And We have not sent before you except rijalan / independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization), to whom We gave inspiration, from the ahle / those acquainted, qaria / cluster of established thoughts. Will they not yasiru / explore the ardh / lower consciousness and see how was the aqibatu / consequence of those from before them? And surely the abode (of what you revolve in) of the aakhirah / ending (of duniya and its relationship) is far better for those who are ittaqau / mindful. Do you not ta'qilun / comprehend (use your pure logical mind)? 

12.110    Then, when the rusulu / inner voices (that deliver the message) gave up, and they thought that they have been denied, Our victory came to them. We then save who want (to be saved), and Our punishment cannot be swayed from the mujrimin / one who violated the covenant. 

12.111    Without doubt, in their qasas / retracing the steps (to make an account of the facts accurately) is a lesson for those who possess intelligence. It is not hadisan / representation of the reality (that are mutasyabiha / resembling to reality) that has been yuftara / gentle after its intensity, but to affirm what is between his hands (what he withhold) and a detailing of all things, and a guidance and rahmatan / an abstract system of education for a qaum / group of thoughts who yukminun / take security (in Allah). 













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