(The Darkness) 


A healthy mind is essentially a harmonious blend of divine masculine attributes—such as linearity, focus, logic, and assertiveness—and divine feminine qualities, including unconditional love, acceptance, and nurturing. When these energies are in balance, they create a state of mental clarity and inner peace. However, if there are barriers that obstruct the light of guidance, casting shadows over both the masculine and feminine aspects, the mind inevitably falls into disorder or chaos. It is the dissolution of these barriers that restores balance and allows the mind to function as it was divinely intended, in harmony with the natural flow of existence. 

Thus, whoever commits to the struggle of self-improvement, striving to transform themselves from a state of chaos to one of harmony and order, will find their efforts illuminated by mindfulness of Allah. When you anchor yourself in the awareness of Allah, striving to embody truthfulness to the best of your ability, Allah, in His infinite mercy, will facilitate your journey. He will guide you toward the peace and order you seek, easing your path and removing obstacles that hinder your progress.  Your sincere efforts to align with divine guidance, to cultivate inner harmony and live in truth, will be met with divine support. As you persist in your pursuit of becoming a better person, Allah will pave the way for you, leading you gently and steadily toward the fulfillment of your deepest aspirations for tranquility and order in your life. 

And whoever remains indifferent, refusing to take seriously the path of self-betterment, and adamantly denies the guidance offered by Allah, will find themselves trapped in a state of persistent hardship and disorder. Their rejection of divine wisdom and reluctance to embrace the truth will only deepen their inner turmoil.  By turning away from Allah's guidance, they close the door to peace and clarity, choosing instead to dwell in a realm of chaos and confusion. This resistance to divine direction ensures that they remain in an abode of difficulty, where ease and harmony are elusive. The path they tread is fraught with struggle, as their refusal to accept guidance leaves them vulnerable to the suffering that accompanies a life disconnected from the divine. 

What value does your accumulated knowledge hold if it merely becomes a prison for your thoughts, trapping you in a cycle of stagnation rather than fostering genuine progress and growth? When your mind continually circles around what you already know without breaking new ground or deepening your understanding, that knowledge becomes a burden rather than a source of enlightenment.

Knowledge, when not accompanied by the openness to growth and transformation, can lead to complacency. It can anchor you in the past, preventing you from evolving or experiencing the true essence of wisdom. Without the willingness to transcend the familiar and venture into the unknown, knowledge remains static, offering no real advancement in your spiritual journey. It is through the dynamic application of knowledge, guided by wisdom and divine insight, that true growth and progress are achieved. 

You who earnestly seek guidance from your Lord will be bestowed with truthfulness and the most excellent form of direction. This divine guidance surpasses all others, offering clarity and wisdom that illuminate the path ahead. You who embrace and follow this superior guidance will find yourselves gradually liberated from the intense and consuming internal conflicts that often plague the mind.  As you align yourselves with the truth, the inner turmoil that once burned within you will diminish, allowing you to focus more fully on their pursuit of mental and spiritual development. In this state of clarity, you can engage in your lived experience with a sense of peace and purpose, knowing that you are guided by the ultimate source of wisdom. Indeed, it is upon Allah alone that true and unwavering guidance rests.


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).

92.1    By the layli / darkness (as a result of barriers that block the light) when yaghsha / it covers (the light of guidance).

92.2    And the nahar / illumination (when the barriers are uplifted and allow the light of guidance to pass through) when it tajalla / make itself appear (as ayaati / signs behind which the realities are hidden)

92.3    And what He khalaqa / evolved the zakara wal unsa / divine masculine attributes and divine feminine attributes.

92.4    Indeed, sa'yakum / your efforts are lashattaa / surely divided.

92.5    Then as for whoever a'tho / gives and taqaa / mindful

92.6    And shaddaqa / truthfulness with the best,

92.7    We will ease him toward easiness.

92.8    And as for whoever withhold (the guidance and transformation) and (considers himself) free of need (to attain guidance from Rabb),

92.9    And denies with the best (guidance from his Lord),

92.10    We will ease him toward 'usra / hardship.

92.11    And what will his wealth of knowledge (from the evolution of zakara and unsa) yughni / avail him when he taraddaa / encircles without any progress ?

92.12    Indeed,  upon Us is the guidance.

92.13    And indeed, to Us surely belongs the aakhirah / ending (of the duniya - physical world of representation) and the ulaa / beginning (hadithan, a world of matters that represent the reality .

92.14   So I have warned you of naran / a burning sensation of internal conflicts, talazzho / comtemptible. 

92.15    None yashlaahaa / will transform except the ashqo / the incessant (one burning without stopping).

92.16    The one who kazzaba / had denied and tawalla / turned away.

92.17    But the atqa / mindful one sayujannabuha / will alienate and push it far away 

92.18    The one who gives maalahu / his wealth of knowledge yatazakkaa / to pursue his mental development.

92.19    And not for anyone with him to be rewarded from nikmatin / blessings of receiving knowledge of the truth,

92.20    Except only seeking wajhi / his focus to care (for growth) to his Rabb / Lord, Most High.

92.21    And he is going to be satisfied.




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