(The One Who Examine)


Al Mumtahina surah discusses the intensive self-examination or imtahina, where a person evaluates his own voices are not overpowering the voice of the Nabi in the act of pronouncing and establishing the truth and lower than the rasul in the aspect of delivering the message from the Rabb / Lord.  Those who exhibit taqwa or mindfulness of Allah, are the ones who do not overpower over the Nabi and lower their voices before the rasul.  On the other hand, those who allow their established encircling thoughts to overpower the nabi and overtake the rasul are the ones whose hearts have been examined by Allah as those who have given up their aakhirah or ending just like the kuffaru or rejecters who buried their true selves.  These entrenched thoughts become dominant due to having resided in the memory for an extended period.

If a mukminaat, one who desires to overcome the overpowering encircling thoughts comes to you to make allegiance (submit) to the rasul, examine them to ensure and establish that the removal of the supression is secured on Al Kitab / the inherent script, the truth from the Rabb / Lord.   If we determine that their iman or faith is rooted in Al Kitab, we cannot permit them to revert to the rejecters.

This act involves examining and identifying the domination of encircling thoughts that has settled in our an-nas / the (our) agitated mind.   Domination of encircling thoughts refers to negative thoughts or inner negative urges that plague our mind and cause them to act in ways that are harmful to ourselves and others.  These thoughts may include feelings of anger, envy, insecurity or other negative emotions that can become all-consuming and hinder a person's ability to think and act rationally.  The term domination suggests that these thoughts have crossed a boundary or limit, and are encircling or surrounding the person's mind, influencing their behaviour and decisions dominantly with command and authority.  Allah asked us, "How can we secretly love them ?"  Allah also said that He is fully aware of what we conceal and what we declare.  On the moment of Judgment (accountability), Allah, who sees everything you do, will reveal the truth about the thoughts you have formed and ideas you have brought into this world, and how they have impacted you.  Your connection to negative thoughts will not be of any benefit to you, as Allah is the ultimate judge who will expose the reality.

On the other hand, it is permissible to cultivate positive encircling thoughts and intentions towards seeking Allah's approval and success in aakhirah / ending.  In fact, having positive thoughts can have a profound impact on our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.  They motivate us to engage in acts of good deeds, strive for personal growth and development, and maintain a positive outlook on life. 

O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), do not tatawallau / make domination (with) a qaum / group of thoughts with whom Allah is angry; for they have given up regarding the aakhirah / ending, just like the kuffaru / rejecters from ashhabil qubur / companions of those whose true selves are buried (concealed).  

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman). 

60.1    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), do not take 'aduwwi / established transgressed encircling thoughts and aduwwakum / your transgressed encircling thoughts as allies (having command and authority over you). You extend to them with love, and certainly they have rejected with what came to you from the truth. They drive you and the rusula / inner voices (that deliver the message) out, essentially you tu'minu / take security in Allah, your Rabb / Lord. If you are mobilising to strive in My cause, seeking My blessings, then how can you secretly love them? I am fully aware of everything you conceal and what you declare. And whoever of you does this, then he has gone astray from the right path. 

60.2    If they (the encircling thoughts) encounter you, they treat you as 'adaa'an / enemies, and they extend their hands (to assist) and tongues (to agree) with evil and they desire that you would reject. 

60.3    Never tanfa'akum / will benefit you arhamukum / thoughts you conceived and awladukum / thoughts you gave birth to; on the yawmal qiyamah / moment of accountability (the dissolution of izhamah / established illusory thoughts), He will explain between you.  And Allah is Seer of what you do. 

60.4    Indeed, there is uswatun hasanah / a good resolution to your ethical dilemmas (conflicting moral principles and values) set for you in Ibrahim / one who is inclined to Allah's system of education, and those with him, when they said to their qaum / group of established thoughts: “Certainly, (we are) buraa'un / absolved (free from obligation to look at) from you and what you serve from besides Allah. We have rejected with you, and it appears that there shall be animosity and hatred between us and you until you take security in Allah alone.” Except for the saying of Ibrahim / one who is inclined to Allah's system of education, to abihi / his fatherly support (independent logical mind): “I will ask forgiveness for you, but I do not possess any power to protect you from Allah.” “Our Rabb / Lord, we have put our trust in You, and we turn to You, and to You is the final destiny.” 

