(The Limitation) 


Self-mastery is the journey of gaining control over our thoughts, emotions, and actions. As we lift the veil of ignorance, we become more aware of our inner selves and the recurring patterns that govern our behaviour. Self-mastery empowers us to make conscious choices and create the life we aspire.

In this Surah, Allah grants us the freedom to immerse ourselves in His abundant treasure of knowledge, enabling the expansion of our awareness, consciousness, and the mastery of ourselves. To Allah, this self-mastery is endowed with sovereignty, authorizing us to step fully into our inner authority. It is a realization that, by surrendering our ego, conditioned mind, and simulated selves to Allah and accepting that our simulated selves are not in control of everything, we become aware that the oneness of our higher selves is paramount. Allah, the first and the last, the inner hidden and the manifest, possesses knowledge of all things.

Allah's guidance serves as a valuable compass as we lift the veil of ignorance, offering wisdom and direction on the established path of facts supported by empirical evidence. It is He who evolves both higher and lower consciousness. Therefore, find security in Allah and the inner voice delivering the message, and implement what Allah has bestowed upon us.

Often, we cling to our duniya, our close attachments, and relationships as if they represent absolute truth. This illusion blinds us to the ever-changing and multifaceted nature of reality, preventing us from seeing the bigger picture. Consequently, the knowledge we accumulate is not derived from Allah's abundant wisdom but is rather baseless and unfounded, impeding our evolution and mental growth. This, in turn, leaves our lives filled with the enjoyment of illusion.

Allah has decreed the hadid, the boundary or limitation, concerning our freedom to immerse ourselves in His abundant knowledge. Understand that duniya is only a representation and points to the truth through the signs it shows; it is not the truth itself. As long as we free ourselves from the influence of duniya, Allah grants us authority to access His abundant hidden gardens of knowledge. It is Allah who aids us, along with the inner voice delivering the knowledge of the ghaibi, the unseen.

Allah, therefore, restricts our independent thinking and reliance on external sources to explore the knowledge of the unseen. Delving into this can be overwhelming for our agitated minds, given that our own minds are inherently limited in nature. Hence, it is not within the realm of our cognitive functions to interpret the truth from the signs; rather, it is meant for us to comprehend the truth received so that our understanding becomes complete and robust. 

Liberation from the veil of ignorance constitutes the ultimate goal of spiritual awakening. It is the realization that our true nature transcends the limitations of the ego and the veil of ignorance. This liberation bestows profound peace, joy, and harmony upon those who seek knowledge of the unseen from Allah. Allah grants us His rahmah, mercy, for the knowledge of the truth. This mercy is bestowed upon those who are familiar with Al Kitab, the inherent script, enabling them to attain measurable anfal, ascension. Allah, the possessor of great bounty, grants it to whoever earnestly seeks it.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated hidden meaning to it's name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide the abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman).

57.1    Sabbaha / swim freely in the abundant knowledge of Allah (increase awareness and expand consciousness) whatever is in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and al ardh / the lower consciousness, and He is the 'aziz / almighty, the hakim / wise (provider of understanding based on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence).

57.2    For Him is (the) mulku / sovereignty (fully stepped in to his inner authority) of the samaawaat / higher consciousness (universal) and al ardh / the lower consciousness (localised). He gives life (to the dead consciousness) and causes death (to the separate self's simulated consciousness by his conditioned mind), and He is over all things qaadirin / competent in His measurement (of empowering the inner authority).

57.3    He is the awwalu / first and the aakhiru / last, the zhohiru / manifested and the bathinu / inner hidden (self), and He is, with all things, Knowing.

57.4    It is He who evolved the samaawaat / higher consciousness and al ardh / the lower consciousness in six ayyamin / phases and then settled (the consciousness) above the 'arsh / framework / structure. He knows what yaliju / enters in the ardh / lower consciousness and what yakhruju / emerges from it and what yanzilu / reveals from the samaa'a / higher consciousness and what ya'ruju / ascends therein; and He is with you wherever you are. And Allah, of what you do, is Seeing.

