(The Self Inquiry)


Al Baqarah is the self inquiry that takes us on an enchanting journey of self-discovery, where we embark on a spiritual quest to unravel the mystery of our true nature. It's all about peeling away the layers of wrong understanding, baseless understanding, distorted understanding moulded by our conditioned minds and uncovering what lies at the core, the pure essence of our being. Amidst the realm of representations and absolute reality, we also encounter the captivating illusions of otherness, brought to life by our mind, body, and soul. Al-kitab, an inherent script bestowed upon us by the Rabb, serves as our trusted compass. This sacred guidance leads our restless minds towards serenity, helping us discard the illusory trappings of otherness. This will dissolve false perceptions created by our psychological ego, self-centeredness, falsehoods, and misguided understandings. With these illusory aspects laid to rest, a remarkable transformation occurs. We witness the emergence of a singular reality, harmoniously uniting our heightened consciousness, its representations in the lower realms, and their interconnectedness within the grand tapestry of existence.

Allah described in Surah Al Baqarah verses 67 to 71 the baqarah, the self inquiry that bring you out from the state of ignorant to the state of awareness.  This action is self inflicting, not hastily done for early results and it is not achievable by imposition.  The guidance is represented by the ayaati / signs that resemble the truth.  Thus you will not be able to see the truth directly on a first person perspective.  The baqarah is free from the shades of a conditioned mind and it comes bright and pure with its freshness.  Baqarah is not easily achievable in the lower consciousness but can be accomplished by who obey Allah in sound and complete submission. 

Allah prohibits any results of executing baqarah / self inquiry by those who are hadu / lenient and not serious in their effort because the outcome will remain as representation in the lower consciousness, defective and confused.  Whatever gain out of it will not bring any security and happiness. 

This narration is formulated from the observation of the verses of the book Al Quran below. 

By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah, the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abundance of mercy for the abstract education system of the truth and the Raheem is the mercy for the approval of the education to those who seek it through Ar Rahman).  

Surah Al Baqara 2:67

Exposition :  And when Musa (one who is matured and familiar with the truth) said to his qaum / group of established thoughts, "Surely, Allah commands you to execute a baqara / self-inquiry." They (group of thoughts) said, "Are you huzuwa / disregarding / contempting us?" He (Musa) said, "I seek refuge in Allah that I be from al jahilin / the ignorant one”.

In this verse, Allah gives His command to us to execute the baqarah, self-inquiry.  Generally the self-inquiry is not taken seriously by many.  Majority assume that they already know the truth of who and what they are and there is no necessity to examine further the nature of their true self.  In surah Al Anaam 6 verse 146, Allah call this group of people as "hadu" that is those who are lenient to Allah's command.  They said to Musa "are you disregarding (mocking) us?" reflect their leniency to Allah's command.  Musa seek refuge in Allah from being the ignorant one signifying that the baqarah should be given the utmost importance as it will take you out of the state of ignorant to the state of awareness of the truth.

Surah Al Baqara 2:68

Exposition They said, "Call on your Rabb / Lord to make clear to us what it is.  (Musa) Said, "(Allah) Says, surely she is baqaratun /  a self-inquiry that is not faridun / imposed and not bikrun / hasten for early result, sought between that, do therefore what you are commanded.

The baqarah / self-inquiry is a self inquiry action and is not acievable if it is   faridun / imposed (including not through imposed self-discipline).  The execution of self-inquiry is to be accomplished on a willingly and likingly basis.  This characteric is followed by bikrun that is not to be hasty for early results in the investigation.  What we are commanded to do is to sought between the allowed free-will and not to impose attention hastily (by thoughts) for a quick result.  Stay calm for the revelation to appear.

Surah Al Baqara 2:69 

Exposition : They said, "Call upon your Rabb / Lord for us that He may clarify what luna / colour it is.  He (Musa) said, "Surely He (Allah) says a baqaratun / self-inquiry is a safraau / empty, faqi'un / pure / bright colour pleasing to the observer.  

