(The rational and sensible thoughts)


In the realm of higher consciousness and lower consciousness, everything belongs to Allah. Within the expanse of higher consciousness lies the construction of absolute truth, bestowed upon sincere seekers by His merciful revelation through an abstract system of education. Alongside this revelation comes the provision of intelligence as a gift to His servants. The knowledge bestowed is dynamic and abundant, facilitating the continual evolution and advancement of intelligence as it matures. Cognitive faculties such as perception, attention, memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and learning are heightened and refined through this process. 


Conversely, the lower consciousness, in its nascent stage, remains devoid of truth. However, Allah, in His boundless wisdom, unveils signs encapsulating the truth. Those who embody sincerity and have purified themselves gradually discern these signs and comprehend their profound implications, as they become receptive to the truth. Consequently, the conscientious ones, who maintain awareness of Allah, discover solace within the unseen realm rather than relying solely on the material world, which serves as a mere reflection or representation of the ultimate reality. 


When the lower consciousness succumbs to erroneous interpretations, misinformation, distorted knowledge, and tainted comprehension, it becomes corrupted, engendering barriers that impede the illuminating light of guidance.  Those are the ones who find themselves enveloped in darkness due to their deviation from the path of their Lord.  The greater testimony in the nearnest of Allah is an unwavering attestation that He exists as the singular essence of reality, and steadfastly refrain from associating anything or anyone with His divine presence.  


The mubasshirin, the one who bears rational and sensible thoughts and the munzirin, the one who warns of punishment to the wrong-doers, come together with the mursalin, the inner voice that delivers the message.  With these two values, then there is no fear and no grieve when they correct themselves from the message to transform. 


And He is the One who evolves the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness with the truth.  The moment Allah says: “Be,” then it is, His saying is of the truth and the thoughts establish the understanding of the truth is the mulku, authority in the lower consciousness over those who are inflated with badness.  We shall turn our direction naturally inclined towards the truth, Allah, who originated the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness and shall not set up partners with Him. 


However, there are those who do not appraise Allah as He deserves to be appraised.  They will say Allah did not reveal anything to their mind.  Some dismiss it as mere markings in parchment, revealing only fragments while concealing much.  They fail to acknowledge that this sacred knowledge was imparted to them, transcending their own understanding and the knowledge passed down through generations.  They were taught mostly from their own localized conditioned mind that knew not.  There are cases when they are sustained by their motherly support from sensory inputs but lie by saying they are inspired by their Lord.   


We embrace the guidance by following what has been revealed by our Lord. Contemplation by rational and sensible thoughts illuminates the concealed truth.  Consume the knowledge that the name of Allah is independently and consciously supported. Allah gives comfort to the awareness to those who Allah guides while tight and constricted to those misguided.  Do not come near knowledge that is not guided by Allah except matured knowledge generated by pure mind that fulfills the intellect and has weight in its importance and equity.  This is the path of mustaqiman, the one who is established in truth. 


Indeed my Lord will guide me to siratul mustaqim (the path of the one who is established in the truth) hanifan (the natural inclination of our pure mind towards the truth) of the deen (consciously in obedience of Allah’s judgment) which is the millata Ibrahim (the abidance to the creed of the one who is inclined to the truth) by not setting partner to Allah. My connection to Allah’s abstract system of education to download the knowledge, my path of devotion, my life and the ending of the dissociation to oneness are all to Allah and I am the first of those who submit.


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.  (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).

6.1    Alhamdulillah / praise be to Allah (for providing Allah's abstract system of education) the one who evolved the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, and who made the zulumat / barrier that lead to darkness (knowledge not comprehended) and the nur / light (knowledge comprehended); then those who kafaru / rejected with their Rabb / Lord, ya'dilun / will be judged in a fair and balanced way.

6.2    He is the One who khalaqakum / evolved you from tin / natural inherent science of morality (moral values and principles to good moral as an evolved mechanism), then He decreed ajalan / a term; and ajalun musamma / a term specified in His nearness.  Yet you still doubt. 

6.3    And He is Allah in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness. He knows your sirru / secret (what you received by revelation) and what you jahra / apparent (what you formulated your own); and He knows what you earn. 

6.4    And whatever ayatin / a sign (perceived) from ayaati / signs came to them from their Rabb / Lord, except they are mukridin / the one who turned away with doubt and suspicion, from it. 

6.5    Then surely they have denied with the truth when it came to them. The anba'u / information (news of the ghaib) will ultimately come to them of what they were with it, yastahzi'un / disregarding / contempting (due to following other than what is revealed). 

6.6    Did they not see We have destroyed from before them from qarnin / thoughts binding of the same group? We granted them dominance in the ardh / lower consciousness what not granted to them, and We revealed the samaa' / higher consciousness to them abundantly, and We made flow of knowledge beneath them; then, We destroyed them for their sins, and ansha'na / We raise after them other qarnan / thoughts binding of the same group. 

6.7    And if We had revealed to you kitaban / an inherent script in qirthas / target of writing (like paper), and they touched it with their own hands (or with the power within themselves), then those who have rejected would say: “This is but clear sihrum / diversion (turn from the right course)!”  

6.8    And they said: “If only malakun / (thought with) authority were revealed to him?” And if We had revealed malakan / (thought with) authority, the matter surely would be settled, then they would no longer yanzhurun / be considered. 

6.9    And if We had made him malakan / a sovereign authority (where mind, body and soul is one ruler one authority) rajulan / independent thought process (for analysis, reason and rationalization) and We lalabas / would have surely wrapped (condition their mind) them in what they already yalbisun / are wrapped (conditioned). 

6.10    And surely with rusuli / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) from before you were istahzi'u / disregarded / contempted, but those who ridiculed suffered the consequences of that which they yastahzi'un / disregarded / contempted 

6.11    Say: “Siru / explore in the ardh / lower consciousnes, then observe how are the ends of the mukazzibin / the one who denied / lied / utter falsehood, was!” 

