(Direct Experience Of Reality)


The moment you understand and comprehend the hidden truth embedded in the ayaati / signs revealed by Allah, you essentially acquire the knowledge of Saa'ah, which gives you the ability to put it into practice and have a direct experience of it. Thus, Saa'ah is the moment you directly experience reality. This experience is termed as a first-person experience because it is something you must discover and experience for yourself. For example, consider the understanding and comprehension of oneness necessary for 'La Ilaha Illa Allah.' With this understanding established, you can then put it into practice and engage in a direct experience of the oneness of Allah – the realization that there is no reality except Him, the absolute and fundamental reality of being. The truth is revealed by Allah from a higher consciousness for a direct experience of oneself in the lower consciousness.

What is this truth all about? It is about biliqaillah, meeting Allah. Those who deny meeting Allah are the losers, as they have not been guided. As such, in Surah Kahfi 18:36, Saa'ah, the direct experience of reality, is observed as a state of returning to Allah.

This narration on Saa'ah, the direct experience of reality, is based on observations made in the following verses of the Quran.

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman). 

6.31    Surely, khosira / losers are those who kazzabu / have lied with their meeting with Allah; until when the saa'ah / direct experience of reality comes to them baghtatan / unexpectedly,  they say: “We deeply regret over what farratna / we have neglected in it,” and they yahmilu / will conceive their burdens on their backs; unquestionably evil is what their burden (is). 

6.40    Say: “Have you seen if the punishment of Allah comes to you, or the saa'ah / direct experience of reality comes to you, is it other than Allah that you call, if you are sodiqin / truthful ?”

7.187    They ask you regarding the saa'ah / direct experience of reality: “When  mursaaha / its understanding established?” Say: “Certainly its knowledge is with my Rabb / Lord, none can yujalliha / make evident / make obvious for waktiha / its coming except He. It is thakulat / arduos / not easy through the samaawaati / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness; it will not come to you except baghtatan / unexpectedly.” They ask you, as if you are hafiyyun / think highly of (responsible) for it! Say: “Its knowledge is with Allah, but most of an-nas / the agitated mind do not know.”

9.117    Surely Allah has pardoned the nabiyyi / the one who pronounce and establish the truth and the muhajirin / the one who migrated or transformed and the ansar / helpers / supporters who had followed him in saa'ati al 'usrati / the difficulties in the experiential moment of reality, from after what the hearts of some of them nearly deviated, but then He pardoned them.  He is towards them Compassionate, Rahim / Merciful for approving the revelation of the knowledge. 

10.45    And the moment He will gather them, save saa'atan / direct inner experience of reality from an-nahar / the presence of light (for the insights to the knowledge of truth), they will recognize one another.  Surely, losers will be those who have denied meeting Allah, and they have not been guided. 

10.49    Say: “I do not possess authority for nafsin / my self / soul any harm or benefit except mashaAllah / what Allah wills.  For every ummah / foundation of a motherly course is ajalin / a term. When their time comes, then they cannot delay saa'ah / direct experience of reality,  nor advance it.”  

12.107    Are they secured against the coming of ghashiyatun / an enveloping / overwhelming azab / punishment from Allah, or that the sa'atu / experiential moment of reality will come to them baghtatan / unexpectedly while they do not perceive?  

18.21    And similarly, We make known upon them so they would know that the wa'dalaah / covenant or promise of Allah is true and that of the saa'ata / direct experience of reality (with meeting Allah from a first person perspective) there is no doubt in it when they nazak / in agony among themselves about their affair and said, "Construct over them a structure. Their Rabb / Lord knows about them." Said those who prevailed (victorious) in the matter, "We will surely take over them masjidan / a state of prostration or submission." 

18.36    And I do not think the saa'ata / direct experience of reality (with meeting Allah on a first person perspective) will qaa'imah / occur / stand.  And even if I should be brought back to my Rabb / Lord, I will surely find better than this as a return (said the unjust)."

43.61    And indeed he, surely is ilmun / a knowledge for saa'ati / direct experience of reality (with meeting Allah).  So have no doubt about it and follow Me.  This is sirothum mustaqim / a straight path.  


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