Sabbath is the equilibrium of an inner peace.  When there is balance of the opposing forces that maintain the equilibrium, then there is inner peace.  The disrupting act commences when the bani Israel / those who construct their spiritual journey seeking the guidance, turn away from their obligation to fulfill their covenant with Allah which is, to stimulate the righteous act of reform from the nourishment of guidance received from their Rabb / Lord.  Thus Sabbath is the balance between the opposing forces of righteous act of reform and the forces that degrade the nafs / soul / self.  The balance is disturbed when the forces to reform diminish (as a result of turning away) and consequentially tiring in managing disorders of a monkey mind. 

This narration on sabbath / equilibrium of an inner peace is from observation made on the following verses of the book Al Quran.


(Equilibrium Of A Peaceful Mind)

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman). 

2.65    And surely you knew about those who i'tadaw / disrupted / transgressed from among you in sabti / equilibrium of a peaceful mind, and We said to them, "Be qiradatan / apes (that is, monkey mind), despised".    

4.154    And We raised the thur / mount (signifying the weighty magnitude of the covenant) above them by the covenant they took, and We said to them: “Enter the bab / door (of the covenant) in sujjadan / humility / submissive.” And We said to them: “Do not ta'du / disrupt the sabti / equilibrium in a peaceful mind;” and We took from them a solemn (genuine) covenant. 

7.163    And ask them about the qaryah / cluster of established thoughts (of an agitated mind) which al bahri / ocean of knowledge was hadirat / present, when they ya'duna / disrupt in sabti / equilibrium of a peaceful mind; when came to them hitanuhum / knowledge that swim around (enticing ) openly the moment of their sabti / equilibrium of a peaceful mind, and when they are not yasbituna / in equilibrium, they do not come to them! It is such that We afflicted them for what they defiantly disobeyed. 

25.47    And He is the One who made for you the laila / barriers that bring darkness libasan / a cover, and nauma / sleep / unaware subatan / an equilibrium of a peaceful mind, and He made the nahar / uplifted barriers that bring light, nushuran / unfolded / aware. 






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