(The Intellect Aligned With Truth)

When you embrace the path of a knowledge seeker, you embody a steadfast commitment to aligning your thoughts with the nature of reality, relying on facts and empirical evidence. This pursuit signifies a dedication to comprehending the world through tangible, verifiable information. Your journey entails an ongoing exploration of the empirical terrain, cultivating a willingness to revise perspectives in response to fresh insights and evidence.

Indeed, Allah is the One who evolves you from a seed of knowledge. This seed of knowledge, inherently valuable, may become tainted by your egoic and self-centered impurities. Your process of evolution, in this context, implies a journey towards purifying and refining that knowledge, aligning it with a deeper understanding and connection to the divine.

Allah will guide irrespective of whether you express gratitude or not, underscores the divine nature of guidance. In this perspective, the guidance provided by Allah is not contingent upon human gratitude; rather, it is a manifestation of divine mercy and wisdom. This understanding suggests that divine guidance is a constant presence to you, regardless of your response. It reflects the unconditional nature of Allah's guidance and emphasizes the encompassing compassion and care that transcends your actions.

If you reject Allah's guidance, Allah has prepared for you a descend into darkness without His guidance, hindering you from attaining the truth, and you will be in the intense fire of conflicts. The knowledge delivered to you is bound to be blended with impurities and denials due to the conditioning of your mind before it is digested and absorbed inwardly. However, Allah will impart true knowledge if you sincerely in need of it but you truly lacking in guidance and if you are genuinely restrained from accessing it. Then, Allah opens a channel of revelation beyond the perception of physical matters, from the realm of higher consciousness. Indeed, what Allah feeds (the knowledge) to His servant pertains solely to evolving and aligning His servant to return to Him. Allah does not seek any reward or gratitude from His servant.

You, the servant of Allah, who is sincere in your evolution, will not be affected by the afflictions of evil and will not descend to dwell in a state of distress, owing to your patience and dedication. Allah protects and bestows upon you the radiance of truth from His hidden garden of knowledge. You will lean on Allah's support (holding onto Allah's rope), and Allah will not expose you to brightness that would blind your mind with intense and dazzling knowledge distracting you from growth, or to stillness that would freeze your mind hindering your growth. Cloaked in humility, you are surely distanced from stressful experiences and easily bounce back from setbacks and failures, if there is any.

Forthwith, the delicate firing of neurons giving birth to good thoughts, provide the spiritual and divine communication, fresh and beyond your everyday understanding.  These good thoughts, forthwith is regrouped and provide a clear understanding to you. With these clear understandings, you will experience a great spiritual sovereignty, providing a state of self-governing, independent, and having control over your own choices and destiny. Your mind adapts, shapes and transform.  The pinnacle of spiritual sovereignty manifests as the radiant presence of your opulent being, adorned with intricate wisdom bestowed by your Rabb. Indeed, it is Allah who unveils unto you the expression of truth, the Quran, and embracing this spiritual sovereignty stands as your reward for the earnestness of your endeavor.

In embodying the divine masculine attributes, both in moments of early clarity and in times of obscurity, lies the key to success in garnering Allah's support. This support is granted to the opulent being who embodies strength, logic, focus, justice, fatherhood, assertiveness, and more, paving the way for a greater spiritual sovereignty. He will fortify your transformations and grant you entry into His mercy. However, for those who reject, Allah has prepared a painful punishment.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated hidden meaning to it's name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide the abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman).  

76.1    Has there come upon the insaan / intellect aligned with truth, a provision from the dahri / skills he mastered was not a thing mazkuran / an embodiment of divine masculine attributes?

76.2    Indeed, We evolved the insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, from nutfatin / a seed of knowledge, a mixture (with falsehood) that We may try him; then We made him hearing and an insight (of the truth).

76.3    Indeed, We guided him to the path, be he grateful and be he kafuran / ungrateful.

76.4    Indeed, We have prepared for the kaafirin / rejecters salaasila / descent into darkness and aghlaalan / a restraint (cut off from the truth) and sa'iran / an intense fire (of conflicts).

76.5    Indeed, the abrara / truthfulness (to Allah's guidance) will be absorbed (inwardly) from ka'sin / a digestion (of knowledge) whose blending is of kafuran / denial,

76.6    'Ainan / a vision of ibaadu / servants of Allah yashrabu / will absorb inwardly (the digestion of knowledge); they yufajjiru / will cause to open a channel (for the knowledge) tafjiran / a channel of knowledge (from higher consciousness),

76.7    Yufuna / cause them to complete with the nadhri / pledge and fear a moment whose evil, mustathiran / one who will be widespread.

