(The gathering of thoughts)

Subhanallah, praise be to Allah for granting His servant approval to navigate the vast ocean of knowledge encompassing both higher and lower consciousness. The higher consciousness is the domain for the absolute truth, giving rise to revelations delivered by our inner voices imbued with intelligence. Meanwhile, the lower consciousness is where truth is perceived and understanding of it is developed. It is Allah who raised the rusul, inner voices, to deliver the truth with motherly, divine feminine support, imbued with unconditional love, compassion, and care. Their duties are to recite the signs, facilitate spiritual development, impart the inherent script, and provide factual evidence. 

The Tawrah is a set of natural laws, binding and immutable in nature, governing the behavioral conditions of all beings. Our behavioral choices within these natural laws will manifest consequences, whether moral or immoral, reflecting our deeds as either right or wrong.  Therefore, comprehending and harmonizing our behavioral conduct with the Tawrah (natural law) is pivotal for success. The functioning of natural law can be unveiled and comprehended through its observable, measurable, and repeatable effects in our reality. Put differently, understanding natural law forms the basis of a moral science, independent of belief or faith. Whether one believes in these laws or not is inconsequential, as they exist as definitively as any physical law, such as gravity, which we routinely acknowledge in our daily lives.

This surah serves as a reminder that conceiving the Tawrah (natural law) without integrating good moral behavior is akin to indulging in sensations about what you conceive, yet in reality, you conceive nothing but emptiness. It is tantamount to denying Allah's signs, resulting in a lack of guidance from your Rabb. The same principle applies to those who approach understanding and adhering to the Tawrah with leniency and ease, as their actions and experiences will stray far from good moral behavior.

The distinction between right and wrong behavior is objective, meaning it exists independently of human perceptions or opinions. This difference in behavior is inherent in nature and remains consistent regardless of subjective human viewpoints. Morality is not influenced by feelings, belief, location, time, or human-made laws. These factors do not affect true morality. What is considered moral in one place and time remains moral across all places and times, while what is deemed immoral in one place or time is universally immoral, regardless of circumstances. Allah is the knower of the unseen and to Allah we shall return.  

When the moment arrives for you to consolidate hidden the message and to establish the truth in the lower consciousness, embody the divine masculine attributes (like focus, logic, assertive, brave) abundantly so that you may succeed. And when thoughts arise concerning the rewards for your deeds or inclination towards other amusing activities, do not rush into them. So detach all attachments of the duniya and reach for the lifeless state of your rational thinking.  What Allah possesses transcends all attachments and your logical thoughts, offering a reality far superior.


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman). 

62.1    Yusabbihu lillah / swim (explore) for the abundant knowledge of Allah, whatever in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and whatever in the ardh / lower consciousness, the malikil quddus / holy sovereign authority (where the body, mind and soul is one ruler one authority) of the Mighty, the Wise. 

62.2    He is the One who raise (reveals the hidden knowledge) in the ummiyyeen / motherly supports (divine feminine support of unconditional love, care and compassion), rasulan / an inner voice (that deliver the message) from from among them, to recite to them His ayaati / signs, and yuzakkihim / to embody divine masculine energy (like focus, logic, assertive and brave), and teach them the Kitab / inherent script and the hikmah / factual understanding with proofs and certainly from before this, they were in clear astray. 

62.3    And others from among them (those who are not in clear astray) are those who has not yet joined with them (before the jumu'ah / gathering).  And He is the Mighty, the Wise. 

62.4    That is fadlu / an advantage given by Allah, which He bestows upon whoever wills.  And Allah is Possessor of Infinite fadhli / bestower of advantage. 

62.5    The example of those who hummilu / conceived the Tawrah / natural law (which govern the behavioral consequences),  but then has not conceived her (good moral behaviour from it), is like the himari yahmilu / burning sensation of carrying (conception) asfara / in state of absence (zero / blank mind). Miserable indeed is the example of the qaum / group of thoughts who denied the ayaati / signs of Allah. And Allah does not guide qaum / group of thoughts who are the zhaalimin / unjust (those who remain in darkness, trapped by the barriers constructed by their own logical minds) 

62.6    Say: “O you who are hadu / lenient  (laid-back and easy going towards At Tawrah / the natural law), if you claim that you are the awliya' / guardian of Allah's (At Tawrah) from besides an-nas / the agitated mind, then you should wish for the mauta / lifeless state (of an-nas so that you end your dissociation) if you are truthful!” 

62.7    And they will never wish for it ever, because of what their hands (actions and experiences) have delivered. Allah is fully aware with those who are zhalimin / unjust (those who remain in darkness, trapped by the barriers constructed by their own logical minds)

62.8    Say: “Surely the mauta / lifeless state that you are fleeing from, it will surely come to find you. Then you will be returned to the Knower of all ghaibi / knowledge of the unseen and the syahadah / witnessed, then He will inform you of everything you had done.” 

62.9    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), when the salaah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) is called from moment of the jumu'ah / gathering (the content of your consiousness), then you shall strive towards zikkri / embodiment of the divine masculine attributes of Allah (like focus, logic, assertive, courageous, and so on), and leave the bai'a / exchange (of thoughts from your rational thinking because the delivery of truth will take its place naturally). This is better for you, if only you ta'lamun / understand. 

62.10    Then, when the salaat / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) is decreed, you shall spread out in the ardh / lower consciousness and seek from fadhli / advantage given by Allah, and izkuru / embody the divine masculine attributes of Allah in abundant, that you may succeed (breaking the frontiers of consciousness). 

62.11    And when they come across tijaratan / an exchange deal (for reward) or lahwan / diverted amusing situation, they rush to it and leave you standing! Say: “What Allah possesses is far better than the lahwi / diverted amusing situation and from tijarah / exchange deal.  And Allah is the best Provider.” 


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