(The Intricate Message)


The need for skepticism arises from the realization that goodness can be subjective and prone to manipulation or distortion by our own conditioned mind. It is essential to question and eradicate any biases or hidden agendas that may influence the perception. This skeptical stance does not undermine the inherent value of goodness, but rather seeks to ensure its genuineness and integrity.  By employing skepticism, we exercise our capacity for critical thinking and discernment. It encourages us to delve deeper, to inquire, and to explore different perspectives and dimensions of goodness. This process aids in distinguishing between distorted appearances and truth of the message.  Moreover, skepticism serves as a safeguard against blind acceptance or naivety, promoting a more informed and nuanced understanding of what constitutes genuine goodness.

It is crucial to exercise caution when employing skepticism, for its implementation should not compromise the inherent veracity of the message being examined.  Furthermore, one must be mindful of the state of their own mental well-being before engaging in skeptical inquiry. In instances where the mind is tainted by a malevolent disposition, engendering oppressive and suppressive thoughts, it is advisable to abstain from skepticism. Thus, skepticism finds its legitimacy through the utilization of rational and sensible thinking, thereby giving rise to virtuous and harmonious actions.

Therefore, when we aspire to establish a profound and unwavering connection with our Rabb / Lord, it becomes imperative to purge our minds of any impurities that may impede this process. This act of purification ensures that our mental landscape is free from biases, prejudices, and negative influences that can hinder our pursuit of truth and spiritual enlightenment.

By cultivating a state of clarity and openness within our minds, we create a conducive environment for the reception and comprehension of divine messages. The process of cleansing involves introspection, self-reflection, and a genuine desire to transcend the limitations of our individual perspectives. This entails a rigorous examination of our thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions, with the intention of aligning them with the higher principles and values that govern our existence.

In this state of purity and receptivity, we become more attuned to the subtle nuances of spiritual guidance, allowing us to download and receive the messages bestowed upon us by our Rabb, or divine Lord. Through this process, we establish a rooted, solidified and ingrained connection, one that transcends the superficial layers of existence and delves into the profound depths of divine wisdom.  Allah has promised those who take security (in Al Kitab) and do corrective actions, to them they will have forgiveness and a great reward.

Allah reveals Al Kitab to guide the agitated mind, bring them out from darkness to light.  An agitated mind that has developed and transformed is a mind that has been emptied of its impurities and comprises the masihu, pure thought, a construct of maryam, state of pure thought seeking the truth.  Allah warns the pure soul not to sidestep your deen, truthful way of life and to follow only Allah’s principles, laws and system.  

Allah curses those who use their eloquence (lisani of Dawud) and the strength of the holy spirit (ruh ul qudus of Isa) to reject the signs of truth revealed by Allah.  Allah exposes them as the majority who would not stop to disguise the illusions as facts.  Allah commanded that you consume the knowledge that Allah has revealed and always be mindful of Allah.  It is permissible for you to be inclined to a knowledge that you like provided you are mindful and take security and do corrective actions, and do your best.

Allah blesses His servant with sensible and rational thoughts, supported by the pure spirit of consciousness. Through these sensible and rational thoughts, we communicate with our restless and agitated minds, leading to our mental development and transformation. Allah guides us by teaching the truth from Al Kitab (the scripture) and helping us understand the governing principles of the natural law, all the facts known as Taurah. It is through the observation of the natural law that Allah reveals the signs of truth, bringing forth the Injeel, good news. By the intervention of the Ruh ul qudus, Holy Spirit of consciousness, the agitated mind undergoes a transformation, transitioning from chaos and fantasies to harmony. It has the power to dispel corruption and bring life to what was once lifeless.  O Allah, our Rabb / Lord! Reveal to us maaidatan, an intricate message from the higher consciousness to be our first and our last, a return to a spiritual alchemy of peace and happiness.



By the (divine and all comprehensive) name Allah (that carries an elevated hidden meaning to its name), the Rahmaan, the Raheem.   (The Rahmaan is the abstract education system of Allah that provide abundant knowledge of facts and the Raheem is the approval given to those who seek education through Ar Rahman).

5.1    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), fulfill (your covenant) with the 'uqud / pledged (of committments).  Made uhillat / permissible for you are the bahiimah / skeptical attitude that are ana'am / healthy and blissful thoughts, save that which is being yutla / recited to you.  Do not make permissible the soidi / captivation (of the representation) while you are under restriction.  Surely Allah yahkumu / judge what you will.   

5.2    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), do not violate the sha'ari Allah / enligtenment (perception and recognition of truth) of Allah, nor the shahral haram / notable forbidden things, nor the al hadya / the guidance offered, nor the qalaaida / foundations (to unlock the secrets of the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness), nor the aaminna / pursuit of the baital haram / forbidden (contents of) mental house (like destitute, cruel, self magnifying, etc) for those who are seeking fadlan / a given advantage from their Rabb / Lord and ridwana / an approval (admission to Allah's abstract system of education).  And when it is permitted for you, then fasthadu / you may be captivated (with pride). And let not shana'anu /  hatred of qaumun / group of established thoughts yajrimannakum / incriminate you (to violate the covenant); because they saddukum / had aversed you from the masjidil haram / forbidden (unhealthy mind) in submission; make you transgress. And help each other with birri / truthfulness (of your covenant) and the taqwa / mindfulness, and do not help each other in sin and transgression.  And be mindful of Allah, for the punishment of Allah is severe.

