Six Stages / Phases / Moments Pertaining To Evolutions Of An Nas

Sittati ayyaamin essentially is the six phases that one has to go through when one is undergoing the transformation processes in the evolution of his an-nas / agitated mind towards achieving a pure and peaceful state of mind.  The state of pure and peaceful state of mind essentially is the process of removing the barriers that cover the light.  When there are barriers then there is darkness but when the barriers are removed, there is light.  When there is light then you can see the truth.  When you can see the truth, you will put the knowing into practice and achieve purity and peaceful state of mind.  Your Rabb is Allah and Allah will settled upon the arsh, the structure comprising all the six elements of phases of transformation as stated in surah Al 'Araf 7.54.  There are two categories involved in the transformation.  Category one involve two phases of seeking purity in an-nas / the agitated mind where the underlying principle is to take security in Allah and do not set up rivals with Him (HQ 41.9).  Purity here is in the sense of dissolving the egoistic and self interest experiences dwelled in our memory.  While the underlying principles of the four stages / phases / moements in category two, being the archetypes (as templates of mental behaviour) are phases that emerge as a result of success of transformation phases in category one.  The six stages / phases / moments are as follows :

i)      Nar / brightness is covered by laili

ii)     Laili / darkness drawn away 

iii)    Yadlubuhu hathithan / seeks continually 

iv)    Qamar / illusory (go away) 

v)      Shamsa / clarity 

vi)     Nujum / sparkling of revelation

Together, all the six phases in two categories form the arsh / structure of evolution.  Then Allah concluded the consciousness as the higher consciousness (all together seven) after the process of transformation with the emergence of clarity and preservation. 


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman). 

7.54    Indeed, your Rabb / Lord is Allah who has khalaqa / evolved samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness in six ayyamin / stages / phases / moments, then He settled upon the arsh / structure. He draws the laili / darkness (barriers) covering over the nar / brightness, which seeks it continually; and the shamsa / state of luminosity (clarity) and the qamar / illusory and the nujum / sparkling (of revelation) are subservient by His command; to Him is the khalqu / evolution and the command. Tabaraka Allah / Glory to Allah, Rabb / Lord of the 'aalamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge

41.9    Say: “Indeed, do you latakfuru / (surely) reject with the One who has khalaqa / evolved the ardh / lower consciousness in two stages / phases / moments and you set up andadan / rivals to Him (the first stage / phase where nar is covered by laili and second stage where laili start to be drawn away). That is the Rabb / Lord of the aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge.” 

41.10    And He placed in it rawasiya / established understanding from fawqiha / above it, and baraaka / blessings in it and measured in it aqwaataha / it's control in four stages / phases / moments ( the four stages / phases that are subservient to Allah's command), to satisfy those who ask. 

41.12    Then He concluded them into seven samaawaat / higher consciousness in two stages / phases / moments, and He inspired in each samaa'in / higher consciousness its affair.  And We adorned the samaa'a / higher consciousness the dunya / close attachments with masobiha / emergence of clarity, and hifzhan / a preserver. Such is the measure of the Mighty, the Knowledgeable. 






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