6.12    Say: “To whom is all that is in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness ?” Say: “To Allah.” He has decreed the rahmah / mercy (by making available the abstract system of education) on nafishi / His soul, that He will gather you to the yawmil qiyamah / moment of establishment in which there is no doubt. Those who have lost their souls, they do not yukminun / take security (in the abstract system of education and Al kitab). 

6.13    And for Him is what resides in the laili / darkness (without guidance as when knowledge not comprehended) and in the nahar / illumination (with guidance as knowledge comprehended); and He is the Hearer, the Knower. 

6.14    Say: “Shall I take other than Allah as wali / a guardian; the originator of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness; while He feeds the knowledge and not fed (the knowledge)!” Say: “I have been commanded to be the first who aslam / submits (submit to Allah).” And do not be of the musyrikin / the one who set up partners. 

6.15    Say: “I fear if I disobey my Rabb / Lord, the punishment of yawmin azhim / a great moment” 

6.16    Whoever yushraf / averted from it, then He has had rahimah / mercy (for the showering of knowledge) on him; and that is the clear triumph. 

6.17    And if Allah were to inflict you with harm, then none can remove it except He; and if He were to touch you with good, then He measures over all things. 

6.18    And He is al qahar / the Supreme over His servants; and He is the Wise, the khobir / All Aware. 

6.19    Say: “Which thing is akbaru syahadah / greater witness (testimony)?” Say: “Allah is witness between me and between you, and He has inspired to me the Qur’an / expression of truth (from reading ayaati /signs) that I may warn you with it and whoever it reaches, that you are bearing witness that with Allah are other aalihatan / reality of beings!” Say: “I do not bear witness!” Say: “But He is a singular (irreducible) ilaahun / reality of being, and indeed I absolve of what you have set up!” 

6.20    Those to whom We have given the Al Kitab / inherent script know it as they know their abna / construct (own mental precreation).  Those who lost anfusuhum / their souls, they do not yukminun / take security (in Al Kitab). 

6.21    And who is more azlamu / unjust than he who invents lies about Allah, or denies His ayaati / signs!  Certainly, the zhaalimun / unjust (putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality) will never succeed (in breaking the frontiers of consciousness).  

6.22    And the moment We gather them all, then We say to those who ashraku / set up partners: “Where are your partners whom you used to claim?” 

6.23    Then, (it is) not going to be their trial except that they say: “By Allah, our Lord, we were not mushrikin / the one who set up partners!” 

6.24    See how they lied against anfusihim / their souls / selves; and dholla / deviated with them what they yaftarun / invented. 

6.25    And from them are those who listen to you; and We have made covers over their hearts to never understand it, and wiqran / a formative insight in their calls; and if they see every sign they will not yukminun / take security with it; until when they come to you they argue with you, those who kafaru / reject say: “This is nothing except tales of awwalin / earlier thoughts!” 

6.26    And they prohibit others from it and keep away (themselves) from it; and if they destroy except anfusahum / their souls, and yet they do not yash'urun / perceive. 

6.27    And if you could see when they wuqifu / stand with full knowledge of an-nar / the internal conflict (that burn an-nas), they say: “If only we could be sent back, we would not deny with aayati / signs of our Rabb / Lord, and we would be from the mukminin / one who take security (in Al Kitab)!” 

6.28    Rather, it is from before what they have been concealing that has now bada / become evident to them; and if they were sent back they would return again to what they were prohibited from, they are but kazibun / liars! 

6.29    And they had said: “There is only this hayatunad duniya / living temptations of close attachments and relations, and we will not be with mab'uthun / raising up of our true self!”  

6.30    And if you could see when they waqifu / stand with full knowledge by their Rabb / Lord; He said: “Is this not with the truth?” They said: “Yes,  our Rabb / Lord,” He said: “Fazuqu / then taste (self-experience) the punishment for what you takfurun / have rejected.” 

6.31    Surely, khosira / losers are those who kazzabu / have lied with their meeting with Allah; until when the saa'ah / direct experience of reality comes to them baghtatan / unexpectedly,  they say: “Yahasratana / O our regret (for not lifting the hidden layers of ignorance) over what farratna / we have neglected in it,” and they yahmilu / will conceive their burdens on their backs; unquestionably evil is what their burden (is)

6.32    And the hayaatud duniya / living temptations of close attachments and relations is nothing more than la'ibun / fooling around and lahwun / diverted amusing activities, and the abode of the aakhirah / ending is far better for those who are yattaqun / mindful.  Do you not ta'qilun / comprehend (use your pure logical mind)? 

6.33    Indeed, We know that it surely grieves you by what they say; then surely they are not lying to you, but it is the zhaalimin / unjust 
(thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality) with ayaati / signs of Allah, yajhadun / struggled (in the way of Allah). 

6.34    And surely, rusulun / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) from before you were denied, then they were patient for what they were denied, and they were harmed until nashruna / Our help came to them; there is no changing over kalimah / words of Allah. And indeed, naba'i / information (news of the ghaib) of the mursalin / the one who deliver, has come to you. 

6.35    And if their i'rodhu / turning away (with doubt and suspicion), has become too difficult for you, then if you can now seek nafaqan / a contribution for self-experience in the ardh / lower consciousness, or a sullaman / submission to the samaa' / higher consciousness, then bring them with ayaati / a sign.  But if Allah had willed, He would have gathered them to the guidance; so do not be of the jaahilin / nescient (who do not possess knowledge due to neglectfully uninformed) 

6.36    Only those who listen will respond.  As for the mauta / lifeless (soul),  Allah will raise them (evolve and elevate), then to Him they will return. 

6.37    And they said: “If only a sign unzila / was revealed to him from his Rabb / Lord!” Say: “Surely Allah kadirin / measure about ayati / a sign that is revealed, but most of them would not know.” 

6.38    And there is not daabatin / a stimulating fresh thoughts in the ardh / lower consciousness, and not thoir / a wild scattered thought that yathiru / fantasizes with janahaihi / its inclination to wrong-doings, except they belong to ummah / foundation of motherly course like you belong. We did not leave anything out of the kitabi / inherent script; then to their Rabb / Lord they will be gathered. 

