SURAH  AZ-ZUKHRUF 43:31 - 32


In Surah An-Nisa (4:1), Allah describes how He has evolved humanity from a single self, which He then expanded into its pair: the divine masculine energy (zakara) and the divine feminine energy (unsa). From this dynamic pair, the diversity of independent thought processes and passionate urges (emotional drives such as excitement, curiosity) are dispersed. In essence, both our capacity for rational thought and the stirring of our emotional impulses are expressions of these divine masculine and feminine attributes.

This means that both rijal and nisa are products of the inherent qualities found within zakara and unsa, reflecting a balance between these energies. The verse urges us to be mindful of Allah when we seek deeper understanding, as well as the inner truths and hidden messages that are revealed to us. It also reminds us to reflect on the origin of our thoughts and emotions—those things we give birth to in our minds and hearts. For indeed, Allah is ever-watchful, overseeing all that unfolds within us.

In Surah Az-Zukhruf (43:31), the question was posed by the mukazzibin—those who rejected or denied the truth. They questioned why the Qur’an, the expression of divine truth revealed through the signs (ayaati) of existence, was bestowed by our Rabb (Lord) and not revealed directly to Rijal / our independent thought processes, to interpret the hidden knowledge from the signs given.  Their question reflects a misunderstanding of how divine revelation transcends human cognition.

Allah provides the response in the following verse, Surah Az-Zukhruf (43:32), affirming that His revelation is far superior to anything that human rajuli (independent thought processes) could ever produce or piece together its interpretation through intellectual effort alone. Allah reminds us that He has qasamna—assigned or distributed—among both rijal and nisa their means of livelihood (that is their roles, responsibilities).  Essentially they complement each other and they serve for one another, with intuitive, hidden knowledge being unveiled, and logical thinking and analysis coming through rijal (symbolizing the active, discerning mind).

Allah has raised some above others in degrees (darajaat), reflecting the unique capacities and levels of understanding He grants to each other. Yet, the verse emphasizes that the rahmatu—the mercy or approval for the revelation that comes from your Rabb (Lord) in revealing true knowledge to nisa—is far greater than anything the rajulin (independent thought processes) can assemble on their own. 


By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.  (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman). 


43.31    And they (the mukazzibin / one who lied) said: “Why not this Qur’an / expression of truth (from your Rabb) unzila / was revealed upon rajulin / independent thought processes from the qaryatain azheem / two great clusters of established thoughts (include images and sensation from independent fatherly support and emotional motherly support) ? ” 


43.32    Do they yaqsimuna / assign rahmata / mercy (for giving the quran, expresssion of truth) of your Lord? We qasamna / have assigned between them (rijal and nisa), their means of livelihood in hayatid duniya / living temptaions of attachments and relationship (and would take one another as complementary service provider), and We raised some of them above others darajaat / (in) degrees.  And the rahmatu / mercy (for the approval of the true knowledge) of your Rabb / Lord is far better than that what yajma'un / they (the rajulin) put together. 



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