(One Who Is Wrapped In Confusion)


In the realm of spirituality, attachment weaves through the threads of our emotion, physical, mental and spiritual being.  Emotional attachment binds us to fleeting sentiments, while physical attachment tethers us to the tangible world around us. Mental attachment entwines our thoughts with persistent patterns, and spiritual attachment connects us to a higher, transcendent reality. Our attachments often lead to suffering.  Detachment, however, liberate ourselves from the chains of the turbulence.  The freedom that comes with detachment allows us to navigate life’s challenges with grace and serenity.  It grants us the ability to respond, not react to the ebb and flow of existence (recurring pattern of decline and growth).  The essence of detachment lies in the power of letting go. When we loosen our grip on the things and ideas we cling to, we create space for new opportunities and experiences to flow into our lives. It is akin to cleansing our spiritual vessel making room for abundance, peace and true fulfillment.

Allah designates those wrapped in attachments as those mired in confusion.  When ensnared by confusion, their lives become entangled in difficulties. Those enshrouded in confusion solidify their existence in all aspects, be it in their thoughts, ideas, or future planning.  Their words and actions emanate from the realm of darkness, devoid of guidance from their Rabb / Lord, leading to minimal understanding.  The light they receive is fractured, resulting in fragmented enlightenment.

Indeed, to enhance our knowledge and enlightenment, we must fully comprehend the Quran, the expression of truth that originated solely from our Rabb / Lord. This awareness will add substantial weight to our efforts to navigate in His abundant knowledge and understand the Quran. An essential component for success is to embody the masculine attributes of Allah, such as linearity, logic, focus, and assertiveness, while detaching from our own conditioned masculine faculties driven by desire and ego. Once we have honed the skills of Allah's masculine attributes and dismantled the barriers, light will shower upon us, providing guidance and clarity from the darkness. There is no reality of being except Him. 

Essentially, the moment you find yourself enveloped in confusion (muzzammil), it signifies that your lower consciousness and those deeply ingrained, fixed-headed thoughts (long-established thoughts ingrained with a superiority complex) are disturbed by your own manufactured conditioned masculine attributes. Similar to the story of Musa and Firaun, in such instances, Allah will send a rasul, inner voice to deliver a message. Those who reject the rasul, Allah will seize their conditioned masculine attributes and understanding, leaving them in a dark hole of ignorance, inevitably facing painful punishment as their higher consciousness breaks apart. 

Indeed, the lesson to be gleaned from this surah is to completely detach from our self-crafted masculine attributes and embrace Allah's divine masculine attributes. Henceforth, immerse ourself in the Quran bestowed upon us by Allah, utilizing our connection to access Al Kitab, our inherent script, with a clear and serene mind. 

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carry an elevated hidden meaning to it's name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide the abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek the education through Ar Rahman). 

73.1    O you who the muzzammil / one who is wrapped in difficulties (in confusion),

73.2    (The one who) Establish the laila / darkness (without clarity), except qalilan / a little (understanding),

73.3    Nishfahu / part of it, or unqush / fractured light (fragmented clarity) from it, qalilan / a little (gives little enlightenment)

73.4    Or zid / increase over it (knowledge and enlightenment), and rattili / recite to understand wholly the Qur'an / expresson of the truth, tartilan / a wholeness from source consciousness. 

73.5    Indeed, We sanulqi / will cast (as a result of rattili) over you thaqilan / a weighty importance, qaulan / a saying.

73.6    Indeed, wath'an / preparation for naashi'ata / development (to understand the Quran) of the laili / darkness are more stronger and aqwamu qilan / established saying.

73.7    Indeed, in the nahaari / clear (understandable situation) for you is sabhan thowilan / a swim (in the abundant knowledge that is) stretched out (in its understanding).

73.8    And uzkuri / embody divine masculine faculty (of Allah, that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) of the name of your Rabb / Lord and tabattal / detach (your own manufactured masculine faculty to Him with tabtilan / a (full) detachment.

73.9    Rabb / Lord of the mashriqi / illuminated state (with guidance from state of darkness / without guidance) and the maghribu / state of darkness (without guidance from state of illumination / with guidance); there is no ilaha / reality 
(mental construct of self-image and control that you worship and that enslave you) except Him, so take Him as wakilan / a trusted disposer of affairs.

73.10    And be patient over what they say and abandon them (your own manufactured masculine faculty) with a beautiful abandonment.

73.11    And leave Me with the mukazzibin / deniers of those virtue of blessings, and mahilhum / allow them to leave slowly (a little by little).

73.12    Indeed, with Us are anakaalan / a punishment to take heed towards and jahiman / a dark hole of ignorance

73.13    And tho'aaman / a consumption (knowledge of own conditioned masculine faculty) that ghusshotin / is confused (suffocated) and azaban aliman / a painful punishment

73.14    Moment (of being wrapped in confusion) the ardh / lower consciousness and the jabaalu / fixed headed tarjufu / are disturbed (with conditioned masculine faculty) and the fixed headed kathiban mahilan / a rapid state of accumulation (piled up of fixed headed).

73.15    Indeed, We have sent to you rasulan / an inner voice (that deliver the message) as a witness upon you like We sent towards firaun / dictator with superiority complex and negative thoughts, rasulan / an inner voice that deliver the message (which is Musa / one who is familiar with the truth).

73.16    But firaun / thoughts with superiority complex, disobeyed the rasula / inner voice that deliver the message, so We seized him (his masculine faculty and its understanding) akhzan wabilan /  a disastrous consequence seizure (understanding).

73.17    Then how can you tattaquna / be mindful (of your awareness), if kafartum / you reject, a moment that will make the wildaana / thoughts given birth to, shiban / an age old ingrained (an established belief that is difficult to change)?

73.18    The samaa'a / higher consciousness will break apart with it; ever is His promise fulfilled.

73.19    Indeed, this is tazkirah / a masculine faculty of Allah (that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive), so whoever wills may take towards his Rabb / Lord, sabilan / a way.

73.20    Indeed, your Lord knows, that you taqumu / establish adna / attachment (having intimate emotional, physical, mental and spiritual relationship without guidance) from a third of the laili / darkness (taking those not guided by Allah as attachments) and nishfahu / part of it and a third of it, and tho'ifatun / a group (of thoughts with fantasy) from those with you. And Allah measures the laila / darkness (without guidance) and the nahar / light (with guidance).  He has known that you will not be able to tuhshuhu / comprehend it so fataba / retrospect (turn) over you, so iqra'u / read what is easy in the Qur'an / expression of truth. He knows that there will be among you mardho / (in) state of disorder (sick, tired, in pain and short of knowledge) and others yadhribu / set in the ardh / lower consciousness seeking from fadhli / given advantage of Allah and others fighting (good over evil) for the cause of Allah . So iqra'u / read what is easy from it and establish salaat / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) and aatu / accomplish zakah / mental development and aqridu / detach to Allah a goodly (full) detachment. And whatever good you put forward for your anfus / selves, you will find it better with Allah and a greater reward. And seek forgiveness of Allah . Indeed, Allah is ghafurun / forgiving and rahimun / merciful (in approving the knowledge from higher consciousness).



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