6.39    And those who deny Our ayaati / signs, they are deaf and dumb, in zulumat / barriers that bring darkness. Whoever wishes, Allah let them go astray, and whoever wishes He places him on siratim mustaqim / a path for the one who is established in the truth. 

6.40    Say: “Have you seen if the punishment of Allah comes to you, or the saa'ah / direct experience of reality comes to you, is it other than Allah that you invoke, if you are sodiqin / truthful ?” 

6.41    Rather, it is Him alone you will invoke on; then He will remove that which you invoked Him for, if He wills; and you will forget what you set up.  

6.42    And surely, We have revealed to umamin / leaders (thoughts guided by Allah) from before you.  We then took them with adversity and hardship so that they may hmble themselves. 

6.43    If only they tadarra'u / had implored when Our punishment came to them; but their hearts hardened, and the shaitan / acts arises from despair, adorned for them what they used to do. 

6.44    So when they nasu / forgot what they zakkiru / had embodied the divine masculine attrivutes with it, fatahna / We decode / unlock (the true meaning embedded in the ayaati) upon them abwaaba / doors of all things; until when they farahu / rejoice with what they were given, We took them baghtatan / by surprise (unexpectedly)!  They were confounded. 

6.45    It was thus that the remainder of the qaumi / group of established thoughts of those dhalamu / wrong-doers were wiped out; and alhamdullilah / praise be to Allah (for His acceptance to His abstract system of education), Rabb / Lord of the aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge.  

6.46    Say: “Do you see that if Allah were to take away sam'akum / your hearing and absorahum / your insight, and He seals your hearts; which ilaahun / reality in being besides Allah can bring it to you?” Unzurna / reflect how We nusarrifu / dispatch the ayaati / signs, but then they turn away.  

6.47    Say: “Do you see if the punishment of Allah comes to you baghtatan / by surprise (unexpectedly without awareness), or jahratan / with awareness, will anyone be destroyed except the kaumul zalimun / group of established thoughts that are wronged?” 

6.48    And We do not send the mursalin / the one who deliver the message, except as mubasshirin / the one who bear sensible thoughts and munzirin / the one who warn of punishment to wrong-doers; so whoever aamana / take security, and aslaha / correct themselves, then there is no fear for them nor will they grieve.

6.49    And those who kazzabu / are deceived with Our ayaati / signs, the punishment will inflict them for what yafsuqun / are defiantly disobeyed. 

6.50    Say: “I do not say to you that I possess the treasures of Allah, nor do I know (absence of knowing) the ghaiba / knowledge of the hidden, nor do I say to you that I am a malak / a sovereign authority.  I merely follow what is inspired to me.” Say: “Are the blind and the seer the same?   Do you not use reason?” 

6.51    And warn with it those who realize that they will be gathered to their Rabb / Lord; they do not have besides Him any waliyyun / guardian nor shafi'un / intercessor; perhaps they yattaqun / will be mindful.  

6.52    And do not tatrudi / drive away those who invoke on their Rabb / Lord with ghadaati / early stage of clarity and 'ashiyyi / lacking perception seeking wajhahu / his focus to care (for growth); not hisabi / accountable for you from anything, nor are they hisabi / accountable for you from anything; if you turn them away, then you will be of the zhaalimin / unjust 
(thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality) 

6.53    And it is such that We test them with one another, so that they may say: “Are these the ones whom Allah has graced from among us?” Is Allah not aware of the thankful?  

6.54    And when jaa'aka / come to you those who yukminun / take security with Our ayaati / signs, then say: “Salaamun alaikum / peace be upon you, our Rabb / Lord has decreed upon nafsihi / His soul, the rahmah / mercy (for providing the abstract system of education).  Verily, whoever from among you commit sin with ignorance (who do not possess knowledge because they were uninformed), then repent from after it and aslaha / reform, then He is Forgiving, Merciful.”  

6.55    And it is such that We explain the ayaati / signs, and point out the way of the mujrimin / one who violated the covenant.  

6.56    Say: “I am prohibited from serving those you invoke upon other than Allah” Say: “I will not follow your desires, otherwise I would go astray and I would not be of those guided.”  

6.57    Say: “I am on a clarity from my Rabb / Lord and you have denied with it. I do not have what you hasten towards; the judgment is with Allah only; He narrates the truth, and He is the best decider.”  

6.58    Say: “If I had what you were hastening towards, then the matter between us would have been resolved.  And Allah is fully aware with the zhaalimin / unjust (thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality).” 

6.59    And with Him are mafaatihu /  decoding keys of the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden, none know them except He. And He knows what is in the birri / truthfulness (of the hidden knowledge) and in the bahri / ocean of knowledge; and not a fall from waraqatin / a cover (that hide the truth) except He knows of it; nor habbatin / an affection in zulumat / darkness (absence of knowledge) of the ardh / lower consciousness; nor rotbin / fresh knowledge or yabisin / dry (non substantial) knowledge; except in a clear kitabin / inherent script. 

6.60    And He is the One who yatawaffa / circamumbulate your inner self (inward introspection) with darkness (absence of knowledge or guidance), and He knows what you jarahtum / have done / deserved with nahar / illumination (presence of knowledge), then yab'asukum / He raises you in it  to complete an appointed term; then to Him is your return and He yunabbi'ukum / will inform you of what you used to do. 

6.61    And He is the qaahiru / Supreme excel above His servants, and He sends over you hafizatan / preserver when come to anyone of you mautu / lifeless (soul), our rusul / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) tawaffathu / complete (by circumumbulating his inner self) him and la-yufarrithun / they will not fail.   

6.62    Then they are returned to Allah, their true Maula / Protector (the One you rely to); unquestionably, to Him is the hukmu / judgment (understanding based on Allah's law with facts) and He is quick in taking the account. 