5.3    Hurrimat / forbidden on you is the maitah / lifeless (destitute) mind (mauta al ardh / lifelessness (destituteness) of the lower consciousness) and addamu  / the cruel mind (bloody / brutal) and the lahmu al khinzir / self magnifying mind and what alter (the message) with other than Allah with it and the munkhoniqah / mind which suffocate and mawquzah / that which hurt the brain and mutaraddiyah / destructive thoughts and the nathihah / thoughts that lead to argument and what is consumed by the akala sabu'u / congregated intelligence except what you dakkai / understand and what is the nushubi / clearly distinguishable / marked  and that you seek tastaqsimu / to separate with the azlam / proportion (and omitting the rest), that is the way fisqun / to relinquish.  The moment of ya'isa / despair is for those who kafaru / reject / deny (then they become ignorant) from your deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, law and judgment), so do not fear them, and fear Me, today I completed for you your deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system. law and judgment) and I completed on you My nikmati / favour (for the rational and sensible thinking) and I accepted / approved for you Al Islam / the inner peace as deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, law and judgment) but whoever is hurt in the due process of makhmasoh / considerate behaviour, altering wrongfully towards unlawfulness, then indeed Allah is ever protecting, merciful.   

5.4    They ask you what was made uhilla / permissible to them, say: “All the thoyyibat / good (thoughts) have been made permissible for you, and what you have taught from the jawarihi / committed / deserved mutakallibina / the one who is turned, you teach them from what Allah teaches you.  So consume (the knowledge) from what they have grasped over you and uzkuru / embody masculine faculty (that is, linear, logical, focus and assertive) of the name of Allah upon it, and be mindful of Allah.  Allah is swift in account. 

5.5    The moment the good (thoughts) have been made permissible to you, and the food (knowledge for the soul's consumption) of those who have been given the Kitab / inherent script is permissible for you, and your food (knowledge for consumption) is permissible for them. And the muhsinat / the one whose experience or deeds are out of true knowledge, from mukminat / those who take security (in Al Kitab), and the muhsinat / the one whose experience or deeds are out of true knowledge, from those who have been given the Kitab / inherent script from before you; when you have given them their reward, the one fortified other than musafihin / the one who does an unprofitable deed and not to be taken as akhdanin / intimate companion.  And whoever kafaru / reject / deny with security, then surely his deeds are worthless, and in the aakhirah / ending he is from the losers. 

5.6    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), when qumtum / you establish (rooted, solidified and ingrained) for salaah / connection (to download and receive hidden messages), faghsilu / wipe to remove (the mental baseless and false understanding with) wujuhakum / your care (for growth) and your hands (what you have authority from it) up to the marafiqi / state of gentleness (from state of aggressiveness in your works / actions), and imsahu / wipe to remove with your heads  (wrong understanding, baseless belief that are written as established beliefs) and arjulakum / your independent thought processes (for analysis, reason and rationalization) up to the ka'bain / two prominent (those established thoughts from Rijal / independent thought processes, and Nisa / passionate urges that will ground your position firmly).  And if you are in junuban / a state of bewilderness, then purify yourselves.  And if you are mardho / disordered (sick, tired or in pain and short of knowledge) or over blank minded or one of you come out from the gha'iti / position of submerged (in other irrelevant matters) or you have been in contact with an-nisa / the passionate urges (emotional drive), then you do not find ma'an / flow of knowledge then tayammamu / focus / pay attention toward saidan thoyyiban / good ascension in your reform then wipe / erase with wujuhikum / your care (for growth) and aidikum / what you have authority from it.  Allah does not intend to put on you from any difficulty but he intends for you to purify and to complete His favour on you, so that you may be grateful.  

5.7    And uzkuru / embody divine masculine faculty of the blessings (with healthy and blissful thoughts) of Allah over you and His covenant that He has bound you with, for which you have said: “We hear and obey,” and be mindful of Allah; for Allah knows with essence of the awareness. 

5.8    O you who aamanu / take security, qawwamin / establish firmly for Allah the witnesses with justice (that is put justice to what you witness), and let not hatred of qaumin / a group of established thoughts yajrimannakum / incrimate you (to violate the covenant) make you avoid being just. Be just, for it is closer to taqwa / be mindful.  Surely Allah is All Aware with what you do. 

5.9    Allah has promised those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) and do solehati / corrective actions, to them they will have forgiveness and a great reward. 

5.10    And those who kafaru / reject  and kazzabu / deny with Our ayaati / signs, they are the companions (thoughts of the agitated mind) of jahim / state of stagnation (where spiritual progress is at halt).  

5.11    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), uzkuru / embody divine masculine faculty of the blessings (the healthy and blissful thoughts) of Allah upon you when qaumun / a group of established thought desired to aggress against you, and He restrained their hands from you (upholding you with righteousness). And be mindful of Allah. And upon Allah the mukminun / those who take security (in Al Kitab) should put their tawakkal / trust.  

5.12    And certainly Allah has taken the covenant  (from the) bani Israel / those who construct the spiritual journey seeking the truth, and ba'athna / We raised you up (raise in derajaat) from them ithnay / repeatedly, 'ashara / assembly of naqiban / representatives.  And Allah said: “I am with you if aqamtumu / you establish the salaat / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), and pursue towards zakah / mental development / growth, and aamantum / take security with My rusuli / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb), and azzartumuhum / support them, and you detach (with) Allah a goodly qardan / detachment; then I will cancel your sins and admit you into jannatin / hidden valley of flowing knowledge beneath them. Whoever rejects after this from you, then certainly he has strayed sawaa / made similar as the path.” 

5.13    Then with what (they reject) break their covenant, We have cursed them, and made their hearts become hardened (i.e. do not hear or understand Allah's word); they take the words out of context; and they forgot (not conscious of) a part of what they zukkiru / used to embody the divine masculine attributes.  And you will not tazalu / cease to tatthali'u / discover upon betrayal in them except for a few from them; so pardon them and isfah / bear (with them); Surely Allah loves the muhsinin / one whose experience is of true knowledge

5.14    And from those who have said: “Indeed We are nasaara / the one who support / help,” We have taken their covenant then they have forgotten (not conscious of) much of what they zukkiru / used to embody the divine masculine attributes; so We planted between them animosity and hatred until the yawmil qiyamah / moment of establishment (of the truth); and Allah will inform them of what they had done. 

