(The Sincerest)


Allah is the fundamental absolute reality of being. His being is unique, with no comparison, and He is indivisible. His oneness encompasses all of reality. The book Al Quran designates the world of reality as ghaiba/unseen, while the world of matters is a realm of representation that serves as ayaati, signs to the world of ghaiba. The book Al Quran uses metaphors extensively to explain the conceptualize spiritual domain and Allah teaches the nafs/soul by revealing signs (of the metaphors) in the world of representation. These signs do not stand independently; essentially, they point to the reality that they represent.

The world of matter is not created by Allah. The whole universe exist in our mind. Our mental screen of perception generates thoughts, which are the products of our own mental activities, and give birth to the physical world. There is no true reality or being except Him. His being is not a construct of our minds; it is the essential, uncreated truth.

Occasionally, our thoughts accumulate unsubstantiated, baseless, incorrect assumptions, distorted information, and myths. It is Allah who guides and transforms those seeking self-improvement, dissolving these falsehoods and ego-driven beliefs so that the mind becomes pure and free from impurities generating the physical world as commanded by Allah. He is Allah. There is nothing like the likeness of Him.

The sincerest of all receive the knowledge of the truth, understand and attain the insights, and develop the skills to evolve towards a higher self in higher consciousness, saying Allah encompasses in unity (ahad), the only recourse to turn to (the samad), does not produce nor is He produced (lam yalid walam yulad), and nothing is equivalent to His encompassing oneness (walam yakullahu kufuwan ahad).  


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated hidden meaning to it's name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide the abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman).

112.1    Say: “He is Allah, ahadun / oneness that encompass His realities (no thing is with Him - tawhid),” 

112.2    “Allah, the samad / only recourse to turn to (that you rely upon),” 

112.3    “He does not yalid / produce (manifest as in creating other than Him), nor was He yulad / produced (manifested as in created pysically and mentally by others),”  

112.4    “And there is no-thing for Him kufuwan / an equivalent, ahadu/ oneness that encompass His realties.” 


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