57.5    For Him is (the) mulku / sovereignty (fully stepped in to his inner authority) of the samaawaat / higher consciousness (universal) and al ardh / the lower consciousness (localised).. And to Allah are returned the matters.

57.6    He causes the darkness (ignorant without guidance) to enter the light (with guidance), and He causes the light (with guidance) to enter the darkness (without guidance); and he is 'alimun / all-knower with the essence of the sudur / awareness.

57.7    Aaminu / take security with Allah and His rasul / inner voice that delivers the message and anfiqu / self-experience (the reform by putting the knowledge received into practice) of that in which He has made you mustakhlafin / one who is replaced (with more positive and empowering values) in it (the consciousness). Then those who aamanu / have taken security from among you and anfiqu / self-experience (the reform), to them will be a great reward.

57.8    And what is for you (that) you do not tu'minu / take security with Allah and the rasulu / inner voice that deliver the message, calls you to tu'minu / take security with your Lord (the nourisher) and indeed He has taken your covenant, if you should be mukminin / those who take security (with your independent logical mind)?

57.9    It is He who yunzilu / reveals upon His Servant ayaati / signs of clear evidence that He may bring you out from the zulumaat / inability to comprehend (darknesses without guidance) into the nur / ability to comprehend (light with guidance). And indeed, Allah is with you Kind and Merciful (for His approval (to those who seek His education) .

57.10    And what is to you (that) you do not anfiqu / self-experience the reform, in the sabil / cause of Allah and to Allah belongs the mirathu / heritage of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness?  Not equal from among you whoever anfaqu / self-experience the reform, from before the fathi / victory of decoding (the signs) and qaatala / killed the separate self (egoistic mind). Those are greater in degree from those who anfaqu / self experience from before (the victory of decoding) and qaatalu / kiiled the separate self. And to all, Allah has promised the best (reward). And Allah, with what you do, is Acquainted.

57.11    Who is it that would yuqridu / detach (to) Allah qardan / a goodly (fully) detachment so He multiply it for him many times over and he will have a noble reward?

57.12    Moment you see the mukminin / those who take security (with their independent logical mind) and mukminaat / those who take security (by receiving revelation from Allah by intuitive mind), running (to) their nur / light (for comprehension) between their hands (strength on truth they have received) and bi'aymaanihim / with their right (self-experience to good moral behaviour), "Bushraanakum / Your rational thoughts this moment are (of) jannaatun / hidden gardens of knowledge gardens beneath which rivers of knowledge flow, wherein you will abide eternally." That is what is the great attainment.

57.13    Moment the munafiqun / those who self-experience (the reform) and munafiqaat / those who self experience (with intuitive thinking) will say to those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), unzhuruna / ponder (to comprehend) for us that we may acquire some of your light (knowledge that you have comprehended).  It will be said, "Go back behind you and seek nuran / a light (for comprehension) then set forth (strike) between them (what you received) with suuri / overpowering influence to it bathinu / his inner self gateway in it is the rahman / abstract system of education but its manifestation is from the direction of the azaab / punishment (because of the deception).

57.14    (The munafiqin / the one who deceive) will call to them (the aamanu / those who take security in Al Kitab), "Were we not with you?" They will say, "Yes, but you were afflicted yourselves and awaited and doubted, and wishful thinking deluded you until there came the command of Allah. And the Deceiver deceived you concerning Allah .

57.15    So this moment no fidyatun / redemption will be taken from you and from those who kafaru / rejected.  Your refuge is the nar / burning sensation of internal conflict. It is most worthy of you, and wretched is the destination.

57.16    Has the time not come for those who aamanu / taken security (in Al Kitab) that their hearts should become humbly submissive at the zikri / independent awareness of Allah and what nazala / has been revealed of the truth? And let them not be like those who were given the kitab / inherent script from before, and a long period passed over them, so their hearts hardened; and many of them are faasiqun / defiantly disobedient.

57.17    Know that Allah gives life to the ardh / lower consciousness after its lifelessness. We have made clear to you the signs; perhaps you ta'qilun / comprehend (using your pure logical mind).