5.15    O ahlal kitab / those who are familiar with the inherent script, surely Our rasulu / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) has come to you to clarify for you much of what you were hiding from the kitab / inherent script, and to forgive from much (of it).  Surely a light has come to you from Allah and a clear kitab / inherent script. 

5.16    Allah guides with it whoever follows ridwanahu / His approval, to the ways of peace; and it brings them out of the zhulumat / darkness and into the nur / light with His permission; and it guides them to a straight path (the path of the one who is established in truth). 

5.17    Indeed, kafara / rejecters are those who have said: “Surely Allah is the masihu / pure soul (freed of baseless and false understanding), abna / construct of maryam / motivation to discover the truth.”  Say: “Then who has any power against Allah if He had wanted to destroy the masiha / pure soul, abna / construct of maryam / motivation to discover the truth and ummahu / his motherly support (of care, love and compassion), and all who are in the ardh / lower consciousness” And to Allah is mulku / sovereignty (having authority and ownership of thoughts) of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness and all that is in-between; He evolves what wants (to evolve).  And Allah qadir / measure over all things. 

5.18   And the yahudu / self lenient (being gentle and leisurely in their deeds) and the nasara / helpers (but forgotten much what were reminded) said: “We are the abna / construct of Allah, and His loved ones.” Say: “Then why does He punish you for your sins?” Rather, you are merely basharun / sensible thoughts which He has evolved.  He forgives (to those) who want (to be forgiven), and He punishes (to those) who want (to be punished).  And to Allah is the mulku / sovereignty (having authority and ownership of thoughts) of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness and all that is in-between, and to Him is the mashir / return. 

5.19    O ahlal kitab / those familiar with the kitab / inherent script, Our rusul / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) has come to clarify for you after a lack of rusuli / inner voices (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb); so that you cannot say: “No bearer of basharin / rational thoughts or nazirun / self-warner has come to us;” surely for a bearer of bashirun / rational thoughts and nazirun / a self warner has come to you; and Allah qadirun / measures all things. 

5.20    And when Musa / the one who is matured and familiar with the truth, said to his qaum / group of established thoughts: “O qaum / group of established thoughts, uzkuru / embody divine masculine attributes (that is linear, logical, focus and assertive) of the nikmat / favour (for rational and sensible thinking) of Allah when made in you anbiya / who pronounced and established (the news of the ghaib), and made you mulukan / a sovereign authority (where your mind, body and soul is one ruler one authority), and He gave you what He had not given any from the 'aalamin / all empirical and factual knowledge.” 

5.21    “O my qaum / group of established thoughts, enter the muqaddasa / one who is in the state of purity of the ardh / lower consciousness as Allah has decreed for you, and do not turn your backs, or you will become losers.”  

5.22    They said: “O Musa / the one who is matured and familiar with the truth, in it are jabbarin / complex thoughts of qauman / group of established thoughts, and we will not enter it until they leave from it. So when they leave from it, then we will enter.” 

5.23    Rajulani / two independent thought processes (Musa and jabbarin for analysis, reason and rationalization) from among those who were fearing, upon whom Allah had bestowed favour of pleasant thoughts, said: “Enter upon them through the door (through the cluster of pleasant thoughts that analyze, reason and rationalize), then indeed when you enter it then you will ghalibun / overcome (the stubborn, obstinate thoughts, jabbarin); and then put your trust in Allah if you are mukmin / the one who take security (in Al Kitab).”  

5.24    They said: “O Musa / the one who is matured and familiar with the truth, surely we will never enter it as long as they are in it, so go you and your rabb / Lord then qatila / fight (dissolve the jabbarin), indeed we will stay right here!” 

5.25    He said: “My Rabb / Lord, I do not possess except my nafs / soul and my akhi / brotherly thoughts (like liberality and courage), so separate between us and between the qaum / group of established thoughts the one who faasikin / defiantly disobey.” 

5.26    He said: “Then surely it has become forbidden to them arba'ina sanah / stay abstaining (without guidance), and they will be lost in the ardh / lower consciousness.” Do not be sorrowful over the defiantly disobedient qaum / group of established thoughts. 

5.27    And recite to them naba'a / news (of the ghaib) of the ibnay / two parental support (zakara / masculine attributes and unsa / feminine attributes) construct of Adam / one who is ready to receive education of the unseen, with truth when approaching qurbanan / a detachment (dissolving the duniya / close attachments) and it was accepted from one of them, and not accepted from the other. He said: “I will kill you! (then you become masculine dominant)” He said: “Allah only accepts from muttaqin / the one who is mindful (equilibrium of the two parental support).” 

5.28    “If you stretch your hand to kill me, I will not stretch my hand to kill you, for I surely fear Allah, Rabb / Lord of the aalamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge.” 

5.29    “I want you to have both my sin and your own sin, and you will then be among the companions (thoughts of the agitated mind) of an nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas). Such is the recompense of the zhaalimin / unjust (thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality).” 

5.30    So he found it in his nafs / soul to kill his akhi / brotherly thoughts (like liberality and courage); so he killed him. Then ashbahu / early light of understanding thus became from the khosirin / losers. 

5.31    Then Allah ba'atha / raised nguraban / an isolated / a remote thought yabhathu / to inquire into the ardh / lower consciousness liyuriyahu / surely show him how yuwaari / it covers evil of his akhi / brotherhood (brotherly thoughts).  He said: “O my! That I can be 'agjaztu / powerless like this nguraba / isolated thought and cover evil of hrotherhood thought?” So early light of understanding became from the ones regretted.  

