Zina is an immoral act of intermingle falsehood with truth.   Allah forbid and decreed that such immoral act is a sin.  Do not be mistaken for them as being skeptical when they continuously cry in pain for the mistakes they did.  In surah An-Nur 24:3,  Allah decreed that azzani / those who intermingle truth with falsehood yankihu / will commingle with zaniyah / those who accept the act of intermingling truth with falsehood and that they also yankihu / commingle with musyrik / those who associate others with Allah.  Surah Al Mumtahanah 60:12, described that among the characteristics of mukminatu / those who take security in Al Kitab is those who do not commit yaznin, that is act of intermingling falsehood with truth.  Here, not committing yaznin is classified under the same category as not committing syirik (not associating anything with Allah), not yasriq (becoming unmindful) and not with buhtanin / confusion and not disobey for what is known.  And such has been made forbidden for the mukminin / those who take security (in Al Kitab).

This narrative is formulated from the observation of the following verses of the book Al Quran below.  


(Intermingling Of Falsehood With Truth)

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman).   

25.68    And those who do not call on any other ilaahan / reality with Allah (the absolute fundamental reality of being); and do not yaqtulu / kill the nafs / self which Allah has made forbidden, except with haq / truth; and no yaznun / intermingle (falsehood with truth).  And whoever does that will commit, a sin.   

60.12    O the nabbiyi / one who proclaim and establish the truth, when the mukminatu / the one who receive and take security (in Al Kitab), come to you yubayiknaka / exchange (to transform for the betterment) upon that they will not yushrik / associate anything with Allah, and will not yasriq / become unmindful, and they will not commit yaznin / intermingling of falsehood with truth, and they will not kill their awlad / thoughts that you give birth to, and they will not bring forth with buhtanin / confusion that they could not see the reality they fabricate it between aidihinna / what is in their strength and arjulihinna / what they think independently, and do not disobey you in what is ma'ruf / known - then accept their pledge and ask forgiveness for them of Allah . Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Rahimun / Merciful (for the approved knowledge).  

17.32    And do not taqrabu / approach the zina / intermingle (falsehood with truth), indeed it is fahisha / immoral (in speech or language / discourse / utterance) and an evil path.   

24.2    The azzaniyah / one who accept intermingle (falsehood with truth) and the azzani / one who formulate intermingle (falsehood with truth), each one of them mi-ata / crying in pain jaldah / enduring, and do not be taken by bihima / skeptical attitude for them in the deeni / conscious submission of Allah if you should tukminun / take security with Allah and the yawmil aakhirah / moment of ending. And let a group of the mukminun / those who take security (in Allah) witness their azab / punishment.   

24.3    Azzani / one who intermingle (falsehood with truth) will not yankihu / commingle except zaniyah / one who accept intermingling (falsehood with truth) or mushrikah / those who associate others (with Allah). And the zaniyah / one who accept intermingling (falsehood with truth), she will not yankihu / commingle except zanin / one who intermingle (falsehood with truth) or mushrikun / those who associate others with Allah.   And such has been made forbidden for the mukminin / those who take security (in Allah).  


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