60.5    “Our Rabb / Lord, do not let us become fitnatan / a trial for those who rejected, and forgive us. Our Lord, You are the Noble, the Wise ( in all the empirical and factual knowledge).” 

60.6    Certainly, (there is) for you in them uswatun hasanah / a good resolution to your ethical dilemmas (conflicting moral principles and values) for whoever seek Allah and the yawmal aakhirah / moment of ending.  And whoever turns away, then certainly Allah is Self-sufficient, the Praiseworthy. 

60.7    Perhaps Allah will grant that from them compassion between you and those you consider enemies; and Allah is Capable. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. 

60.8    Allah does not yanhaakumu / stop you about those who do not fight you in the (your) deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment), nor drove you from your diyaarikum / mental homes, that you deal kindly and equitably with them.  Certainly, Allah loves the equitable. 

60.9    Indeed, Allah does stop you regarding those who fought you in the (your) deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment) and drove you out of diyaarikum / your mental homes, and zhohiru / declared your expulsion about make them tawallau / dominance (having control and authority over your nafs).  And whoever yatawallau / make domination with them, then they are the zolimun / wrong-doers. 

60.10    O you who aamanu / take security (in Allah), when come to you the mukminaat /  those who take securiyu (by receiving revelation from Allah with intuitive mind) muhaajiraati / those who conceal or suppress (from state of negative encircling thoughts), then imtahinuhunna / you shall examine them. Allah is fully aware with their imaanihinna / faith (of taking security in Al Kitab).  Thus, if you (know) establish that they are mukminaati / those who take security (by receiving revelation from Allah with intuitive mind), then you shall not return them to the kuffari / rejecters. They are no longer permissible for one another. And give them what they have anfaqu / self-experience (the reform by putting into practice).  And there is no junaha / inclination to wrong-doing upon you tankihuhunna / to intermingle with them, when you have given them their rewards.   And do not tumsiku / hold on defending the kawafiri / rejecters, and ask back what anfaqtum / you have self experienced (the reform). And let them ask back what they anfaqu / has self-experienced (the reform).  Such is hukmu of Allah; He judges between you.  And Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise. 

60.11    And if any from azwaajikum / pair (zakara / divine masculine attributes and unsa / divine feminine attributes faatakum / have escaped you, gone over to the kuffari / rejecters, fa'aqabtum / then your consequences come, then give those azwaajuhum / their pair (zakara and unsa) that have escaped misla / like what anfaqu / self-experienced (the reform).   And ittakullah / be mindful of Allah, it is He with Him you (become) mukminin / one who take security (in Al Kitab). 

60.12    O nabbiyu / who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib), when come those who take security in Al Kitab wants to make allegiance to you that they will not set up anything with Allah, and not becoming yasriq / unperceivable, and not yazinin / intermingling truth with falsehood, and not yaqtulna awlaadahunna / kill thoughts conceived and ideas given birth to (except with haq), and not bring bibuhtaani / an amazement (in a state of mind that you do not see the right course) they invent, between their hands (what they have the capability to do) and arjuluhinna / what they can independently do (analysis, reason and rationalization), and not disobey in ma'ruf / what is fact that is known and acknowledged, then you shall accept their allegiance, and ask Allah to forgive them. Allah is Forgiver, Merciful. 

60.13    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), do not tatawallau / make domination (with) a qaum / group of thoughts with whom Allah is angry; for they have given up regarding the aakhirah / ending, just like the kuffaru / rejecters from ashhabil qubur / companions of those whose true selves are buried (thoughts of the agitated mind concealed the true self). 



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