(The Languid Attitude)


Al Balad is the attitude of those who are contented with what they have. There is no doubt they are in their comfort zone and they do not see the need to acquire further knowledge and increase their awareness to transform and do corrective actions to reform.  Even though, it is not haram but Allah reminded that if you do not acquire further knowledge, then you will face the consequence. 

Allah evolves your intellect to align with the truth through struggle.  The struggle to seek the truth, to understand it and to put it into practice is made accountable upon you.  Conversely, knowledge accumulated without struggle will be wasted. 

The mind has two levels of perception: intuitive knowing and logical thinking.  Knowing is not the result of thinking.  It is the basis on which thinking operates. These two levels of perception are also referred to as conscious and subconscious; divine masculine attributes and divine feminine attributes; objective and subjective, left brain left hemisphere and right brain right hemisphere. The left brain eft hemisphere represents symbolic as well as literal manifestation of space and time.  It is where you have your logic, capacity to reason and ability to analyze.  Whereas the right brain right hemisphere is manifestation beyond your three-dimensional space and time, the transcendent of the unknowable.  Fear, worry and anxiety of the current situation build up your intuitive knowing while fear, worry and anxiety of the past and projected future build up your logical thinking.  Regardless of which level your perception comes from, it is crucial to ascertain that the message intuitively known is understood free from all the impurities of fear, worry and anxiety that may influence it. 

You comprehend ideas and concepts primarily through the logical mind, which relies on words and language as its primary tools. Language acts as a bridge, allowing you to translate abstract thoughts and experiences into a form that can be communicated and understood. Words give structure to your perceptions, enabling you to organize, analyze, and make sense of the world.  When you encounter a new idea, your logical mind breaks it down into components that fit within your existing framework of understanding, using language to categorize and define these elements. This process of conceptualization allows you to grasp the essence of a thought, compare it with other known concepts, and integrate it into your broader knowledge base.

However, it's important to recognize that language, while powerful, is also limited. Words can sometimes fail to capture the full depth of an experience or the complexity of an idea. Despite these limitations, language remains your most effective tool for conveying meaning and sharing knowledge, serving as the foundation upon which human understanding is built.. Allah guides you to master both channels. You should not rush blindly into making judgments on the received messages.

Do you know the consequences if you do not receive and comprehend the message? You will be an orphan, losing the fatherly support and guidance from your Rabb, and you will be a miskin, a needy person, always in need of guidance from your Rabb.

Allah taught you to become one of those who secure themselves in Al-Kitab and advise each other with patience when conceptualizing knowledge. These are the companions of the pure mind, who act rightly based on truth, natural law, and morality. Those who reject Allah's signs are the companions of the agitated mind, acting wrongly based on falsehood. Upon them is internal conflict that burns within.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).

90.1    I do not swear with this al balad / languid attitude (living a life of ease and comfort). 

90.2    And you are hillun / permissible with this al balad / languid attitude (living a life of ease and comfort). 

90.3    And waalidin / thoughts given birth (manifest, produce by rijal / independent thought process and nisa / passionate urge ) and what he walad / gave birth to (manifested, produced). 

90.4    Without doubt, We have evolved al insaan / intellect aligned with the truth, in kabad / struggle.  

90.5    Does he think that there will never be anyone yakdira / measure over him?  

90.6    He will say: “I have destroyed (my) malan / accumulated knowledge lubadan / comfortable and easy (with no struggle towards discovering the truth)!”  

90.7    Does he think that no one yarahu / will see him?  

90.8    Did We not make for him two perceptions? 

90.9    And a lisanan / language and two channels of consuming (the knowledge that is rijalan / independent thinking and nisa / impetus urges) ?  

90.10    And We guided him to annajadain / the conquest of both (channels) ?  

90.11    Then he should not iqtahamal / rush blindly al'aqabah / to receive the consequence.  

90.12    And do you know what is al'aqabah / the consequence?  

90.13    Fakkun / dissociated (from) raqabatin / being watch (as Allah is the Observer),  

90.14    Or (dissociated from) consuming (the knowledge) in a moment endowed with craving (for the knowledge),  

90.15    Yatiman / an orphan (foresaken thoughts) of near relation (in respect of guidance),  

90.16    Or miskinan / a poor in need (of knowledge for guidance);  

90.17    Then becoming one of those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), and tawasau / make a will to one another with sabr / patience, and make a will to one another with marhamah / state of conceiving or conceptualising (the knowledge). 

90.18    Those are the companions (thoughts of the pure mind) of maimanah / receive by the right (right actions based on truth, natural law and morality).  

90.19    And those who kafaru / rejected with Our ayaati / signs, they are the companions (thoughts of the agitated mind) of the left (wrongful actions based on falsehood) 

90.20    Upon them is narun / an internal conflict (that burn an-nas) enclosed. 



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