5.32    Min ajlin / from this (evil of brotherly thoughts) We have decreed upon bani Israel / those who construct spiritual journey (seeking the truth): “Anyone who kills nafsan / a soul with other nafsin / soul, or (do) corruption in the ardh / lower consciousness; then it is as if he has killed all an-nas / the agitated thoughts! And whoever spares a life, then it is as if he has given life to all an-nas / the agitated thoughts.” Surely Our rusul / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) had come to them with clarity, then indeed many of them are, after this, lamusrifun / surely the ones who are heedless, in the ardh / lower consciousness. 

5.33    Innama / the only jazaa'u / recompense for those who have war with Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati / signs), and seek to fasaadan / have corruption (by declining the facts) in the ardh / lower consciousness, is that they will be killed or yusallabu / deprived (of logic / reason) or that their aidihim / hands / power and arjuluhum / independence of their thought processes (in analysis, reason and rationalization), be cut off from khilafin / a representation or that they be banished from the ardh / lower consciousness; that is a disgrace for them in this duniya / close attachment / relations and in the aakhirah / ending (dissolving duniya and remaining behind the higher self) they will have a great punishment. 

5.34    Except for those who tabu / repent from before takdiru / measured over them, then know that Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. 

5.35    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), be mindful of Allah and seek al wasilah / the mean / connection to access (Al-Kitab), and strive in His cause; that you may succeed (break the frontiers of consciousness). 

5.36    Indeed those who kafaru / rejected, if they had all that is in the ardh / lower consciousness and the like of it ma'ahu / with it to ransom with it from yawmil qiyamah / moment of establishment (of the truth), it will not be accepted from them; and they will have a painful azabun / punishment. 

5.37    They want to exit from an-nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas), but they can never exit from it; and they will have azabun mukim / (the one who is) instituted or established with punishment. 

5.38    And the sariqu / the one who steal, and the sariqah / the one who is being stolen (that is their peace stolen by the heated conflicts), then qatho'u / you shall cut aidihuma / both resources (of strength and power) as a penalty with what they have earned, nakaalan / an illustration from Allah.  And Allah is Mighty, Wise (actions based on truth). 

5.39    Then whoever tabu / repent after zalmihi / his wrongdoing and aslaha / amends (correct themselves), then surely Allah will accept his repentance.  Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. 

5.40    Did you not know that Allah (possesses) mulku / sovereignty (have authorities and ownership of thoughts) of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness.  He punishes who wills and He forgives who wills; and Allah measures all things.  

5.41    O rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb),  yahzunka / you do not be saddened by yusaari'u / rushing in the kufri / rejection from among those who said: “We aaman / took security (in Al Kitab)” with their mouths while their hearts did not tu'min / take security.  And from among those who are hadu / self lenient (being not serious and leisurely in their deeds), they are those who listened to lies; they listened to qaum / group of thoughts who never came to you; they distort the words from their context, and they say: “If you are given this, then take it, but if you are given anything different, then beware!” And whoever Allah wants to test, then you will not possess anything for him against Allah. These are the ones whose hearts Allah did not want to purify; in this duniya / close attachments (and relations) they will have humiliation, and in the aakhirah / ending (dissolving of duniya) they will have azabun azhim / a great punishment.  

5.42    They listen to lies, and consume lissuhti / of what (knowledge) is destroyed.  If they come to you, then you fahkum / may judge (base on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence) between them or turn away from them; and if you turn away from them then they cannot harm you in the least; and if you judge then judge between them with justice. Surely Allah loves those who are just.  

5.43    And how can they make you their judge when they have the Tawrah, in it the hukum / natural law of Allah (that bind them which govern their behavioural consequences); then they turn away after that. Those are not with the mukminin / the one who take security (in Al Kitab).  

5.44    Surely, We revealed the Tawrah (Allah's natural law which govern moral consequences), therein was guidance and light, by which the nabiyyun / those who pronounce and establish (news of the ghaib), who submitted (to the Tawrat, the binding and unchangeable law of Allah), judged the hadu / self lenient and the rabbaniyun / who possess the attribute prescribed and the ahbar / those who are learned for to them was entrusted the preservation of kitab / inherent script of Allah, and they were witnesses thereto. Therefore fear not an-nas / the agitated mind but fear Me and sell not My ayats / signs for a small price. And whosoever does not yahkum / judge by what Allah has revealed, such are the kafirun / those who reject.  

5.45    And We have katab / decreed for them in it that the nafs / soul with a nafs / soul, and ayna / vision (on knowledge) with ayna / a vision, and anfa / a turn for liking (the knowledge) with anfa / a turn for liking, and 'uzuna / a call with 'uzuna / a call, and a sinna / practice with a practice, and juruha / committments qisasun / traceable steps; and whoever tasaddaqa / is truthful with it, then it will kaffarah / cover / cancel sins for him. And whoever does not yahkum / judge with what Allah has sent down, then those are the zhaalimun / unjust (putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality)

5.46    And We followed up in their footsteps with Isa / who is fortified with Ruh Qudus (holy spirit of the truth), abna / construct of Maryam / state of ardent pursuit of truth, affirming what was between his hands from the Tawrah / natural law (which govern the behavioral consequences).  And We gave him the Injeel / the good news (conception of good moral behaviour), in it is a guidance and a light, and affirming what was between his hands of the Tawrah, and a guidance and a lesson for the muttaqin / those who are mindful. 


5.47    And let the ahlul injeel / those acquainted with the good news (of good moral behaviour) judge with what Allah has sent down in it. And whoever does not judge with what Allah has sent down, then those are the fasiqun / defiantly disobeyed. 

