(A sense of empathy and compassion)


Kindness is a force that breaks through the veil of ignorance.  It involves treating ourselves and others with compassion and empathy.  Kindness creates a ripple effect, touching the lives of those we interact with and fostering a more harmonious world.  Compassion and empathy is a powerful antidote to the ignorance perpetuated by the veil.  When we practice compassion and empathy, we step into the shoes of others seeking to understand their experiences and emotions.  This profound connection with others fosters compassion and breaks down the barriers that ignorance can create.

Allah sent Nuhan, endowed with a profound compassion and empathy to his group of established thoughts (qaum) to admonish them, urging them to be vigilant and avoid a painful punishment.  His message is unequivocal: to serve Allah, be mindful of Him and obey Nuhan (compassion and empathy).  By doing so, Allah will forgive all your sins and end the dissociation of your true self by embodying the truth, aligning with your higher self and the universal consciousness.

Our thoughts are like seeds that we plant in the garden of our minds.  They can grow into beautiful flowers or become thorny weeds depending on how we react to them.  When we react impulsively to every thought that crosses our mind, we often find ourselves entangled in a web of emotions and actions that may not serve our highest good.  This often leads to misunderstanding and unnecessary conflicts in our relationships.  It is like sailing a ship without a rudder, drifting wherever the currents of our thoughts take us. The ego frequently flourishes through seeking immediate validation and control, sidestepping the call of compassion and empathy as it tends to be overshadowed by arrogance.

Certainly, the ascent to higher consciousness initiates its perception of the truth through observing signs in the world comprehensible to our minds in the lower consciousness.  We cannot separate this integration.  Through understanding and embodying its fundamentals and inherent laws of nature, Allah will reveal the truth, elevating our comprehension in higher consciousness and aligning our higher self with the capacities the realm can offer.  With this ascension, Allah evolves us in accordance with our spiritual attainment.

In the initial surge of ascension, we traverse the depths of this seemingly dark reality.  Allah, in His divine providence, casts forth light within the illusion, transforming our state of clarity into an enlightening discourse.  Our understanding expands at the mental level, and Allah guides us to cultivate a beautiful growth within the realm of lower consciousness.  Then, Allah will unveil the complete spectrum of the truth within higher consciousness for your complete understanding, allowing you to follow and evolve.

For those who have disobeyed, they will propogate the insistence on not departing from the realities they currently experience.  These realities encompass the mental constructs of self-image and the control they fervently uphold.  They persist in not abandoning the realms of their desires, thoughts seeking immediate enjoyment, attachments to follow falsehood that veer them away from eternal truth, and their arrogant, opportunistic and manipulative thoughts fueled by their elevated knowledge. 

Finally, in this surah, Allah describes that those who have disobeyed will persist in enduring recurring thoughts of wrongdoing within the lower consciousness.  This repetitive experience, however, does not contribute to their knowledge; instead, it leads to their own destruction.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated hidden meaning to it's name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide the abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman). 

71.1    Indeed, We sent Nuhan / sense of empathy and compassion (for those ignorant) to his qaum / group of established thoughts, that anzir / warn (so that they are on guard) your qauma / group of established thoughts from before that will come azabun 'alimun / a painful punishment.

71.2    He (Nuhan) said, "O my qaum / group of established thoughts (not aware of the truth), indeed I am to you zanirun mubin / a clear warner,

71.3    That serve Allah, ittaqu / be mindful of Him and obey me (Nuhan)

71.4    (He) will forgive you from zunubikum / your sins and yu'ahkhirkum / will end you (ending the dissociation of higher self) over ajalin musamman / a term specified. Indeed, the term of Allah, when it comes, will not end (higher self), if you only knew.

71.5    (Nuhan) said, "My Lord, indeed I da'autu / earnestly request my qaum / group of established thoughts (to be mindful of You and obey me in), lailan / darkness (without guidance) and naharan / clarity (with guidance).

71.6    Then my du'ai / earnest call yazidhum / will not increase them (or add to what knowledge they have) except firaran / elusion (dodge or avoid).