6.63    Say: “Who rescues you from zulumat / barriers that bring darkness of the barri / truthfulness (of your covenant) and the bahri / ocean of knowledge ?” You invoke on Him tadharru'an /  implore humbly  and khufyatan / obedient and submissive: “If You save us from this (from being misguided), we will be of the thankful!” 

6.64    Say: “Allah will save you from it (misguidance) and from all distresses, yet you will still tushrikun / set up partners!” 

6.65    Say: “He is kodiru / able to measure over them punishment from above them (high-level and complicated) or from below (low-level and simple) arjulikum / their independent thought processes, or yalbisu / wrap them (condition their mind into) shiya'an / divisions, let you taste (self-experience) some of you, conflicts of others.”  See how We dispatch the ayaati / signs, perhaps they yafqahun / may understand (the truth). 

6.66    And kaumuka / your group of established thoughts kazzaba / denied with it, while it is the truth.  Say: “I am not a wakil / trusted custodian, over you!” 

6.67    For every naba'i / information (news of the ghaib) mustaqar / ongoing desire for stability, and soon you will come to know. 

6.68    And if you encounter those who entered false, deluded, unsubstantiated and vain elements in Our ayaati / signs, then turn away from them until they move on to a different hadis / representation (of the reality); and if the shaytan / acts of despair makes you forget, then do not withhold (the false, deluded, unsubstantiated and vain narrative) after the zikraa / independent awareness (of the messages) with the qaumiz zaalimin / group of established thoughts that are wrongdoers. 

6.69    And not over those who are mindful from what they take into account from anything, but zikra / to embody divine masculine attributes; perhaps they will be mindful / aware. 

6.70    And leave those who have taken deenahum / their indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment) la'iban / fooling around and lahwan / diverted amusing activities, and this hayatu duniya / living temptation of close attachments has tempted them. And zakkir / embody the divine masculine energy with it that nafsun / a soul will suffer for what it has earned, it will not have besides Allah any waliyyun / protector nor shafi'un / intercessor; and even if it brings all justice, none will be accepted from it. These are the ones who have suffered with what they have earned; for them will be sharabun / inward absorption from hamimin / heated taste, and a painful punishment for what they had rejected. 

6.71    Say: “Shall we invoke upon other than Allah what cannot benefit us or yadurru / harm us (mixing false, deluded, unsubstantiated and vain elements in Allah ayaati / signs) and we turn back on our heels after Allah has guided us?”  This is like the one whom the shayatin / acts out of despair have managed to mislead in the ardh / lower consciousness, he is confused, having companions who invoked him to the guidance: “Come to us!” Say: “The guidance is the guidance of Allah, and we have been ordered to submit to the Rabb / Lord of the aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge.”  

6.72    And you shall akimu / establish the salaah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), and be mindful; and to Him you will be gathered. 

6.73    And He is the One who khalaqa / evolved the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness with the truth, and (the) moment He says: “Be,” then it is! (no space and time in higher dimension).  His saying is truth; and for Him is the mulku / sovereign authority (one authority one ruler) the moment the suuri / badness yunfakha / is blown (inflated).  Knower of the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden and the witnessed; He is the Wise, the Acquainted. 

6.74    And when Ibraheem / who is inclined to the truth, said to abihi / his fatherly support (independent logical mind), azara / strengthen (the foundation of his knowledge): “Will you take asnaman / image / appearance / representation as aalihah / realities?  I see you and your qaum / group of established thoughts are clearly misguided.”  

6.75    And it is such that We showed Ibrahim / who is inclined to the truth, the kingdom of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, so that he will be of those who have certainty. 

6.76    So when the lailu / darkness (barriers that block the light) janna / covered (the truth) upon him (Ibraheem), he saw kaukaban / flickering of knowledge (from his hidden thought process), and he said: “This is my Rabb / Lord.” But when it disappeared he said: “I do not like those who disappear (as it only represents the reality).” 

6.77    So when he saw the qamara / deceptive knowledge baazi'ngan / begin to appear, he said: “This is my Rabb / Lord.” But when it disappeared he said: “If my Lord does not guide me, then I will be among the kaumi dhollin / strayed group of established thoughts!” 

6.78    So when he saw the shamsa / brightness baazi'ghah / begin to appear, he said: “This is my Rabb / Lord, this is akbar / greater.” So when it disappeared he said: “My qaum / group of established thoughts, indeed I am barii / dissociated of what you tushrikun / have set up.” 

6.79    Indeed, I shall wajhi / pay attention my wajjahtu / focus to care (for growth) to the One who fathara / originated the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, hanifan / naturally inclined towards the truth, and I am not of mushrikin / the ones who set up partners. 

6.80    And his qaumu / group of established thoughts haajjahu / reasoned out with him. He said: “Do you reason out with me regarding Allah, when He has guided me? I do not fear that which you have set up with Him except about that my Rabb / Lord wills; my Rabb / Lord encompasses all things (in) knowledge; will you not tatazakkarun / consciously embody masculine faculty (of Allah, that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) ?” 

6.81    And how can I possibly fear ma ashraktum / what you have set up; yet you do not fear that you have set up partners with Allah, for which He has not revealed upon you what (is) with Him! So which of our two groups is more worthy of security if you know? 

6.82    Those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) and do not confound their iman / security with wrongdoing; they will have the amnu / security, and muhtadun / they are guided. 

6.83    And such was Our argument that We gave Ibrahim over his qaum / group of established thoughts; We raise darajjatin / degree of who want / wish.  Your Rabb / Lord is Hakimun / Wise (provider of understanding base on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence), 'alimun / Knowledgeable.  

6.84    And We granted him Ishaq / who is perfect / alienated (from other than Allah) and Yaakub / who always return (to Allah), both of whom We guided; and Nuh / who has strong empathy and compassion (to the nescient and ignorant), We guided from before; and from his zurriyati / off-springs of early developed thoughts, is Daud / who break up complex wild thought, and Sulaiman / who submit and attain peace, and Ayub / who return to his true self, and Yusuf / who interpret reality from its representation, and Musa / who is familiar with the truth, and Harun / who possess strong will to deliver the truth. It is such that We recompense the muhsinin / those whose experience or deeds are out of true knowledge.  

