
Al Qalam is the pen that writes. The pen signifies a tool that expresses the content of your soul. The content of your soul includes, among other things, accumulated knowledge, likes and dislikes, beliefs and rejections, personalities, and more. It is important to observe that the pen writes truthfully, reflecting what your Cherisher dictates. Allah established that the truth is from your Rabb (Lord), and you will be out of favor if your Rabb is hidden from your awareness.  When your Rabb is hidden, that is you are not conscious of Him anymore, then the cherisher is not your Rabb because at this point, your Cherisher is taghut.  As such the pen will not be governed by the truth. 
Your struggle is not to find the truth because your Rabb will reveal the truth to you.  But your struggle is not to interfere, associate, impure, innovate, reject and so on with the truth when it is revealed.  It is by the nature of a conditioned mind that it is inclined to respond to the stimuli or situations in accordance to what it is conditioned.  Thus in the act of cherishing for writing the content of the soul, the mind must be silent to accept the truth as is.  Then you will have the true insights and forthwith, a great evolutionary process can take place.

A conditioned mind is deceptive.  It is made of accumulated knowledge and thoughts conceived by its conditioning.  A conditioned mind always want you to obey their command and it wants you to compromise the truth.  It could be sharp tongued or sweet talking, rude, criticizing, condemning, cruel and so on.  So separate and silent the chatting of the conditioned mind and be aware of the need of knowledge and make an effort to swim in what is revealed to you by your Rabb.  In conclusion,  Allah revealed that the state of awareness is the prerequisite to success and the state of awareness will establish they are knowledge that are factual with empirical evidence.   

(The pen that write content of the soul).

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated hidden meaning to it's name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide the abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman).

68.1    Nun (signify self, psyche, me).  By the pen (that write) and what they generate (self generating the content of our soul).

68.2    You are not with favour of your Rabb / Lord with majnun / souls hidden from awareness.

68.3    And indeed for you surely a reward without mamnun / struggle when you are weak 

68.4    And surely you are upon a great evolutionary process. 

68.5    So you will have insight and they will have insight.

68.6    Which of you are the afflicted one?

68.7    Indeed, your Rabb / Lord is most knowing of who has gone astray from His way, and He is most knowing of the guided one.

68.8    Then do not obey the one who lied (those who have gone astray).

68.9    They wish that you should compromise with them, so they would compromise with you, 

68.10    And do not obey every worthless habitual swearer.

68.11    Hammazin / a sharp tongue (the habitual swearer) going about criticising.

68.12    A preventer (the habitual swearer) for the good, a transgressor, a disobedient.

68.13    Cruel, after that (as a result of this evil trait), an evil disaster.  

68.14    Because (he) is possessor of malin / accumulated knowledge and banin / thoughts conceived (out of it).

68.15    When Our ayaati / signs are recited to him, (he) says (it is) an old unfounded stories. 

68.16    We will stigmatise him (with feeling of shame) on the face.

68.17    Indeed, We have tried them as We tried the companions (thoughts of the pure mind) of jannatin / the hidden garden of knowledge when they share labashri / the fruits (of the hidden knowlegde) attained (to) mushbihin / the ones in their early swim of the hidden knowledge. 

68.18    And (the hidden knowledge attained) not folded up (or concealed).

68.19    Fathofa / going over and over upon it a tho'ifun / overpowering from your Rabb / Lord while they were asleep / inactive. 

68.20    So it happened as if an accomplishment.

68.21    So they call for mushbihin / the ones who is in their early swim of the hidden knowledge. 

68.22    That the propects (of enlightenment) on you are examined, that you would accomplish (the enlightenment).

68.23    So they talaqu / separated and they became silent (the chatting mind became silent). 

68.24    That it will not be comprehended the moment of miskinun / needy of knowledge.

68.25    And prospects are on the pursuit according to the capability. 

68.26    But when they saw it (the truth), they said indeed we (have) surely gone astray.  

68.27    Rather ( instead), we have been deprived (in a state prohibited or not prepared to receive the truth).

68.28    The awsatuhum / best among them said, "Did I not say to you, why did not you tusabbihun / swim along (make an effort to swim in Allah's ocean of knowledge). 

68.29    They said, "Subhana Rabbina / My Lord who possess the abundant knowledge, indeed we were wrongdoers".

68.30    So accepted some of them over others (who) yatalaawamun / blaming each other.

68.31    They said, "Woe to us, surely we were taghina / taking security in falsehood.

68.32    Hopefully our Rabb / Lord change for us a better one from it.  Surely to our Rabb / Lord we turn eagerly. 

68.33    Such is the punishment.  And the punishment of the aakhirah / ending is greater, if they only knew. 

68.34    Indeed, for the muttaqeen / those mindful / those conscious in the nearness of their Lord are the Jannatin / hidden garden of knowledge. 

68.35    Then will We treat the muslimin / those who submit (with their unfeterred logical mind), like the mujrimin / one who violated the covenant? 

68.36    What is (the matter) with you? How do you judge? 

68.37    Or do you have a scripture in which you learn. 

68.38    That indeed for you are whatever you choose? 

68.39    Or for you aymaanun / rights (to have experiences based on factual knowledge is) upon Us to deliver, extending until the moment of the qiyamah / establishment, that indeed for you is whatever you judge? 

68.40    Ask them which of them (that you judge), for that (claim), is responsible.

68.41    Or do they have partners? Then let them bring their partners, if they should be truthful.

68.42    The moment the saqin / agenda yuksyafu / will be unveiled and they are invited to the sujudi / submission (to the true knowledge) but they will not be able,

68.43    Their absaruhum / insight humbled, zillatun / lowness in spirit will cover them. And they used to be invited to sujudi / submission while they were sound.

68.44    So leave Me, with (the matter of) whoever denies the hadis / representation (of the lower consciousness). We will let them go their way from where they do not know. 

68.45    And I will give them respite. Indeed, My plan is firm. 

68.46    Or do you ask of them a compensation? So they from maghramin / discharge what was preponderance (heavy burden)? 

68.47    Or the ghaibu / knowledge of the hidden, is deviating them, so they write (it) down (in memory)? 

68.48    Then be patient for the hukmi / judgment of Rabbika / your Lord, and be not like the companion of al huuti / where the mind going round (not giving any answer) when he (the higher self) called out while he was distressed. 

68.49    If not that a favor from his Rabb / Lord overtook him, he would have been exposed while he was condemned. 

68.50    Then his Rabb / Lord chose him and made him of as- solehin / those who correct their selves.

68.51    And indeed, those who kafaru / reject (ayaati / signs) would almost make you slip with their insight for what they listen (with) the zikra / divine masculine attributes, and they say, "Indeed, he is majnun / souls hidden from awareness." 

68.52    And it is not except zikrun / embodiment pf the divine masculine attribites to the aalamin / all the empirical factual knowledge.






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