5.48    And anzalna / We have revealed to you the Kitab / inherent script with the truth, affirming what is between your hands from the Kitab / inherent script and muhaiminan / a supervisor over it. So judge between them with what Allah has revealed, and do not follow their desires from what has come to you from the truth. For each of you We have made laws, and a structure; and if Allah had willed, He would have made you all one ummatan / group of thoughts, but He tests you with what He has given you; so race to do good. To Allah you will return all of you, and He will inform (news of the ghaib) you regarding that in which you tahtalifun / represent. 

5.49    And judge between them with what Allah has revealed, and do not follow their desires, and beware lest they divert you away from some of what Allah has revealed to you. If they turn away, then know that Allah wants to inflict them with some of their sins; and many of an-nas / the agitated thoughts are fasiqun / defiantly disobeyed. 

5.50    Is it the judgment of the jaahiliyyah / nescient (those who do not possess knowledge because they are uninformed) that they seek? And who is better than Allah as a judge (which is based on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence) for a qaum / group of established thoughts who comprehend?  

5.51    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), do not take the yahuda / self lenient (being not serious and leisurely in their deeds) and the nasara / helpers (but forgotten much what were reminded) as awliya' / guardians, for they are awliya' / guardians to one another; and whoever takes them as such from among you is one of them.  Allah does not guide the qauma / group of established thoughts that are zhalimun / wrongdoers. 

5.52    You will see those who have a disease in their hearts hurrying to them, saying: “We are concerned that a disaster will befall us!” Perhaps Allah will bring the fathi / victory (decoding the meaning embedded in ayaati) or a decree from Himself, then yushbihu / early light of understanding will become regretful over what they had kept hidden within anfusihim / their souls. 

5.53    And those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) said: “Were these the ones who swore oaths with Allah that they jahda / struggle at aymaanihim / your right (to do correct action based on the truth)?” Their works have collapsed, then early light (guidance) of losers. 

5.54    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), whoever from among you turns away from His deen / obligations to consciously obey (Allah's system, law and judgment), then Allah will bring with qaumin / a group of established thoughts whom He loves and they love Him; humble towards the mukminin / the one who take security (in Al Kitab), proud towards the rejecters; they strive in the cause of Allah and do not fear to be blamed by those who blame. This is fadhlu / given advantage of Allah, He bestows it upon whom He wills; Allah is Encompassing, Knowledgeable. 

5.55    Surely for your guardian Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati) and those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab); they are those who yukimu / establish (rooted, solidified and ingrained) the salaah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) and contribute towards the zakah / mental purification / development, and they raaki'un / a self abasement / humility (accepting the truth with humility). 

5.56    And whoever yatawalla / takes as a guardian Allah and His rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) and those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab); then surely hizballah / the party of Allah are the ngalibun / ones who are superior. 

5.57    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), do not take as awliya' / guardians those who have taken your deen / indebted obligations toto consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment) for huzuwan / fooling around (not mindful) and play from among those who have been given the Kitab / inherent script from before you and as rejecters and as guardians. And be mindful of Allah if you are mukminin / one who take security (in Al Kitab). 

5.58    And when you call to the salaat / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download), they take it for huzuwah / fooling around (not mindful) and play. That is because they are qauman / group of established thoughts who do not ya'qilun / comprehend (use pure logical mind). 

5.59    Say: “O ahlal kitab / those acquainted with Al Kitab (inherent script), do you hate us simply because we aamanna / take security (in Al Kitab) with Allah and in what was anzal / revealed to us and what was revealed from before?” Alas, the majority of them are fasiqun / defiantly disobeyed.

5.60    Say: “Shall I inform you of bisharrin / pleasant and pleasurable thoughts from that as mathubatan / a reward from Allah? Those whom Allah cursed and became angry at them, and He made from them the qiradata / monkey minds and the khonazira / self magnifying thoughts and servants of thoghut / non-reality (other than Allah), a dwelling of deviations from the sawaa'i / prudent path.”  

5.61    And when they come to you they say: “We aamanna / take security (in Al Kitab),” while they had entered in with rejection and went out with the same.  Allah is aware of what they were hiding.  

5.62    And you see many of them hasten to sin and transgression and consuming them ferociously.  Evil indeed is what they were doing. 

5.63    Why not restrain the rabbaniyyun / those possess the attribute prescribed and ahbaru / those who are learned for saying in sin and consuming al-suhta / the knowledge that is destroyed?   Evil indeed is what they have done. 

5.64    And the yahudu / self-lenient (being unmindful and leisurely in their deeds) said: “The hand of Allah is tied down!” Their hands will be tied down, and they will be cursed for what they have said.  Rather, His hands are wide open yunfiqu / self-experiencing (the reforms) as He wills. And for many of them, what has been revealed to you from your Rabb / Lord will increase them in thughyaanan / falsehood and rejection; and We have cast between them animosity and hatred until the yawmul qiyamah / moment of establishment.  Every time they ignite naran / conflicts,  Allah puts it out; and they seek to make corruption in the ardh / lower consciousness; and Allah does not love the mufsidin / one who defiantly disobey. 

5.65    And if the ahlal kitab / those who are acquainted with the inherent script,  only had aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) and been mindful,  We would kaffar / have cancelled / covered for them their sins and admitted them to jannati naim / hidden gardens of blissful knowledge. 

5.66    And if they had upheld the Tawrah / natural law (which govern the behavioral consequences) and the Injeel / good news (conception of good moral behaviour), and what was revealed to them from their Rabb / Lord, they would have been rewarded from above them (what they excel in) and from beneath arjulihim / their independent thought processes (from what they are independently weak in analysis, reason and rationalization). From among them is muqtasidah / a pious kaum / group of established thoughts, but most of them only do evil. 