57.18    Indeed, the one who independently practice truthfulness and the one who practice truthfulness from external source and have detached (for) Allah a goodly detachment (of duniya) - it will be multiplied for them, and they will have a noble reward.

57.19    And those who aamanu / taken security with Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) - those are the supporters of truth and the shuhada' / witness, with their Rabb / Lord.  For them is their reward and their light (with ability to comprehend).  But those who kafaru / rejected and denied with Our ayaati / signs - those are the companions (thoughts of the agitated mind) of jaheem / burning sensation of being ignorant (inability to comprehend).

57.20    Know that the life of this duniya / close attachments is la'ibun / fooling around and lahwun / diverted amusing activities and zinatun / adornment and boastful to one another and abundant in the amwaali / wealth of knowledge and awlaadi / thoughts given birth to - like the rejecter kuffara / reject development of amazing abundant knowledge; then yahiju / polluted by emotions and you see it turned empty (of any rational comprehension); then it becomes huthoman / baseless knowledge (unfounded). And in the aakhirah / ending is severe punishment and to seek forgiveness and approval from Allah. And what is the life of duniya / close attachments except the enjoyment of delusion.

57.21    Race toward seeking forgiveness from your Rabb / Lord and jannatin / a hidden garden of knowledge whose width is like the width of the samaa'a / higher consciousness and ardh / lower consciousness, prepared for those who aamanu / take security in Allah and His rusul / inner voices that deliver the messages. That is fadhlu / given advantage of Allah which He gives to whom wills (for it), and Allah is the possessor of great fadhli / given advantage.

57.22    Not musibatin / a calamity strike in the ardh / lower consciousness and not in your anfus / selves / souls except in kitabin / an inherent script from that nabra'aha / absolve her (from establishing the deen).  Indeed that, for Allah, is easy.

57.23    In order that you may not ta'sau / remedy over what has fatakum / eluded you and not exult (in pride) with what He has given you. And Allah does not like everyone self-deluded and boastful

57.24    Those who yabkholuma / withhold and enjoin an-nas / the agitated mind with parsimony (unwillingness to spend). And whoever turns away, then indeed, Allah is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy. 

57:25    Certainly We sent Our messengers (inner voices) with clear messages, and revealed with them the kitaaba / inherent script and the balance that the agitated mind may conduct with justice; and We revealed the limitation, wherein is great violence and advantages to the agitated mind, and that Allah may know who helps Him and His messengers with the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden; surely Allah is Strong, Mighty.

57.26    And certainly, We sent Nuhan / who has strong empathy and compassion (to the nescient and ignorant) and Ibraheem / who abide to the truth and We placed in his zurriyati / off-springs of early developed thoughts, the nubuwwah / those who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib) and the kitab / inherent script; and among them is he who is guided, but many of them are defiantly disobedient.

57.27    Then We sent following their footsteps with Our rasul / inner voices (that deliver the message) and followed with Isa (fortified with ruh qudus) Ibni (construct or brought about by) Maryam / state of ardent pursuit of truth, and gave him the Injeel / good news (from the signs). And We placed in the hearts of those who followed him rafatan / kindness and rahmah / mercy and rahbaniyyah / devoted, which they abtada'uha / originated her; not prescribed of her for them except seeking the approval of Allah . But they did not observe it with due observance. So We gave the ones who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) among them their reward, but many of them are defiantly disobedient.

57.28    O you who aamanu / taken security (in Al Kitab), ittaqu / be mindful of Allah and aaminu / take security with His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message); He will give you kiflain / both ocean of knowledge (that is ladunni / direct and azwaja / own cognitive functions) from His rahmah / mercy (for giving His knowledge to His servants) and make for you a light (so that you can comprehend His signs) by which you will walk  (experience directly in life) and forgive you; and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful (for the knowledge that He approved).

57.29    So that (to prevent) ahlul kitab / those acquianted with the kitab  (inherent script) that they have no yaqdirun / measurable ascensions over anything from fadhli / given advantage of Allah and that the fadhla / given advantage is in the hand of Allah (within the power of Allah); He gives it to whom wills. And Allah is the possessor of great fadhli / given advantage.


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