6.85    And Zakaria / one who is concsious (of the covenant) and Yahya / one who his true self is alive, and Isa / one who is strengthened with ruh qudus, and Ilyasa / one who is always mindful (of Allah); all were from the solihin / those who correct themselves.  

6.86    And Ismail / who listen to the truth and Yasa'a / who possess mighty strike with truth in a debate and Yunus / who is on contant pursuit to embody the truth and Lut / one who strongly adhere to the truth; and each We fadhal / have given advantage over the aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge.  

6.87    And from their aaba / fatherly support (of independent logical mind) and their zurriyati / off-springs of early developed thoughts and their ikhwa / brotherly thoughts (like help and encouragement) We have chosen; and We guided them to siratim mustaqim / path of the one who is established in the truth.  

6.88    Such is the guidance of Allah, He guides with it whom wills of His servants. And if they set up partners, then all that they had worked would fall away from them.  

6.89    Those to whom We have given the kitab / inherent script, and the law, and the nubuwwah / news of the ghaib, then if they reject it, We will entrust it to a qauman / group of established thoughts who will not reject it.  

6.90    They are those who are guided by Allah; so let their guidance be an example. Say: “I do not ask you for any reward; but a zikra / an independent awareness (of the covenant) for the aalamin / all emprical and factual knowledge.” 

6.91    And they did not appraise Allah as He deserves to be appraised, for when they said: “Allah has never revealed anything to basharin / sensible thoughts.” Say: “Who then has sent down the kitab / inherent script which Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, had come with, a light and a guidance for an-nas / the agitated mind? You treat it simply as qarathisa / target of writing, and you disclose (some of it) and conceal much; and you were taught what neither you nor your abaa / that foster fatherly supports (independent logical mind), knew.” Say: “Allah has.” Then leave them in their discourse, yal'abun / playing.  

6.92    And this is a kitab / inherent script which We have revealed, blessed, affirming what is between his hands (what his independent logical mind upholds), and that you may warn the ummal quraa / cluster of motherly thoughts and those around it.  And those who yukminun / take security with aakhirah / ending with it, and they yuhafizhun / preserve their salaah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download)

6.93    And who is azlamu / unjust than he who invents kaziban / lie against Allah, or says: “It has been inspired to me,” when We did not inspire anything to him; or who says: “I will bring down similar to what Allah has revealed.” And if you could only see the zhaalimun / unjust (putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality) in suffocation of the mauti / destituteness (lifeless soul), when the malaikah / state of those in authority have their arms opened: “Bring your souls out, today you will be given the severest punishment for what you used to say about Allah without truth, and you used to be arrogant towards His ayaati / signs.” 

6.94    And certainly, you have come to Us furada / alone, just as We had khalaq / evolved you the first time; and you have left behind you all that We have provided for you; and We do not see your intercessors (to step in to intercede with the truth) with you that you used to claim were with you in partnership; all is severed between you, and what you have claimed has abandoned you.

6.95    Surely, Allah germinates the habbi / love and annawaa / the intention; He brings the hayya / living out from the mayyit / lifeless (soul) and He brings the maiti / destituteness out from the hayyi / living.  Such is Allah; so why are you deluded? 

6.96    Faliku / (the One who) germinates the isbaha / emergence of clarity and maker of the laila / darkness (absence of knowledge) to reside in; and the shamsa / illumination and the qamara / delusion, for an account. Such is the measure of the Mighty, the Knowledgeable. 

6.97    And He is the One who made for you annujum / sparkling of revelation, to guide you by them in zulumat / darkness (absence of knowledge) of the barri / truthfulness and the bahri / ocean of hidden knowledge.  We have explained the ayaati / signs to a qaumin / group of established thoughts who know. 

6.98    And it is He is who raised you from a single nafs / soul; then a place for mustaqarrun / stability and mustawda'un / development. We have explained the signs to a qaumin / group of established thoughts who understand. 

6.99    And He is the One who reveals maa'an / knowledge from the samaa'i / higher consciousness, and We brought out with it nabata / healthy mental development of every thing. We brought out from it khodiran / immatured (state of truth) which We bring out from it habban / unconditional love mutarakiban / the one who ride on them; and from nakhli / structured, from its appearance qinwanun / permanent and daniya / non permanent; and jannatin min 'anaabin / hidden gardens from related subject matter; and azzaituna / knowledge that is dynamic in its expression and arrummana / knowledge that is rich in contents, mushtabihan / resembling and not resembling. Look at its thamara / intelligence when it increases and it matures. Certainly, these are ayaati / signs for qaumin / group of established thoughts who yukminun / take security (in al kitab). 

6.100    And they set up partners with Allah from among the Jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord), and khalaqa / evolved them. And they invented for Him banina / thoughts contruct (from independent logical mind) and banaati / thoughts construct (from passionate urges (emotional drive like excitement and curiosity)!  Be He glorified and exalted above what they describe. 

6.101    Badi'u / innovation (of what they construct) of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness, how can He have waladun / that foster fatherly support (to rear, educate and upbringing thoughts from own mental faculties) while there is not for Him a companion (while He is alone and nothing is with Him, the fundamental absolute being)?  And khalaqa / evolved all things and He is knowledgeable in all things.  

6.102    Such is Allah, your Rabb / Lord, there is no ilaah / fundamental reality of being except He; evolver of all things, so serve Him.  And He is the wakil / trusted custodian. 

6.103    The absoru / insight cannot tudriku / comprehend Him, and He can yudriku / comprehend all absora / insight; and He is the Subtle, the Acquainted. 

6.104    Surely, bashaa'iru / rational and sensible thoughts have come to you from your Rabb / Lord; so whoever absora / has insight, then linafsihi / for his soul, and whoever is blinded (in respect of insight), then will be against her.  And I am not a hafiz / preserver over you.