5.67    O rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb), deliver what was revealed to you from your Rabb / Lord, and if you do not then you have not delivered His message; and Allah will protect you from an-nas / the agitated mind.  And Allah does not guide those rejecting kaum / group of established thoughts. 

5.68    Say: “O ahlal kitab / those familiar with inherent script, you are not upon anything until you uphold the Tawrah / natural law (Allah's law which govern the behavioural consequences) and the injeel / good news (conception of good moral behaviour) and what was revealed to you from your Rabb / Lord.” And for many of them, what was revealed to you from your Rabb / Lord will only increase them in thughyaanan / falsehood and rejection. So do not feel sorry for the rejecting kaum / group of established thoughts.  

5.69    Surely those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab); and those who are hadu / self lenient (being unmindful and leisurely in their deeds), and the sabiun / who is youthful, and the nasara / helpers (but forgotten much what were reminded), whoever of them aamana / take security (in Al Kitab) and the yawmil aakhirah / moment of ending and does solehan / corrective actions; then they will have nothing to fear nor will they grieve. 

5.70    Certainly We have taken the covenant of the Bani Israel / those who construct the spiritual journey and We sent to them Our rusulan / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb).  Every time rasulan / an inner voice (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb) came to them with what anfusuhum / their souls did not desire, a group of them they kazzabun / would denied, and a group of them they yaktulun / would kill. 

5.71    And they did not calculate it might be a trial, so they were blind and deaf.  But Allah would have accepted the repentance from them; but many of them were still blind and deaf.  Allah is Seer over what they do. 

5.72    Rejecters indeed are those who have said: “Allah is He the masih / pure soul (freed of baseless and false understanding), ibnu / construct of Maryam / state of ardent pursuit of truth.” And the masih / pure soul (freed of baseless and false understanding) said: “O bani Israel / those who construct spiritual journey, serve Allah, my Rabb / Lord and your Rabb / Lord.  Surely whoever yushrik / sets up partners with Allah, then surely Allah will harram / forbid the jannah / hidden garden of knowledge from him, and his ma'wa / dwelling will be an-nar / the internal conflicts (that burn an-nas); and the zhaalimin / unjust (thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality) are not from ansarin / supporters / helpers.” 

5.73    Rejecters indeed are those who have said: “Allah is third of three!” And there none from ilaaha / reality of being except one irreducible reality of being.  And if they do not cease from what they are saying, then those who reject from among them will be afflicted with a painful azabun / punishment. 

5.74    Would they not repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness?  Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. 

5.75    The masihu / pure soul (freed of baseless and false understanding), ibnu / construct of Maryam / state of ardent pursuit of truth, is no more than a rasulun / inner voice (that deliver ayaati / signs); certainly kholat / has been emptied of its impurities from the rusul / inner voices (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb) before; and his ummi / motherly support (care, passion, devoted, explore, curiosity) was siddiiqatun / truthful, they used to ya'kulu / digest the tha'ama / consumption of knowledge.  See how We clarify the ayaati / signs for them, then see how they yu'fakun / are deluded. 

5.76    Say: “Do you serve from other than Allah what has no authority to cause harm to you or (to cause) benefit to you?” Allah is the Hearer, the Knower. 

5.77    Say: “O ahlal kitab / those who are acquainted with the inherent script, do not taghlu / overstep in your deen / indebted obligations to consciously obey (Allah's systems, law and judgment) other than the truth, and do not follow the desires of qaumin / a group of established thought who surely misguide from before, and they misguide in abundant; and they astray from the same (misguided) path.” 

5.78    Cursed are those who have rejected from among the bani Israel / those who construct the spiritual journey by lisani / eloquency of dawud / one who breakup complex assembly of thoughts and Isa / who is strengthened with ruh qudus, ibni / construct of Maryam / state of ardent pursuit of truth.  That is for what they have disobeyed, and for what they transgressed. 

5.79    They would not stop each other from doing munkarin / disguise (act of disguising illusions as facts).  Surely evil is what they used to do. 

5.80    You see many from among them allying those who kafaru / reject.  Surely evil is what their anfus / souls have provided for them, for the wrath of Allah is upon them, and in the punishment they will abide. 

5.81    And if they had yukminun / take security (in Al Kitab) with Allah and the nabiyyi / who proclaim and establish (news of the ghaib), and what was revealed to him, then they would not have taken them as allies; but many of them disobeyed defiantly.  

5.82    Surely you will find an-nas / the agitated thoughts with the greatest animosity towards those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) are the yahuda / self lenient (being unmindful and leisurely in their deeds) and those who are asharaku / polytheists; and surely you will find the closest in affection to those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) are those who said: “We are nasara / helpers / supporters (but forgotten much what were reminded);” that is because among them are qissisina / learned and ruhbanan / devotee, and they are not arrogant. 

5.83    And when they hear what was revealed to the rasuli / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) you see their eyes flooding with tears, for what they have known as the truth, they say: “Our Rabb / Lord, we aamanna / take security (in Al Kitab), so record us with the witnesses.” 

5.84    And why should we not nukminu / taking security (in Al Kitab) with Allah and what has come to us of the truth?  And we yearn that our Rabb / Lord admits us with the qaumi / group of thoughts that are solehin / those who correct themselves.

5.85    So Allah recompensed them for what they have said with jannatin / hidden garden of knowledge with flowing like rivers beneath them, abiding therein; such is the recompense of the muhsinin / one whose experience is of true knowledge

5.86    And those who kafaru / rejected and kazzabu / denied Our ayaati / signs; they are the ashabul jahim / companions (thoughts of the agitated mind) of stagnation (holding on to static beliefs that halts your spiritual progress)

5.87    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), do not make forbidden the good things that Allah has made permissible to you, and do not aggress; Allah does not love the aggressors. 