71.7    And indeed, every time da'autuhum / I called them that You may forgive them, they set asobi'ahum / their directions in 'azaanihim / their desire to conceive, and istaghshawbahum / overwhelmed themselves with thisyabahum / their cover and persisted, and arrogant, istakbaaran /  a bigheaded.

71.8    Then indeed, I earnestly requested them jihaaran / a perception (formulated by own independent thinking).

71.9    Then indeed, a'lantu / I perceived to them and asrartu / secretly perceived by direct revelation

71.10    Then I said, 'Ask forgiveness of your Rabb / Lord. Indeed, He is ghaffaran / Oft-Forgiving.

71.11    He will send (revelation) of the samaa'a / higher consciousness upon you midraaran / in abundance.

71.12    And yumdidkum / extend you with amwaal / wealth of knowledge and banin / give birth to (construct) thoughts and yaj'al / will set for you jannatin / hidden gardens of knowledge and set for you anhaaran / rivers (flow) of knowledge.

71.13    What is to you that you do not tarjuna / look forward to Allah (look forward to His revelation of the signs) waqaaran / a formative insight 

71.14    And indeed, (He) khalaqakum / has evolved you athwaaran / (through) stages of attainment (in spiritual awakening)

71.15    Do you not see how Allah has evolved sab'a / congregated mental development of samaawaat / higher consciousness thibaqan / (spiritual awakening) one after another,

71.16    And made the qamara / illusion (false light) therein a light (of pure knowing) and made the shamsa / state of clarity (luminosity) siraajan / an illuminating discourse?

71.17    And Allah has caused you to grow from the ardh / lower consciousness nabatan / a healthy mental growth.

71.18    Then He yu'idukum / will repeat you (your spiritual growth) into her (unity consciousness) and yuhrijukum / you develop to become, ihrojan / a highly developed unity consciousness.

71.19    And Allah has made for you the ardh / lower consciousness bisathon / an expansion (of your consciousness).

71.20    That you may follow from her (unity consciousness), subulan fijaajan / ways of a full spectrum of meaning (in understanding).

71.21    Nuhan / sense of empathy and compassion (for those ignorant) said, "My Rabb / Lord, indeed they have disobeyed me and followed whoever his maa / wealth of knowledge and his waladu / thoughts that he gave birth to, yazidhu / will not increase him (add to what knowledge he has) except khosaaran / a loss.

71.22    And they planned makran kubbaran / a great plan

71.23    And (those who disobeyed) said, 'Never leave aalihatakum / your realities (mental construct of self-image and control that you worship and that enslave you) and never leave waddan / wish (of good and evil) and never suwaa'an / thoughts of direct enjoyable experience and never yaghutha / child-like relationship for guidance (dependent mind) and never ya'uqa / attach to falsehood and is diverted from eternal truth and nasran / opportunistic (and manipulative due to central feature of higher degree of knowledge leading to positioning their godhead).

71.24    And indeed, they adhollu / have misled many. And, do not increase (knowledge) of the dholimin / wrongdoers except dholilan / misleading.

71.25    Because of khoti'aatihim / their acts of disobediences (for which deserved punishment) they were drowned (in their wrongful acts) and then made to enter naran / burning sensation of conflicts, then they found not for themselves from other than Allah, anshoran / any helper.

71.26    And Nuhan / sense of empathy and compassion (for those ignorant) said, "My Rabb / Lord, do not leave upon the ardh / lower consciousness from the kaafirin / rejecters, dayyaaran / a state of looping thoughts.

71.27    Indeed, if You leave them (in a state of looping thoughts), they will mislead Your servants and not yalidu / giving birth (manifest, produce thoughts) except faajiran / opening a passage of wickedness, kaffaran / a rejecter.

71.28    My Rabb / Lord, forgive me and liwaalidayya / parental support that give birth to my thoughts and to whoever enters my mental house mukminan / one who take security, and mukminin / those who take security (with independent logical mind) and mukminaat / those who take security (by receiving revelation from Allah with intuitive mind). And do not tazidi / increase the wrongdoers except tabaran / destruction."




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