6.105    And that to you Nusarrifu / We convey the ayaati / signs and that they may say: “You darasta / have studied,” and We will make it clear for qaumin / group of established thoughts who know. 

6.106    Follow what is 'uhiya / inspired to you from your Rabb / Lord; there is no ilaaha / reality except He, and turn away from the musyrikin / those who set up partners (with Allah). 

6.107    And if Allah had willed, they would not have set up partners.  And We did not place you over them hafizhan / a preserver, nor are you over them with a wakil / trusted custodian. 

6.108    And do not tasubbu / cause (to take hafizan or wakil) those who invoke from other than Allah, then they will cause calling Allah with absence of knowledge (out of ignorance). That to you is zayyanna / adornment over every ummah / foundation of motherly's cause (compassionate and care) of your amal / deeds then to their Rabb / Lord is their return and He will inform them of what they had done. 

6.109    And they swore with Allah using their jahda aymaanihim / their struggle to the right (experience based in factual knowledge); that if a sign come to them they would yukminunna / take security with it. Say: “Surely, the ayaatun / signs are from Allah; and what will make you yush'iru /  perceive the symbols (representation) that when it comes, that they will not yukminun / take into security?” 

6.110    And We divert their fuad / mind and absara / insight, as they did not yukminun / take security with it the first time; and We leave them wandering in tughyaanihim / their falsehood activities.  

6.111    And even if We had revealed to them the malaaikah / sovereign authority (where mind, body and soul is one ruler one authority), and spoke of the mauta / lifeless (soul), and We had gathered before them everything, they still would not yukminu / take security except if Allah wills.  And most of them yajhalun / will be ignorant (will not possess knowledge because they consciously ignore seeking knowledge)

6.112    And as such, We made for every nabiyyi / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib), aduwwan / rivals of shayatin / act arises from state of despair of the ins / aligned with the truth and the jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord) to yuhi / inspire each other with fancy words in order to deceive. Had your Rabb / Lord willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their fabrications. 

6.113    And so the minds of those who do not yukminun / take security in the aakhirah / ending will listen to it, and they will accept it, and they will take of it what they will. 

6.114    "Shall I seek other than Allah as a judge when He has revealed to you the al kitab / the inherent script fully detailed"?  Those to whom We have given al kitab / the inherent script know it is revealed from your Rabb / Lord with the truth; so do not be of those who have doubt. 

6.115    And the word of your Rabb / Lord has been completed with truth and justice; there is no changing His words.  He is the Hearer, the Knower.

6.116    And if you obey most of those in the ardh / lower consciousness they will lead you away from the path of Allah; that is because they follow but the zhanna / thoughts (conjecture), and that is because they only guess.

6.117    Certainly, your Rabb / Lord is fully aware of who strays from His path, and He is fully aware of the guided ones.

6.118    So kulu / consume (the knowledge) from that on which the name of Allah zukira / is fully embodied with masculine faculty (of Allah, that is linear, logical, focus and assertive), if you indeed with His ayaati / signs, mukminin / the one who take security (in al kitab).

6.119    And why should you not kulu / consume (the knowledge) that on which the name of Allah zukira / is fully embodied with masculine faculty (of Allah, that is linear, logical, focus and assertive), when He has fully detailed to you what has been made forbidden; except what you are forced to? Many misguide by their desires without knowledge; your Rabb / Lord is fully aware of the transgressors.

6.120    And leave alone, publicly and privately, that which is a sin; those who earn sin will be punished for what they have taken. 

6.121    And do not consume (the knowledge) from that which the name of Allah has not yuzkari / been fully embodied with masculine faculty (of Allah, that is linear, logical, focus and assertive) over it and surely it is lafasiqun / grave disobedience.  And surely the shayatin / acts out of despair, they inspire their awliya' / supporters liyujadilu / to be in contention with you; and if you obey them, then you are mushrikun / one who set up partners (with Allah).

6.122    Is he who was maitan / lifeless (soul) and to whom We gave life, and We made for him a light to walk with it in an-nas / the agitated mind, as he whose example is in zulumat / barriers that bring darkness and he will not exit from it? It is such that the work of the kafirin / rejecters has been adorned for them.

6.123    And as such, We have placed in every qaryatin / cluster of established thought the akaabira / greatest of its mujrimi / one who violated the covenant, to yamkuru / deceive in it. And they only yamkuruna / deceive with anfusihim / their own souls without yash'urun / pure intuition (a deep inner knowing that transcends logic and analysis).

6.124    And when ayaatun / a sign comes to them they say: “We will not nukmina / take security until we are given the same as what the rusul Allah / messenger of Allah (inner voices that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb)!”  Allah is fully aware of where He places His risalatu / message; those ajramu / who violate the covenant, will have humiliation with Allah and a painful punishment for what they had yamkurun / deceived.

6.125    Then whoever Allah wishes to guide, He will comfort his sadrahu / awareness to submission; and whoever He wishes to misguide, He will make his sadrahu / awareness tight and constricted, as though one who is ascending in samaa'i / higher consciousness. It is such that Allah makes rijsa / pollute upon those who do not yukminun / take security (in al kitab).

6.126    And this is the path of mustaqiman / the one who established in the truth of your Rabb / Lord.  We have fully detailed the ayaati / signs to qaumin / a group of established thoughts who yazzakkarun / will consciously embody masculine faculty (of Allah, that is linear, logical, focus and assertive).

6.127    For them darus salam / circle (abode) of peace with their Rabb / Lord; and He is their wali / guardian with what they used to do.

6.128    And the moment We gather them all: “O ma'sara / assembled intimate thoughts of the Jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord), istakthartum / you have many from the ins / who are aligned with the truth.”  Their wali / guardian from the ins / who is aligned with the truth said: “Our Rabb / Lord, we have indeed istamta'a / taken advantage of one another, and we have reached our term to which You appointed for us.” He said: “An-nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas) is your dwelling, abiding therein, except as Allah wishes.” Your Lord is Wise, Knowledgeable.

