( The Effort Of Being Aware )


This surah begins by addressing the reasons why some individuals are deceitful towards their deen, their obligation to consciously obey Allah’s system, law, and judgment. Firstly, these individuals fail to support their mental needs when they are already in a state of yatim, with no guidance from their Lord in respect to their self-development. Secondly, there is no urge to impart the truth to those who are in need of guidance. Consequently, the act of salat, or connection (to download and receive Al Kitab), becomes absent-minded. An unmindful salat or connection is merely a superficial display, devoid of true meaning.

Performing an unmindful salat or connection is an action carried out within the confines of the unconscious mind. In this state, there is no awareness because all actions occur mechanically, devoid of conscious awareness, driven solely by thoughts born out of the content stored in memory and its activity. To rectify this, one must cultivate mindfulness and remain aware of their actions. This is the inevitable result for those who do not devote efforts to attain the highest quality and success in their deeds.

Neglecting Mental and Spiritual Needs

The neglect of one's mental and spiritual needs leaves an individual in a vulnerable state, akin to an orphan (yatim) who do not have fatherly support for the necessary guidance for personal development. This metaphor emphasizes the importance of seeking and nurturing divine guidance to achieve holistic growth. When individuals do not actively seek knowledge and guidance, they deprive themselves of the nourishment needed for spiritual and mental well-being.

Failing to Impart Truth and Guidance

Moreover, the failure to feed the truth to those in need reflects a deeper issue: the absence of a genuine commitment to sharing and upholding divine wisdom. This neglect not only affects the individual but also the community, as the dissemination of truth is crucial for collective well-being. Without the urge to guide others, the community suffers from a lack of shared knowledge and spiritual support, weakening the bonds that hold it together.

The Essence of Salat

The practice of salat, intended as a profound connection with the divine, loses its essence when performed mindlessly. It becomes a mere ritual, stripped of its transformative potential. The distinction between mechanical actions and conscious, mindful practices underscores the necessity of genuine engagement in spiritual duties. Salat, when performed with full awareness and intention, becomes a powerful act of devotion that strengthens one's connection with Allah and enriches the soul.

Achieving Mindfulness in Devotion

Achieving mindfulness in salat and other actions requires intentional effort and a deep awareness of one’s thoughts and behaviors. This conscious approach ensures that actions are aligned with divine guidance, leading to a more meaningful and fulfilling spiritual journey. Mindfulness in worship means being fully present in the moment, understanding the significance of each action, and maintaining a sincere intention to connect with Allah.

Striving for Excellence

Ultimately, the failure to strive for excellence and mindfulness in one’s deeds results in a superficial existence, devoid of true spiritual fulfillment. True success lies in the conscious and dedicated pursuit of divine wisdom and the application of this knowledge in all aspects of life. By committing to high standards in both thought and action, individuals can achieve a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment.


The surah highlights the critical importance of mindful devotion and the dangers of neglecting one's spiritual and mental needs. It calls for a sincere and conscious approach to spiritual practices, emphasizing the need for genuine engagement and the dissemination of divine wisdom. By cultivating mindfulness and striving for excellence in all deeds, you can achieve true spiritual fulfillment.


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated meaning to it for nothing exist without being named), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundant knowledge provided by the abstract education system of Allah and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman).  

107.1    Have you seen the one who lie with the deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgement)? 

107.2    Then that is the one who neglect the yatim / who has no support (from Allah in respect of self development) , 

107.3    And not yahuddhu / feel the urge over tho'ami / feeding the miskin / needy (of hidden knowledge for self development). 

107.4    So woe for the one mushollin / who pursue the connection (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice),


107.5    They are those who are saahun / unmindful (absent minded) about their salaat / connection (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice). 

107.6    They are those who only yuraa'un / want to be seen (a show), 

107.7    And yamna'un / refuse the ma'un / devote efforts of being aware (of what you do).

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