Al Fateha / the decoded message of the reality that is derived from its representation in al ardh / the lower consciousness, is revealed through His rusulin / inner voices that deliver the messages with clear proofs. The mind that receive the message will process the data intelligently so that understanding of the message is forthwith established and the meaning of the truth is enlightened. Daud, the one who is given the ZABUR, that is the capability to process data intelligently is the one who is abled to break up complex and wild thoughts with the processing capability.

Surely, in this is the balaghan / knowledge of utmost degree of proficiency for kaumin / group of thoughts from same sector, who serve.  This narration is formulated from the observation of the verses of Al Quran below. 



By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahman is the abundance of mercy for the abstract system of education by mental faculties through knowledge and the Rahim is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman).  


3.184    Then if they deny you, so surely were rusulun / inner voices denied before you, who brought bayyinat / clear manifest and zuburi / intelligent processing of data (to realise meaning with insights and conscious understanding) and the munir / enlightening al kitab / inherent scripture.

4.163    Surely, We have inspired you as We had inspired Nuhin / the one who has compassion (to those who do not remember) and the nabiyyin / those who pronounce (and establish the truth) from after him. And We had inspired Ibraham / the one who is inclined to the truth, and Ismail / the one who listen to the truth, and Ishaq / the one who is perfect and alienated from other than the truth, and Yakub / the one who always return to the truth, and the Asbati / descendants, and Isa / the one who is fortified with Ruh Qudus, and Ayyub / the one who has returned to his true self, and Yunus / the one who always in motion to the truth, and Harun / the one who has strong will to deliver the truth, and Sulaiman / the one who submit and attain peace; and We gave Daud / the one who break up complex (and wild) thoughts, zaburan / capability to intelligently process data (to realise meaning with insights and conscious understanding)

16.43    And We did not send any except rijalan / independent urge (from your own mind) from before you whom We inspired, so ask the ahlal zikri / those who are acquainted with the remembrance if you do not know. 

16.44    With bayyinati / clear proofs and zuburi / intelligent processing of data (in respect to realisation of the meaning with insights and conscious understanding). And We reveal to you the remembrance to let an-nas / the agitated mind to investigate to make it clear what was revealed to them, and perhaps they will reason out. 

17.55    And your Rabb / Lord is fully aware of who is in the samaawat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness. And surely, We have preferred some nabiyyin / those who pronounced and established the truth (that is inspired to them) over others, and We gave Daud / the one who break up complex and wild thought, zaburan / capability to process data intelligently ( to realise the meaning with insights and conscious understanding. 

18.96    Give me zubara / capability to intelligently process data of the hadid / law of the limits until when it fills the sadaqain / two truthful / genuine states (independent own thinking and observations from external sources), he says blow (to fill in) until when it makes naran / conflict within oneself,  (so when the conflict come) say, give me (so that) I pour down over it qitran / stability bit by bit.

21.105    And without doubt, katabna / We have prescribed in the zaburi / intelligent processing of data (to realise the meaning with insights and conscious understanding): “From after the remembrance, that the ardh / lower consciousness will be inherited by My servants who saalihun / correct (reform) their soul.” 

21.106    Surely, in this is the balaghan / knowledge of utmost degree of proficiency for kaumin / group of thoughts from same sector, who serve. 

21.107    And We have not sent you except rahmatan / an abstract system of education to the 'aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge. 

21.108    Say: ”It is only inspired to me that your ilaah / reality is but One reality, so will you submit to Him?” 

21.109    So if they turn away, then say: “I have announced to you over sawaa'in / alike (that there is only consciousness alone), and I do not know if what you are promised is near or far.” 

21.110    “Surely He knows that which is aljahri / the manifestation from the saying and He knows what is taktumun / concealed / suppressed.” 

23.51    “O the rusulu / inner voices (that deliver the message), consume (the knowledge) from what is good, and 'akmalu solihan / do corrective actions.  Indeed, I am aware of what you do.” 


23.52    “And surely this is your ummah / group of thoughts in general, one ummah / group, and I am your Rabb / Lord fattaqun / so be mindful.

23.53    But their affair fataqatta'u / then was cut-off between them into zuburan / intelligent processing of data (to realise the meanings with insights and conscious understanding.  Every hizbi / faction rejoice with what it had.

23.54    So leave them in ghamratihim / their confusion until a time.

26.194    Upon your heart, so that you would be of the warners. 

26.195    In a clear articulate language. 

26.196    And it is in zuburi / intelligent processing of data of the foremost. 

35.25    And if they deny you, then those from before them have also denied.  Their rusul / inner voices (that deliver the message) went to them with the bayyinat / clarity and with the zuburi / intelligent processing of data (in realising the meaning with insights and conscious understanding) and the enlightening al kitab / inherent script. 

54.40    And surely We made the Qur’an / expression easy to remember.  So is there (any) from muddakir / the ones who are reminded by it ? 

54.41    And without doubt came warning (in the form of ayaati / signs) to the ale firaun / those who are acquainted with superiority complex.

54.42    They rejected all Our signs. So We seized them, (with) a taking of the Mighty, the Able.

54.43    Are your kuffaru / rejecters better than those? Or have you been absolved (free from obligation) in the zuburi / intelligent processing of data (in realising the meaning with insights and conscious understanding) ?

54.44    Or do they say: “We are a group muntasirun / those who help (each other).”


54.45    Soon their group will be defeated; they will turn their back.


54.46    The Hour is their appointed time (the time where you will be neglected and left alone), and the Hour is far worse and more painful.


54.47    The criminals are in error and (the internal conflicts) su'uri / will ignite.

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