5.88    And kulu / digest (the knowledge offered) from what Allah has provided for you, permissible and good; and be mindful of Allah antum / you all with Him mukminun / take security (in Al Kitab). 

5.89    Allah will not hold you for your laghwi / casual (experiences), but He will hold you in aymaanikum / your right (experience based on factual knowledge) you have made aqad / binding; then its kaffara / rejection shall be the feeding 'asharatin /  assembly of masakin / needy of knowledge from the average of what you feed your ahli / the ones familiar, or that you kiswatuhum / clothe them (internally), or that you free raqabah / one who is on the look out for true knowledge; whoever cannot find such then siyam / self restraint (in absolute sense from being unjust in Allah's command) for three moments (khamra, maysir and ansobu); that is kaffara / rejecting aymaanikum / your right (experience based on factual knowledge) when you hilaf / are bound (by the experience based on factual knowledge). Wahfazhu / and preserve aymaanukum / your right (experience based on factual knowledge).  Thus Allah yubai'inu / make clear for you His ayaati / signs, so that you may be grateful. 

5.90    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), surely al-khamru / concealing the flow of thoughts, and al-maysiru / the state where knowledge easily obtained (without much struggle like knowledge offered by learned), and al-ansobu / the portion (of understanding Al Kitab) deluded by own fabrication, and azlamu / accepting certain portion and omitting the rest (of the knowledge offered) are rijsan / pollution / contamination by the work of the shaytan / acts arises from state of despair.  You shall avoid it so that you may be successful (in breaking the frontiers of consciousness).  

5.91    Certainly, the shaytan / acts arises from state of despair only yuridu / wants to cause the 'adaawah / enmity between you through khamra / concealment of thoughts and maysir / state of easily obtaining the knowledge, and yasuddakum / to repel you away from zikri / embodiment of divine masculine attributes (like focus, logic, assertive) of Allah and from the salaah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download). Will you be deterred?  

5.92    And obey Allah and obey the rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb), and be aware. If you turn away then know that it is the duty of Our rasul / inner voice (that deliver the guidance from your Rabb) to deliver clearly.  

5.93    There is no sin upon those who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab) and amilus solihaat / do corrective actions incline in what (knowledge) they consume when they are mindful and aamanu / take security and amilus solihat / do corrective actions, then they are attaqau / mindful and ahsanu / do the best, then they are attaqau / mindful and amilus solihat / do corrective actions; Allah loves the muhsinin / one whose experience is of true knowledge 

5.94    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), surely Allah will test you with things from the soidi / captivation coming within reach of your hands and pierce deeply, so that Allah will know who yakhafuhu / fears Him with ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden. Whoever 'itada / become enemy after, then he will have a painful azabun / punishment. 

5.95    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), do not kill the soida / captivation while you are under hurum / restriction; and whoever kills it among you deliberately, then the recompense is similar to (value) what was killed against the ana'am / blessing (for the knowledge received), which shall be judged (based on Allah's law with facts and empirical evidence) by equitable possessor from you, hadyan / an offering reaching maturity (at) the ka'bati / prominent / established (thought). Or, rejection to consume (the knowledge) those needy ones, or justly while he abstains from it; liyazuqa / that he may taste (self-experience) the results of his deed; Allah pardoned what has salafa / experiened before and whoever returns, then Allah will execute punishment on him.  Allah is Mighty, All Able Executor of Punishment. 

5.96    Permissible for you is the soidu / captivation of the ocean of knowledge, and to'amuhu / consume it as mata'an / an advantage for you and for returning to former state; and forbidden for you is the soidu / captivation of the barri / truthfulness (of your covenant) as long as you are under restriction (not to be hasti, careless, distracted, etc); and be mindful of Allah to whom you will be gathered. 

5.97    Allah has made the baital haraam / forbidden thoughts of unhealthy mental house ka'bata / prominent (stand out) established for an-nas /  agitated mind and asshahra alharaam / the notable restrictions and hadya / guidance offered and alqalaid / the keys (to unlock the secrets of higher conciousness and the lower consciousness); so you may know that Allah knows what is in the samaawaat / higher consciousness and what is in the ardh / lower consciousness, and that Allah is aware of all things. 

5.98    Know that Allah is powerful in retribution, and that Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. 

5.99    What upon the rasul / inner voice is only to deliver (As the rasul deliver ayaati, teaches Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb). And Allah knows what you reveal and what you conceal. 

5.100    Say: “The khobis / evil and the good are not equal, even if the abundance of the khobis / evil impresses you.” So be mindful of Allah, O you ulil albab / those virtue of understanding (based on facts), that you may succeed (breaking the frontiers of consciousness). 

5.101    O you who aamanu / take security (in Allah), do not ask about things which, if clarified, would harm you and if you ask about them with the Qur’an / expression derived from reading ayaati being revealed, then they will become clear to you.  Allah pardons for them, and Allah is Forgiving, Compassionate.  

5.102    Certainly qaumun / a group of established thoughts before you had asked the same, then ashbahu / early light (understanding) became kafirin / rejecters with it.  

5.103    Allah did not decree from bahirah  / ocean of knowledge and not allowing it saibah / to flow freely without restrictions, and not wasilah / receive and download, and not hamin / conflicting,  but those who kafaru / rejected invented lies against Allah, and most of them will not ya'qilun / comprehend (using their pure logical mind).  

5.104    And if they are told: “Come to what Allah has revealed, and to the rasul / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb);” they say: “We are content with what we found our abaa / that foster fatherly supports (independent logical mind), doing.” What if their aba /  that foster fatherly supports (independent logical mind) did not know anything nor were they guided?  

5.105    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), upon you are anfusakum / your souls; none who are misguided can harm you if you are guided. To Allah is your return, all of you, and then He will inform you of what you have done.  