6.129    It is such that We make the zhaalimin / unjust (thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality) as nuwalli / guardians to one another for what they have earned.

6.130    “O maqsara / assembled intimate thoughts of the Jinn / hidden thought process (where its construct is not from the command of your Rabb / Lord) and the ins / one who is aligned with the truth, did not rusulun / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) come to you from amongst you and yaqussuna / trace the steps to you My ayaati / signs, and warn you of this moment of your meeting ?” They said: “Yes, we shahid / bear witness upon anfusina / our souls;” and the hayaatu duniya / living temptations of close attachments and relations, deceived them, and they bore witness upon anfusihim / their souls that they were kafirin / rejecters (of al kitab).

6.131    That is because your Rabb / Lord is not muhlika / one who destroy alqura / cluster of established thoughts with zulmin / wrong-doings while ahliha / those who are acquainted are unaware.

6.132    But there are darajaat / degrees for what they had done; and your Rabb / Lord is not unaware of what they do.

6.133    And your Rabb / Lord is alghaniyyu / the Self-sufficient, possessor of the rahmah / Mercy (for the provision of the hidden message). If He wished, He could remove all of you and yastakhlif / replace you whom He pleases, just as He ansha'a / raised you from zurriyati / off-springs of early developed thoughts of another qaumin / group of established thoughts.

6.134    Indeed, what you have been promised will come, and you cannot escape with it.

6.135    Say: “O My qaumi / group of established thoughts, work as you see fit, for I too am working. You will then know to whom will have for himself the home of aqibatu / consequence.  Certainly, the zhaalimun / unjust 
(putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality) la yuflihu / will not succeed (in breaking the frontiers of consciousness).”

6.136    And they made for Allah a portion of what He provided them from al harsi / the moisten (so that the knowledge become dampen ready to flow) and the ana'am / sensible thoughts; they said: “This is for Allah,” by their claims, “And this is for our shuraka / partners.” So what was for their partners did not yasilu / download / install towards Allah, and what was for Allah, it yasilu / download / install toward their partners! Miserable is how they judged.

6.137    And likewise it was pleasing to many from the mushrikin / the one who set up partners (with Allah), to kill their awlad / birth of their thoughts (brainchild), their partners, in order liyurduhum / to ruin them and liyalbisu / to confuse over them their deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment).  Had Allah willed they would not have done this, so fazarhum / leave them and what they yaftarun / invent.

6.138    And they said: “These ana'amun / rational thoughts and hars / moisten of the knowledge are hijrun / hard headed, and none shall consume (the knowledge) from them except as who please,” by their claims; and ana'am / sensible thoughts that zuhuru / are apparently forbidden, and ana'am / sensible thoughts over which they do not yazkuru / embody masculine faculty (that is linear, logical, focus and assertive) name of Allah as an innovation against Him.  He will recompense them for what they invented.

6.139    And they said: “What is in the butuni / inner (spiritual) of these ana'am / rational thoughts is kholisatun / sincerely for zukurina / our embodiment of masculine faculty (of Allah, that is linear, logical, focus and assertive) and forbid for our azwaji / pairs (zakara and unsa), and if comes out of maitah / lifeless (destituted) thoughts, then they will be partners in it.” Allah will recompense them for what they describe. He is Wise, Knowledgeable.

6.140    Certainly, losers are those who have killed their awlad / birth of their thoughts (brainchild) foolishly, without knowledge, and they forbade what Allah had granted them by lying about Allah.  Surely, they have strayed and they were not guided.

6.141    And He is the One who ansha'a / raised jannatin / hidden gardens of knowledge; both ma'rushatin / structural state (of self) and other than ma'rushatin / structural state; and annakhla / the structured knowledge, and zar'a / spiritual growth, all with different taste; and zaituna / knowledge that are dynamic in its expression and rummana / knowledge that is rich in its content, mutashabihan / comparable / resemble and not mutashabihin / comparable / resemble.  Kulu / consume from its thamari / intellect when it athmara / blossoms and give its haqqah / due on the moment of its harvest; and do not tushrifu / be heedless (unmindful). He does not love the musrifin / one who is heedless.  

6.142    And from the ana'am / sensible thoughts are those for hamilatun / conceiving, and also for firshan / development (expanding for better understanding).  Kulu / consume from what Allah has provided you and do not follow the footsteps of the shaytan / acts of despair; he is to you a clear enemy.  

6.143    Valuable pairs (zakara / divine masculine attributes: linear, logical, focus and assertive) and unsa / divine feminine attributes : unconditional love and unconditional acceptance) from distinguishing the two, and from ma'zi / selecting the two. Say: “Is it the zakarain / two outcomes from divine masculines attributes (of the past and future) that He forbade the unthayain / two outcomes of divine feminine attributes (urge of the past and future), or what the arhamu / conception of the unsanain /  two divine feminine attrivutes (of the past and future) gave virth to? Inform me if you are truthful!”  

6.144    And from the two ibili / skills, and from the two baqara / self inquiries, say: “Is it the two zakarain / divine masculine attributes (of the past and future) that He harrama / forbade or the two unsa / divine feminine attributes (of the past and future), or what the arhamu / conceptions of the unthayain / two outcomes feminine attributes (of the past and future)?  Or were you witnesses when Allah ordered you with this?” Who is more wronged than he who invents lies about Allah to misguide an-nas / the agitated mind without knowledge. Allah does not guide the qauma / group of established thoughts that are wrong-doers. 

6.145   Say: “I do not find in what is inspired to me to be forbidden for any consumer to consume except that it maytatan / a lifeless thought (destituted), or damam masfuha / unprofitable deeds of cruel thoughts, or lahma khinzir / close knitted self magnifying thoughts.  So it is surely rijsun / contamination of impurities or fisqan / defiant disobedience by being dedicated to other than Allah with it.” But whoever is forced to, without seeking disobedience or transgression, then your Rabb / Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.

