(The Abundant)


Surah Al Takathur delves into your awareness of the abundant hidden knowledge that Allah has revealed. This knowledge is fresh, devoid of contradictions, and serves as the foundational structure that establishes absolute truth. Initially, you may be captivated by the beauty and novelty of this hidden knowledge, until you immerse yourself in it for a deeper dimension that deserves your attention. However, this initial allure can trap you in mere conceptual and intellectual understanding. True immersion entails more than grasping facts or possessing information; it involves engaging in profound reflection and questioning, driven by a desire to explore the depths of this hidden knowledge beyond its conceptual and intellectual boundaries.

The knowing beyond its conceptual and intellectual comprehension is essentially the fundamental consciousness that is always present, regardless of what you think you understand like a silent light that illuminates all thoughts and experiences.  The quality of knowing is spontaneous and requires no effort.  It is an innate reflection of your consciousness.  Even when the mind is confused, there is something that knows that the confusion is happening. 

This inner journey will lead you through moments of fear, doubt, uncertainty, and questioning of your existing understanding that has shaped your life so far. These instances of resistance are crucial for developing resilience and discovering your true strength, marking the beginning of your ilm al-yaqin—the knowledge of certainty in its truth. This is where your path of enlightenment and transformation begins, as you attain ain al-yaqin—a direct perception of certainty. You will witness your spiritual awakening, recognize your stagnant state of transformation, and expand your consciousness.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated hidden meaning to it's name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide the abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman.


102.1    The takathur / much acquainted hidden knowledge alhaakumu / distract you.

102.2    Until the maqaabir / state of imersion (in the truth), zurtumu / come upon you. 

102.3    Kalla / lo and behold, soon ta'lamuna / you will know.  
102.4    Then again lo and behold, soon ta'lamuna / you will know. 

102.5    Kalla / Lo and behold, if only you know ilmal yaqin / knowledge of the certainty. 

102.6    Surely you would see the jahim / stagnation (holding on to static beliefs that halts your spiritual progress). 

102.7    Then surely you would see it (with) ainal yaqin / direct perception of the certainty. 

102.8    Then you would be questioned, on that moment, about the naim / blessing (of the acquainted hidden knowledge that you have received). 



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