5.106    O you who aamanu / take security (in Al Kitab), shahaadah / witnessing (the truth) between you is when mautu / lifeless soul (no insights of the truth) is approaching ahadakum / one of you when the wasiah / connection is being made repeatedly who are equitable from you. Or, others from other than you if you have gone forth in the ardh / lower consciousness then befall musibatul maut / calamity of lifeless soul (not having insights of truth). Hold both of them (equitable connection from you as well as from others) from after the salaah / connections (with hidden messages delivered by rasul / inner voice for download) and let them swear by Allah: “We will not purchase with it any price, even if it was from a qurba / dissolving (the waalidaini), and we will not conceal the testimony of Allah, else we are of the sinners.”  

5.107    Then if it is found over that the two had indeed incurred sin, then two others, from those who have been named as beneficiaries, maqamahuma / will take their place; and they will swear by Allah: “Our testimony is more truthful than their testimony, and if we aggress, then we are of the zhaalimin / unjust 
(thoughts from your logical mind, putting things in wrong place like accepting the signs / representation, as the reality).”  

5.108    That is adnaa / approachable (closer) as they are more likely to bring the testimony as intended over wajhiha / its focus to care (for growth), or they would fear that aymaanihim / their right (experience based on factual knowledge) would be disregarded as your previous aymaan / right (experience based on factual knowledge). And be mindful of Allah, and listen; Allah does not guide the qauma / group of thoughts who defiantly disobeyed.  

5.109    The moment Allah gather the rusuli / inner voices (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb) then He will say: “What was the ujibtum / answer you received?” They said: “We have no knowledge, you are the Knower of ghuyub / all the hidden  knowledge.” 

5.110    When Allah said: “O Isa / who is strengthened with Ruh Qudus (holy spirit of the truth), abna / construct of maryam / state of ardent pursuit of truth, uzkur / embody masculine faculty (that is be linear, logical, focus and assertive) of My favour upon you and your walida / thoughts breed by mind, that I supported you with the ruhil quddus / pure spirit of consciousness; you spoke to an-nas / the agitated mind in the al mahdi / a place prepared for development (of Isa fortified with ruh qudus) and kahlan / well developed; and I taught you the kitab / inherent script (from your Rabb) and the hikmah / deeds based on the truth (with facts and empirical evidence), and the tawrah / the natural law (which govern the behavioral consequences), and the injeel / good news (conception of good moral behaviour); and you takhluqu / would evolve from tin / natural inherent science of morality (moral values and principles to good moral as an evolved mechanism) like the shape of thoir / flight of wild and fantasy thought, then blow into it and it becomes thoiran / a wild and fantasy thought with My permission; and you would absolve the blind (for the truth) and the baraso / corrupt thoughts with My permission; and you would bring out the lifeless (soul) with My permission. And I have restrained the bani Israel / those who constructed the spiritual journey from you, that you came to them with proofs; but those who rejected among them said: ‘This is clearly sihrun / diversion (from the right course)!'

5.111    “And I inspired the hawariyyin / thoughts that help return to original state: ‘You aamani / shall take security with (Me) and with rasuli / inner voice (that deliver ayaati, Al Kitab and Hikmah from your Rabb);’ they said: ‘We aamanna / take security, and bear witness that we are muslimin / one who have submitted.’”

5.112    When the hawariyyun / thoughts that help return to original state said: “O Isa, abna Maryam (who is strengthened with ruhul qudus, construct of state of ardent pursuit of truth), can your Rabb / Lord reveals upon us maaidatan / an intricate message from samaa' / higher consciousness?” He said: “Ittaqu / be mindful of Allah if you are mukminin / one who take security.”  

5.113    They said: “We wish na'kula / to consume (maaidatan) from it and so our hearts become relieved, and so we know that you are truthful, and so that we can become a witness over it.”  

5.114    Isa (the one who is strengthened with ruh qudus) the abna / construct for the one in maryam / a state to discover true knowledge, said: "O Allah, our Rabb / Lord! Reveal to us maaidatan / an intricate message from as samaa' / the higher consciousness to be  - our first and our last - a return (to a spiritual alchemy of happiness) and a sign from You and provide us sustenance, for You are the Best of sustainers." 

5.115    Allah said, "Surely I will reveal it to you, then whoever reject / cover afterwards from among you, surely I will punish him with a punishment with which I will not punish, anyone (else) among the aalamin / all the empirical and factual knowledge. 

5.116    And when Allah says: “O Isa / one who is strengthened with ruh qudus, abna / construct of Maryam / state to discover true knowledge, did you tell an-nas / the agitated mind to take you and your ummi / fundamental motherly support as ilaahaini / both fundamental realities from other than Allah?” He said: “Subha / glory for the abundant knowledge swim to You, I cannot say what I have no right of. If I had said it then You know it, You know what is in nafsi / my soul while I do not know what is in nafsika / Your soul. You are the Knower of the ghaibi / knowledge of the hidden.”  

5.117    “I only said to them what You commanded me with it: ‘You shall serve Allah, my Rabb / Lord and your Rabb / Lord.’ And I was witness over them as long as I was with them, then when You tawaffaitani / completed me, You were watcher over them. You are witness over all things.”  

5.118    “If You punish them, then they are Your servants, and if You forgive them, then You are the Mighty, the Wise (all judgment based on facts and empirical evidence).”   

5.119    Allah will say: “This is a moment when the truth will benefit the truthful; they will have jannatun / hidden gardens with rivers of knowledge flowing beneath them, abiding therein eternally; Allah radhiya / has approved of them (in Allah's abstract system of education) and they rhadu / approved of Him (for the maaidah / intricate message). Such is the greatest victory.”  

5.120    To Allah is the mulku / sovereign of authority of the samaawaat / higher consciousness and the ardh / lower consciousness and (all) that is in them; and He measure all things. 






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