The question what colour is a baqaratun / self-inquiry essentially gives us a view that there are a variety of forms that correlate with the multiple conditioning of the mind.   From such conditioned mind, it is accustomed that reality is seen in multiplicity and variation.  So it is usual, the question we ask is "which reality?"  Allah answered by saying that baqaratun / a self-inquiry is safrauu / empty.  It is not an object and it is not a thing.  The nature of our conditioned mind is that it is limited to see only matters.  Thus to inquire, there must be freedom to look by emptying the mind with all the things imposed.  So when the mind is emptied, baqaratun is pure and bright with its freshness making it clear for the observer to see.  

Surah Al Baqarah 2:70

Exposition They said, "Call on your Rabb / Lord to make it clear to us what it is, for surely the baqara / self-inquiry is  tashabaha / resembling to us, and if Allah will we shall surely be guided.

In this verse, Allah describes further that the baqara / self-inquiry is tashabaha / resemble. In other words, the descriptions are in allegories, symbols or representations to the reality embedded and hidden.  Thus the reality cannot be seen from a first person perspective.  For this we seek Allah’s guidance to guide us so that we can see the true hidden reality in the tashabaha / resembling symbols of baqaratun / a self-inquiry that is provided as a representation to it, insyaAllah.

Surah Al Baqarah 2:71 

Exposition He (Musa) said, "He (Allah) says, indeed it is baqaratun / a self-inquiry that is laa dhalulun / not easy tusiru / to cultivate al ardh / the lower consciousness and not easily watered / moistened / made porous al hars / the investigation musallamatun / he who obey in sound submission shiyata / fully accomplished.  They said, "now you have come with al haq / the truth.  So they dhabahu / perform / execute it and they could hardly kadu / come near of yaf'alun / doing it.

It is not easy to accomplish baqarah in the lower consciousness because the lower consciousness is based on thniking and thinking is limited in nature.  In addition, due to the conditioning of the mind, baqarah becomes rigid and not fluid enough to break up into pieces and to decipher in our investigation.  However, the baqarah can be easily accomplished by silencing the mind and obey Allah in complete and sound submission  Al haqq / the truth is revealed from your Rabb / Lord when there is no interference of thoughts.  So it looks like they are the ones who thought it over but in essence Allah is the one who reveals the truth. 

Surah Al Baqarah 2:72

ExpositionAnd when you qatal / kill nafsan / a soul ( conceptualized separate self ) then you averted in (concerning) it.  And Allah is the muhrijun / one who brought forth what you were taktumun / concealing.

Essentially killing your nafs / soul is actually dissolving your conceptualized separate self which practically composed of your ego and self interest.  These are ingredients of the conditionings that distort the seeing and easily will interfere with the truth.  However dissolving the ego and self interest are the taboo against killing your nafs / soul because it is believed that killing your nafs / soul entailed losing your identity (sensation of oneself).

Surah Al Baqarah 2:73

Exposition So We said, "Dhoribu / Strike with part of it (baqaratun) like that attributable to you, Allah yuhyi / revives / brings mauta / the dead to life and shows you His ayaati / signs that you may ta'kilun / use reason.

Recognise and seek to confront the ego and self interest (the attributes) of our nafs / soul (conceptualized separate self) and strike to dissolve part by part.  Look at it (the ego and self interest) clearly and know the illusions that stand in your way to embrace the truth.  With the dissolution of your ego and self interest, you will connect with your true nature and see the signs that represent the truth.  A clear mind gives clear reasoning.

Surah Al Anaam 6 verse 146

Exposition : And to those who are hadu / became lenient (to Allah's command), We prohibited every achievement of victory / success; and from al baqari / self awareness  (to know oneself) and al ghanami / gain / profit (the outcome or result of the self awareness), We prohibited upon them their results that materialised, except what hamilat / conceives to zuhuuru / apparent or al hawaayaa / the defective or deficient results that materialised or what is ikh'talata / confused / disorderly materialised with azheem / great magnitude.  That is jazaynaahum / their reward for their bibagyhihim / wrongful act (that is being lenient to Allah's command).  And surely, We are truthful.  

Those who are hadu / lenient are those who are not serious, not paying enough attention and take it easy to matters relating to Allah's commands.  Allah prohibits whatever outcome or results and whatever gains arising out of it from their efforts in executing Al Baqarah / self awareness except whatever outcome or results that arise from that is apparent (instead of bil ghaib), defective and confused.  Surely these disorderly results and the gains attach will not bring forth any security and happiness to them.  This is the reward Allah promised to the hadu / lenient (to Allah's command).  


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