76.8    And they yuth'imuna / will feed the tho'ama / food (of knowledge) over its love, (to) miskinan / needy of knowledge, yatiman / orphan with no guidance, and asiran / restrained from accumulating knowledge,

76.9    Indeed what (knowledge) We feed you is only liwajhi / for (your) focus to care (for growth) to Allah.  He wish not from you jaza'an / reward and not shukuran / gratitude.

76.10    Indeed, We fear from our Rabb / Lord a moment (of) abusan / distress (upon affliction of evil) then mathriran / a state of intense evil."

76.11    So Allah has protected them from the evil of that moment and give them nadhratan / radiance (of enlightening knowledge) and sururan / a delight

76.12    And will reward them with what they patiently endured,  janaatan / a hidden garden of knowledge and hariran / dedication (free from attachment to duniya) .

76.13    Muttaki'ina / leaning therein (upon his Rabb / Lord) on the araa'iki / support. They will not see therein shamsan / brightness (that blind the mind) and no zamhariran / stillness (that freeze the mind).

76.14    And daniyatun / non permanent (close attachment) above them are dhilaluha / its shades (pertaining to their tapestry of life), and dhullilat / humbled harvested tadhilan / in humility,

76.15    And yuthofu / will circulate over them with ayaatihi / its signs from fidhoh / regroup (getting together the dispersed thoughts) and akubi / vessels of knowledge that are qawarira / desirous of settling down (with clear understanding)

76.16    Clear understanding from regrouped thoughts of which the measure (of understanding) will be determined.

76.17    And they yusqawna / will consume the knowledge therein ka'san / a digestion resulting in an understanding  whose blending is of zanjabilan / stubborn thoughts,

76.18    'Ainan / a perception therein tusamma / appointed (and given name as) salsabeelan / a smooth digestion.

76.19    And will circulate among them wildanun / brainchild (ideas) mukholladun / one who are eternal. When you see them, you would consider them lu'lu'an / glistening with beauty, manthuran / a fragmented state.

76.20    And when you look, then you will see na'iman / pleasure and a kabiran mulkan / a great spiritual sovereignty (state of being self-governing, independent, and having control over one's own choices and destiny.  It involves reclaiming your truth, making conscious decisions, and aligning with your higher self).

76.21    'Aaliyahum / their highest level (of their mulkan / sovereignty) will be khudrun / a presence of thiabu sundusin / a covering of opulent appearance (with elegant and richness and istabraqun / an intricacy (of knowledge). And they will be adorned from fiddhahtin / regrouping (of the fragmented ideas), and saqaahum / (what) they are entrusted (from) their Rabb / Lord will give them a sharaban thohuran / purifying inward absorption.

76.22    Indeed, this is for you jazaa'an / a reward, and is sa'yukum / your struggle, mashkuran / a state of being grateful."

76.23    Indeed, it is We who revealed to you, the Qur'an / expression of truth, tanzilan / a revelation.

76.24    So be patient for the hukmi / judgment of your Rabb / Lord and do not obey from them a sinner or kafuran / a rejecter (ungrateful).

76.25    And izkuri / embody the divine masculine attributes, name of your Rabb / Lord, (in) bukratan / an early stage of clarity and ashilan / a state of lacking clarity

76.26    And from the laili / darkness (without guidance) fasjud / prostrate (in submission) to Him and sabbih / swim in His abundant knowledge (from) lailan thowilan / an extended (or stretched) darkness without guidance (from your Rabb / Lord).

76.27    Indeed, those who yuhibbuna / love the 'ajilah / impatience (hastiness) and leave behind them yawman thaqilan / a moment of weighty importance.

76.28    We have evolved them and We strengthened asrahum / their transformations (what they evolved to), and when We will, We can replace their likenesses, (with) tabdilan / a change.

76.29    Indeed, this is tazkirah / an embodiment of the divine masculine attribute, so he who wills may take to his Rabb / Lord, sabilan / a way.

76.30    And you do not will except that Allah wills. Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Wise.

76.31    He admits whom He wills into His mercy; but the wrongdoers - He has prepared for them a painful punishment.


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