A hadith is a thing that is new and finite in nature.  It has a beginning and an end.  Such a thing is transient, changing and impermanent.  It is created as object that our brain is capable to perceive using our sensory apparatus of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.  In this description, objects include thought and feelings.  A hadith cannot assume the role of the censor, the guide, the controller, the sustainer, the cherisher and the one that evolve an-nas / the agitated mind.  Nevertheless, a hadith is where you can find the ayaati / signs of Allah's message.  The ayaati / signs are revealed by Allah to those who are seeking the truth.  They are symbols that represent the reality.  Thus a hadith essentially is a representation that carry with it signs resembling the reality.  In and of itself, is not a reality.  It is a sign and a sign only point to the reality.  

In surah Az Zumar 39:23,  Allah described hadith as kitaban / an inherent script that is mutasyabihan / the one that resemble,  mathani / oft repeating.  When a hadith resembles the reality, it shares certain qualities or features. The concept of resemblance allows us to compare, classify and understand the qualities or features it represent even though they are different.   This is how Allah provides guidance to those who seek the guidance.  As for those who acknowledge the potential threat to them (if Allah does not provide guidance) and hold high value to understanding the reality, their firmness and qulub / pulling of affection to other than Allah, will soften when they understand the hadith.

In surah Al Baqarah 2:76 & An Nisa 4:42, Allah further described that in the hadith there are ayaati / signs or codes embedded that make its interpretation hidden.  Allah sends His rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) to decode the meaning embedded in the hadith.  To those who are aamanu / take security in Al Kitab,  they will perceive the hadith / representation with what Allah has fataha / decoded the meaning of the ayaati / signs / codes.  The reality is seen by observing what Allah reveals and not by own independent thinking.  Surely thoughts from independent thinking shall not be able to conceal the reality reveals by Allah.

In surah Yusuf 12:101, Allah established that it is He who is the originator of the lower consciousness (govern thoughts, images and sensations) and higher consciousness (hidden reality).   He revealed the ayaati / signs and taught us takwil / interpretation of the hadith / representation of the reality.  With the acceptance of the ayaati / signs and understanding of the interpretation of hadith, Allah guides us to correct ourselves and evolve to become a muslim and return to Allah.  In surah Al Kahf 18:70, the instruction is to follow Khidr, the presence of our Rabb / Lord and do not engage to understand the interpretation of hadith / representation using our own independent thinking.  The faculty of our own independent thinking is used only after Allah has taught us its interpretation because our independent thinking is inclined to hastily conclude the interpretation of the hidden reality.   

This narrative is formulated from the observation of the following verses of the book Al Quran below.   

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman). 

2.76    And when they laqu / measure to determine as those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), they say, "Aamanna / we take security (in Al Kitab)", and when khola / alone (govern alone by own independent thinking), some of them among them, they say, "Atu haddisu / do they perceive the representation with what Allah has fataha / decoded the meaning (of the ayaati) upon you, that they may dispute with you about it, in the nearnest of your Rabb / Lord?"  Will you then not use reason ?  

4:42    That moment, those who kafaru / rejected (Al Kitab) and disobeyed the rasul / inner voice (that deliver the message) will tusawwa / equate with them of the lower consciousness.  And they la-yaktumuna / will not be able to conceal from Allah a hadisan / representation of reality.

4:78    Wherever you are, almauta / ending the dissociation will yudrikkumu / seize / catches you and even if you were in burujin / prominent,  mushayyadah / elevated state (in terms of knowledge of the truth).  And if goodness reaches them they say this is from the nearness of Allah.  And if hurt / badness reaches them, they say this is from your nearness.  Say all are from the nearness of Allah.  Then what is for these qaumi / group of established thoughts that they are not near enough to understand hadisan / representation (of which there is reality behind the  perception of matter).   

12.101    “My Rabb / Lord, without doubt You have given me from the mulki / kingdom of authority and taught me from takwil / interpretation of ahadis / representation of the reality.  Originator of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and al ardh / lower consciousness, You are my waliyyi / protector in this duniya / close attachments and the aakhirah / ending (of attachments).  Tawaffani / complete me as musliman / one who has submitted, and join me with the saalihin / those who correct themselves.”  

18:70    (Khidr / the presence of your Rabb) said, "Then if you follow me, then do not ask me about anything (the mind must be silent) until I uhditha / relate (the meaning behind the perception) to you from it's zikran / remembrance." 

39.23     Allah has revealed the best hadith / representation of reality, kitaban / an inherent script mutasyabihan / one that resemble, mathani / oft repeated (frequently repeated inherent script).  Those who yakhshawna / fear (acknowledge the potential threat when there is no guidance) their Rabb / Lord they shiver from it's juludu / firmness, then their juludu / firmness and their qulub / pulling of affection soften up to the remembrance of Allah. Such is the guidance of Allah; He guides with it whoever wills (to be guided). And whoever Allah let go astray, then not for him any guidance.

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