

Overwhelmed by your affliction, you may find yourself turning away from the truth, succumbing to a blindness that obscured your vision and diverted you from the path of righteousness. What could lead someone to such a deviation? Ideally, the trials you faced should have sparked a mental evolution, a deepening of wisdom and insight forged from the crucible of his experiences. Awareness, and embodiment of the divine masculine attributes like having strong logic, focus, assertiveness, bracery to explore, can become a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation.

However, those who perceive themselves as self-sufficient, who bask in the glow of unearned success with joy and gratitude, are often the least likely to undergo this vital mental development. Their sense of self-satisfaction dulls the desire to seek deeper understanding or question the foundations of their beliefs. In contrast, those who actively seek knowledge, who harbor a deep-seated fear of losing their connection to the truth, will find themselves driven by an inner compulsion in the embodiment of the divine masculine attributes and pursue the truth with unwavering dedication.

Certainly, those who turn away from the truth, who allow themselves to be seduced by the comfort of ignorance, will not experience any meaningful mental development or growth. Their awareness, if not aligned with the pursuit of truth, remains barren and unproductive, offering no true benefit to their spiritual or intellectual progress.

On the other hand, those who have refined their reasoning abilities, ascend to a higher plane of understanding. They are equipped with the strength and guidance needed to make powerful, discerning judgments. Those who are acquainted with the truth work diligently to eliminate any rejected or erroneous notions, ensuring that these discarded beliefs no longer cloud their thought processes. The extent of their evolution is measured by the depth of knowledge they have acquired and integrated into their lives.

However, there are those who, even after an independent process of rationalization, choose to reject and turn away from the truth. These individuals, despite the opportunities for growth and enlightenment, deviate from the righteous path, guided by influences other than the divine guidance of Allah. In their rejection, they lose their way, straying further from the truth and the potential for true mental and spiritual development.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated hidden meaning to it's name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide the abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman).

80.1    'Abasa / distressful (on his affliction) and tawalla / turned away (from the truth) 

80.2    That came to him the 'amaa / blindness (that blinded him from the truth and distracted him to other than the truth), 

80.3    And what would make you perceive, that perhaps he yazakka / might be mentally developed (from the blindness) and grow,

80.4    Or yazzakkaru / may embody the divine masculine attributes (like focus, logic, brave, assertiveness) and the zikraa / embodiment of such maculine attributes, would then benefit him? 

80.5    As for he who thinks himself istaghna / self-sufficient (free from the need to call on Allah for help), 

80.6    Then you to Him, tashadda / clapping (expressing gratitude and joy for your unmerited success). 

80.7    And not upon you (liable) if he will not yazakkaa / be mentally developed.

80.8    And as for he who came to you yas'a / striving (for his mental growth in knowledge)

80.9    While he yakhsha / fears (being blinded to the truth),

80.10    Then you from Him talahha / are distracted.

80.11    Rather! Indeed, these are tazkirah / independently rationalizing (from the divine masculine attributes); 

80.12    So whoever wills may zakarah / be embodied (with the divine masculine attributes).

80.13    In shuhufin / a discernment (of inherent scripts), mukarramah / of one who is noble (with high personal qualities and high moral principles),

80.14    Marfu'ah / (in) an elevated state, muthohharah / of one who is purified,

80.15    With hands (strength and power) of safarah / 
state of absence (zero / silent mind)

80.16    Honourable, truthful.

80.17    The insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, qutila / dissolved what he rejected.

80.18    From what thing he evolved ?

80.19    From nutfatin / a seed of knowledge he evolved so he measured (himself in accordance to the knowledge he evolved from)

80.20    Then He pathed the way (where) he easily acquired (the knowledge).

80.21    Then amaatahu / his maut (dissolution of the simulated self) so buried him (dissolving the simulated self that he rejected). 

80.22    Then when he wills, anshirahu / he expounds (the knowledge to expand his consciousness)

80.23    Rather, he has not carried out what he is ordered to do,

80.24    Then let Al Insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, to yanzhuru / reflect upon tho'amihi / the knowledge he consumed, 

80.25    Indeed, We poured almaa'a / flowing knowledge (of truth), shobban /  a flow of knowledge,

80.26    Then shaqaqna / We split open the ardh / lower consciousness, shaqqan / a split (broke open),

80.27    Fa'anbatna / then We made (the knowledge of truth) caused to grow within it, habban / (with) love, 

80.28    And inaban / related (significant to the subject matter) and qadban / cut off from falsehood,

80.29    And zaituna / knowledge that is dynamic (in its expression) and nakhlan / a well structured knowledge,

80.30    And hadaa'iqa / intent look (to grow with it), ghulban / overpowering the falsehood,

80.31    And faakihatan / a delight (from the comprehension) and abban / agree (willingly and lovingly) to be directed in the course,

80.32    Mataa'an / an enjoyment for you and for an'aamikum / your rational and sensible thoughts.

80.33    And when there comes the shokhkhah / deafening resonance (due to its intensity),

8.34    Moment yafirru / (you) turned away, al mar'u / preserving the tongue (for good speech) from his brotherly support,

80.35    And ummihi / his motherly support (of intuition) and abihi / his fatherly support (of independent thinking),

80.36    And sohibatihi / his companion (thoughts given birth by mind) and banihi / his contruct (of thoughts),

80.37    For every imri'i / stubborn thought, from among them that moment, sha'nun / (will be) a matter yughnihi / sufficiently occupying for him.

80.38    Wujuhun / focus to care (for growth) that moment, musfirah / one in a state of absence (zero / blank mind)

80.39    Dohikatun / smiling for attaining the happiness, mustabshirah / one who possess sensory stimulation (where the senses are activated).

80.40    And wujuhun / focus to care (for growth) that moment, will have upon them ghabarah / (a guided direction) remain.

80.41    Tarhaquha / her cover is qatarah / insufficient.

80.42    They are those who are the kafarah / rejecters, the fajarah / deviated ones (those remain rejecters by being guided to other direction).

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