6.146    And for those who are hadu / self lenient (being leisurely in their deeds) We have made forbidden every dhi zhufura / successes possessed; and from the baqari / self inquiry and the alghanama / the gain We made forbidden over them shuhu mahuma / their mental development except what is apparent in its hamalat / conception, or become bad in its state of affair, or mixed with greatness. That is a punishment for their rebellion, and We are truthful.

6.147    But if they deny you, then say: “Your Rab / Lord possesses waasi'a / abundant rahmah / hidden system of education, and will not be consigned back to his time of conflicts, from the qaumi / group of established thoughts that are al mujrimin / one who violated the covenant.”  

6.148    Those who are ashraku / setting up partners (to Allah) will say: “If Allah wished, we would not mashrak / have set up partners, nor would have our abaa / that foster fatherly supports (independent logical mind), nor would we have made anything harram / forbidden.” Those before them kazzaba / lied in the same way, until they tasted (self-experience) Our ba'sa / stressness of the conflicts. Say: “Do you have any knowledge to bring out to us? You only follow save the zhanna / thoughts (conjecture), and you only takhrusun / guess.”  

6.149    Say: “So for Allah is the jujjatul baalighah / matured / reaching argument. If He wished He would have guided you all.”  

6.150    Say: “Halumma / consolidate (your thoughts and bring) your witnesses who bear witness that Allah has made this harrama / forbidden.” If they bear witness, then do not bear witness with them, nor follow the desires of those who deny Our ayaati / signs, and those who do not yukminun / take security with aakhirah / ending; and they with their Rabb / Lord ya'dilun / will establish justice.    

6.151    Say: “Come let me recite what your Rabb / Lord has forbidden for you: that you should not tushriku / set up anything with Him; and do good with your walidain / thoughts you give birth to (by rijal / independent thought process and nisa / passionate urges); and do not kill your awlad / thoughts given birth by own thought process, from imlaqin / admiration.  We provide for you and for them; and do not come near fawaahisha / immorality, what is manifested of it and hidden; and do not kill the nafs / soul, as Allah has forbidden this, except with the truth. That is what He enjoined you with it that you may ta'qilun / comprehend (use pure logical mind).”

6.152    “And do not come near maa / wealth of knowledge of the yatim / those not guided by Allah, except for what is best, until he reaches ashuddahu / his maturity; waawfu / and fulfill alkaila / the intellect and almizan / weighty of its importance with equitably. We do not burden a soul except with what it can bear, and when you speak then be just even if against a qurba / one who approach for knowledge; and fulfil the covenant with Allah. That He has wassa / enjoined / prescribed you with it, that you tazzakkarun / may consciously embody masculine faculty (of Allah, that is linear, logical, focus and assertive).”

6.153    And that, this is My path, mustaqiman / the one who is established in the truth. “So follow it, and do not follow the other paths lest they divert you from His path.  That is what He has enjoined you with it, so that you may be tattaqun / mindful.”

6.154    Then We gave Musa / one who is matured and familiar with the truth, the kitab / inherent script to complete (Allah's favour) for those who did good, and tafsilan / an explanation of everything, and hudan / a guide and rahmatan / a mercy (for the abundant knowledge in Allah's abstract system of education) that they may yukminun / take security with the meeting of their Rabb / Lord.

6.155    And this is kitabun / an inherent script that We revealed it mubarakun / which is blessed, so follow it and tattaqu / be mindful, that you may receive turhamun / mercy (for the approval of the knowledge).

6.156    Lest you say: “The kitabu / inherent script was only revealed to two encircling group of thoughts (rijal and nisa) from before us, and we were unaware of their study!”

6.157    Or you say: “If the kitab / inherent script was revealed to us we would have been more guided than they!”  So surely, bayyinat / clarity has come to you from your Rabb / Lord, and hudan / a guidance and rahmatan / a mercy (for the approval of the knowledge).  Then who is more wronged than he who denies with ayaati / signs of Allah and turns away from them? We will punish those who turn away from Our ayaati / signs with the pain of the azabi / punishment for what they turned away from.

6.158    Do they wait until there come the malaaikah / state of sovereign authority (where mind body and soul is one ruler one authority) to them, or your Lord comes, or certain ayaati / signs come from your Rabb / Lord?  The moment certain ayaati / signs come from your Rabb / Lord, it will do no good for nafsan / any soul imaanaka / to take security if it did not aamanat / taken security from before, or it gained good through its imaaniha / take security.  Say: “Wait, for surely we are waiting.”

6.159    Certainly, those who have divided their deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment) and become shiya'an / divisions, you are not with them in anything.  Surely, their matter will be with Allah, then He will inform them of what they had done.

6.160    Whoever comes with a good deed, then for him he will receive 'ashru / assembly of the like of it, and whoever comes with an evil deed, he will only be recompensed the like of it; and they will not be wronged.

6.161    Say: “Indeed as for me, My Rabb / Lord has hudani / guided me to siratim mustaqim / a path of the one who is established in the truth, hanifan / naturally inclining towards the truth, deenan / an indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment) established millata Ibrahim / life practices (based on guidance by fatherly support of your logical mind inclined to the truth); he was not of the mushrikin / one who set up partner (with Allah).”

6.162    Say: “My salaati / connection (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice), and my path of devotion, and my life, and my mamati / ending of the dissociation, are all to Allah, Rabb / Lord of the aalamin / all empirically evidenced and factual knowledge.” 

6.163    “There is no partner to Him, and it is to this that I was commanded, and I am the first of those who are the muslimin / those who submit (to al-kitab with their unfeterred logical mind).”

6.164    Say: “Shall I seek other than Allah as a Rabb / Lord when He is the Rabb / Lord of everything?” And every soul shall not earn except against itself; and no bearer may carry the burden of another. Then to your Rabb / Lord is your return and He will inform you of what you takhtalifun / represent in it.

6.165    And He is the One who made you khalifa / representor of the ardh / lower consciousness, and He raised some of you over others in darajat / grades, to test you with what He had given you. Your Rabb / Lord is swift to punishment, and He is Forgiving, Merciful.


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